65% Of Republicans Support Obamacare


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
A new poll out today shows that Republicans support all the basic elements of Obamacare by wide majorities if it is simply labeled "Reagancare."
Pollsters at TDC Opinion Research created a hypothetical "conservative alternative" to Obamacare and asked a sample of 2,000 registered Republicans if they approved of the proposal.
"Republicans in the House have proposed a new universal health insurance program based on the ideas of Ronald Reagan," the poll asked, "This program - called Reagancare - mandates Americans take individual responsibility for their health by requiring them to purchase insurance from private companies.
"It also creates health exchanges where people can use the power of the free market to buy policies, and provides modest subsides to those who cannot afford to pay the full cost. Do you support Reagancare?"

Despite the details of "Reagancare" being identical to President Obama's Affordable Care Act, nearly two-thirds of Republicans said they supported it, with 27 percent opposed and 8 percent undecided.
Poll Republicans Support Obamacare if Called 8216 Reagancare 8217 - The Daily Currant
OMG. is this true?

It really is all in a name...or faith that a party is looking out for them.
back to this lie

the daily currant? I wonder how they CONFIRMED these people were Registered Republican? any guesses? crystal ball?

lol, ReaganCare is exactly what ObamaCare is. Fascism by the Federal government

so they take that stupid question to say 65% of Republicans support ObamaCare

man oh man

they really do think you all in this country are stupid
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A new poll out today shows that Republicans support all the basic elements of Obamacare by wide majorities if it is simply labeled "Reagancare."
Pollsters at TDC Opinion Research created a hypothetical "conservative alternative" to Obamacare and asked a sample of 2,000 registered Republicans if they approved of the proposal.
"Republicans in the House have proposed a new universal health insurance program based on the ideas of Ronald Reagan," the poll asked, "This program - called Reagancare - mandates Americans take individual responsibility for their health by requiring them to purchase insurance from private companies.
"It also creates health exchanges where people can use the power of the free market to buy policies, and provides modest subsides to those who cannot afford to pay the full cost. Do you support Reagancare?"

Despite the details of "Reagancare" being identical to President Obama's Affordable Care Act, nearly two-thirds of Republicans said they supported it, with 27 percent opposed and 8 percent undecided.
Poll Republicans Support Obamacare if Called 8216 Reagancare 8217 - The Daily Currant

well of course they have Reagan so gotta throw Romney down in there too
A new poll out today shows that Republicans support all the basic elements of Obamacare by wide majorities if it is simply labeled "Reagancare."
Pollsters at TDC Opinion Research created a hypothetical "conservative alternative" to Obamacare and asked a sample of 2,000 registered Republicans if they approved of the proposal.
"Republicans in the House have proposed a new universal health insurance program based on the ideas of Ronald Reagan," the poll asked, "This program - called Reagancare - mandates Americans take individual responsibility for their health by requiring them to purchase insurance from private companies.
"It also creates health exchanges where people can use the power of the free market to buy policies, and provides modest subsides to those who cannot afford to pay the full cost. Do you support Reagancare?"

Despite the details of "Reagancare" being identical to President Obama's Affordable Care Act, nearly two-thirds of Republicans said they supported it, with 27 percent opposed and 8 percent undecided.
Poll Republicans Support Obamacare if Called 8216 Reagancare 8217 - The Daily Currant


But it's called Obamacare, so it has to be bad.
You all eat it up I can't take it

it's pure BS

they had to dig up Reagan to spin this one

that has to be the most DISHONEST propaganda I have ever seen

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Voters Still Think Cost, Quality of Care Will Worsen Under Obamacare
in Archive

Monday, September 15, 2014
It’s been nearly a year since the national health care law officially took effect, and voter attitudes about its impact on the cost and quality of care remain basically unchanged and negative.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 57% of Likely U.S. Voters think the cost of health care will go up under the law. Only 19% expect those costs to go down, while 17% say they will stay about the same. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Voters Still Think Cost Quality of Care Will Worsen Under Obamacare - Rasmussen Reports trade
Voters Still Think Cost, Quality of Care Will Worsen Under Obamacare
in Archive

Monday, September 15, 2014
It’s been nearly a year since the national health care law officially took effect, and voter attitudes about its impact on the cost and quality of care remain basically unchanged and negative.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 57% of Likely U.S. Voters think the cost of health care will go up under the law. Only 19% expect those costs to go down, while 17% say they will stay about the same. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Voters Still Think Cost Quality of Care Will Worsen Under Obamacare - Rasmussen Reports trade
Have you noticed that none of these doom and gloom scenarios that were supposed to happen have actually happened? Those scenarios come from right wing media sources and are based on nothing more than "I hate Obama" rhetoric.

Fuck forced healthcare under any name, real or hypothetical.

I'll be damned if I'll be forced into paying for something I don't want. On a similar note, no as a matter of fact I don't have car insurance for similar reasons. I also don't have a car, though. I drive my rig where I need to go (which is insured but written off as a business expense, as that is a whole different ball of wax).

There is no similar way to opt out of buying healthcare, so fuck the assholes that think they can dictate my purchases.

Fuck forced healthcare under any name, real or hypothetical.

I'll be damned if I'll be forced into paying for something I don't want. On a similar note, no as a matter of fact I don't have car insurance for similar reasons. I also don't have a car, though. I drive my rig where I need to go (which is insured but written off as a business expense, as that is a whole different ball of wax).

There is no similar way to opt out of buying healthcare, so fuck the assholes that think they can dictate my purchases.
A deadbeat with gay fantasies. Interesting.

Fuck forced healthcare under any name, real or hypothetical.

I'll be damned if I'll be forced into paying for something I don't want. On a similar note, no as a matter of fact I don't have car insurance for similar reasons. I also don't have a car, though. I drive my rig where I need to go (which is insured but written off as a business expense, as that is a whole different ball of wax).

There is no similar way to opt out of buying healthcare, so fuck the assholes that think they can dictate my purchases.

Well ain't you the dumb fuck. Easy not to have car insurance since you don't have a car.

But go ahead and tell whoever it is that you haul freight for that you no longer can be told to have insurance. See if your deduction for insurance as a business expense will offset your loss of work for not being insured.

You really as stupid as your post indicates? And drive a truck. Good God.
His insurance is written off as a business expense. He's a real live businessman. He thinks he's not paying for it because it's written off as a business expense. Classic shit.
Have you noticed that none of these doom and gloom scenarios that were supposed to happen have actually happened? Those scenarios come from right wing media sources and are based on nothing more than "I hate Obama" rhetoric.

Have you noticed Obama has delayed the Employer Mandate until after the elections?
In Polling Obamacare A Label Makes A Big Difference - NBC News

Mitch McConnell doubles down on lie that Kynect is unconnected to Obamacare 8211 FatLip

What do you think of the popularity of Kynect Kentucky s insurance exchange website - Quora
Kentucky is a deeply red state, so Obamacare being popular there is sort of unexpected (well, saying Obamacare is popular there isn't quite accurate; Kynect is. Polls show significant differences between Obamacare and Kynect, despite the fact that Kynect is Obamacare).


It's no coincidence that three days after Obama was elected president, the conservative Supreme Court decided to hear challenges to laws regarding voting and civil rights.

The USMB has become a magnet to right wingnut looney birds. And the more you prove how ignorant they are, they more they scream it's you who is wrong. But you have to admit, every time these rightwing Teanuts tell me, "No body likes you", it gives me a belly laugh. Who wants to be liked by such ignorant people?
Have you noticed that none of these doom and gloom scenarios that were supposed to happen have actually happened? Those scenarios come from right wing media sources and are based on nothing more than "I hate Obama" rhetoric.

Have you noticed Obama has delayed the Employer Mandate until after the elections?
Every major piece of legislation has had delays. From Social Security to Medicare and so on. Huge programs take time. Everybody over 12 knows that.

Just like that website:
Republicans: They should have let private industry to it because they are so much better.

Except when Airplane companies give away free tickets.

Except when Amazon charges the same price for every book.

Except when........well, I could easily list another dozen examples. The problem here is that Republicans have been so mentally screwed, they actually believe what is bad for Americans is good for the country.
A new poll out today shows that Republicans support all the basic elements of Obamacare by wide majorities if it is simply labeled "Reagancare."
Pollsters at TDC Opinion Research created a hypothetical "conservative alternative" to Obamacare and asked a sample of 2,000 registered Republicans if they approved of the proposal.
"Republicans in the House have proposed a new universal health insurance program based on the ideas of Ronald Reagan," the poll asked, "This program - called Reagancare - mandates Americans take individual responsibility for their health by requiring them to purchase insurance from private companies.
"It also creates health exchanges where people can use the power of the free market to buy policies, and provides modest subsides to those who cannot afford to pay the full cost. Do you support Reagancare?"

Despite the details of "Reagancare" being identical to President Obama's Affordable Care Act, nearly two-thirds of Republicans said they supported it, with 27 percent opposed and 8 percent undecided.
Poll Republicans Support Obamacare if Called 8216 Reagancare 8217 - The Daily Currant


But it's called Obamacare, so it has to be bad.

I call it bad....
Because it's bad...

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