70% of those infected with Kung Flu wore masks, followed CDC guidelines.

I've asked why if masks work is Cali leading the covid 19 pandemic in new cases? No answer.

I've asked why if masks work why have thousands of health care workers died of covid, who wear masks all day every day? No answer.

My uncles wife got covid19. My uncle and her are married of course and live together. My uncle NEVER got it. He is definitely doubting how contagious it is.
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Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

Didn't even bother to read the article you posted, huh? That would be expecting too much from you. Well, here are the highlights. And we won't even go into it as a disputed study.
Bottom line?...Wear the damn mask. And quit yer bitchin!

"It is possible that some of the infections may have been caused by removing face coverings for food or drink. Another possibility is airflow, as “direction, ventilation and intensity of airflow might affect virus transmission, even if social distancing measures and mask use are implemented according to current guidance,” according to the CDC report"

"However, the CDC report further explained that it is impossible to evaluate exactly where someone contracted the virus"
“Characterization of community exposures can be difficult to assess when widespread transmission is occurring, especially from asymptomatic persons within inherently interconnected communities,” the report stated".

"Despite this, face masks are still shown to be the most effective means of slowing the spread of the virus, and medical bodies worldwide recommend wearing them and maintaining social distancing measures".
The CDC clearly trying a CYA with that lame spin and speculation.

You lose again, Tardboi.

The CDC alost reports that contact tracing reveals 70+% of COVS cases get it from their spouse. Has anyone told you to wear a mask inside your home with you husband?
If you spent more time with your wife and less time demonstrating your ignorance on this message board, she wouldn't be out screwing your neighbor and bringing covid home to you. Then YOU could save money on masks. LOL.

Hey guess what troll boy! That post was not addressed to you. Now get back on topic or enjoy a free vacation courtesy of the mods!
Works both ways Duke. I'm sure they will be impressed with your "on topic" personal attacks on anyone that disagrees with your BS lying opinion. Get after it LtCmdr. Navy Army recruiter lying POS.
Yeah, masks just don't work. It's training to get us all to obey, obey, obey whatever the leftists tell us to do. Quite severe training this year: not just wear face coverings like burkas and hajibs, but can't make a living, can't run a business, can't eat out, have to stand on chalk lines at grocery stores, can't visit relatives, can't have Thanksgiving or Christmas, can't send kids to school ------- are you trained yet?
I do hope this is sarcasm ^^^

Nope, if you haven't noticed we've lost alllllllllllll our freedoms this year, probably you're a leftist and don't want anyone to be free. For everyone to do what you want.

Go ahead and make a fool of yourself talking through a cloth covering your face; just don't tell other people what to do, that's the secret to being a good person. Ordering everyone around? Not so good.

You're full of shit! Your first sentence is stupid, your second is also stupid and a damn lie.

You go ahead and mock the wearing of a mask, make sure to go to bars and restaurants where the owners violate common sense and continue to operate. The learning on this message board is enlightening, the number of truly stupid people has amazed me.
Hey stupid, the study in the OP proves masks don’t work.
Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

The logic is obvious actually. Masks don’t eliminate the possibility of contracting the virus. What they do, however, is greatly lower the risk of someone Infected passing it on. This matters because half of the people with the virus are asymptotic. Anyone else with the virus doesn’t have symptoms the first week.

I also want to call out how pathetic you people are with scientific research. You ignore any research that doesn’t fit your narrative and cherry pick shit like this that does. You’re all children.
If they “greatly lower the risk “ of getting infected, why is it that 70% of those infected wore masks?
Yeah, masks just don't work. It's training to get us all to obey, obey, obey whatever the leftists tell us to do. Quite severe training this year: not just wear face coverings like burkas and hajibs, but can't make a living, can't run a business, can't eat out, have to stand on chalk lines at grocery stores, can't visit relatives, can't have Thanksgiving or Christmas, can't send kids to school ------- are you trained yet?
I do hope this is sarcasm ^^^

Nope, if you haven't noticed we've lost alllllllllllll our freedoms this year, probably you're a leftist and don't want anyone to be free. For everyone to do what you want.

Go ahead and make a fool of yourself talking through a cloth covering your face; just don't tell other people what to do, that's the secret to being a good person. Ordering everyone around? Not so good.

You're full of shit! Your first sentence is stupid, your second is also stupid and a damn lie.

You go ahead and mock the wearing of a mask, make sure to go to bars and restaurants where the owners violate common sense and continue to operate. The learning on this message board is enlightening, the number of truly stupid people has amazed me.

But you dont have harsh words for Gavin the liar and hypocrite. Why?
Cuz Rye Catcher is a flaming hypocrite of the highest order.
Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

The logic is obvious actually. Masks don’t eliminate the possibility of contracting the virus. What they do, however, is greatly lower the risk of someone Infected passing it on. This matters because half of the people with the virus are asymptotic. Anyone else with the virus doesn’t have symptoms the first week.

I also want to call out how pathetic you people are with scientific research. You ignore any research that doesn’t fit your narrative and cherry pick shit like this that does. You’re all children.
If they “greatly lower the risk “ of getting infected, why is it that 70% of those infected wore masks?
They reduce the risk of passing it on to other people idiot. More importantly, no one ever said wearing masks would eliminate the spread completely. They said it would CONTROL how much it spreads. The CDC has already established this with their findings. Just because you’re a child who cherry picks studies to fit your narrative doesn’t mean these studies don’t exist.
Most people die in hospital, somehow many still go there. Anyway. there are many factors in this situation: wrong mask, wear it wrong .....

it pisses me off to no end. Dems use mask to attack Trump. Mask is not the be all end all. If they think mask is the silver bullet, they will find out in a hurry after 100 days.
Nobody says it is a silver bullet, so stop spreading that BS. They say that a mask, social distancing, and crowd avoidance is very helpful, and common sense rules the day on that. But y'all keep doing what trump says and does and don't bother doing any thinking because he does it for you.
Then why are the vast majority of those infected mask wearers?

They lied?

Infection with COVID-19 despite wearing protective measures has been recorded, with even medical professionals equipped with maximal personal protective equipment (PPE) occasionally contracting the virus.

Despite this, face masks are still shown to be the most effective means of slowing the spread of the virus, and medical bodies worldwide recommend wearing them and maintaining social distancing measures.

Also, Facebook fact-checker reviewed this study and was able to highlight some flaws:
"The comparison made in the claim cannot evaluate mask effectiveness in reducing the spread of COVID-19, because the study that the claim is based on included many more people who wear masks than people who didn’t," the fact-checker. "Of the 314 individuals surveyed in the study, only 11 never wore masks. Because the group sizes are so uneven, a comparison of the proportion of people who tested positive for COVID-19 who wore masks and who didn’t would show mask wearers to be the majority
Facebook fact checker? :laughing0301:

314 infected people surveyed.....70% of them wore masks.

Facebook “Factchecker”: They over sampled mask wearers.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

They "said" they wore masks. How many wore masks improperly, not covering their nose? No one is going to admit being a dumbass like you!
Least of all you.

That's it! Reported.
Thanks, I reported you too. They ought to love reviewing all of your profane, insulting slurs. I'm sure Seawytch will enjoy hanging your useless hide out to dry. HaHaHaHa. How'd that work for you.
Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

The logic is obvious actually. Masks don’t eliminate the possibility of contracting the virus. What they do, however, is greatly lower the risk of someone Infected passing it on. This matters because half of the people with the virus are asymptotic. Anyone else with the virus doesn’t have symptoms the first week.

I also want to call out how pathetic you people are with scientific research. You ignore any research that doesn’t fit your narrative and cherry pick shit like this that does. You’re all children.
If they “greatly lower the risk “ of getting infected, why is it that 70% of those infected wore masks?
They reduce the risk of passing it on to other people idiot. More importantly, no one ever said wearing masks would eliminate the spread completely. They said it would CONTROL how much it spreads. The CDC has already established this with their findings. Just because you’re a child who cherry picks studies to fit your narrative doesn’t mean these studies don’t exist.
The fact 70% of those infected wore masks AND followed CDC guidelines proves your talking points wrong.
Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

The logic is obvious actually. Masks don’t eliminate the possibility of contracting the virus. What they do, however, is greatly lower the risk of someone Infected passing it on. This matters because half of the people with the virus are asymptotic. Anyone else with the virus doesn’t have symptoms the first week.

I also want to call out how pathetic you people are with scientific research. You ignore any research that doesn’t fit your narrative and cherry pick shit like this that does. You’re all children.
If they “greatly lower the risk “ of getting infected, why is it that 70% of those infected wore masks?
They reduce the risk of passing it on to other people idiot. More importantly, no one ever said wearing masks would eliminate the spread completely. They said it would CONTROL how much it spreads. The CDC has already established this with their findings. Just because you’re a child who cherry picks studies to fit your narrative doesn’t mean these studies don’t exist.
The fact 70% of those infected wore masks AND followed CDC guidelines proves your talking points wrong.
Uh no because no one ever said the idea was perfect because nothing is. Either way, the science shows it helps CURB the spread.
Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

The logic is obvious actually. Masks don’t eliminate the possibility of contracting the virus. What they do, however, is greatly lower the risk of someone Infected passing it on. This matters because half of the people with the virus are asymptotic. Anyone else with the virus doesn’t have symptoms the first week.

I also want to call out how pathetic you people are with scientific research. You ignore any research that doesn’t fit your narrative and cherry pick shit like this that does. You’re all children.
If they “greatly lower the risk “ of getting infected, why is it that 70% of those infected wore masks?
They reduce the risk of passing it on to other people idiot. More importantly, no one ever said wearing masks would eliminate the spread completely. They said it would CONTROL how much it spreads. The CDC has already established this with their findings. Just because you’re a child who cherry picks studies to fit your narrative doesn’t mean these studies don’t exist.
Let’s run with your logic that masks only prevent you from giving it to others.

For your hypothesis to make sense, 70% of those infected had to ignore science and hang around people who didn’t wear masks.

It’s so easy to destroy the sheeple argument on mask wearing.
Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

I know of 3 people who have come down with a case of the COVID's and all 3 followed the instructions.
Case one is an old bag I used to work with , age 66, very conscientious about following rules. Yet still turned up positive and recovered.

My aunt is 94 in a nursing home. Banned from seeing her daughter for 9 months or any other visitors. Following the "rules" and still got infected.

An old drinking friend of mine, age 68, also in a nursing home, sick with sugar, Stage 4 cancer and emphysema, croaked quickly. But obeyed the rules, although he didn't have a choice.

Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

The logic is obvious actually. Masks don’t eliminate the possibility of contracting the virus. What they do, however, is greatly lower the risk of someone Infected passing it on. This matters because half of the people with the virus are asymptotic. Anyone else with the virus doesn’t have symptoms the first week.

I also want to call out how pathetic you people are with scientific research. You ignore any research that doesn’t fit your narrative and cherry pick shit like this that does. You’re all children.
If they “greatly lower the risk “ of getting infected, why is it that 70% of those infected wore masks?
They reduce the risk of passing it on to other people idiot. More importantly, no one ever said wearing masks would eliminate the spread completely. They said it would CONTROL how much it spreads. The CDC has already established this with their findings. Just because you’re a child who cherry picks studies to fit your narrative doesn’t mean these studies don’t exist.
The fact 70% of those infected wore masks AND followed CDC guidelines proves your talking points wrong.
Uh no because no one ever said the idea was perfect because nothing is. Either way, the science shows it helps CURB the spread.
If masks helped curb the spread 70% of those infected wouldn’t report being avid mask wearers
Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

The logic is obvious actually. Masks don’t eliminate the possibility of contracting the virus. What they do, however, is greatly lower the risk of someone Infected passing it on. This matters because half of the people with the virus are asymptotic. Anyone else with the virus doesn’t have symptoms the first week.

I also want to call out how pathetic you people are with scientific research. You ignore any research that doesn’t fit your narrative and cherry pick shit like this that does. You’re all children.
If they “greatly lower the risk “ of getting infected, why is it that 70% of those infected wore masks?
They reduce the risk of passing it on to other people idiot. More importantly, no one ever said wearing masks would eliminate the spread completely. They said it would CONTROL how much it spreads. The CDC has already established this with their findings. Just because you’re a child who cherry picks studies to fit your narrative doesn’t mean these studies don’t exist.
The fact 70% of those infected wore masks AND followed CDC guidelines proves your talking points wrong.
Uh no because no one ever said the idea was perfect because nothing is. Either way, the science shows it helps CURB the spread.
Must be a democrat, they figure all you have to do is say "The science" "Follow the science" It's BS democrat science. They wouldn't know science if it bit them on the back side. The scientific method does not determine a scientific FACT until it is PROVEN. Democrats figure they can theorize and that is "SCIENCE" SMH
Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

The logic is obvious actually. Masks don’t eliminate the possibility of contracting the virus. What they do, however, is greatly lower the risk of someone Infected passing it on. This matters because half of the people with the virus are asymptotic. Anyone else with the virus doesn’t have symptoms the first week.

I also want to call out how pathetic you people are with scientific research. You ignore any research that doesn’t fit your narrative and cherry pick shit like this that does. You’re all children.
If they “greatly lower the risk “ of getting infected, why is it that 70% of those infected wore masks?
They reduce the risk of passing it on to other people idiot. More importantly, no one ever said wearing masks would eliminate the spread completely. They said it would CONTROL how much it spreads. The CDC has already established this with their findings. Just because you’re a child who cherry picks studies to fit your narrative doesn’t mean these studies don’t exist.
Let’s run with your logic that masks only prevent you from giving it to others.

For your hypothesis to make sense, 70% of those infected had to ignore science and hang around people who didn’t wear masks.

It’s so easy to destroy the sheeple argument on mask wearing.
So this one told you that masks protect others, last week he was saying that masks protect you. He's like the CDC, WHO, Fauci and the DNC. Contradicts himself every other day.

Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

The logic is obvious actually. Masks don’t eliminate the possibility of contracting the virus. What they do, however, is greatly lower the risk of someone Infected passing it on. This matters because half of the people with the virus are asymptotic. Anyone else with the virus doesn’t have symptoms the first week.

I also want to call out how pathetic you people are with scientific research. You ignore any research that doesn’t fit your narrative and cherry pick shit like this that does. You’re all children.
If they “greatly lower the risk “ of getting infected, why is it that 70% of those infected wore masks?
They reduce the risk of passing it on to other people idiot. More importantly, no one ever said wearing masks would eliminate the spread completely. They said it would CONTROL how much it spreads. The CDC has already established this with their findings. Just because you’re a child who cherry picks studies to fit your narrative doesn’t mean these studies don’t exist.
The fact 70% of those infected wore masks AND followed CDC guidelines proves your talking points wrong.
Uh no because no one ever said the idea was perfect because nothing is. Either way, the science shows it helps CURB the spread.
If masks helped curb the spread 70% of those infected wouldn’t report being avid mask wearers
Avid mask wearers? Lol they say that huh? Either way your point is stupid. People don’t wear masks at all times. They can get it that way.
Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

The logic is obvious actually. Masks don’t eliminate the possibility of contracting the virus. What they do, however, is greatly lower the risk of someone Infected passing it on. This matters because half of the people with the virus are asymptotic. Anyone else with the virus doesn’t have symptoms the first week.

I also want to call out how pathetic you people are with scientific research. You ignore any research that doesn’t fit your narrative and cherry pick shit like this that does. You’re all children.
If they “greatly lower the risk “ of getting infected, why is it that 70% of those infected wore masks?
They reduce the risk of passing it on to other people idiot. More importantly, no one ever said wearing masks would eliminate the spread completely. They said it would CONTROL how much it spreads. The CDC has already established this with their findings. Just because you’re a child who cherry picks studies to fit your narrative doesn’t mean these studies don’t exist.
The CDC, WHO and Fauci have contradicted every statement they've made. Masks work/don't work, Asymptomatic spread/do not spread, It's a deadly pandemic/it is no worse than the flu, Millions die from it/Only 6% of those fatalities had covid alone. Wake up, it has over a 98% recovery rate in people under 60. SMH

Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

The logic is obvious actually. Masks don’t eliminate the possibility of contracting the virus. What they do, however, is greatly lower the risk of someone Infected passing it on. This matters because half of the people with the virus are asymptotic. Anyone else with the virus doesn’t have symptoms the first week.

I also want to call out how pathetic you people are with scientific research. You ignore any research that doesn’t fit your narrative and cherry pick shit like this that does. You’re all children.
If they “greatly lower the risk “ of getting infected, why is it that 70% of those infected wore masks?
They reduce the risk of passing it on to other people idiot. More importantly, no one ever said wearing masks would eliminate the spread completely. They said it would CONTROL how much it spreads. The CDC has already established this with their findings. Just because you’re a child who cherry picks studies to fit your narrative doesn’t mean these studies don’t exist.
The fact 70% of those infected wore masks AND followed CDC guidelines proves your talking points wrong.
Uh no because no one ever said the idea was perfect because nothing is. Either way, the science shows it helps CURB the spread.
If masks helped curb the spread 70% of those infected wouldn’t report being avid mask wearers
Avid mask wearers? Lol they say that huh? Either way your point is stupid. People don’t wear masks at all times. They can get it that way.

The people around here are avid mask wearers.

Every time I go into the Hermitage PA Walmart, every one has a mask- associates as well as customers.

If making sure that WMT customer have masks was supposed to eliminate Corona Virus, it just hasn't happened.
They reduce the risk of passing it on to other people idiot.
More biden voter name calling

and OldLady
must be so proud of their new friends

it appears that the chinese disease has already mutated just when lib Chicken Littles thought it was safe to come out of their basement

bummer huh?

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