64,443,118 Babies Have Been Killed in Abortions Since Roe v. Wade in 1973

It is logically a possibility
It is logically a near-certainty, with the improbable possibility of whatever you’re on about being irrelevant to how we should handle earthly justice for actions done by humans here on earth.
Expect? No. She is entitled to help from the dad, and that’s it. No one else. The kid is their responsibility. If others want to provide charity they may but no one is obliged to do so.

Yeah, if you refuse to be a parent or you can’t possibly afford the costs of parenthood then you should either refrain from sex or sterilize yourself, absolutely. Duh. That’s just obvious.

Imagine finding that confusing or controversial…

Again, it’s already very very illegal to attack and kill a human being post-birth, which is how it should be, idiot, and it should be JUST as illegal when the victim isn’t born yet.
You made my point. Thanks.
You made my point. Thanks.
You didn’t have a point, imbecile. And your continued lack of rebuttal is now a concession. I realize you have no counter to the fact that it is already very illegal to kill a born human. There never was one for you to find, and it utterly destroys your rhetoric, so you choose to pretend it was never said. But as noted, it was, and this is you conceding the point.

Accordingly, please refrain from ever again being a drooling moron *in this specific way* and lying about us “not caring about them once they’re born” if you have the memory capacity to remember your shameful failure in this exchange.
Human beings are quite mortal, they are not eternal.

When you kill a human being, they are dead. They stay dead. There is no reason or evidence to believe they reincarnate or whatever the fuck stupid bullshit you are on about.

That human being is forever gone. That organism with that unique mix of DNA is killed.
We kill millions of organisms with unique DNA everyday. Sometimes even for pleasure.
We kill millions of organisms with unique DNA everyday. Sometimes even for pleasure.
Gee. It’s almost like that post addressed that with the term “human beings,” which notably includes one species, not all organisms on the planet.

And yet somehow you think you’re being clever.
How many have adopted or offered to house in your uterus?
lol! thread winner!

Go fuck yourself, you fundamentally dishonest shitstain.

At best you could hang your hat on semantics and technicality, and that hat stand shatters utterly when you deny that abortion victims are being killed at all, like a fucking deranged lunatic.

Now, now. We ought to be nicer to C_Clayton_Jones.

Fact is, he/she/it is just one of the lucky "blobs of cells" that escaped the vacuum machine.

No more or less a person than you or I, whose parents actually wanted us.

Assuming that most leftists are bred by leftists, reared by leftists, taught by leftists, don't they all actually deserve the same treatment that they in their leftist minds are prescribing for those little blobs of cells?

Oh, and if government has no right to “force” a woman to become a mother, what right does it have to force a Man to become a Father?
That isn’t a concern for these people. Equality was never the goal for these “feminist” “progressives.”

They believe in a manhating legal standard. They are female supremacists- men consent to fatherhood when they have sex, but women deserve a free pass to murder so they don’t have to follow the same standard.
That isn’t a concern for these people. Equality was never the goal for these “feminist” “progressives.”

They believe in a manhating legal standard. They are female supremacists- men consent to fatherhood when they have sex, but women deserve a free pass to murder so they don’t have to follow the same standard.
I think that fact killed this thread!
Overturning of Roe vs. Wade cost Republicans tremendously in 2022 Midterms. Here.

Abortion is a sin -- not as big as many Christians believe it to be. Morality can not be legislated.
That's true but overturning R vs W didn't stop anyone who wanted to kill their baby from doing so. It just changed the procedure. But amazingly, Democrats were still able to bamboozle their low intelligence followers into thinking the repeal was an affront to their personal rights.
so you're OK with murdering human beings

When you kill a human being, they are dead.
{ nfbw to yfvvlt #15 yrplvs #17 }

90% of abortions are performed in the first trimester. In that stage of the development of the living human organism being aborted while in a human being’s body, there is only one human mind and neurological system functioning as what we in society understand a human being with consciousness must have in place to be alive.

Abortions in the first trimester involve only one human being deciding to do it who is conscious. There is no human being, who is conscious opposed to the decision. It is therefore morally, legally, constitutionally, biologically impossible for there to be a murder, or a killing of a human being in that timeframe.

Potential human beings are not human beings. It’s mathematically impossible in the first trimester.
{ nfbw to yfvvlt #15 yrplvs #17 }

90% of abortions are performed in the first trimester. In that stage of the development of the living human organism being aborted while in a human being’s body, there is only one human mind and neurological system functioning as what we in society understand a human being with consciousness must have in place to be alive.

Abortions in the first trimester involve only one human being deciding to do it who is conscious. There is no human being, who is conscious opposed to the decision. It is therefore morally, legally, constitutionally, biologically impossible for there to be a murder, or a killing of a human being in that timeframe.

Potential human beings are not human beings. It’s mathematically impossible in the first trimester.


At the end of the first trimester, the baby has a spine and thus I must insist that it has a nervous system. I know this because I have the experience of washing that spine down the sink in a room where abortions were performed.

That's 64,443,118 kids,
That will never go to school,
Never get to fall in love,
Never get to be cool...

Keep on Aborting in the Free World.
Think of all the potential mass murderers and other psychopaths that were eliminated from that 60+ million.
Think of all the potential mass murderers and other psychopaths that were eliminated from that 60+ million.

Are you granting the premise that the sluts who kill their babies most likely would have raised them to be mass murderers and psychopaths?


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