72% Believe Small Business Owners Primarily Responsible for Their Own Success

You can't take the community organizer out of this guy it seems..

But he did a good job stepping in it with this speech..

way to go...:eusa_clap:


I have read all the posts, this woman is prob. one of the dumbest people I have ever come across. Stephanie's ideas and arguments are straw arguments and VERY short sighted and narrow minded. Stephanie, if I give you a penny can you walk across the street to the corner store and pick me up one of those fake college diplomas. Just as you feel "he" did a good job stepping in "it", I feel as if you have not only stepped in it, but made it your job to roll around in it. Now, if you want to have a real debate on this issue, PLEASE, I beg you, post again.......let the debate begin. I will even let you have the first word before I murder your argument.

who gives a shit newbie...shut up and sit down
What you claim he meant and what he said are two different things. Had he a history of working with Private Interest, not against it, your argument might have some merit. Obama has issues with Private Property Rights, as a whole. Statist Progressivism is Rooted in destroying those Rights. One day, both Rich and Poor will see that. Presently, it is not the case.

well from what I can see was Obama tried to pass a bill that would help small bus. owners, the republicans blocked it. From what I can tell, under Bush and the a Republican controlled congress, PRIVATE job fell like a rock and job loss was so bad that in the last month of that era, 700,000 jobs were lost in 1 month. under Obama you have seen 28 straight months of private job growth. Now one might argue "we are not gaining enough jobs" but what I see is, AT LEASE WE ARE!!!!!! cause under the Bush and tea party policy, the united states would more than double dip back into recession. Then you will say well there is no way to prove it, but there is we have history to look back on, don't we? and if you look back through history and not just US history you will see that the policy that the republicans have adopted are a FAIL on epic levels. ANYONE who has half a brain, will tell you, the only way capitalism works is if its properly reguleated and a functional and robust social safety net are in place, the latter being what this topic is about. Also your "boy" Mitt has a history too, and a BAD ONE! so before you go saying the grass is greener on the other side and take that jump you better know what your getting your self into.......

Provide the details............

Then we rip you a new one and show you how it was a pick and chose sitcom for winners and losers.

Are you serious, are you so blinded by the right wing re-education that you can't see the the meaning of the "Titanic Syndrome" or the "life boat" if you will. DO you know who thought up our way of finance and what they said about having it work? How about I rip you a new one for believing the FAUX news. How about this give me examples of how Tea party policy works. let me guess, your one of the those Joe the plumber simpletons arnt you? You go to a fight get punched in the face and then ask for more, right? cause if you are trying to imply what I think you are, you are one of the Fools that has been dooped
well from what I can see was Obama tried to pass a bill that would help small bus. owners, the republicans blocked it. From what I can tell, under Bush and the a Republican controlled congress, PRIVATE job fell like a rock and job loss was so bad that in the last month of that era, 700,000 jobs were lost in 1 month. under Obama you have seen 28 straight months of private job growth. Now one might argue "we are not gaining enough jobs" but what I see is, AT LEASE WE ARE!!!!!! cause under the Bush and tea party policy, the united states would more than double dip back into recession. Then you will say well there is no way to prove it, but there is we have history to look back on, don't we? and if you look back through history and not just US history you will see that the policy that the republicans have adopted are a FAIL on epic levels. ANYONE who has half a brain, will tell you, the only way capitalism works is if its properly reguleated and a functional and robust social safety net are in place, the latter being what this topic is about. Also your "boy" Mitt has a history too, and a BAD ONE! so before you go saying the grass is greener on the other side and take that jump you better know what your getting your self into.......

Provide the details............

Then we rip you a new one and show you how it was a pick and chose sitcom for winners and losers.

Are you serious, are you so blinded by the right wing re-education that you can't see the the meaning of the "Titanic Syndrome" or the "life boat" if you will. DO you know who thought up our way of finance and what they said about having it work? How about I rip you a new one for believing the FAUX news. How about this give me examples of how Tea party policy works. let me guess, your one of the those Joe the plumber simpletons arnt you? You go to a fight get punched in the face and then ask for more, right? cause if you are trying to imply what I think you are, you are one of the Fools that has been dooped

YES I AM SERIOUS, I am a small business owner that has followed the offers carefully. I suspected you were just a DNC mouth piece. Your response adds to that belief.

So provide the details.............
You can't take the community organizer out of this guy it seems..

But he did a good job stepping in it with this speech..

way to go...:eusa_clap:


I have read all the posts, this woman is prob. one of the dumbest people I have ever come across. Stephanie's ideas and arguments are straw arguments and VERY short sighted and narrow minded. Stephanie, if I give you a penny can you walk across the street to the corner store and pick me up one of those fake college diplomas. Just as you feel "he" did a good job stepping in "it", I feel as if you have not only stepped in it, but made it your job to roll around in it. Now, if you want to have a real debate on this issue, PLEASE, I beg you, post again.......let the debate begin. I will even let you have the first word before I murder your argument.

who gives a shit newbie...shut up and sit down

LOL spoken like a true lady, did your mom teach you that trick? nah, brothels are better than that. I guess the stupid gene runs deep with you eh? please tell me how you made it though life......oh wait you did it all by your self with no help form anyone any where any how.......
I have read all the posts, this woman is prob. one of the dumbest people I have ever come across. Stephanie's ideas and arguments are straw arguments and VERY short sighted and narrow minded. Stephanie, if I give you a penny can you walk across the street to the corner store and pick me up one of those fake college diplomas. Just as you feel "he" did a good job stepping in "it", I feel as if you have not only stepped in it, but made it your job to roll around in it. Now, if you want to have a real debate on this issue, PLEASE, I beg you, post again.......let the debate begin. I will even let you have the first word before I murder your argument.

who gives a shit newbie...shut up and sit down

LOL spoken like a true lady, did your mom teach you that trick? nah, brothels are better than that. I guess the stupid gene runs deep with you eh? please tell me how you made it though life......oh wait you did it all by your self with no help form anyone any where any how.......

Obama's whole point in bringing up everyone got help, was purely to justify his taking of more from small business owners. It implies, they aren't paying their fair share and it needs to be redistributed AGAIN. How any of you can miss that point is nuts.

Then it devolved into a discusison on roads, which was proven to be from gas and property taxes, not the type of tax brought up. The arguments failed on every level, but the left is so fearful of the mask beinf revealed on a socialist president they are rabid dogs.
Last edited:
Provide the details............

Then we rip you a new one and show you how it was a pick and chose sitcom for winners and losers.

Are you serious, are you so blinded by the right wing re-education that you can't see the the meaning of the "Titanic Syndrome" or the "life boat" if you will. DO you know who thought up our way of finance and what they said about having it work? How about I rip you a new one for believing the FAUX news. How about this give me examples of how Tea party policy works. let me guess, your one of the those Joe the plumber simpletons arnt you? You go to a fight get punched in the face and then ask for more, right? cause if you are trying to imply what I think you are, you are one of the Fools that has been dooped

YES I AM SERIOUS, I am a small business owner that has followed the offers carefully. I suspected you were just a DNC mouth piece. Your response adds to that belief.

So provide the details.............

I am NOT and do NOT have anything to do with the DNC, also you keep asking for proof but you can no provide ANYTHING of substance, if you have been following my posts in this topic you will see some of my "proof" also what kind of bus. do you own? what product do you make? how many employies do you have? does your bus. make your personal wealth hit 250k a year or more? answer those and I will start to unravel proof to you.......
Regardless of what Obama ment the comment was uber stupid on every level.

Oh, you don't believe in working together to make society better? Cool.

Our society will become better when everyone pulls their own weight. That fact is not part of Obama's agenda.

I agree. We should stop allowing rich people and massive corporations from ducking their taxes. Then they'd be paying their FAIR share.
Obama's whole point in bringing up everyone got help, was purely to justify his taking of more from small business owners. It implies, they aren't paying their fair share and it needs to be redistributed AGAIN. How any of you can miss that point is nuts.

Then it devolved into a discusison on roads, which was proven to be from gas and property taxes, not the type of tax brought up. The arguments failed on every level, but the left is so fearful of the mask beinf revealed on a socialist president they are rabid dogs.

PLEASE tell me how is a socialist, I will wait......and to steph, make a point or go back to the den you came from.......
Obama's whole point in bringing up everyone got help, was purely to justify his taking of more from small business owners. It implies, they aren't paying their fair share and it needs to be redistributed AGAIN. How any of you can miss that point is nuts.

Then it devolved into a discusison on roads, which was proven to be from gas and property taxes, not the type of tax brought up. The arguments failed on every level, but the left is so fearful of the mask beinf revealed on a socialist president they are rabid dogs.

PLEASE tell me how is a socialist, I will wait......and to steph, make a point or go back to the den you came from.......

Educate yourself, its not my job.
another boring parrot folks..nothing more
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 11


Are you serious, are you so blinded by the right wing re-education...How about I rip you a new one for believing the FAUX news. How about this give me examples of how Tea party policy works. let me guess, your one of the those Joe the plumber simpletons arnt you?
Oh, you don't believe in working together to make society better? Cool.

Our society will become better when everyone pulls their own weight. That fact is not part of Obama's agenda.

I agree. We should stop allowing rich people and massive corporations from ducking their taxes. Then they'd be paying their FAIR share.

They followed the tax code, you suggesting that isn't fair?

This isn't the business owners Obama or this OP was about. Fail.
Are you serious, are you so blinded by the right wing re-education that you can't see the the meaning of the "Titanic Syndrome" or the "life boat" if you will. DO you know who thought up our way of finance and what they said about having it work? How about I rip you a new one for believing the FAUX news. How about this give me examples of how Tea party policy works. let me guess, your one of the those Joe the plumber simpletons arnt you? You go to a fight get punched in the face and then ask for more, right? cause if you are trying to imply what I think you are, you are one of the Fools that has been dooped

YES I AM SERIOUS, I am a small business owner that has followed the offers carefully. I suspected you were just a DNC mouth piece. Your response adds to that belief.

So provide the details.............

I am NOT and do NOT have anything to do with the DNC, also you keep asking for proof but you can no provide ANYTHING of substance, if you have been following my posts in this topic you will see some of my "proof" also what kind of bus. do you own? what product do you make? how many employies do you have? does your bus. make your personal wealth hit 250k a year or more? answer those and I will start to unravel proof to you.......

When do you provide the details?

Look parrot these issues have been discussed in depth. You are late to the party, only offering platitudes.

If you have some facts present them or shut up.

Its that simple.,......
Are you serious, are you so blinded by the right wing re-education that you can't see the the meaning of the "Titanic Syndrome" or the "life boat" if you will. DO you know who thought up our way of finance and what they said about having it work? How about I rip you a new one for believing the FAUX news. How about this give me examples of how Tea party policy works. let me guess, your one of the those Joe the plumber simpletons arnt you? You go to a fight get punched in the face and then ask for more, right? cause if you are trying to imply what I think you are, you are one of the Fools that has been dooped

YES I AM SERIOUS, I am a small business owner that has followed the offers carefully. I suspected you were just a DNC mouth piece. Your response adds to that belief.

So provide the details.............

I am NOT and do NOT have anything to do with the DNC, also you keep asking for proof but you can no provide ANYTHING of substance, if you have been following my posts in this topic you will see some of my "proof" also what kind of bus. do you own? what product do you make? how many employies do you have? does your bus. make your personal wealth hit 250k a year or more? answer those and I will start to unravel proof to you.......

Post your social security number. Personal information isn't smart on the internet.
Obama's whole point in bringing up everyone got help, was purely to justify his taking of more from small business owners. It implies, they aren't paying their fair share and it needs to be redistributed AGAIN. How any of you can miss that point is nuts.

Then it devolved into a discusison on roads, which was proven to be from gas and property taxes, not the type of tax brought up. The arguments failed on every level, but the left is so fearful of the mask beinf revealed on a socialist president they are rabid dogs.

No, Dummy. His point was to tell those in this country who have enjoyed extremely beneficial economic legislation and regulation and have grown so exponentially since about 1980 should be willing to pay back INTO the system instead of hiding money in Swiss accounts, etc. There used to be a time in this country when that wasn't a bad thing. It was right after World War II. Regulation was at an all-time high and so were taxes, and magically EVERYONE grew. The lower income people got to the Middle Class, which EXPLODED in size and strength, and a lot of the Middle Class was able to move into the Upper Class.

I love how the Right Wing completely ignores that and points to all these other reasons for it, but the bottom line is that the growth we experienced in that period flies right in the face of Conservative bullshit thought on the economy. And that makes your asses VERY red.

I think we've coddled the upper class and corporations long enough. It's time for Glass-Steagall. It's time to bring regulations back that protect EVERYONE's best interests. Conservatives will always fight against it; and that's fine, but it's time to just put all you old fucks to bed and get to work.
YES I AM SERIOUS, I am a small business owner that has followed the offers carefully. I suspected you were just a DNC mouth piece. Your response adds to that belief.

So provide the details.............

I am NOT and do NOT have anything to do with the DNC, also you keep asking for proof but you can no provide ANYTHING of substance, if you have been following my posts in this topic you will see some of my "proof" also what kind of bus. do you own? what product do you make? how many employies do you have? does your bus. make your personal wealth hit 250k a year or more? answer those and I will start to unravel proof to you.......

When do you provide the details?

Look parrot these issues have been discussed in depth. You are late to the party, only offering platitudes.

If you have some facts present them or shut up.

Its that simple.,......

kettle calling the pot black, you ma'am have not offered ANY thing supporting your side, but you did the usual trick of deflect when asked a question or a series of questions. your the parrot squacking the normal line, you provide proof and I will respond, I asked your direct qustions and you didnt answer I told you I would supply answers to to your response, but I guess you missed that.......
Obama's whole point in bringing up everyone got help, was purely to justify his taking of more from small business owners. It implies, they aren't paying their fair share and it needs to be redistributed AGAIN. How any of you can miss that point is nuts.

Then it devolved into a discusison on roads, which was proven to be from gas and property taxes, not the type of tax brought up. The arguments failed on every level, but the left is so fearful of the mask beinf revealed on a socialist president they are rabid dogs.

No, Dummy. His point was to tell those in this country who have enjoyed extremely beneficial economic legislation and regulation and have grown so exponentially since about 1980 should be willing to pay back INTO the system instead of hiding money in Swiss accounts, etc. There used to be a time in this country when that wasn't a bad thing. It was right after World War II. Regulation was at an all-time high and so were taxes, and magically EVERYONE grew. The lower income people got to the Middle Class, which EXPLODED in size and strength, and a lot of the Middle Class was able to move into the Upper Class.

I love how the Right Wing completely ignores that and points to all these other reasons for it, but the bottom line is that the growth we experienced in that period flies right in the face of Conservative bullshit thought on the economy. And that makes your asses VERY red.

I think we've coddled the upper class and corporations long enough. It's time for Glass-Steagall. It's time to bring regulations back that protect EVERYONE's best interests. Conservatives will always fight against it; and that's fine, but it's time to just put all you old fucks to bed and get to work.

The corporations you speak of are owned by stockholders dimwit. Obama was speaking about business owners, which are small businesses for the most part. Try to borrow someone else's brain since yours is nonfunctional.
kettle calling the pot black, you ma'am have not offered ANY thing supporting your side, but you did the usual trick of deflect when asked a question or a series of questions. your the parrot squacking the normal line, you provide proof and I will respond, I asked your direct qustions and you didnt answer I told you I would supply answers to to your response, but I guess you missed that.......

We have actually shot down every point made by the left on this topic. You really shouldn't need anything other than an understanding of tax rules and how a small business operates to make your points. What is your problem?
kettle calling the pot black, you ma'am have not offered ANY thing supporting your side, but you did the usual trick of deflect when asked a question or a series of questions. your the parrot squacking the normal line, you provide proof and I will respond, I asked your direct qustions and you didnt answer I told you I would supply answers to to your response, but I guess you missed that.......

We have actually shot down every point made by the left on this topic. You really shouldn't need anything other than an understanding of tax rules and how a small business operates to make your points. What is your problem?

Do you understand tax rules? Here's an interesting tidbit. The total gross income of the US is $9,780 trillion. The total revenue of the federal government is $5.1 trillion. That includes income tax, business taxes, fees, SS tax. That is an average tax rate of .05%. I don't know about you, but after all of my deductions and loop holes, I pay around 25% - give or take. That means if we all - and it would have to be all - paid a 1% tax rate for one year we would wipe out the national debt and create the biggest surplus in our nation's history.

Yet here I am paying 1/4 of my income just to the feds. It seems to me that someone out there is not pulling their weight.

Gross National Income statistics - Countries Compared - NationMaster

Federal State Local Government Revenue in United States for 2012 - Charts Tables

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