Zone1 69 Black Boys Padlocked In Their School Dormitory Then Set On Fire

I’m not going to waste time trying to investigate a fire that happened when I was seven years old. Whatever the cause, it was an accident; no one even at the time, proposed that it was anything else. You won’t accept any evidence or testimony I found anyway. Since you won’t accept it as an accident, YOU prove it was intentional. Put up or shut up.
You shouldn't make claims just because you think they sound right. I didn't bring up the wiring. You did.
You shouldn't make claims just because you think they sound right. I didn't bring up the wiring. You did.
I didn’t bring up the wiring, the governor of the state did at the time and it was repeated by another poster where I read it.
Retard alert provided info is ignored because it doesnt support the retards claim. You ask for the link and then claimed it didnt say what it clearly does.
but it doesn't. Might have had something to do with it is far from caused by.
but it doesn't. Might have had something to do with it is far from caused by.
You will say any stupid thing to avoid admitting a mistake won’t you? Since when does any politician make specific statements? The governor came as close as a politician could to saying defective wiring caused the fire. It wasn’t arson, or that would have been stated. It wasn’t a hate crime or negligence or the pro-black website the article is from would have said so.
Occam’s Razor, “the simplest explanation is almost always the correct one”, there is no indication that anyone at the time, or even now suspects foul play. Given the time and age of the building, it almost certainly had “knob and tube” wiring which is very susceptible to damage and defect. The wires aren’t insulated, just mounted on porcelain insulators (hence the knob). The tubes were also porcelain as well and used to insulate the bare copper wires when they penetrated walls. Short circuits were common as were broken knobs allowing the uninsulated wires to contact flammable building materials.
You will say any stupid thing to avoid admitting a mistake won’t you? Since when does any politician make specific statements? The governor came as close as a politician could to saying defective wiring caused the fire. It wasn’t arson, or that would have been stated. It wasn’t a hate crime or negligence or the pro-black website the article is from would have said so.
Occam’s Razor, “the simplest explanation is almost always the correct one”, there is no indication that anyone at the time, or even now suspects foul play. Given the time and age of the building, it almost certainly had “knob and tube” wiring which is very susceptible to damage and defect. The wires aren’t insulated, just mounted on porcelain insulators (hence the knob). The tubes were also porcelain as well and used to insulate the bare copper wires when they penetrated walls. Short circuits were common as were broken knobs allowing the uninsulated wires to contact flammable building materials.
I wasn't responding to a politician. I was responding to an idiot that said the fire was definately caused by electrical problems.
Racist incidents are rare that OP has to go back two generations to find one, and then even that one was not racist in nature.

(I might as well start a thread about the innocent young Jewish girls who were locked in the shirtwaist factory in 1912 and then burned alive - and claim it was an act of antisemitism.)
but it doesn't. Might have had something to do with it is far from caused by.
So? The claim here is that someone started the fire to murder those kids, with ZERO evidence to back it up. Another thing, there was a thunderstorm that night. Possible lightening strike.
No one know who, or what started the fire and sadly no one even cared to find out. What is troubling is they were locked inside, no supervision, no one there if violence broke out, no yard to go out to, sad commentary on how we view these children.
No one know who, or what started the fire and sadly no one even cared to find out. What is troubling is they were locked inside, no supervision, no one there if violence broke out, no yard to go out to, sad commentary on how we view these children.
that was over 60 years ago no one views them that way anymore.
No one know who, or what started the fire and sadly no one even cared to find out. What is troubling is they were locked inside, no supervision, no one there if violence broke out, no yard to go out to, sad commentary on how we view these children.
It was a reform school, i.e. a jail with school classrooms. Society viewed those "children" in a lot more constructive manner than it does today. They were criminals being punished, not housed until they would be released to prey on society again as adults.
This happened yesterday in 1959, a time many like to suggest was when America was "great."

Were these Democrats or Republicans who set this poor hardworking kids trying to get an education on fire? Who cares?

Racist white people did it and nothing was really ever done about it.

This is this country's history, and we have to come to grips w/that.

Why are t you in Africa?
Democrats did it so of course you dont want to acknowledge that and democrats refused to do anything about it again not surprising you dont want to acknowledge that.

Whites did it. Both parties did nothing. Stop lying about the record of the Republican party. Lincoln tried to ship blacks out of the country and he supported the Corwin Amendment that would have protected slavery with the constitution.
If you can point out any current Democrats that participated, supported, or even excuse something like that I promise I won't vote for them.
Excellent! Because that's the ploy they try when we talking about things. Nobody today owned slaves but we can blame todays democrats for slavery.
So sad..
Pretty sure when people say America was "great" they werent referring to racism. Kinda silly to pretend otherwise.
Hell, people like you make sure racism is still alive and well, and they arent referring to the country being great right now :dunno:
But you see, that's the problem. America was not great because of Jim Crow.

And your second sentence is just stupid. Explain how Marc or any other black person who brings up racism as it continues to happen making sure that racism is alive?

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