70% of those infected with Kung Flu wore masks, followed CDC guidelines.

how is it Restaurants are superspreaders but grocery stores are not

Grocery stores ARE superspreaders, of course: that's exactly where people are catching it.

But if they starve us as well as run us broke and lonely and unemployed, I suppose they're afraid people might rebel. Probably not, considering how everything else has been taken away from us. So I guess the next thing is to starve us.

This epidemic wouldn't be nearly so awful if it weren't for government.
But they overcrowded the grocery store by closing the restaurants
We covered this months ago.

View attachment 431206

This is a silly cartoon. Since COVID is spreading wildly, it is obvious the masks don't work, nor does anything else.

You know, whenever there is an epidemic, lots of people get it: that's why they call it an EPIDEMIC. Because it's highly transmissable. It spreads. If it didn't spread through barriers, we wouldn't be having an epidemic.
Most people die in hospital, somehow many still go there. Anyway. there are many factors in this situation: wrong mask, wear it wrong .....

it pisses me off to no end. Dems use mask to attack Trump. Mask is not the be all end all. If they think mask is the silver bullet, they will find out in a hurry after 100 days.
Nobody says it is a silver bullet, so stop spreading that BS. They say that a mask, social distancing, and crowd avoidance is very helpful, and common sense rules the day on that. But y'all keep doing what trump says and does and don't bother doing any thinking because he does it for you.
Not according to Dems' media.

P.S. I live in Canada, and I know covid-19 protocol :)
Yeah, masks just don't work. It's training to get us all to obey, obey, obey whatever the leftists tell us to do. Quite severe training this year: not just wear face coverings like burkas and hajibs, but can't make a living, can't run a business, can't eat out, have to stand on chalk lines at grocery stores, can't visit relatives, can't have Thanksgiving or Christmas, can't send kids to school ------- are you trained yet?
I do hope this is sarcasm ^^^

Nope, if you haven't noticed we've lost alllllllllllll our freedoms this year, probably you're a leftist and don't want anyone to be free. For everyone to do what you want.

Go ahead and make a fool of yourself talking through a cloth covering your face; just don't tell other people what to do, that's the secret to being a good person. Ordering everyone around? Not so good.

You're full of shit! Your first sentence is stupid, your second is also stupid and a damn lie.

You go ahead and mock the wearing of a mask, make sure to go to bars and restaurants where the owners violate common sense and continue to operate. The learning on this message board is enlightening, the number of truly stupid people has amazed me.
Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

Didn't even bother to read the article you posted, huh? That would be expecting too much from you. Well, here are the highlights. And we won't even go into it as a disputed study.
Bottom line?...Wear the damn mask. And quit yer bitchin!

"It is possible that some of the infections may have been caused by removing face coverings for food or drink. Another possibility is airflow, as “direction, ventilation and intensity of airflow might affect virus transmission, even if social distancing measures and mask use are implemented according to current guidance,” according to the CDC report"

"However, the CDC report further explained that it is impossible to evaluate exactly where someone contracted the virus"
“Characterization of community exposures can be difficult to assess when widespread transmission is occurring, especially from asymptomatic persons within inherently interconnected communities,” the report stated".

"Despite this, face masks are still shown to be the most effective means of slowing the spread of the virus, and medical bodies worldwide recommend wearing them and maintaining social distancing measures".
In otherwords---it means that Nostra was right and that wearing the face masks as per CDC guidelines still allowed 70% to get ill.
Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

The logic is obvious actually. Masks don’t eliminate the possibility of contracting the virus. What they do, however, is greatly lower the risk of someone Infected passing it on. This matters because half of the people with the virus are asymptotic. Anyone else with the virus doesn’t have symptoms the first week.

I also want to call out how pathetic you people are with scientific research. You ignore any research that doesn’t fit your narrative and cherry pick shit like this that does. You’re all children.
Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

Masks do not guarantee that you will not contract COVID-19...

Masks slow the spread enough so that the hospitals can keep up...

If a mask blocks-out 50-90% of virus spores, then that's 50-90% fewer spores entering your lungs...

It's by no means a perfect and airtight solution, but I'll take that 50-90% margin over just breathing it all in...


Some re-tards never understand, no matter how many times you try to explain it...
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Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

Masks do not guarantee that you will not contract COVID-19...

Masks slow the spread enough so that the hospitals can keep up...

Some re-tards never understand, no matter how many times you try to explain it...

CA is number one. Theyve been wearing masks. You're wrong and pathetic.......again. Wearing masks does nothing.
Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

The logic is obvious actually. Masks don’t eliminate the possibility of contracting the virus. What they do, however, is greatly lower the risk of someone Infected passing it on. This matters because half of the people with the virus are asymptotic. Anyone else with the virus doesn’t have symptoms the first week.

I also want to call out how pathetic you people are with scientific research. You ignore any research that doesn’t fit your narrative and cherry pick shit like this that does. You’re all children.
They are saying that if you don't have symptoms, that you can't spread the virus hence why the kids coming down with the virus (mainly teens) aren't infecting their families. The teens/kids tend not have symptoms and also tend to not spread this disease.

VIRAL LOAD---has to be high enough to affect the patient and VIRAL LOAD has to be high enough to pass the virus on.

(Have I not reminded everyone how fricking stupid it was to not be out and about during the summer when the virus's viral load is cut by the sun and open air.)
Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

Masks do not guarantee that you will not contract COVID-19...

Masks slow the spread enough so that the hospitals can keep up...

Some re-tards never understand, no matter how many times you try to explain it...

CA is number one. Theyve been wearing masks. You're wrong and pathetic.......again. Wearing masks does nothing.
It is because they wear the mask wrong or they don't wear them when they need to.

P.S. I am pro-mask.
Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

Didn't even bother to read the article you posted, huh? That would be expecting too much from you. Well, here are the highlights. And we won't even go into it as a disputed study.
Bottom line?...Wear the damn mask. And quit yer bitchin!

"It is possible that some of the infections may have been caused by removing face coverings for food or drink. Another possibility is airflow, as “direction, ventilation and intensity of airflow might affect virus transmission, even if social distancing measures and mask use are implemented according to current guidance,” according to the CDC report"

"However, the CDC report further explained that it is impossible to evaluate exactly where someone contracted the virus"
“Characterization of community exposures can be difficult to assess when widespread transmission is occurring, especially from asymptomatic persons within inherently interconnected communities,” the report stated".

"Despite this, face masks are still shown to be the most effective means of slowing the spread of the virus, and medical bodies worldwide recommend wearing them and maintaining social distancing measures".

How does one eat and drink with the mask on?
Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

The logic is obvious actually. Masks don’t eliminate the possibility of contracting the virus. What they do, however, is greatly lower the risk of someone Infected passing it on. This matters because half of the people with the virus are asymptotic. Anyone else with the virus doesn’t have symptoms the first week.

I also want to call out how pathetic you people are with scientific research. You ignore any research that doesn’t fit your narrative and cherry pick shit like this that does. You’re all children.
They are saying that if you don't have symptoms, that you can't spread the virus hence why the kids coming down with the virus (mainly teens) aren't infecting their families. The teens/kids tend not have symptoms and also tend to not spread this disease.

VIRAL LOAD---has to be high enough to affect the patient and VIRAL LOAD has to be high enough to pass the virus on.

(Have I not reminded everyone how fricking stupid it was to not be out and about during the summer when the virus's viral load is cut by the sun and open air.)

Shutting down beaches was absolutely stupid.
Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

Nobody that I heard speak has said that wearing a mask is a cure-all. If 70 out of a group of 100 wear masks, there is a better chance of the mask-wearers catching the virus than if all wear masks.
It is common sense and not a political issue. What the medical profession has said is that wearing a mask, social distancing, group avoidance together is the safest approach. This advice has been thrown at you and your uninformed ilk ad nausea and it is the smart thing to do, unless you aren't smart, yes?
It is ok for you to do the right social thing for your fellow Americans unless you have the trump ego. He thinks that it messes up his hair and he doesn't give a shit about what happens to us anyway.
hey stupid,stop listening to the idiot box in the living room.if you did and actually looked at alternative media sources not controlled by the corporate controlled media,you would know that you are babbling,that numerous doctors acorss the country have said masks are useless and this virus is a hoax,its no worse than the common flu chalie.LOL
Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

Didn't even bother to read the article you posted, huh? That would be expecting too much from you. Well, here are the highlights. And we won't even go into it as a disputed study.
Bottom line?...Wear the damn mask. And quit yer bitchin!

"It is possible that some of the infections may have been caused by removing face coverings for food or drink. Another possibility is airflow, as “direction, ventilation and intensity of airflow might affect virus transmission, even if social distancing measures and mask use are implemented according to current guidance,” according to the CDC report"

"However, the CDC report further explained that it is impossible to evaluate exactly where someone contracted the virus"
“Characterization of community exposures can be difficult to assess when widespread transmission is occurring, especially from asymptomatic persons within inherently interconnected communities,” the report stated".

"Despite this, face masks are still shown to be the most effective means of slowing the spread of the virus, and medical bodies worldwide recommend wearing them and maintaining social distancing measures".
Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

Nobody that I heard speak has said that wearing a mask is a cure-all. If 70 out of a group of 100 wear masks, there is a better chance of the mask-wearers catching the virus than if all wear masks.
It is common sense and not a political issue. What the medical profession has said is that wearing a mask, social distancing, group avoidance together is the safest approach. This advice has been thrown at you and your uninformed ilk ad nausea and it is the smart thing to do, unless you aren't smart, yes?
It is ok for you to do the right social thing for your fellow Americans unless you have the trump ego. He thinks that it messes up his hair and he doesn't give a shit about what happens to us anyway.
Your TDS induced, incoherent rant won’t change the facts.
Your logic or lack thereof also won't change the facts.
Fact: 70% of those infected wore masks AND followed CDC guidelines.
Your facts won't change the facts. The fact are that masks, social distancing, and crowd avoidance
give you a better chance. Common sense--you don't need anybody or anything to suggest that to you.
Yse the brain that Jesus gave you.
hey braindead,you need to stop embarrassing yourself, i made a thread a long time ago where numerous doctors have debunked your bullshit.HEE HEE.
Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

Didn't even bother to read the article you posted, huh? That would be expecting too much from you. Well, here are the highlights. And we won't even go into it as a disputed study.
Bottom line?...Wear the damn mask. And quit yer bitchin!

"It is possible that some of the infections may have been caused by removing face coverings for food or drink. Another possibility is airflow, as “direction, ventilation and intensity of airflow might affect virus transmission, even if social distancing measures and mask use are implemented according to current guidance,” according to the CDC report"

"However, the CDC report further explained that it is impossible to evaluate exactly where someone contracted the virus"
“Characterization of community exposures can be difficult to assess when widespread transmission is occurring, especially from asymptomatic persons within inherently interconnected communities,” the report stated".

"Despite this, face masks are still shown to be the most effective means of slowing the spread of the virus, and medical bodies worldwide recommend wearing them and maintaining social distancing measures".
View attachment 431326
the braindead will never figure this out.LOL I been saying for almost a year the same thing that if this virus was anywhere near as dangerous as the media claim,then you would have to wear one of those suits like that you see in one of those old sean connery james bond movies where they wore those exact kind of suits when a madman was going to unleash a deadly virus on the world,thats the ONLY way any of us would be safe if this virus was anywhere near as deadly as they claim or we would all be dead now. logic and common sense like that never registers with these retards though.HEE HEE.
Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

The logic is obvious actually. Masks don’t eliminate the possibility of contracting the virus. What they do, however, is greatly lower the risk of someone Infected passing it on. This matters because half of the people with the virus are asymptotic. Anyone else with the virus doesn’t have symptoms the first week.

I also want to call out how pathetic you people are with scientific research. You ignore any research that doesn’t fit your narrative and cherry pick shit like this that does. You’re all children.
They are saying that if you don't have symptoms, that you can't spread the virus hence why the kids coming down with the virus (mainly teens) aren't infecting their families. The teens/kids tend not have symptoms and also tend to not spread this disease.

VIRAL LOAD---has to be high enough to affect the patient and VIRAL LOAD has to be high enough to pass the virus on.

(Have I not reminded everyone how fricking stupid it was to not be out and about during the summer when the virus's viral load is cut by the sun and open air.)
Uh no they aren’t saying that. They say your risk transmission is simply higher if you are symptomatic. That doesn’t mean you aren’t at risk at all. Quit pretending you understand this topic.
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Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

The logic is obvious actually. Masks don’t eliminate the possibility of contracting the virus. What they do, however, is greatly lower the risk of someone Infected passing it on. This matters because half of the people with the virus are asymptotic. Anyone else with the virus doesn’t have symptoms the first week.

I also want to call out how pathetic you people are with scientific research. You ignore any research that doesn’t fit your narrative and cherry pick shit like this that does. You’re all children.
They are saying that if you don't have symptoms, that you can't spread the virus hence why the kids coming down with the virus (mainly teens) aren't infecting their families. The teens/kids tend not have symptoms and also tend to not spread this disease.

VIRAL LOAD---has to be high enough to affect the patient and VIRAL LOAD has to be high enough to pass the virus on.

(Have I not reminded everyone how fricking stupid it was to not be out and about during the summer when the virus's viral load is cut by the sun and open air.)
Here’s what the CDC says. Half of new infections of the COVID come from asymptotic people:


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