69 year old man killed by man knocking on his door asking for help

I hate to say it but old tool is kind of right although it doesn't change the statistics any. What it does achieve, however, is to demonstrate the larger media's hypocrisy or disinterest in black on white violence etc.
Joke around assholes. A man was murdered while trying to help someone he thought needed help.
Now you know why people shoot and kill those who are looking for help. Like the girl who had been in an accident.

No one can be trusted. Not for any reason.
Joke around assholes. A man was murdered while trying to help someone he thought needed help.
Now you know why people shoot and kill those who are looking for help. Like the girl who had been in an accident.

No one can be trusted. Not for any reason.

Wow, paranoid much? :cuckoo:
The same poster who says pot smokers should be shot in the face too.

I was once brutally attacked by a biker-looking asshole who looked like he needed help. Fortunately he didn't have a gun or I'd be dead on the spot, but I did spend the night in ER getting stitched back together and lost a branch of nerves in my face and partial use of one of my fingers.

Guess what.

I got the fuck over it.

Grow a pair.
Moral of the story, don't answer the door for black people
Sonnenberg answered the door to Parker begging to come in because he was in danger. He let the young man inside and closed the door before calling 911.

It was then that Parker shot him in the head.


The bad people lurk in the shadows, waiting to pounce...the moment you get security careless.

Never trust anyone...always have a bulletproof peep hole in your doors...never open your doors to strangers...and in America, always have your gun at hand.
Then you might live past next week.
This story might help the defense of that guy in Detroit.


"I shot that unarmed black girl in the back of the head because sometimes people knock on doors with bad intentions. Look, this incident that took place months after mine proves my point."

urine idiot
I used to live close to a road that had a bad turn and people were always running off the road and ending up at my house looking for help. Sometimes it was one or two or three o clock in the morning.

My wife and I had a nice working system for these knocks. We also had a 150 pound dog.

So when the knock came, we let the dog out the back door, counted to 10 (the time it took the dog to go from the back to the front) then I would open to door.

You talk about some people scared. They were so glad I called that dog off them that there is no way they wanted to do evil.

If the dog didn't eat them, I was gonna shoot them. So they behaved appropriately. Most of them I even helped.

But you never, ever let someone in your house. What was the guy thinking?

The thought process of racist moonbats like you:

Black on black crime ...... no problem, sticks head back in the sand

Black on white crime ..... no problem, quick applause, sticks head back in the sand

White on black crime ..... oh the outrage!!!!!!!

Kerry on.... :thup:
Joke around assholes. A man was murdered while trying to help someone he thought needed help.

And you used him for your own selfish idiocy. Fuck you steve.

Wait I never even stopped to ask... who are you trying to belittle here?

Is it black people, gays, or trannies? It must be one of those because you sure as fuck don't ever post about anything else.

You left out illegal alien.

The shooter is black. I knew the shooter had to be black, gay or an illegal; otherwise, steve would not have posted the story.
Joke around assholes. A man was murdered while trying to help someone he thought needed help.
Now you know why people shoot and kill those who are looking for help. Like the girl who had been in an accident.

No one can be trusted. Not for any reason.

Wow, paranoid much? :cuckoo:
The same poster who says pot smokers should be shot in the face too.

I was once brutally attacked by a biker-looking asshole who looked like he needed help. Fortunately he didn't have a gun or I'd be dead on the spot, but I did spend the night in ER getting stitched back together and lost a branch of nerves in my face and partial use of one of my fingers.

Guess what.

I got the fuck over it.

Grow a pair.

You are so dense, you'd do it again too.
And you used him for your own selfish idiocy. Fuck you steve.

Wait I never even stopped to ask... who are you trying to belittle here?

Is it black people, gays, or trannies? It must be one of those because you sure as fuck don't ever post about anything else.

You left out illegal alien.

The shooter is black. I knew the shooter had to be black, gay or an illegal; otherwise, steve would not have posted the story.

Should we stick out heads in the hand to politically incorrect crimes like you liberal faggots do ?

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