72% Believe Small Business Owners Primarily Responsible for Their Own Success

Uh. What? I report everything I make, dummy. I have to so I can write off things like my home office and stuff. You know, getting that help from the government so one day I can be a job creator! YAY!!!!

A lot of folks don't send out 1099s. Of course, you already know that. You've lied enough times for us to know you're going to cheat like crazy on your taxes.

Well, God knows I'm going to give all kinds of fucks about a stranger on the Internet accusing me of being a tax cheat. You do understand that employers send out 1099s to the IRS too, so once they do a reckoning of the numbers, under-reporting will be caught, addressed, and you'll pay a penalty right?

Yeah, see, that's why I'M not a tax cheat.


Your lack of understanding in what I stated shows you to be a liar about owning a business. Your truly pathetic.

No of course not.... He is not tax cheat

He would have to get off the dole
to pay any income taxes
A lot of folks don't send out 1099s. Of course, you already know that. You've lied enough times for us to know you're going to cheat like crazy on your taxes.

Well, God knows I'm going to give all kinds of fucks about a stranger on the Internet accusing me of being a tax cheat. You do understand that employers send out 1099s to the IRS too, so once they do a reckoning of the numbers, under-reporting will be caught, addressed, and you'll pay a penalty right?

Yeah, see, that's why I'M not a tax cheat.


Your lack of understanding in what I stated shows you to be a liar about owning a business. Your truly pathetic.


Pathetic is being your age and not knowing the differences between "your" and "you're"
You're full of shit.

No, actually we do have a great society
Keep beliving that poseur> Moocher.

Well, God knows I'm going to give all kinds of fucks about a stranger on the Internet accusing me of being a tax cheat. You do understand that employers send out 1099s to the IRS too, so once they do a reckoning of the numbers, under-reporting will be caught, addressed, and you'll pay a penalty right?

Yeah, see, that's why I'M not a tax cheat.


Your lack of understanding in what I stated shows you to be a liar about owning a business. Your truly pathetic.


Pathetic is being your age and not knowing the differences between "your" and "you're"

Still doesn't make you a business owner. :lol:
Ummmmm...gee tough question

Maybe because some business owners are just plain stupid. Show me how many people built their business without access to public roads

LMAO! So lets get this straight - according to LeftWinger, if you succeed in business, it's not because you are smart, it's because of roads & bridges. But if you fail in business, it's because you are stupid. :lol:

How are you not embarassed by your own comments? You sound like a fool. I know trained monkeys that wouldn't contradict themselves like this.

If you fail because you are stupid, then it would only reason that you succeed because you are smart (opposite of fail = succeed, opposite of stupid = smart). Basic math, based on your own comments, leaves no room for "roads & bridges" :lol:

I do NOT agree with this =ing Obama speech. I do not understand how think this way. It seems to me that YOU are the one that is acting like a trained monkey. So you build a bus.? correct? are you a self educated man, who lived on a island, with no books, no teacher, no nothing, you just one day picked up a coconut cut it and half and sold it to people who had done the same thing, don't be silly. please understand I am not being mean here, BUT fail or success, EVERYONE and EVERY bus. got help or used some part of infrastructure along they way, and that was what he meant.
I'll never understand this kind of attitude or belief system.

I have had lots of people teach Me many things, but the lessons I learned in mathematics did not make Me a mathematician...The lessons I learned in English did not make Me a world famous novelist. The lessons I learned in physics did not make Me a nuclear scientist. All these people helped Me too, but not a one of them made Me successful.

That, I did all on My own. Using MY native intelligence and information I picked up along the way in life.

No one gets credit for My success, and no one gets blamed for My failures.

It is amazing how like lemmings you people are.
LMAO! So lets get this straight - according to LeftWinger, if you succeed in business, it's not because you are smart, it's because of roads & bridges. But if you fail in business, it's because you are stupid. :lol:

How are you not embarassed by your own comments? You sound like a fool. I know trained monkeys that wouldn't contradict themselves like this.

If you fail because you are stupid, then it would only reason that you succeed because you are smart (opposite of fail = succeed, opposite of stupid = smart). Basic math, based on your own comments, leaves no room for "roads & bridges" :lol:

I do NOT agree with this =ing Obama speech. I do not understand how think this way. It seems to me that YOU are the one that is acting like a trained monkey. So you build a bus.? correct? are you a self educated man, who lived on a island, with no books, no teacher, no nothing, you just one day picked up a coconut cut it and half and sold it to people who had done the same thing, don't be silly. please understand I am not being mean here, BUT fail or success, EVERYONE and EVERY bus. got help or used some part of infrastructure along they way, and that was what he meant.
I'll never understand this kind of attitude or belief system.

I have had lots of people teach Me many things, but the lessons I learned in mathematics did not make Me a mathematician...The lessons I learned in English did not make Me a world famous novelist. The lessons I learned in physics did not make Me a nuclear scientist. All these people helped Me too, but not a one of them made Me successful.

That, I did all on My own. Using MY native intelligence and information I picked up along the way in life.

No one gets credit for My success, and no one gets blamed for My failures.

It is amazing how like lemmings you people are.

So by your logic, Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson would have still been the foremost source of knowledge in astrophysics if he'd never taken astrophysics classes, and therefore he shouldn't be grateful to his professors, right?
Romney addressing the Olympics (summarized): Appreciate those who encouraged you, supported you, and made it possible to reach for your dream of an Olympic Medal. (No suggestion that anybody but you earned or deserves any part of that medal.)

Obama addressing a hand picked partisan crowd (summarized): Other people have done stuff that now benefits you and all of us therefore deserve as much credit for your building a business as you do and are as entitled to your profits as you are.

Quite a stretch

They both had the same point

We have a great society and nobody suceeds by themselves

That is fine unless you translate that to society being entitled to what a select few have because that select few benefitted from society too.

That is fine unless you realiize that we all benefit from a society in which everybody is doing their own thing for their own interests. To assume that some benefit from that and others don't promotes class warfare, not appreciation for the society.

Yes. my business doesn't prosper unless other people are running businessses that prosper and are generating income that meets their needs as well as providing jobs and wages for others AND generating the need for an infrastructure that benefits all. That's how we are all in this together. Fearless Leader would have us believe that we should all be working for everybody else's benefit and sharing alike in whatever profits are produced. The free man or woman knows that the system works when everybody is looking to their own interests but everybody benefits most when we do that.
Romney addressing the Olympics (summarized): Appreciate those who encouraged you, supported you, and made it possible to reach for your dream of an Olympic Medal. (No suggestion that anybody but you earned or deserves any part of that medal.)

Obama addressing a hand picked partisan crowd (summarized): Other people have done stuff that now benefits you and all of us therefore deserve as much credit for your building a business as you do and are as entitled to your profits as you are.

Quite a stretch

They both had the same point

We have a great society and nobody suceeds by themselves

That is fine unless you translate that to society being entitled to what a select few have because that select few benefitted from society too.

That is fine unless you realiize that we all benefit from a society in which everybody is doing their own thing for their own interests. To assume that some benefit from that and others don't promotes class warfare, not appreciation for the society.

Yes. my business doesn't prosper unless other people are running businessses that prosper and are generating income that meets their needs as well as providing jobs and wages for others AND generating the need for an infrastructure that benefits all. That's how we are all in this together. Fearless Leader would have us believe that we should all be working for everybody else's benefit and sharing alike in whatever profits are produced. The free man or woman knows that the system works when everybody is looking to their own interests but everybody benefits most when we do that.

No. The fiscal conservatives "know" that. The rest of us know that if you kill the Middle Class, which is what Reaganomics now has been PROVEN to contribute greatly to, that all you'll have is straight up Plutocracy. Which is cool. If Conservatives want to serve their corporate and 1% masters, that's fine. The rest of us don't though.
those people polled just didn't understand, just like nobody understands what Obama says
got it

They understand....the poll said primarily responsible

What does the poll that asks are businesses TOTALLY responsible for their success say?

Oh for the love of God.... nobody denies that government provides basic services like police and fire protection, etc that enables us to thrive... and that's what we pay taxes for. That wasn't Obama's message and you know it, the message was intended to gin up his whackaloon base and deride the successful as having done it on the backs of the little guys. It was very undignified yet this is what you get when you put a guy into office whose formidable years were spent in the company of communists and other assorted radicals. This, in the eyes of President Barry Kardashian, is the way America works... the one per centers live on the backs of the ninety-nine per centers.

It's a fool's folly.

"that's what we pay taxes for"
DAMN STRAIGHT. WE PAID FOR IT. It was not given to us by anyone. Government does NOT do a damn thing, manufactures nothing, owns nothing, has nothing UNLESS IT HAS BEEN GIVEN THE MONEY THAT SOMEONE EARNED.
Government has not done one damn thing to help any of my businesses, ever.
Everything that government does COMES FROM THE MONEY SOMEONE ELSE EARNED.

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