Zone1 69 Black Boys Padlocked In Their School Dormitory Then Set On Fire

it's all these racists have they cannot find any current or even near current events so go back to when Jim Crow was in effect and then try to pretend it wasn't democrats that did it.
We see them every time we come in here.
It was a correctional facility, which is why the doors were locked, and the fire was started by faulty building wiring. The attempt to claim they were locked in by Evul Rayciss N Then Set On Fire is a load of bullshit, as usual. Old building, wood burning stoves, crappy wiring.
No one know who, or what started the fire and sadly no one even cared to find out. What is troubling is they were locked inside, no supervision, no one there if violence broke out, no yard to go out to, sad commentary on how we view these children.

It was a poor state.
A 1956 report by sociologist Gordon Morgan documented the horrific conditions at Wrightsville. It was not merely that “vocational education suffers greatly at the school.” The squalor was mind boggling: “Many boys go for days with only rags for clothes. More than half of them wear neither socks nor underwear during [the winter] of 1955–56….[It is] not uncommon to see youths going for weeks without bathing or changing clothes.” At times, the number of boys at the “school” was over 100. There was no laundry equipment. A single thirty-gallon hot water tank served the bathing needs of the entire population. The water was deemed undrinkable. Employees brought their own drinking water to work.
This happened yesterday in 1959, a time many like to suggest was when America was "great."

Were these Democrats or Republicans who set this poor hardworking kids trying to get an education on fire? Who cares?

Racist white people did it and nothing was really ever done about it.

This is this country's history, and we have to come to grips w/that.

Damn and you're still kissing the ass of the party that sanctioned it
Pearl Harbor was 81 yearss ago. We remember that every year. So just begin to understand that we live in 2023 and whiites don't get to dictate historyvbyy themselves.
If you can point out any current Democrats that participated, supported, or even excuse something like that I promise I won't vote for them.
You are allowing any past racist a slide just like you did with Byrd just as long as they are a democrat
Pearl Harbor was 81 yearss ago. We remember that every year. So just begin to understand that we live in 2023 and whiites don't get to dictate historyvbyy themselves.
Wear your democrat approved white sheet day is next saturday
So you're afraid to tell us how much more money you personally want to get over this?
Go to Arkansas and ask the descendants of those who were in the fire that question. Or those still living who survived it aand see what you get. May you rest in peace.
Wear your democrat approved white sheet day is next saturday
Why do you republicans continue to lie about your record on race? You're the party that waanted to ship blacks out of the country.
Why do you republicans continue to lie about your record on race? You're the party that waanted to ship blacks out of the country.
Why do you continue to lie for the party that continues to enslave you?
Go to Arkansas and ask the descendants of those who were in the fire that question. Or those still living who survived it aand see what you get. May you rest in peace.

So you don't want to answer. We understand.
But you see, that's the problem. America was not great because of Jim Crow.

And your second sentence is just stupid. Explain how Marc or any other black person who brings up racism as it continues to happen making sure that racism is alive?
Racism is never going away. Never. Just like every other human sin, it is here to stay. So the choice becomes, what should we do about it?
Pearl Harbor was 81 yearss ago. We remember that every year. So just begin to understand that we live in 2023 and whiites don't get to dictate historyvbyy themselves.
The difference is, is that I don't hold the children of the Japanese soldiers accountable for the actions of their fathers.

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