61% Americans Say Abortions Should Be Legal!

I’m not advocating that abortion is an acceptable form of birth control, you are…

Murder is when one human being takes another human beings life, we will continue in this society to justify abortion based on your beliefs, that you choose to defend it, doesn’t make it right…

All women have the right to choose what they want to do with the unborn child that they carry, that’s free will. That doesn’t make it right, but you keep telling yourself it’s none of our business…
I DON"T think they DO have the right to choose. I think that right is first and foremost belonging to the pre-born person, who is represented by abortion opponents, and some state governments.

And that choice is for LIFE.
why did it need to go to the supreme court then?
Catholics were the ones interested...

"The history of that movement, however, is more complicated. White evangelicals in the 1970s did not mobilize against Roe v. Wade, which they considered a Catholic issue. They organized instead to defend racial segregation in evangelical institutions, including Bob Jones University."

The truth is this was developed as a wedge issue as the Church wanted power for them to ensure their tax exemption. What they got was a lot more...
The Catholics today are just polling marginally more anti than the general population.

"To the question of whether abortion should be legal in all or most cases, 63% of Catholics said abortion should be legal in all or most cases, a view held by 74% of mainline Protestants and only 25% of evangelical Protestants."

This is a game played on the evangelical community... They used it to galvanise support from politicians...
Can a three-year-old live independently?

If you put a toddler out on the streets, to fend for himself, how well will he do?
Yes they can...

They can breath unaided, they can digest there own food...

Again, I have shown that that very few few Religious beliefs have a singular stance on this issue through time... Jesus never brought it up even though it was commonly available in his time.

The Bible doesn't really directly ban it...

Evangelists considered a Catholic issue up until 1978..

Now you are here calling people murders. You are classic case of what a wedge issue is supposed to do...
You are all riled up about something (unless your Catholic) didn't give hoot about 50 years ago...

Think about that..
Let the states decide, and yes people involved in abortions, regardless of their religious affiliations, are murderers when it's about "convenience".
How about letting the mother decide and not any government official?

Why does the Government need to be involved?

You can keep your beliefs and they can keep theres...

That's how freedom works..
I DON"T think they DO have the right to choose. I think that right is first and foremost belonging to the pre-born person, who is represented by abortion opponents, and some state governments.

And that choice is for LIFE.
What's a 'pre-born person'?

So you are saying they are not a person yet as they are not born...
I think that right is first and foremost belonging to the pre-born person, who is represented by abortion opponents, and some state governments.
{NFBW 23MAY31 to: #541 tnvst} when you say a woman has no right to choose you need more than just “thinking” it. You cannot deprive a pregnant woman of liberty under our Constitution unless her “actions” in liberty as an individual cause harm to you and others, life liberty or property. The burden is on you to provide a complaint to the court Mr Protectnvst if you fear you are being harmed in anyway when a woman chooses to terminate her pregnancy in private and to be able to do so in a safe legal matter no matter why.

Do you have evidence that you are being harmed in the above scenario?

IF your answer is no, Mr Protectnvst, you have no say in the matter. Are we clear?
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Well back in the time of Jesus The population of the world was about 300 million at the time of Christ and changed very little in the next thousand years. The population of the world reached one billion in 1804, three billion in 1960, and rose to about 6.8 billion in 2010.
Now what that has to do with abortion is everything! People would NEVER kill a human that would eventually be helping older people to survive.
See the concept of euthanasia was never a concept at that period and keeping people alive was a daily task.

Living as we do with mass-produced food, markets, and restaurants in every town, and giant supermarket complexes that are often just down the road, it takes some imagination to think of finding food every day in the natural environment. Yet that is just what humans (Homo sapiens) have done for most of their time on Earth — from their appearance about 200,000 years ago until about 11,000 years ago when they began to develop agriculture. Before Homo sapiens evolved, our hominine ancestors foraged for millions of years.
So going to McDonalds and in less than 5 minutes you get what your ancestors took all day. So keeping humans alive especially babies was primary in
the early humans survival!
But most of you idiots have NEVER had to scrounge for food most of the day so your appreciation of the sacredness of life is apparent.

But prostitution existed, so there was unwanted pregnancies...

But your take has some definite merit... As time changes so does or attitudes...
The preborn person's needs (to not be killed) rank higher than the pregnant woman's needs (except in some extreme circumstances)
You’ve just defined choice. It’s not your decision. It’s the pregnant woman, her doctors and religious or family council. Besides, not one of the so-called pro life arguments has a clue how medical science determines “ extreme circumstances”. They just throw the words out there to cya.
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I think that right is first and foremost belonging to the pre-born person,

{NFBW 23MAY31 to: #541 tnvst} when you say Mr Protectnvst thst you “think” that “a preborn person” has a first and foremost right to deprive it’s mother (*1} of having a right to terminate its life you have to define on what authority the unborn person has such a right bestowed upon it by a society and in compliance with its system of law and Justice.

See my post #546 on your need to prove harm to yourself when a woman decides to terminate her very own unborn person’s life

You have two strikes against you Mr Protectnvst if you think your religious crusade to represent the unborn by proxy by calling for the government to deprive a woman of her liberty and freedom of choice to save the life of a non person while that non person is a part of her body.

You may not intervene.

(*1) “mother” is an actual “person” with rights under US CONSTITUTION having met the strict live birth requirement
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You’ve just defined choice. It’s not your decision. It’s the pregnant woman, her doctors and religious or family council. Besides, not one of the so-called pro life arguments has a clue how medical science determines “ extreme circumstances”. They just throw the words out there to cya.
They had that problem in Ireland before...

Is the mother feeling suicidal extreme circumstances...
I can give you an example:
Uncle Joe rapes a 17 year old niece Mary... The family keep it hush hush as so not to disgrace the family... Uncle Joe is told to leave (probably to the US).
Mary is pregnant with her uncle's child and with no mental supports and warned if she tells anyone she will be kicked out of the home, never to come back.

I think Mary might have some serious mental issues...

BTW Suppose Uncle Joe says he is not leaving and wants to stay and see the child everyday...
Now the quite part Democrats don’t want to talk about out loud:

65% said abortion should usually be illegal in the second trimester, and 80% said that about the third trimester.

In other words, if Democrats are forced to fight for their actual position on abortion legislatively, they'll be demolished. Third-term abortions are an 80%-20% loser. Second-term abortions are a 65%-35% loser.

So... will Democrats fight for a federal abortion law promising people the right to an abortion in the first fifteen weeks of pregnancy? The period of time the current Mississippi law permits? The one they're claiming is a monstrosity that strips away women's rights?

Yeah, accept that in this country, majority doesn't rule, Rule of Law does.
They had that problem in Ireland before...

Is the mother feeling suicidal extreme circumstances...
I can give you an example:
Uncle Joe rapes a 17 year old niece Mary... The family keep it hush hush as so not to disgrace the family... Uncle Joe is told to leave (probably to the US).
Mary is pregnant with her uncle's child and with no mental supports and warned if she tells anyone she will be kicked out of the home, never to come back.

I think Mary might have some serious mental issues...

BTW Suppose Uncle Joe says he is not leaving and wants to stay and see the child everyday...
The extreme circumstances are endless and well beyond any legislation contrived by old white men.
Also......When it comes to a woman’s health during pregnancy, medical science works in probabilities like all science does. I have yet to see legislation that will define pro life exceptions using a percent. Therefore, they have no effin business getting involved.
2. Directed at the right: Assuming that my compromise would be enacted and made into law, would you then accept pharmaceutically induced abortions during those first 12 weeks, something that really isn't too much different than miscarriages?

Can a woman kill her fetus for any reason for about six weeks after finding out that she is pregnant?

Is it ok since God kills 2 out of 10 by miscarriage anyway?
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The preborn person's needs (to not be killed) rank higher than the pregnant woman's needs (except in some extreme circumstances)

The preborn did not ask to be here and the pregnant woman could have prevented the creation of the preborn.

Leftist women are really so ignorant that they cannot fathom birth control.


The preborn did not ask to be here and the pregnant woman could have prevented the creation of the preborn.

Leftist women are really so ignorant that they cannot fathom birth control.

You are ignorant. Women don’t get pregnant by themselves stupid.
The extreme circumstances are endless and well beyond any legislation contrived by old white men.
Also......When it comes to a woman’s health during pregnancy, medical science works in probabilities like all science does. I have yet to see legislation that will define pro life exceptions using a percent. Therefore, they have no effin business getting involved.
That is why it was legalised in Ireland...

Ireland have a history with Catholicism and thus effectively banned abortion. People just flew to England to have an abortion, Northern Ireland banned them too...

But Ireland is generally a liberal country (well kind of)...

The thing is Ireland has referendums (public votes ) on the constitution about once every 18 months (there has been 16 since 2001).

The one thing good about this system is that the Constitution changes with the people... We call it a 'Living Constitution'...

In the US it extremely hard to change the constitution and thus the last real change was in 1971 (lowering the age of voting from 21 to 18, something which would not pass today ). There was no vote of the people, just state legislatures agreeing...

BTW, Ireland was the first country in the world to legalise gay marriage by public vote.

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