72% Believe Small Business Owners Primarily Responsible for Their Own Success

My comments are not silly. Conservatives claiming that Obama said buisnesses did not build their own business is silly when clearly Obama was referencing that they did not build the roads and bridges that they use[/quote said:
Considering he is on video saying that business owners "did not built it - someone else did" claiming he was "referencing roads and bridges" is a gigantic LIE! Furthermore, nobody was even discussing "roads and bridges" during his speech - the entire thing was about the economy and how to be successful.

Why do you insist on pledging a Nazi/Hitler-like allegiance to Obama? Even when he is caught dead on video, you still try to pretend like he didn't say/do what he said/did. Unfuckingbelievable....
How many bridges and roads did you build?

Did you name them after your business?

Actually, I have built two roads. They were required to access customers homes for other projects. One is still used, the other not. Your silly comments have been shown to be worthless. Just as Obama considers small business owners worthless. Please continue with his defense, it amuses us.

You built them for customers not yourself

My comments are not silly. Conservatives claiming that Obama said buisnesses did not build their own business is silly when clearly Obama was referencing that they did not build the roads and bridges that they use

What difference does it make who the road was built for? I used it. Grasping for straws man!

Read the speech again. What you claim is not even close. Face it, Obama screwed himself massively. Not even McCain/Palin said anything this stupid.
Come on all you small business owners

Explain how Obama is wrong and you really did build all those roads and bridges

So if "roads and bridges" is what made small business owners successful, then why aren't 100% of all small businesses successful? They all have the same access to the same "roads and bridges". Why do some small businesses fail completely while others go on to become giant corporations?

While the world continues to evolve, liberals have actually regressed to the point where they can't stop talking about "roads and bridges" as the idea for economic growth (and make that statement while drooling down their chin - they've regressed to the point where there IQ matches that of cavemen).

It's the 21st century you Communist/Marxist/Socialist liberals - join us, won't you? We have incredible technology and advancements, "roads and bridges and railroads" worked as growth in the early 1800's. It doesn't today... :lol:
Some days I just ask myself, gee I'm I dignifying the stupid with a post? Then I think, someone might actually believe that crap is true.
Wow - does anyone else notice how LeftWinger (in typical left-wing fashion) is contradicting himself in his desperate attempt to defend Barack Obama when he knows that Obama was dead-wrong?

First he says...
Come on all you small business owners

Explain how Obama is wrong and you really did build all those roads and bridges

clearly defending Obama's comments and supporting the fallacy that a business owner didn't build anything - they were only successful because of "roads & bridges" :)lol:). But then when that fails miserably (like everything he does and like everything liberals do), then he suddenly changes to this argument...

My comments are not silly. Conservatives claiming that Obama said buisnesses did not build their own business is silly when clearly Obama was referencing that they did not build the roads and bridges that they use

Suddenly, the argument becomes "that's not what Obama meant". :lol:

God almighty, how is he not embarassed to spin in circles chasing his own tail and making no sense? You have to wonder why he can't criticize Obama even once and just acknolwedge that Obama was dead-wrong on this one?
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Come on all you small business owners

Explain how Obama is wrong and you really did build all those roads and bridges

So if "roads and bridges" is what made small business owners successful, then why aren't 100% of all small businesses successful? They all have the same access to the same "roads and bridges". Why do some small businesses fail completely while others go on to become giant corporations?

While the world continues to evolve, liberals have actually regressed to the point where they can't stop talking about "roads and bridges" as the idea for economic growth (and make that statement while drooling down their chin - they've regressed to the point where there IQ matches that of cavemen).

It's the 21st century you Communist/Marxist/Socialist liberals - join us, won't you? We have incredible technology and advancements, "roads and bridges and railroads" worked as growth in the early 1800's. It doesn't today... :lol:

expand on that...

He claimed teachers and community alongh with infrastructure made it happen.
Notbecuase you are smart...many are smart....not becuase you work hard...many work hard.

OK....so then how come not every smart person who works hard doesnt own a successful business?

If you ask any business owner what their differential is that allowed them to acheive success......the most common answer will be

'i was willing to take the chance. I was willing to take the risk. I was willing to lay it all on the line'

Few walk around saying "I am smart and I work hard and therefore I am a successful business owner"

Yet that is what Obama implies business owners say.
My comments are not silly. Conservatives claiming that Obama said buisnesses did not build their own business is silly when clearly Obama was referencing that they did not build the roads and bridges that they use

Your comments are beyond silly... If 0bama (sans TOTUS) wanted to be clear, he wouldn't have said what he actually said...

You and the loony left spining, contorting and defending Dear Leader has been one of the funniest moments in the campaign thus far...

Way more staying power than a dog on the roof, cutting a kid's hair, or a fake policeman's uniform.... True story...:thup:

Maybe you bainthers can try that meme again...
Your parents didn't help you?

i personally helped them, I had to talk to others and develop different ways to make a business adapt to new tech and the new ways people lived and wanted different things-So wait you admit that YOU helped someone, hmmmm

Nobody lent a hand when you were starting out?

nope all private money and all our risk....... where did your private money come from? I am pretty sure it was not all made by peoples pay checks, was it borrowed from a bank? was it borrowed from mommy? lolz at this guy!

Nobody bothered to educate you or your workforce?

]Nope had to educate myself in school and than into college have a cj degree and had to learn business to make the business successful........Does deserve a response? LEARN HOW TO WRITE!!!!!!!

You built roads and communications infrastructure?

Rome built roads, anyone can walk a trail......yet more dumb shit answers:)

You provided your own goon force to protect you?

]had to the only time cops would come is if anything was legal, cops cannot be sued for doing or not doing their jobs........So when you get robbed tell them you don't want their service:)

You bought a fire engine....just in case?

]INstalled ADT and extinguishers never had hte fire deptpart there but always paid our taxes.........This guy has a REAL spelling problem, where were u EDUMACATED dur hur:)

You enforced your own patents and Prevent unfair competition?

]Laws that are silly and no one fully understands anyway.......being retarted and uneducated is 0 excuse
Forgive me, but I would hardly consider myself on the so called " loony left" and have watched President Obama's speech several times and cannot see where his meaning was or had anything to do with insulting small business, but rather was no different than any number of people in the past have made clear in many speeches including Mitt Romney at the 2002 Olympics and that is that success is as a result of the experiences and efforts of those in the lives of the people who attain it. Take your pick, small business is no exception, in fact the very person that is featured in the Romney campaigns commerical critical of this issue took a number of SBA and Govt. loans for his business. So in my humble opinion while I see the Presidents remarks intended to show this like many have in the past, it is not to take away from the fact that small business owners work hard, long hours, and deserve EVERY support this nation can give them, and perhaps rather than focus on remarks that in my humble opinion seems to be taken out of context, our Govt. stop using small business as a political tool and start supporting them for a change.
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You can't take the community organizer out of this guy it seems..

But he did a good job stepping in it with this speech..

way to go...:eusa_clap:


I have read all the posts, this woman is prob. one of the dumbest people I have ever come across. Stephanie's ideas and arguments are straw arguments and VERY short sighted and narrow minded. Stephanie, if I give you a penny can you walk across the street to the corner store and pick me up one of those fake college diplomas. Just as you feel "he" did a good job stepping in "it", I feel as if you have not only stepped in it, but made it your job to roll around in it. Now, if you want to have a real debate on this issue, PLEASE, I beg you, post again.......let the debate begin. I will even let you have the first word before I murder your argument.
Forgive me, but I would hardly consider myself on the so called " loony left" and have watched President Obama's speech several times and cannot see where his meaning was or had anything to do with insulting small business, but rather was no different than any number of people in the past have made clear in many speeches including Mitt Romney at the 2002 Olympics and that is that success is as a result of the experiences and efforts of those in the lives of the people who attain it. Take your pick, small business is no exception, in fact the very person that is featured in the Romney campaigns commerical critical of this issue took a number of SBA and Govt. loans for his business. So in my humble opinion while I see the Presidents remarks intended to show this like many have in the past, it is not to take away from the fact that small business owners work hard, long hours, and deserve EVERY support this nation can give them, and perhaps rather than focus on remarks that in my humble opinion seems to be taken out of context, our Govt. stop using small business as a political tool and start supporting them for a change.

Place it in the context of private business is doing pretty well a few weeks ago. Take his general view of business during his adminstration Navy. I don't think we are spinning it in any fashion.
Just a thought here, while we as a nation have always treasured individual achievement and small business is no exception, long hours, hard work, in an effort to make a life for oneself and ones family as well as one's community. These folks are like many are to be admired and not admonished or used as political tools, in fact we need to do everything we can to help these businesses thrive , because from small business comes the next Microsoft, Boeing, Ford, Apple, etc. That said, to say that it does not take teamwork to get to where one wants to get to, be it a mentor, or that bank loan, or dare I say it even Govt. is to not take into consideration every aspect of what drives the individual. Just a thought here, it took teamwork to overcome the Axis powers during WW2, it took teamwork to put a man on the moon, and yes it takes teamwork to make the indivudual small businessman a success. Govt. is just one small part of that teamwork, but is not the driving engine that makes the individual thrive, perhaps when Govt. becomes that it should and that is one that creates an atmosphere for pride in American business and partner, then it will thrive even more. In my humble opinion though, Govt. should never be seen as the sole reason for the success of failure of a business because it takes a Capt. to lead a ship and it's Govt's job to help the navigate those waters, not pilot the ship.

But that's not what the President was saying at all. It's what Mitt Romney and Faux News WANT you to think he was saying, but he wasn't. All he was saying is that we're ALL in this together. It was a very humanitarian thing to say, and one that I can't believe Republicans and Conservatives are taking so goddamned literally. Well, no, I can believe it, because it's easier to call him a Socialist than it is to actually HEAR what he's saying.

The fact is that no company does thrive on its own, not even Bain capital. There are small business loans, there are taxpayer funded roads that trucks use to haul goods across state lines. There are firefighters making sure your business' building doesn't go up in flames. But it all goes back to the Conservative notion that GOVERNMENT IS BAD no matter what; even though there's not a single-solitary successful business that hasn't gotten help from the government SOMEWHERE along the lines. What do you think fucking tax breaks, for Christ's sake?

Oh, and then there's this:

Star of Romney ‘My Hands Didn’t Build This’ Ad Received Millions in Government Loans and Contracts - ABC News

Mitt can't even fucking find someone to be in his campaign attack ad on this subject that hasn't taken money from the government.

Couple of things here, one is my commentary was not based on the Presidents speech which was taken out of context by both the Romney campaign and Fox News. The other is my commentary was simply to point out that Govt. is just one part of the success of any business but it takes the person or person(s) who run the business and the teamwork involved, hard work, and a little bit of luck to make it a success. Those who say that small business gets that way on it's own as a result of the work of the owners of those business know little about small business or business in general, in fact the man featured in the Romney commercial acknowledged a number of SBA and state loans for his business. Further those who advocate that Govt. is the sole reason that small business is a success are wrong as well, as Govt. is but one tool in which these business can use to thrive. but it takes the drive and teamwork of those involved to make it work. Perhaps if less focus was put on the fact that the " rugged individual" is by him or herself responsible for the success or failure of a business, may sound good it is the exception not the rule and it takes teamwork in order for them to thrive. My poistion is a simple one, Govt. should be an advocate and promote American business and instill a sense of pride in American made by it's legislation but never should Govt. be in the position where they are the one's who manage those business to success or failure and in my honest opinion theres a little too much of that going on and has been for a long time now, take your pick on what party you want to assign that too.

His words were not taken out of context.....Our president is a Marxist and every time he goes off the teleprompter he shows us his true feelings....Only idiots who lie to themselves refuse to see this.
You can't take the community organizer out of this guy it seems..

But he did a good job stepping in it with this speech..

way to go...:eusa_clap:


I have read all the posts, this woman is prob. one of the dumbest people I have ever come across. Stephanie's ideas and arguments are straw arguments and VERY short sighted and narrow minded. Stephanie, if I give you a penny can you walk across the street to the corner store and pick me up one of those fake college diplomas. Just as you feel "he" did a good job stepping in "it", I feel as if you have not only stepped in it, but made it your job to roll around in it. Now, if you want to have a real debate on this issue, PLEASE, I beg you, post again.......let the debate begin. I will even let you have the first word before I murder your argument.

Internet tough guy warning! :lol:
The fact that Fed Ex alone has earnings of 43 billion dollars annually, along with 300,000 employees that pay taxes. UPS earns 53 billion annually with nearly 400,000 employees that pay taxes. So any non Marxist with half a brain gets the concept, hope this helps.....

Except you totally didn't address the link I showed you where FedEx didn't pay ANY fucking taxes in 2010. So yeah...how do they contribute? You've told us how their employees contribute, and how much money they make for their board and executives, but you haven't shown us where FedEx has given back INTO the system that they so greatly benefit from.

FedEx has not paid less than 36 percent in taxes in the last 20 years and have paid 3.7 billion in taxes for fiscal years 2001 to 2010. As for your link? Pardon me if I don't pray at the alter of move on.org like you. How much did Solyndra pay back into the crony capitalism system they so GREATLY benefited from? :eusa_whistle:

Solyandra paid back plenty in contributions to obama and to the DNC. Solyandra executives that got huge bonuses when the company went bankrupt just ponied up $35,000 in dinner with obama. Which was the whole point of the 535 million dollar stimulus check in the first place.
My comments are not silly. Conservatives claiming that Obama said buisnesses did not build their own business is silly when clearly Obama was referencing that they did not build the roads and bridges that they use[/quote said:
Considering he is on video saying that business owners "did not built it - someone else did" claiming he was "referencing roads and bridges" is a gigantic LIE! Furthermore, nobody was even discussing "roads and bridges" during his speech - the entire thing was about the economy and how to be successful.

Why do you insist on pledging a Nazi/Hitler-like allegiance to Obama? Even when he is caught dead on video, you still try to pretend like he didn't say/do what he said/did. Unfuckingbelievable....

Lets post the actual quote.....

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

Now....."Somebody invested in roads and bridges, If you've got a business- you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen" He never went off topic on roads and bridges

Now, are you lying or just to stupid to read the full quote?
You can't take the community organizer out of this guy it seems..

But he did a good job stepping in it with this speech..

way to go...:eusa_clap:


I have read all the posts, this woman is prob. one of the dumbest people I have ever come across. Stephanie's ideas and arguments are straw arguments and VERY short sighted and narrow minded. Stephanie, if I give you a penny can you walk across the street to the corner store and pick me up one of those fake college diplomas. Just as you feel "he" did a good job stepping in "it", I feel as if you have not only stepped in it, but made it your job to roll around in it. Now, if you want to have a real debate on this issue, PLEASE, I beg you, post again.......let the debate begin. I will even let you have the first word before I murder your argument.

Internet tough guy warning! :lol:

Well I do not normally post, I just got tired of watching this person fumble the argument so many times it would make Tony Romo proud. I also do not understand a lot of the "right wing" people in here, and where there argument stems from. I do see a few cases where Obama has gone one way, BUT I also see him doing stuff the other way. Since you seemed to want to get into this. Guy, please tell me what exactly do you not like about Obama, and please explain the reasons behind it.
Come on all you small business owners

Explain how Obama is wrong and you really did build all those roads and bridges

So if "roads and bridges" is what made small business owners successful, then why aren't 100% of all small businesses successful? They all have the same access to the same "roads and bridges". Why do some small businesses fail completely while others go on to become giant corporations?

While the world continues to evolve, liberals have actually regressed to the point where they can't stop talking about "roads and bridges" as the idea for economic growth (and make that statement while drooling down their chin - they've regressed to the point where there IQ matches that of cavemen).

It's the 21st century you Communist/Marxist/Socialist liberals - join us, won't you? We have incredible technology and advancements, "roads and bridges and railroads" worked as growth in the early 1800's. It doesn't today... :lol:

Ummmmm...gee tough question

Maybe because some business owners are just plain stupid. Show me how many people built their business without access to public roads
Forgive me, but I would hardly consider myself on the so called " loony left" and have watched President Obama's speech several times and cannot see where his meaning was or had anything to do with insulting small business, but rather was no different than any number of people in the past have made clear in many speeches including Mitt Romney at the 2002 Olympics and that is that success is as a result of the experiences and efforts of those in the lives of the people who attain it. Take your pick, small business is no exception, in fact the very person that is featured in the Romney campaigns commerical critical of this issue took a number of SBA and Govt. loans for his business. So in my humble opinion while I see the Presidents remarks intended to show this like many have in the past, it is not to take away from the fact that small business owners work hard, long hours, and deserve EVERY support this nation can give them, and perhaps rather than focus on remarks that in my humble opinion seems to be taken out of context, our Govt. stop using small business as a political tool and start supporting them for a change.

Place it in the context of private business is doing pretty well a few weeks ago. Take his general view of business during his adminstration Navy. I don't think we are spinning it in any fashion.

While I agree that this Administration as well as Congress seem to be more interested on one upping each other rather than promoting business, this particular speech at least in my view just seemed to be one of those like many of the one's I pointed out. Perhaps others see it differently and I do respect that, but my feelings are that President Obama, Congress you name it spend little time on American business and seem to me ashamed of the words "made in the USA" and have for a long time going back several Adminstrations so I can see where the frustration arises. I for one will be very happy when our Govt. regardless of who is in office, once again takes pride in those words and does everything they can to make that happen. In this case however am giving my opinion on the speech in general as a whole and see it much like someone trying to make the case that it takes all lifes experiences and good people along the way to rise to the top. Something that has been said by many people.
Forgive me, but I would hardly consider myself on the so called " loony left" and have watched President Obama's speech several times and cannot see where his meaning was or had anything to do with insulting small business, but rather was no different than any number of people in the past have made clear in many speeches including Mitt Romney at the 2002 Olympics and that is that success is as a result of the experiences and efforts of those in the lives of the people who attain it. Take your pick, small business is no exception, in fact the very person that is featured in the Romney campaigns commerical critical of this issue took a number of SBA and Govt. loans for his business. So in my humble opinion while I see the Presidents remarks intended to show this like many have in the past, it is not to take away from the fact that small business owners work hard, long hours, and deserve EVERY support this nation can give them, and perhaps rather than focus on remarks that in my humble opinion seems to be taken out of context, our Govt. stop using small business as a political tool and start supporting them for a change.

"You didn't build that - somebody else did" - Barack Obama

How in the hell is that not "insulting"? If I worked 80 hours per week or more to build my business, how dare this Marxist asshole tell me I didn't build it and that someobody else did. That is the ultimate slap in the face.

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