7,500% Increase in recorded cases of cancer following COVID-19 vaccines

Gov’t database reveals 10,000% increase in cancer reports due to COVID vaccines

"Researcher Brian Shilhavy compared VAERS reports of cancer after COVID vaccine injections over the last 20 months with the same query of all FDA-approved vaccines throughout the last 30 years.

A researcher who queried the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) discovered a 10,661.4% increase in cancer reports as a result of experimental COVID-19 gene-base vaccines as compared with all FDA-approved vaccines over the last 30 years."

Keep in mind that it is acknowledged that VAERS significantly underreports. A conservative number seems to be 10%, so multiply the adverse events by 10 to get an idea of the extent of the problem.

"Underreporting" is one of the main limitations of passive surveillance systems, including VAERS. The term, underreporting refers to the fact that VAERS receives reports for only a small fraction of actual adverse events." - from VAERS - Guide to Interpreting VAERS Data
This guy tried the same bs with the flu shot in 2018… simple fact check shows his sloppy story telling…

This guy tried the same bs with the flu shot in 2018… simple fact check shows his sloppy story telling…

LOL. Reason given for claiming it's misleading - "But the article never mentions that it is not necessary for petitioners to present proof."

No shit. It's VAERS data. You don't provide proof when you make a VAERS report. Nothing misleading at all.
LOL. Reason given for claiming it's misleading - "But the article never mentions that it is not necessary for petitioners to present proof."

No shit. It's VAERS data. You don't provide proof when you make a VAERS report. Nothing misleading at all.
It’s absolutely misleading. Open source unverified database shows increase in cases would be a more straight forward way to present the data. Also if you read his articles and fact check analysis you see that selectively presents data to paint a narrative. That’s not honest reporting. It’s misleading. You into that kind of biased fake news stuff??
It’s absolutely misleading. Open source unverified database shows increase in cases would be a more straight forward way to present the data. Also if you read his articles and fact check analysis you see that selectively presents data to paint a narrative. That’s not honest reporting. It’s misleading. You into that kind of biased fake news stuff??
See the source image
:thankusmile: That’s the norm for the behavior of candyass when he cannot refute facts,what else you expect,he is a paid shill for Langley.
Many viruses, whether they be dead or alive, can be carcinogenic... by actively doing things to the genetics of your cells, or from residual viral DNA that just floats around and gets incorporated into ours in bad ways.

I wouldn't be so quick to resolve that a conspiracy is afoot... But I wouldn't rule it out either.
People will come back and report even on here how much of a conspiracy it is when they watch their loved one get one of the ten page illnesses or side effects being caused from these vaccines lmfao.

I wonder if the people living during the Holacaust went through this much stupidity before they boarded the train and entered the gas chamber. Bet they realize at that moment none of it was a conspiracy.

Too late by then. LOL.
:thankusmile: Exactly,myself and others here are being vindicated by the paid shills of Langley like candyass and slade when a year before it happened,we were saying there would be countries having forced vaccinations,vaccine passports and lockdowns,we were being labeled as conspiracy theorists by them back then and now they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are having no choice to now acknowledge from calling us loony conspiracy theorists,:abgg2q.jpg::auiqs.jpg::lmao:to now having to admit we were giving conspiracy FACTS.they are on the suicide hotline watch having to eat crow after myself and other fellow truthers here proved them wrong.:rofl:
This is not a conspiracy theory. These are presentations of data.
:thankusmile: As I just got done saying the paid shills from Langley like candyass and slade they are on the suicide hotline watch after having to do something they totally HATE to do in their pathetic lives,own up to admitting they were proven wrong,:abgg2q.jpg:I’m serious when I say this,they would much rather have to put a gun to their head than be mature and own up to admit to being proven wrong but they have no choice now Burgermeister .they can’t get around pesky facts that a year before it happened,they were calling us lunatic conspiracy theorists when we were saying before it happened,there would be lockdowns,vaccine passports and forced vaccinations. Now they have no choice but to say we called it correctly,thst we are no longer conspiracy theorists and that we were stating conspiracy facts back then,not theories.:abgg2q.jpg: Believe me,this is one moment where I would give the world to wish thst I was wrong about those predictions I was saying back then before they happened.

I’m not proud in the least on being vindicated and proven right on those predictions at all.
This guy tried the same bs with the flu shot in 2018… simple fact check shows his sloppy story telling…

fact check? fact check?! LOL. LOL. LOL. LOL.
I was about to start a separate thread on this, then did a search and found this one. So, for now;...

How Cancer Deaths From the COVID Jabs Are Being​

By Joseph Mercola October 14, 2022 Updated: October 15, 2022​

The fact that tumor sizes have become dramatically larger since 2021, patients are younger, and recurrence and metastasis are increasing should be front-page news, but you’re hearing nothing about it. Why is that? This former intelligence officer and strategist believes he knows why.


  • Analysis of U.S. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) data suggests the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been filtering and redesignating cancer deaths as COVID deaths since April 2021 to eliminate the cancer signal
  • The signal is being hidden by swapping the underlying cause of death with main cause of death
  • Uncontrollable turbo-charged cancers the medical establishment had never seen before only started to occur after the rollout of the COVID jabs
  • Before it was manipulated to eliminate the safety signal, data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) showed cancer rates among military personnel and their families tripled after the rollout of the shots
  • After the rollout of the COVID jabs in 2021, cancer patients have gotten younger, with the largest increase occurring among 30- to 50-year-olds, tumor sizes are dramatically larger, multiple tumors in multiple organs are becoming more common, and recurrence and metastasis are increasing

In a series of Twitter posts, The Ethical Skeptic — self-described as a former intelligence officer and strategist — has laid out a series of charts illustrating how cancer deaths are being mislabeled as COVID deaths.

The suspicion is that this is an effort to hide the fact that the COVID shots have resulted in soaring cancer rates. The Ethical Skeptic also takes a deep dive into the data in “Houston, We Have a Problem, Part 1,” on TheEthicalSkeptic.com.1

As noted in his article, seven out of the 11 International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes tracked by the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics — including cancer — saw sharp upticks starting in the first week of April 2021.

I was about to start a separate thread on this, then did a search and found this one. So, for now;...

How Cancer Deaths From the COVID Jabs Are Being​

By Joseph Mercola October 14, 2022 Updated: October 15, 2022​

The fact that tumor sizes have become dramatically larger since 2021, patients are younger, and recurrence and metastasis are increasing should be front-page news, but you’re hearing nothing about it. Why is that? This former intelligence officer and strategist believes he knows why.


  • Analysis of U.S. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) data suggests the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been filtering and redesignating cancer deaths as COVID deaths since April 2021 to eliminate the cancer signal
  • The signal is being hidden by swapping the underlying cause of death with main cause of death
  • Uncontrollable turbo-charged cancers the medical establishment had never seen before only started to occur after the rollout of the COVID jabs
  • Before it was manipulated to eliminate the safety signal, data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) showed cancer rates among military personnel and their families tripled after the rollout of the shots
  • After the rollout of the COVID jabs in 2021, cancer patients have gotten younger, with the largest increase occurring among 30- to 50-year-olds, tumor sizes are dramatically larger, multiple tumors in multiple organs are becoming more common, and recurrence and metastasis are increasing

In a series of Twitter posts, The Ethical Skeptic — self-described as a former intelligence officer and strategist — has laid out a series of charts illustrating how cancer deaths are being mislabeled as COVID deaths.

The suspicion is that this is an effort to hide the fact that the COVID shots have resulted in soaring cancer rates. The Ethical Skeptic also takes a deep dive into the data in “Houston, We Have a Problem, Part 1,” on TheEthicalSkeptic.com.1

As noted in his article, seven out of the 11 International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes tracked by the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics — including cancer — saw sharp upticks starting in the first week of April 2021.

The fact that tumor sizes have become dramatically larger since 2021

People stopped going to the doctor. Why wouldn't tumors get larger?
The fact that tumor sizes have become dramatically larger since 2021

People stopped going to the doctor. Why wouldn't tumors get larger?
I didn't stop going to the doctor, did have to wear mask though.

Try reading more than the leader ~ headline. You'll get better context and be more informed.

BTW, my tumor didn't get larger; but then I didn't get the jab either.
I didn't stop going to the doctor, did have to wear mask though.

Try reading more than the leader ~ headline. You'll get better context and be more informed.

BTW, my tumor didn't get larger; but then I didn't get the jab either.

You didn't. Lots of people did.
Death rates from preventable/treatable diseases increased.

BTW, my tumor didn't get larger; but then I didn't get the jab either.

You didn't. Lots of people did.
Death rates from preventable/treatable diseases increased.

BTW, my tumor didn't get larger; but then I didn't get the jab either.

Prostate cancer. Have had it for about eight years now and remains dormant so far. But then I take CBD and CBG fairly regularly.

BTW, try quantifying and qualifying that "lots of people". Without documentation, sounds like another "made it up".
Prostate cancer. Have had it for about eight years now and remains dormant so far. But then I take CBD and CBG fairly regularly.

BTW, try quantifying and qualifying that "lots of people". Without documentation, sounds like another "made it up".

10,000% increase in cancer reports due to COVID vaccines

^This sounds made up.

The fact that tumor sizes have become dramatically larger since 2021

^this too

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