72% Believe Small Business Owners Primarily Responsible for Their Own Success

Come on all you small business owners

Explain how Obama is wrong and you really did build all those roads and bridges

So if "roads and bridges" is what made small business owners successful, then why aren't 100% of all small businesses successful? They all have the same access to the same "roads and bridges". Why do some small businesses fail completely while others go on to become giant corporations?

While the world continues to evolve, liberals have actually regressed to the point where they can't stop talking about "roads and bridges" as the idea for economic growth (and make that statement while drooling down their chin - they've regressed to the point where there IQ matches that of cavemen).

It's the 21st century you Communist/Marxist/Socialist liberals - join us, won't you? We have incredible technology and advancements, "roads and bridges and railroads" worked as growth in the early 1800's. It doesn't today... :lol:

Ummmmm...gee tough question

Maybe because some business owners are just plain stupid. Show me how many people built their business without access to public roads

LMAO! So lets get this straight - according to LeftWinger, if you succeed in business, it's not because you are smart, it's because of roads & bridges. But if you fail in business, it's because you are stupid. :lol:

How are you not embarassed by your own comments? You sound like a fool. I know trained monkeys that wouldn't contradict themselves like this.

If you fail because you are stupid, then it would only reason that you succeed because you are smart (opposite of fail = succeed, opposite of stupid = smart). Basic math, based on your own comments, leaves no room for "roads & bridges" :lol:
I have read all the posts, this woman is prob. one of the dumbest people I have ever come across. Stephanie's ideas and arguments are straw arguments and VERY short sighted and narrow minded. Stephanie, if I give you a penny can you walk across the street to the corner store and pick me up one of those fake college diplomas. Just as you feel "he" did a good job stepping in "it", I feel as if you have not only stepped in it, but made it your job to roll around in it. Now, if you want to have a real debate on this issue, PLEASE, I beg you, post again.......let the debate begin. I will even let you have the first word before I murder your argument.

Internet tough guy warning! :lol:

Well I do not normally post, I just got tired of watching this person fumble the argument so many times it would make Tony Romo proud. I also do not understand a lot of the "right wing" people in here, and where there argument stems from. I do see a few cases where Obama has gone one way, BUT I also see him doing stuff the other way. Since you seemed to want to get into this. Guy, please tell me what exactly do you not like about Obama, and please explain the reasons behind it.

Simple, he is an inexperienced, arrogant, condescending Prick. The blind do not make very good guides.
Forgive me, but I would hardly consider myself on the so called " loony left" and have watched President Obama's speech several times and cannot see where his meaning was or had anything to do with insulting small business, but rather was no different than any number of people in the past have made clear in many speeches including Mitt Romney at the 2002 Olympics and that is that success is as a result of the experiences and efforts of those in the lives of the people who attain it. Take your pick, small business is no exception, in fact the very person that is featured in the Romney campaigns commerical critical of this issue took a number of SBA and Govt. loans for his business. So in my humble opinion while I see the Presidents remarks intended to show this like many have in the past, it is not to take away from the fact that small business owners work hard, long hours, and deserve EVERY support this nation can give them, and perhaps rather than focus on remarks that in my humble opinion seems to be taken out of context, our Govt. stop using small business as a political tool and start supporting them for a change.

Place it in the context of private business is doing pretty well a few weeks ago. Take his general view of business during his adminstration Navy. I don't think we are spinning it in any fashion.

While I agree that this Administration as well as Congress seem to be more interested on one upping each other rather than promoting business, this particular speech at least in my view just seemed to be one of those like many of the one's I pointed out. Perhaps others see it differently and I do respect that, but my feelings are that President Obama, Congress you name it spend little time on American business and seem to me ashamed of the words "made in the USA" and have for a long time going back several Adminstrations so I can see where the frustration arises. I for one will be very happy when our Govt. regardless of who is in office, once again takes pride in those words and does everything they can to make that happen. In this case however am giving my opinion on the speech in general as a whole and see it much like someone trying to make the case that it takes all lifes experiences and good people along the way to rise to the top. Something that has been said by many people.

Although I don't know if I am on the same side of the isle as you. I do agree that we need to take steps to rebuild America. I think these people just talking out of their asses fail to see that everything in interdependent, not just businesses. I fail to understand how people don't see we are ALL in the same boat. Does it not make more sense to make sure the boat does not sink, rather than seeing who gets the life boats and arguing over the scraps of floating wood? All I hear is how Obama "failed" at this, when I DO NOT see ANY productive response from the "other side". All I see is a policy of NO, and even when it was an idea that was born from the same side that is now saying No.......
Internet tough guy warning! :lol:

Well I do not normally post, I just got tired of watching this person fumble the argument so many times it would make Tony Romo proud. I also do not understand a lot of the "right wing" people in here, and where there argument stems from. I do see a few cases where Obama has gone one way, BUT I also see him doing stuff the other way. Since you seemed to want to get into this. Guy, please tell me what exactly do you not like about Obama, and please explain the reasons behind it.

Simple, he is an inexperienced, arrogant, condescending Prick. The blind do not make very good guides.

Once again, where is the argument? who, what, when, where, why?
Forgive me, but I would hardly consider myself on the so called " loony left" and have watched President Obama's speech several times and cannot see where his meaning was or had anything to do with insulting small business, but rather was no different than any number of people in the past have made clear in many speeches including Mitt Romney at the 2002 Olympics and that is that success is as a result of the experiences and efforts of those in the lives of the people who attain it. Take your pick, small business is no exception, in fact the very person that is featured in the Romney campaigns commerical critical of this issue took a number of SBA and Govt. loans for his business. So in my humble opinion while I see the Presidents remarks intended to show this like many have in the past, it is not to take away from the fact that small business owners work hard, long hours, and deserve EVERY support this nation can give them, and perhaps rather than focus on remarks that in my humble opinion seems to be taken out of context, our Govt. stop using small business as a political tool and start supporting them for a change.
Sorry, Navy, I have to disagree with you there. Obama's Career is rooted in Class Warfare. He does not get Free Market Capitalism and Trade, he probably never will. The closest he even sympathies with is Government Controlled Monopolies. He does not even recognize when he is insulting the movers and shakers, just like some on this Thread. The Credit goes to the Innovators, the Risk Takers, Those that put in the Time and Energy. To under play that, is disingenuous at best.
So if "roads and bridges" is what made small business owners successful, then why aren't 100% of all small businesses successful? They all have the same access to the same "roads and bridges". Why do some small businesses fail completely while others go on to become giant corporations?

While the world continues to evolve, liberals have actually regressed to the point where they can't stop talking about "roads and bridges" as the idea for economic growth (and make that statement while drooling down their chin - they've regressed to the point where there IQ matches that of cavemen).

It's the 21st century you Communist/Marxist/Socialist liberals - join us, won't you? We have incredible technology and advancements, "roads and bridges and railroads" worked as growth in the early 1800's. It doesn't today... :lol:

Ummmmm...gee tough question

Maybe because some business owners are just plain stupid. Show me how many people built their business without access to public roads

LMAO! So lets get this straight - according to LeftWinger, if you succeed in business, it's not because you are smart, it's because of roads & bridges. But if you fail in business, it's because you are stupid. :lol:

How are you not embarassed by your own comments? You sound like a fool. I know trained monkeys that wouldn't contradict themselves like this.

If you fail because you are stupid, then it would only reason that you succeed because you are smart (opposite of fail = succeed, opposite of stupid = smart). Basic math, based on your own comments, leaves no room for "roads & bridges" :lol:

I do NOT agree with this =ing Obama speech. I do not understand how think this way. It seems to me that YOU are the one that is acting like a trained monkey. So you build a bus.? correct? are you a self educated man, who lived on a island, with no books, no teacher, no nothing, you just one day picked up a coconut cut it and half and sold it to people who had done the same thing, don't be silly. please understand I am not being mean here, BUT fail or success, EVERYONE and EVERY bus. got help or used some part of infrastructure along they way, and that was what he meant.
Forgive me, but I would hardly consider myself on the so called " loony left" and have watched President Obama's speech several times and cannot see where his meaning was or had anything to do with insulting small business, but rather was no different than any number of people in the past have made clear in many speeches including Mitt Romney at the 2002 Olympics and that is that success is as a result of the experiences and efforts of those in the lives of the people who attain it. Take your pick, small business is no exception, in fact the very person that is featured in the Romney campaigns commerical critical of this issue took a number of SBA and Govt. loans for his business. So in my humble opinion while I see the Presidents remarks intended to show this like many have in the past, it is not to take away from the fact that small business owners work hard, long hours, and deserve EVERY support this nation can give them, and perhaps rather than focus on remarks that in my humble opinion seems to be taken out of context, our Govt. stop using small business as a political tool and start supporting them for a change.

"You didn't build that - somebody else did" - Barack Obama

How in the hell is that not "insulting"? If I worked 80 hours per week or more to build my business, how dare this Marxist asshole tell me I didn't build it and that someobody else did. That is the ultimate slap in the face.

Rottweiler, while I can see how you were "insulted" as a small business person based on your long hours and hard work by a Govt. that has paid little attention to you and then to hear one part of a speech that appeared to tell you your hard work was not yours, as I've said I respect that. Having said that though in my humble opinion having listened to this speech many times I see it as one that was pointing out that a person who is driven to succcess is the sum total of all those positive experiences in life that make them that way and the teamwork of many to get them there. I don't see it as an intentional slight to those hard working and often over-looked small business people like you who deserve respect and more so deserve as much help as we can give you. After all Apple started in a garage, Dell in a Dorm room, so they too were were small business at one time, and it's my personal feeling that "made in the USA" and pride in it starts there, and this President, the last one, as well as Congress take your pick on what party have paid little attention to that.
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Forgive me, but I would hardly consider myself on the so called " loony left" and have watched President Obama's speech several times and cannot see where his meaning was or had anything to do with insulting small business, but rather was no different than any number of people in the past have made clear in many speeches including Mitt Romney at the 2002 Olympics and that is that success is as a result of the experiences and efforts of those in the lives of the people who attain it. Take your pick, small business is no exception, in fact the very person that is featured in the Romney campaigns commerical critical of this issue took a number of SBA and Govt. loans for his business. So in my humble opinion while I see the Presidents remarks intended to show this like many have in the past, it is not to take away from the fact that small business owners work hard, long hours, and deserve EVERY support this nation can give them, and perhaps rather than focus on remarks that in my humble opinion seems to be taken out of context, our Govt. stop using small business as a political tool and start supporting them for a change.

"You didn't build that - somebody else did" - Barack Obama

How in the hell is that not "insulting"? If I worked 80 hours per week or more to build my business, how dare this Marxist asshole tell me I didn't build it and that someobody else did. That is the ultimate slap in the face.

Obama is correct....somebody else did build those roads and bridges
Ummmmm...gee tough question

Maybe because some business owners are just plain stupid. Show me how many people built their business without access to public roads

LMAO! So lets get this straight - according to LeftWinger, if you succeed in business, it's not because you are smart, it's because of roads & bridges. But if you fail in business, it's because you are stupid. :lol:

How are you not embarassed by your own comments? You sound like a fool. I know trained monkeys that wouldn't contradict themselves like this.

If you fail because you are stupid, then it would only reason that you succeed because you are smart (opposite of fail = succeed, opposite of stupid = smart). Basic math, based on your own comments, leaves no room for "roads & bridges" :lol:

I do NOT agree with this =ing Obama speech. I do not understand how think this way. It seems to me that YOU are the one that is acting like a trained monkey. So you build a bus.? correct? are you a self educated man, who lived on a island, with no books, no teacher, no nothing, you just one day picked up a coconut cut it and half and sold it to people who had done the same thing, don't be silly. please understand I am not being mean here, BUT fail or success, EVERYONE and EVERY bus. got help or used some part of infrastructure along they way, and that was what he meant.

What you claim he meant and what he said are two different things. Had he a history of working with Private Interest, not against it, your argument might have some merit. Obama has issues with Private Property Rights, as a whole. Statist Progressivism is Rooted in destroying those Rights. One day, both Rich and Poor will see that. Presently, it is not the case.
LMAO! So lets get this straight - according to LeftWinger, if you succeed in business, it's not because you are smart, it's because of roads & bridges. But if you fail in business, it's because you are stupid. :lol:

How are you not embarassed by your own comments? You sound like a fool. I know trained monkeys that wouldn't contradict themselves like this.

If you fail because you are stupid, then it would only reason that you succeed because you are smart (opposite of fail = succeed, opposite of stupid = smart). Basic math, based on your own comments, leaves no room for "roads & bridges" :lol:

I do NOT agree with this =ing Obama speech. I do not understand how think this way. It seems to me that YOU are the one that is acting like a trained monkey. So you build a bus.? correct? are you a self educated man, who lived on a island, with no books, no teacher, no nothing, you just one day picked up a coconut cut it and half and sold it to people who had done the same thing, don't be silly. please understand I am not being mean here, BUT fail or success, EVERYONE and EVERY bus. got help or used some part of infrastructure along they way, and that was what he meant.

What you claim he meant and what he said are two different things. Had he a history of working with Private Interest, not against it, your argument might have some merit. Obama has issues with Private Property Rights, as a whole. Statist Progressivism is Rooted in destroying those Rights. One day, both Rich and Poor will see that. Presently, it is not the case.

What PROOF do you have of Obama supposedly being against Private Interest. I'm seriously curious to see what you come up with.
"You Olympians, however, know that you didn't get here solely on your own power." You had lots of help, including from "communities that built venues" Mitt Romney Salt Lake City, 2002

Just food for thought here, it's been fairly common for people in the public eye to make the case that someone who has reached the top, be it sports, business, or whatever, got there as a result of many positive people in their lives as well as help in some cases from the community at large.
Ummmmm...gee tough question

Maybe because some business owners are just plain stupid. Show me how many people built their business without access to public roads

LMAO! So lets get this straight - according to LeftWinger, if you succeed in business, it's not because you are smart, it's because of roads & bridges. But if you fail in business, it's because you are stupid. :lol:

How are you not embarassed by your own comments? You sound like a fool. I know trained monkeys that wouldn't contradict themselves like this.

If you fail because you are stupid, then it would only reason that you succeed because you are smart (opposite of fail = succeed, opposite of stupid = smart). Basic math, based on your own comments, leaves no room for "roads & bridges" :lol:

I do NOT agree with this =ing Obama speech. I do not understand how think this way. It seems to me that YOU are the one that is acting like a trained monkey. So you build a bus.? correct? are you a self educated man, who lived on a island, with no books, no teacher, no nothing, you just one day picked up a coconut cut it and half and sold it to people who had done the same thing, don't be silly. please understand I am not being mean here, BUT fail or success, EVERYONE and EVERY bus. got help or used some part of infrastructure along they way, and that was what he meant.

Then he needs to hire a speech writer. His words were clear and consistent with class warfare rhetoric.

That provides a much better picture.
Other people built your business. Wish I could remember all that vacation time I took while someone else was building my business...

Obama might as well said to military folks, the government made you heroes.

How many bridges and roads did you build?

Did you name them after your business?

Actually, I have built two roads. They were required to access customers homes for other projects. One is still used, the other not. Your silly comments have been shown to be worthless. Just as Obama considers small business owners worthless. Please continue with his defense, it amuses us.


Wow. Just wow.
LMAO! So lets get this straight - according to LeftWinger, if you succeed in business, it's not because you are smart, it's because of roads & bridges. But if you fail in business, it's because you are stupid. :lol:

How are you not embarassed by your own comments? You sound like a fool. I know trained monkeys that wouldn't contradict themselves like this.

If you fail because you are stupid, then it would only reason that you succeed because you are smart (opposite of fail = succeed, opposite of stupid = smart). Basic math, based on your own comments, leaves no room for "roads & bridges" :lol:

I do NOT agree with this =ing Obama speech. I do not understand how think this way. It seems to me that YOU are the one that is acting like a trained monkey. So you build a bus.? correct? are you a self educated man, who lived on a island, with no books, no teacher, no nothing, you just one day picked up a coconut cut it and half and sold it to people who had done the same thing, don't be silly. please understand I am not being mean here, BUT fail or success, EVERYONE and EVERY bus. got help or used some part of infrastructure along they way, and that was what he meant.

What you claim he meant and what he said are two different things. Had he a history of working with Private Interest, not against it, your argument might have some merit. Obama has issues with Private Property Rights, as a whole. Statist Progressivism is Rooted in destroying those Rights. One day, both Rich and Poor will see that. Presently, it is not the case.

well from what I can see was Obama tried to pass a bill that would help small bus. owners, the republicans blocked it. From what I can tell, under Bush and the a Republican controlled congress, PRIVATE job fell like a rock and job loss was so bad that in the last month of that era, 700,000 jobs were lost in 1 month. under Obama you have seen 28 straight months of private job growth. Now one might argue "we are not gaining enough jobs" but what I see is, AT LEASE WE ARE!!!!!! cause under the Bush and tea party policy, the united states would more than double dip back into recession. Then you will say well there is no way to prove it, but there is we have history to look back on, don't we? and if you look back through history and not just US history you will see that the policy that the republicans have adopted are a FAIL on epic levels. ANYONE who has half a brain, will tell you, the only way capitalism works is if its properly reguleated and a functional and robust social safety net are in place, the latter being what this topic is about. Also your "boy" Mitt has a history too, and a BAD ONE! so before you go saying the grass is greener on the other side and take that jump you better know what your getting your self into.......
I do NOT agree with this =ing Obama speech. I do not understand how think this way. It seems to me that YOU are the one that is acting like a trained monkey. So you build a bus.? correct? are you a self educated man, who lived on a island, with no books, no teacher, no nothing, you just one day picked up a coconut cut it and half and sold it to people who had done the same thing, don't be silly. please understand I am not being mean here, BUT fail or success, EVERYONE and EVERY bus. got help or used some part of infrastructure along they way, and that was what he meant.

What you claim he meant and what he said are two different things. Had he a history of working with Private Interest, not against it, your argument might have some merit. Obama has issues with Private Property Rights, as a whole. Statist Progressivism is Rooted in destroying those Rights. One day, both Rich and Poor will see that. Presently, it is not the case.

well from what I can see was Obama tried to pass a bill that would help small bus. owners, the republicans blocked it. From what I can tell, under Bush and the a Republican controlled congress, PRIVATE job fell like a rock and job loss was so bad that in the last month of that era, 700,000 jobs were lost in 1 month. under Obama you have seen 28 straight months of private job growth. Now one might argue "we are not gaining enough jobs" but what I see is, AT LEASE WE ARE!!!!!! cause under the Bush and tea party policy, the united states would more than double dip back into recession. Then you will say well there is no way to prove it, but there is we have history to look back on, don't we? and if you look back through history and not just US history you will see that the policy that the republicans have adopted are a FAIL on epic levels. ANYONE who has half a brain, will tell you, the only way capitalism works is if its properly reguleated and a functional and robust social safety net are in place, the latter being what this topic is about. Also your "boy" Mitt has a history too, and a BAD ONE! so before you go saying the grass is greener on the other side and take that jump you better know what your getting your self into.......

Provide the details............

Then we rip you a new one and show you how it was a pick and chose sitcom for winners and losers.
"You Olympians, however, know that you didn't get here solely on your own power." You had lots of help, including from "communities that built venues" Mitt Romney Salt Lake City, 2002

Just food for thought here, it's been fairly common for people in the public eye to make the case that someone who has reached the top, be it sports, business, or whatever, got there as a result of many positive people in their lives as well as help in some cases from the community at large.

Right? If we did some research into it, I'd bet we find hundreds of speeches given in politics that had the SAME message. I mean shit, don't they say that kind of stuff at high school and college graduation speeches when they talk about the efforts of your parents and loved ones?

Obama Derangement Syndrome must be especially prevalent in old, white people.

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