61% Americans Say Abortions Should Be Legal!

I say conception is life and not only that it’s a new unique individual life with it’s own DNA. So how about that? What is your point? Is that all you know how to say it?
Killing it isn’t a mother’s choice
NFBW Yes, and now the majorities in the former Confederacy states are supporting reproductive slavery on women through white Christian state lawmakers passing laws to force gestation for nine months against their will.

{ 00020 tshrmp #20 } Don't want kids, then don't get pregnant. Once your pregnant it isn't okay for you to kill your kid,

NFBW: What makes every woman who gets pregnant your business before their conception develops into it’s own individual viable person? That is still 24 weeks mostly in women’s rights protective states.

It's funny that you keep coming back to slavery, as if anything about it supports your murderous, fucked-up position.

Slavery was based on denying the personhood, the very humanity, of a certain category of human beings, in order to strip them of essential human rights.

You are in almost exactly the same position, denying the personhood and very humanity of a category of human beings, in order to strip them of their very right to live.

You are no better than the worst slaver. At least the slavers found their victims worth keeping alive. You won't even grant your victims that much.
I really am not much concerned about what a treasonous piece of subhuman shit like you thinks of me.
You have to see how ridiculous and childish you sound. You self righteously whine about what women do with their bodies but you support open firing on people crossing the border. You’re either evil, insanely dumb, or both. It’s scary to think about you being a voter. You have no actual principles. You just suck GOP dick regardless of what they or do. You can’t think for yourself.
why do you say that? All life is all life.

BTW, the only life worth sacrificing are pedophiles soliciting children.
Not much if a debater. You have a thing for pedophilia; sooner or later you always come back to it. You have a confession ?
You have to see how ridiculous and childish you sound. You self righteously whine about what women do with their bodies but you support open firing on people crossing the border. You’re either evil, insanely dumb, or both. It’s scary to think about you being a voter. You have no actual principles. You just suck GOP dick regardless of what they or do. You can’t think for yourself.

You support the murder of innocent children, and you take the side of foreign criminals illegally invading our country.

A You are in no position to cast any judgement on me.
You support the murder of innocent children, and you take the side of foreign criminals illegally invading our country.

A You are in no position to cast any judgement on me.
Morons many of those people are trying to seek asylum. Either way, you want to mow them down with their children. But I get it - you’re a racist piece of shit so abortion is worse for some reason.
Not much if a debater. You have a thing for pedophilia; sooner or later you always come back to it. You have a confession ?
That is a fking fact, I can’t stand pedophiles, most vile people who exist. You’re lucky I can’t comment at you per forum rules
Slavery was based on denying the personhood, the very humanity, of a certain category of human beings, in order to strip them of essential human rights.
you sound almost as bad as HeyNorm while making the same historical and constitutional mistake about the 3/5 clause

HeyNorm230120-#6,808 So 3/5 a person. Is that about right? Sound like the same rights the slave owners gave n***rs. ••••

NFBW230204-#7,112 Posted Often misinterpreted to mean that African Americans as individuals are considered three-fifths of a person or that they are three-fifths of a citizen of the U.S., the three-fifths clause (Article I, Section 2, of the U.S. Constitution of 1787) in fact declared that for purposes of representation in Congress, enslaved blacks in a state would be counted as three-fifths of the number of white inhabitants of that state. The Three-Fifths Clause of the United States Constitution (1787) •

NFBW230204-#7,112 • Your racially tinged ignorance of the historical, sociological and Constitutional FACT of the 3/5 Clause Article I, Section 2, of the U.S. Constitution is on display because you have constructed your absurd “”” “Slave Owner” equates to “Fetus Owner” “”” argument when you ask in the way that you asked it.

So 3/5 a person. Is that about right? See-#6,808 Sound like the same rights the slave owners gave n***rs.

NFBW: The “Slave Owner” = “Fetus Owner” anti-reproductive freedom propaganda theme has not found common usage or any usage among opponents of women’s reproductive freedom and rights because it is an ass-backwards interpretation of the CONSTITUTION and the subject of involuntary servitude.*1 *1 230204ref”b

You are wrong HeyNorm because Our Founding Fathers some of whom being Slave Owners , considered their race-based chattel slaves whom they held under involuntary servitude to be persons and fully human.

Race and the Constitution

Eighty-nine years after the Declaration of Independence had proclaimed all men to be free and equal, race-based chattel slavery would be no more in the United States. David Azerrad, Ph.D. ••••

Former Director and AWC Family Foundation Fellow •••• David Azerrad studies conservatism, progressivism, identity politics, libertarianism and the American Founding.

What the Constitution Really Says About Race and Slavery

The argument that the Constitution is racist suffers from one fatal flaw: the concept of race does not exist in the Constitution. Nowhere in the Constitution—or in the Declaration of Independence, for that matter—are human beings classified according to race, skin color, or ethnicity (nor, one should add, sex, religion, or any other of the left’s favored groupings). Our founding principles are colorblind (although our history, regrettably, has not been).

The Constitution speaks of people, citizens, persons, other persons (a euphemism for slaves) and Indians not taxed (in which case, it is their tax-exempt status, and not their skin color, that matters). The first references to “race” and “color” occur in the 15th Amendment’s guarantee of the right to vote, ratified in 1870.

The infamous three-fifths clause, which more nonsense has been written than any other clause, does not declare that a black person is worth 60 percent of a white person. It says that for purposes of determining the number of representatives for each state in the House (and direct taxes), the government would count only three-fifths of the slaves, and not all of them, as the Southern states, who wanted to gain more seats, had insisted. The 60,000 or so free blacks in the North and the South were counted on par with whites.

Contrary to a popular misconception, the Constitution also does not say that only white males who owned property could vote. The Constitution defers to the states to determine who shall be eligible to vote (Article I, Section 2, Clause 1). It is a little known fact of American history that black citizens were voting in perhaps as many as 10 states at the time of the founding (the precise number is unclear, but only Georgia, South Carolina, and Virginia explicitly restricted suffrage to whites).

NFBW230204-#7,112 • I can’t coerce you to read the above HeyNorm but it’s submitted as backup for the ongoing destruction of your absurd “”” “Slave Owner” equates to “Fetus Owner” “”” argument laid out in your post 6808

HeyNorm230120-#6,808 So 3/5 a person. Is that about right? Sound like the same rights the slave owners gave n***rs.
It's funny that you keep coming back to slavery,

{ tshrmp #604 } At one time a majority supported slavery,

{ nfbw #611 to tshrmp #604 }
“Yes, and now the majorities in the former Confederacy states are supporting reproductive slavery on women through white Christian state lawmakers passing laws to force gestation for nine months against their will.

{ boblylck #624 to nfbw #611 } It's funny that you keep coming back to slavery, as if anything about it supports your murderous, fucked-up position.

Slavery was based on denying the personhood, the very humanity, of a certain category of human beings, in order to strip them of essential human rights.

You are in almost exactly the same position, denying the personhood and very humanity of a category of human beings, in order to strip them of their very right to live.

You are no better than the worst slaver. At least the slavers found their victims worth keeping alive. You won't even grant your victims that much.

{ NFBW to boblylck #624 } It's funny you say I keep coming back to slavery but as you can see it was tshrimp in #604 who brought slavery up with his first comment. He’s one of yours. Be that as it may you are the slavers of women since Dobbs.

  1. After meeting a live birth requirement to have human rights; slaves did not have a right to bodily autonomy unless they were freed or escaped and made it north with the help of the Underground Railroad.
  2. After meeting a live birth requirement to have human rights equal to men; women had a right to bodily autonomy in all states for fifty years. That was until the Supreme Court decided to allow states to take the right to bodily autonomy away from women when they miss a menstrual period., Now women living in Confederate states will have to travel as the slaves needed to do to make it north to free states to get the medical procedure the have a right to have,
It seems you have no idea what 3/5 was!!
Well explain what you think have wrong,

Ye of no substance sayeth nothing against this:

NFBW230204-#7,112 Posted Often misinterpreted to mean that African Americans as individuals are considered three-fifths of a person or that they are three-fifths of a citizen of the U.S., the three-fifths clause (Article I, Section 2, of the U.S. Constitution of 1787) in fact declared that for purposes of representation in Congress, enslaved blacks in a state would be counted as three-fifths of the number of white inhabitants of that state. The Three-Fifths Clause of the United States Constitution (1787) •
{ boblylck #624 to nfbw #611 } It's funny that you keep coming back to slavery, as if anything about it supports your murderous, fucked-up position.
my position is a human rights position for humans such as myself who have met a live birth requirement. We have a right to life protected by the government that was paid by my parents when I was born just as I’ve paid taxes for over fifty years and for my kids since they were born etc etc etc

I do not support any person murdering another person so what you claim in #624 is a lie.
I DON"T think they DO have the right to choose. I think that right is first and foremost belonging to the pre-born person, who is represented by abortion opponents, and some state governments.

And that choice is for LIFE
I agree with you, but they do have a choice on this unfortunately…
Not unlike a similar human rights position in our country's early history for those who met a light-skin requirement;

{ boblylck #624 to nfbw #611 } “ . . . . your murderous, fucked-up position.

My human right to life position applies to all races, religions and sexual orientations and minorities of any kind (including pregnant women) All who have met a live birth requirement when they are law abiding citizens,

And when the good Republicsn Christian and committed “baby fetus saver” Mr beagle9 tells me women who kill their own fetus should not be prosecuted for murder, well then it ain’t murder. There is no murder boblylck, beagl9 at least lives in the real world.

{ beagle9 #6,153 } I think that brainwashed mental people who commit acts based on false teachings shouldn't be prosecuted for murder

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