CDZ 7 things I am learning about transgendered people

To me, the left seems to be using these people for their own agenda. If they wanted to help, ALL avenues of real help would be explored and not just providing them restroom privileges.
What avenues of real help are not being explored?

Based on what I have seen in other areas of sexual deviant assistance, mental health therapy that works on changing the person's orientation.
To me, the left seems to be using these people for their own agenda. If they wanted to help, ALL avenues of real help would be explored and not just providing them restroom privileges.
What avenues of real help are not being explored?

Based on what I have seen in other areas of sexual deviant assistance, mental health therapy that works on changing the person's orientation.
That would be assuming their orientation needed changing. What makes you think transgenders are not born that way?
That would be assuming their orientation needed changing. What makes you think transgenders are not born that way?

We change a person's orientation in mental health delivery. A harmful mental condition is identified and corrective action is attempted. Rarely does an individual want to accept their condition as needing treatment. Yet the true path to mental health is through accepting the change is needed and working to make the change.
To me, the left seems to be using these people for their own agenda. If they wanted to help, ALL avenues of real help would be explored and not just providing them restroom privileges.
What avenues of real help are not being explored?

Based on what I have seen in other areas of sexual deviant assistance, mental health therapy that works on changing the person's orientation.
That would be assuming their orientation needed changing. What makes you think transgenders are not born that way?
yeah saveliberty/ :eusa_eh: Seems like forcing someone to be something they're not is a conservative belief
That would be assuming their orientation needed changing. What makes you think transgenders are not born that way?

We change a person's orientation in mental health delivery. A harmful mental condition is identified and corrective action is attempted. Rarely does an individual want to accept their condition as needing treatment. Yet the true path to mental health is through accepting the change is needed and working to make the change.
Harmful is subjective. You cant pray the gay or the transgender away. You never told me how you knew they werent born that way.
They're not mentally ill, but even if they were, we have to deal with schizos and paranoids and allow them in the bathroom.
We used to think mentally ill people were possessed by demons. Now we know better. Get with the program.

The article clearly states that the BRAIN does not line up with the body. That makes it a mental issue. The medical community seems to be leaning away from fixing the body with surgery, that leaves hormones which effect the mind and body or psychology.
Actually, no. The medical community is not leaning away from surgery. Only a few outliers. If you link to American College of Pediatricians, know that they have about 200 members versus the American Academy of Pediatricians, which has 60,000 members. ACP is an anti-gay/anti-trans organization. They are not a credible representative of the medical community.
They're not mentally ill, but even if they were, we have to deal with schizos and paranoids and allow them in the bathroom.
We used to think mentally ill people were possessed by demons. Now we know better. Get with the program.

The article clearly states that the BRAIN does not line up with the body. That makes it a mental issue. The medical community seems to be leaning away from fixing the body with surgery, that leaves hormones which effect the mind and body or psychology.
Actually, no. The medical community is not leaning away from surgery. Only a few outliers. If you link to American College of Pediatricians, know that they have about 200 members versus the American Academy of Pediatricians, which has 60,000 members. ACP is an anti-gay/anti-trans organization. They are not a credible representative of the medical community.
Stop lying.

Transgender Surgery Isn't the Solution
We at Johns Hopkins University—which in the 1960s was the first American medical center to venture into "sex-reassignment surgery"—launched a study in the 1970s comparing the outcomes of transgendered people who had the surgery with the outcomes of those who did not. Most of the surgically treated patients described themselves as "satisfied" by the results, but their subsequent psycho-social adjustments were no better than those who didn't have the surgery. And so at Hopkins we stopped doing sex-reassignment surgery, since producing a "satisfied" but still troubled patient seemed an inadequate reason for surgically amputating normal organs.

It now appears that our long-ago decision was a wise one. A 2011 study at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden produced the most illuminating results yet regarding the transgendered, evidence that should give advocates pause. The long-term study—up to 30 years—followed 324 people who had sex-reassignment surgery. The study revealed that beginning about 10 years after having the surgery, the transgendered began to experience increasing mental difficulties. Most shockingly, their suicide mortality rose almost 20-fold above the comparable nontransgender population. This disturbing result has as yet no explanation but probably reflects the growing sense of isolation reported by the aging transgendered after surgery. The high suicide rate certainly challenges the surgery prescription.
They're not mentally ill, but even if they were, we have to deal with schizos and paranoids and allow them in the bathroom.
We used to think mentally ill people were possessed by demons. Now we know better. Get with the program.

The article clearly states that the BRAIN does not line up with the body. That makes it a mental issue. The medical community seems to be leaning away from fixing the body with surgery, that leaves hormones which effect the mind and body or psychology.
No doubt it will be figured out at some point, or accepted as one of those deviancies of nature like having six toes. The research and facts so far don't lead me to believe it is a mental illness as in 'delusion' like believing you're Mother Theresa or George Washington or something.
Yes, those outliers like Johns Hopkins that pioneered the surgery and now refuses to do them. Don't let facts get in the way of making a point.

I think we need to pursue mental health treatment until it fails like surgery has for this condition. But the left is strongly against trying this type of help. What is their goal?
Seven things I’m learning about transgender persons

The article is too long to copy and paste all, but it is well worth a read.

What have you learned about transgender people as the result of increased focus on this issue? Do you know any transgender people in real life? Why do you think they are so misunderstood?
How can you understand something that completely goes against ones nature? In todays society people self mutilate their bodies, by inserting silicon implants or get injections in the gluteous maximus, yet keep their tally wacker and walnuts just so they can get 5 minutes of fame on YouTube. (believe me it has been hard keeping this statement without any vulgarity). It isn't about them being misunderstood, it is all about pushing a liberal agenda where NORMAL is no longer normal, and the weird MUST be accepted. If society doesn't live my moral values then society can no longer be cohesive, that it will come crumbling down, and then the full take over by a certain ideologue which will have all the rest of us subjugated to them. I say that the OP was just "TROLLING", for just looking at his comment shows his favor for "Socialism".

How Venezuela's experiment with '21st century socialism' failed
How Venezuela's experiment with '21st century socialism' failed
They're not mentally ill, but even if they were, we have to deal with schizos and paranoids and allow them in the bathroom.
We used to think mentally ill people were possessed by demons. Now we know better. Get with the program.

The article clearly states that the BRAIN does not line up with the body. That makes it a mental issue. The medical community seems to be leaning away from fixing the body with surgery, that leaves hormones which effect the mind and body or psychology.
No doubt it will be figured out at some point, or accepted as one of those deviancies of nature like having six toes. The research and facts so far don't lead me to believe it is a mental illness as in 'delusion' like believing you're Mother Theresa or George Washington or something.
six toes would be a PHYSICAL deformity. Trans is a MENTAL issue.
Apples and oranges
They're not mentally ill, but even if they were, we have to deal with schizos and paranoids and allow them in the bathroom.
We used to think mentally ill people were possessed by demons. Now we know better. Get with the program.

The article clearly states that the BRAIN does not line up with the body. That makes it a mental issue. The medical community seems to be leaning away from fixing the body with surgery, that leaves hormones which effect the mind and body or psychology.
No doubt it will be figured out at some point, or accepted as one of those deviancies of nature like having six toes. The research and facts so far don't lead me to believe it is a mental illness as in 'delusion' like believing you're Mother Theresa or George Washington or something.
six toes would be a PHYSICAL deformity. Trans is a MENTAL issue.
Apples and oranges
Thats why she said the word "like". Its called a metaphor. It creates a visual picture to assist understanding.
They're not mentally ill, but even if they were, we have to deal with schizos and paranoids and allow them in the bathroom.
We used to think mentally ill people were possessed by demons. Now we know better. Get with the program.

The article clearly states that the BRAIN does not line up with the body. That makes it a mental issue. The medical community seems to be leaning away from fixing the body with surgery, that leaves hormones which effect the mind and body or psychology.
No doubt it will be figured out at some point, or accepted as one of those deviancies of nature like having six toes. The research and facts so far don't lead me to believe it is a mental illness as in 'delusion' like believing you're Mother Theresa or George Washington or something.
six toes would be a PHYSICAL deformity. Trans is a MENTAL issue.
Apples and oranges
Thats why she said the word "like". Its called a metaphor.
Look at Mr false equivalency spouting his usual dishonest bullshit :lol:
Sorry but a false equivalency would be saying it was the same thing.
They're not mentally ill, but even if they were, we have to deal with schizos and paranoids and allow them in the bathroom.
We used to think mentally ill people were possessed by demons. Now we know better. Get with the program.

The article clearly states that the BRAIN does not line up with the body. That makes it a mental issue. The medical community seems to be leaning away from fixing the body with surgery, that leaves hormones which effect the mind and body or psychology.
No doubt it will be figured out at some point, or accepted as one of those deviancies of nature like having six toes. The research and facts so far don't lead me to believe it is a mental illness as in 'delusion' like believing you're Mother Theresa or George Washington or something.
six toes would be a PHYSICAL deformity. Trans is a MENTAL issue.
Apples and oranges
Thats why she said the word "like". Its called a metaphor. It creates a visual picture to assist understanding.
Thank you. Another adult in the room is helpful at times.
The article clearly states that the BRAIN does not line up with the body. That makes it a mental issue. The medical community seems to be leaning away from fixing the body with surgery, that leaves hormones which effect the mind and body or psychology.
No doubt it will be figured out at some point, or accepted as one of those deviancies of nature like having six toes. The research and facts so far don't lead me to believe it is a mental illness as in 'delusion' like believing you're Mother Theresa or George Washington or something.
six toes would be a PHYSICAL deformity. Trans is a MENTAL issue.
Apples and oranges
Thats why she said the word "like". Its called a metaphor.
Look at Mr false equivalency spouting his usual dishonest bullshit :lol:
Sorry but a false equivalency would be saying it was the same thing.
She was comparing it.. My gawd man
No doubt it will be figured out at some point, or accepted as one of those deviancies of nature like having six toes. The research and facts so far don't lead me to believe it is a mental illness as in 'delusion' like believing you're Mother Theresa or George Washington or something.
six toes would be a PHYSICAL deformity. Trans is a MENTAL issue.
Apples and oranges
Thats why she said the word "like". Its called a metaphor.
Look at Mr false equivalency spouting his usual dishonest bullshit :lol:
Sorry but a false equivalency would be saying it was the same thing.
She was comparing it.. My gawd man
Thats because metaphors compare. She didnt say it was the same thing though.

"Metaphor is a figure of speech which makes an implicit, implied or hidden comparison between two things that are unrelated but share some common characteristics. In other words, a resemblance of two contradictory or different objects is made based on a single or some common characteristics."
Why give mental health treatment to someone who isn't mentally ill?

Medicine has already established it is at least in part a brain function, which by definition is a mental state. As I asked earlier, why do you ignore a high probability solution to the issue?
You know, when it gets right down to it, shouldn't people concern themselves a little more with what people do to each other than with matters that don't really affect them? I don't understand all this hullabaloo over people's sexuality in a world where ISIS is rampaging across the Middle East, North Korea is a living hell hole, and places in Africa have children used in death squads. People's priorities are pretty fucked up, if you ask me.

When I encounter a person, my concern has to do with how they treat me. If I know them, my concern has to do with what they support or don't support. Do they support killing innocent people? Do they defend those who do? Do they allow themselves to get so swept up in their rigid politics that they lend themselves to agendas that are inimical to civilized values?

Worrying endlessly about people who are transgendered and who harm no one as a result of such makes about as much sense as getting all worked up over somebody getting a tattoo or dying their hair purple. If it does't affect you and if it isn't intrinsically harmful to others, why spend so much time obsessing about it?

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