7 Things Liberals REALLY MEAN When They Cry “Racism”

No...usually it just means you are a fucking racist


Wow. You are easily fooled.

No, it usually means you are a fucking racist

Generally, the recipient acts outraged and screams...Race Card! Race Card!

You are simply calling names.
That's all the screams of 'racism' are. Name calling.
This is right out of the liberal play book. Instead of discussing the issue, place a label on your opponent in order to force them to defend against the label...
Look jerk, we no longer care about the name calling.
You don't get to label someone a racist without proving your accusation with facts.
Since you have none, you are name calling....You lose.
Every point is dead on..

Is that what the voices in your head are telling you?

it probably means you're a whining white male victim who feels threatened by anyone else.

but why quibble, right?

Her post lacks credibility.

She lied and said she was an attorney in a thread where an attorney would have the edge....and then we trapped her with a question that she answered wrong....despite all attorneys in NY State knowing the correct answer as it is part of their credentials.

Just want to make sure all are aware of her tactics on this board.

I would guess I know more about the law than jillian..
Yes, correct, I don't like playing games with partisan ideologues like you.

I prefer more mature, adult conversations with honest people.

Boy, ya got me there, ya really did.

I feel so ashamed.


If thats you excuse for not having an answer on a topic you brought up ...then go with that.

Not an excuse. It is quite obvious to most on this board that you do not debate. You play childish word games and offer very little to the conversation.

Have your fun with what I just said.

Prove my point.

You're right. He said the left distracts from real racism and I had the nerve to play a childish game called asking him an open ended question.

I say "what real racism have you seen anywhere anytime" and the response is "I'm not playing your game" lol.....

How dare I ask him a question twice and give him the opportunity to answer using any example he wants
If thats you excuse for not having an answer on a topic you brought up ...then go with that.

Not an excuse. It is quite obvious to most on this board that you do not debate. You play childish word games and offer very little to the conversation.

Have your fun with what I just said.

Prove my point.

You're right. He said the left distracts from real racism and I had the nerve to play a childish game called asking him an open ended question.

I say "what real racism have you seen anywhere anytime" and the response is "I'm not playing your game" lol.....

How dare I ask him a question twice and give him the opportunity to answer using any example he wants

You do not see the game you play?

You asked him what "real racism" do you see? Really? You put the onus on him to list acts of racism?

And you don't see that as a game?

Its the same fucking game you play in just about every debate.

And I certainly don't have the patience to help you with it.
Is that what the voices in your head are telling you?

it probably means you're a whining white male victim who feels threatened by anyone else.

but why quibble, right?

Her post lacks credibility.

She lied and said she was an attorney in a thread where an attorney would have the edge....and then we trapped her with a question that she answered wrong....despite all attorneys in NY State knowing the correct answer as it is part of their credentials.

Just want to make sure all are aware of her tactics on this board.

I would guess I know more about the law than jillian..

So does my son's hamster.
Every point is dead on..

7 Things Liberals REALLY MEAN When They Cry ?Racism? - John Hawkins - Page full

1) You disagree with me:

2) I need more attention and/or money:

3) Let’s take a choice away from black Americans:

4) You are disagreeing with a minority:

5) Your attack is damaging us:

6) You won't do what I want!:

7) Stop trying to do outreach to black Americans:

LOL - every point is dull and ridiculous, No one knows what every liberal thinks on any specific issue.
No. They don't...However, liberalism is an ideology which people who are liberal by nature, tend to exhibit the above mentioned actions.
Let us replace "every" with "most"...
To deny the typical liberal does not argue using these points is to ignore the obvious.
It usually works something like this:

Conservative poster: I really hate that n*gger in the White House

Liberal: You are such a racist

Conservative Poster: Race Card! Race Card!

No it doesn't.

If a conservative poster says "I hate that ****** in the white house" and the liberal poster says "you are such a racist", the conservative would likely say....."dam straight I am"...

For they are obviously out in the open about it.

But what we are referring to is this....

Conservative poster: I really hate the policies of our current president

Liberal poster: Admit it. You just cant deal with a black man in the white house

Conservative poster: There you go again. Pulling out the race card.

So your post is nothing but a bunch of bullshit.

Usually what happens next is the Conservative poster will say....How can I be racist? My sister married a darkie
Oh...So you libs never say stuff like "I have black friends" Or "I live in a racially mixed neighborhood"....Or the all time greatest racially over conscious response of all....."I studied race relations in college and I know because that is what I was taught".....
Get the fuck out of here with that nonsense.
No it doesn't.

If a conservative poster says "I hate that ****** in the white house" and the liberal poster says "you are such a racist", the conservative would likely say....."dam straight I am"...

For they are obviously out in the open about it.

But what we are referring to is this....

Conservative poster: I really hate the policies of our current president

Liberal poster: Admit it. You just cant deal with a black man in the white house

Conservative poster: There you go again. Pulling out the race card.

So your post is nothing but a bunch of bullshit.

Usually what happens next is the Conservative poster will say....How can I be racist? My sister married a darkie
Oh...So you libs never say stuff like "I have black friends" Or "I live in a racially mixed neighborhood"....Or the all time greatest racially over conscious response of all....."I studied race relations in college and I know because that is what I was taught".....
Get the fuck out of here with that nonsense.

No....the best one.....

"I was able to vote for a black man for President. Were you?"

LMAO...I love that one. Me, a conservative, voted for Romney because I cant vote for a black man.

Gotta love it.
It usually works something like this:

Conservative poster: I really hate that n*gger in the White House

Liberal: You are such a racist

Conservative Poster: Race Card! Race Card!

No it doesn't.

If a conservative poster says "I hate that ****** in the white house" and the liberal poster says "you are such a racist", the conservative would likely say....."dam straight I am"...

For they are obviously out in the open about it.

But what we are referring to is this....

Conservative poster: I really hate the policies of our current president

Liberal poster: Admit it. You just cant deal with a black man in the white house

Conservative poster: There you go again. Pulling out the race card.

So your post is nothing but a bunch of bullshit.

You're delusional if you think either of your examples is representative of reality.

Newsflash.....This happens with great frequency....
I see that Hawkins is still learning his numbers? Damn shame that he still doesn't know anything of what he is talking about.

And you guys couldn't do outreach to the ******* if I gave you the talking points...

Sure, you like blacks. As long as they don't believe they are free to disagree with you...
Not an excuse. It is quite obvious to most on this board that you do not debate. You play childish word games and offer very little to the conversation.

Have your fun with what I just said.

Prove my point.

You're right. He said the left distracts from real racism and I had the nerve to play a childish game called asking him an open ended question.

I say "what real racism have you seen anywhere anytime" and the response is "I'm not playing your game" lol.....

How dare I ask him a question twice and give him the opportunity to answer using any example he wants

You do not see the game you play?

You asked him what "real racism" do you see? Really? You put the onus on him to list acts of racism?

Ahh the "Really" defense where you repeat the question, ask "really" and pretend that was a point. I like that one

And you don't see that as a game?

Nice a double down

Its the same fucking game you play in just about every debate.

And I certainly don't have the patience to help you with it.

You're right, I had the nerve to ask him an open ended question on a topic HE brought up. What a terrible person I am huh?
Every point is dead on..

7 Things Liberals REALLY MEAN When They Cry ?Racism? - John Hawkins - Page full

1) You disagree with me:

2) I need more attention and/or money:

3) Let’s take a choice away from black Americans:

4) You are disagreeing with a minority:

5) Your attack is damaging us:

6) You won't do what I want!:

7) Stop trying to do outreach to black Americans:


It means that you believe that people who are of a different race are inferior to you.

It's a pretty simple concept.

And you can't hide it with code talking.


No....That is what YOU believe. YOUR side set up the policies that label black people as inferior.
YOUR side's elected officials insist that black people cannot make it on their own and NEED the assistance of government. That they cannot make it in the working or business world without some sort of set aside.
Liberals believe that minorities can't survive or succeed without THEIR "protection". Why? Because they see those people as inferior. Damned racists.
Why do they need protection? Because they are minorities kept at bay by the white majority who treat them as inferior, and always have. Just stupid spics and ******* to you guys, which is why they don't vote for the party of Whitey.

Keep it up...You will earn yourself a time out....
I see he touched a nerve..

Not a single post refutes a single point he made.. instead they attack him personally. A sure sign that he's dead on target.

Which holds true for President Obama....not a single point of his is refuted, the Right attacks him personally. A sure sign that he's dead on target. :D
You're right. He said the left distracts from real racism and I had the nerve to play a childish game called asking him an open ended question.

I say "what real racism have you seen anywhere anytime" and the response is "I'm not playing your game" lol.....

How dare I ask him a question twice and give him the opportunity to answer using any example he wants

You're pretending this is happening in a vacuum.

It is not.

I already know that you're a dependable and obedient partisan ideologue with whom it's virtually impossible to have an honest conversation (yes, that's a redundancy). I've tried multiple times in the past, and have found it to be a waste of time, as it is with a vast majority of partisan ideologues. If you want to be obtuse and pretend that you can't come up with examples of racism, great, but you can play that game with someone else. Not interested.

If you want to act hurt and victimized, fine with me.

You're right. He said the left distracts from real racism and I had the nerve to play a childish game called asking him an open ended question.

I say "what real racism have you seen anywhere anytime" and the response is "I'm not playing your game" lol.....

How dare I ask him a question twice and give him the opportunity to answer using any example he wants

You're pretending this is happening in a vacuum.

It is not.

I already know that you're a dependable and obedient partisan ideologue with whom it's virtually impossible to have an honest conversation (yes, that's a redundancy). I've tried multiple times in the past, and have found it to be a waste of time, as it is with a vast majority of partisan ideologues. If you want to be obtuse and pretend that you can't come up with examples of racism, great, but you can play that game with someone else. Not interested.

If you want to act hurt and victimized, fine with me.


Any other excuses on why you cannot expound on the topic you brought up? I want to make sure you get them all out.

I dont pretend anything what happened was you made a statement, I asked you to clarify YOUR STATEMENT USING ANY EXAMPLE YOU WANT.

And you fled the scene using "cant talk to you" as an excuse

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