670K sign up in 1 day! 10X Trump's winning total

670,000 people signed up for Obamacare yesterday, which is 10 times the margin of victory for Trump in PA, WI, MI.

America likes Obamacare.

They sure do. When a working class man pays $1,000 a month so his family can have a bronze healthcare plan through Blue Cross/Blue Shield, subsidizing those $0 or $20 a month healthcare plans which are not only cheap, but also better than those paid by the people of the working class who work 40 hours a week, then of course those who either don't work, or only work 10 hours a week to stay under the minimum income to get benefits will love Obamacare. Unfortunately with an Obama mindset, the usual "take from the working man and give to the lazy man" concept is true. But when you're a working man or a small business owner, Obamacare sucks.

Let's be real here. The average American doesn't think things through. Our country is filled with a higher percentage of dumb people than most third world countries. Most Americans are like sheep... They see someone do something stupid and a flock of them follow along even though the rest of the world does it the proper way.
going to have a lot of very sad people when it is repealed.

Because those people will actually have to work and pay full price for healthcare coverage. Oh, and they won't be "entitled" to free women's preventative services and pediatric dental anymore.

Would've been better had nobody signed up for any Obamacare program. Perhaps insurance companies would've realized they charge rates in excess of a Mercedes-Benz monthly payment while not covering jack shit when you do need to use the service.
The average American doesn't think things through. Our country is filled with a higher percentage of dumb people than most third world countries.
The election proves it!

Sure does. NYC'ers and Californian's are the biggest idiots of the biggest idiots, always voting democrat no matter what.

The popular vote went to Clinton so the electoral college had to right the ship.
670,000 people signed up for Obamacare yesterday, which is 10 times the margin of victory for Trump in PA, WI, MI.

America likes Obamacare.

Yes, it's amazing the compliance you can achieve when you threaten people with fines and jail time.

If America loves ObamaCare so much, why do they have to be forced into it?

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