72% Believe Small Business Owners Primarily Responsible for Their Own Success

Oh! You know what?

How silly of Me.

Here was government, tooling along, minding its own business when it suddenly stopped and looked at the poor business man, failing to succeed because no one was doing it for him.

The government said, "Hey, why don't we build this business owner some roads to help him succeed!

And we'll only take 90% of his business! That sure will help him out immensely!

. If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

Where does small business build roads and bridges......read the quote
Was obammy speaking Ebonics wit the use of the demonstrative " that" ?

Come on all you small business owners

Explain how Obama is wrong and you really did build all those roads and bridges

omg, you people are stuck on stupid with roads and bridges..that isn't ALL HE SAID..
Oh! You know what?

How silly of Me.

Here was government, tooling along, minding its own business when it suddenly stopped and looked at the poor business man, failing to succeed because no one was doing it for him.

The government said, "Hey, why don't we build this business owner some roads to help him succeed!

And we'll only take 90% of his business! That sure will help him out immensely!

Wonder if they tired that with Henry Ford?:clap2:
Oh! You know what?

How silly of Me.

Here was government, tooling along, minding its own business when it suddenly stopped and looked at the poor business man, failing to succeed because no one was doing it for him.

The government said, "Hey, why don't we build this business owner some roads to help him succeed!

And we'll only take 90% of his business! That sure will help him out immensely!

LOL @ obvious rhetorical nonsense
Oh! You know what?

How silly of Me.

Here was government, tooling along, minding its own business when it suddenly stopped and looked at the poor business man, failing to succeed because no one was doing it for him.

The government said, "Hey, why don't we build this business owner some roads to help him succeed!

And we'll only take 90% of his business! That sure will help him out immensely!

Wonder if they tired that with Henry Ford?:clap2:
LOL....I think Hank was before Wilson became Prez....
. If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

Where does small business build roads and bridges......read the quote
Was obammy speaking Ebonics wit the use of the demonstrative " that" ?

Come on all you small business owners

Explain how Obama is wrong and you really did build all those roads and bridges

TAXES BY those business owners built them.

They didn't exist before the taxes were garnered FROM the businesses to build them.

ARE you targeting the classic Chicken/Egg argument?

YOU so far are FAILING Sewerboy. :eusa_hand:

. If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

Where does small business build roads and bridges......read the quote
Was obammy speaking Ebonics wit the use of the demonstrative " that" ?

Come on all you small business owners

Explain how Obama is wrong and you really did build all those roads and bridges

Come on radical left-wing nut... Explain how those roads and bridges made ANY difference in ANY capacity to the success of a small business owner? There are unpaved roads all over the US that people live on. They still work and flourish, they still get their mail, etc.

You're making fucking idiot statements and you know it, simply because you're out of ideas. Claiming small business owners owe "roads and bridges" to their success is like saying you owe me your computer because I give you someone to debate and without me you'd be posting to nobody.
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You guys are arguing over semantics again.

Liberals are talking in absolute terms. ""Someone, somewhere helped you."

Conservatives are speaking in general terms. "I am the reason my business succeeds or fails."

Until you guys get on the same wavelength this discussion isn't going anywhere.

As usual....the issue comes down to money

The right is making the argument that business only helps the society and does not benefit from it so should not be expected to pay for it

The left is making the argument that business has unduly benefitted from society so should be expected to contribute more

The answer is somewhere in the middle

What you say is not true. The right has NEVER said that they should not be expected to pay for it.

The right currentrly pays for it and are arguing that they should not be made to pay an even larger share of it.

The answer IS in the middle...and the middle is exactly where we are now.

Corporate business & excise tax revenue has been in decline over the past 60 years. The tax burden has increased on the worker/employee & income tax while corporate business tax breaks have been subsidized by the Social Security Surpluss. Now it's time to pay back the money barrowed from the SS Surpluss.

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Was obammy speaking Ebonics wit the use of the demonstrative " that" ?

Come on all you small business owners

Explain how Obama is wrong and you really did build all those roads and bridges

Come on radical left-wing nut... Explain how those roads and bridges made ANY difference in ANY capacity to the success of a small business owner? There are unpaved roads all over the US that people live on. They still work and flourish, they still get their mail, etc.

You're making fucking idiot statements and you know it, simply because you're out of ideas. Claiming small business owners owe "roads and bridges" to their success is like saying you owe me your computer because I give you someone to debate and without me you'd be posting to nobody.

Are you really as stupid as this post makes you seem?

Do I really need to ask?
Pretty sad when this President in the midst of a really bad economy and who seems to not have a grasp on a solution goes out and instead of making an inspirational speech kicks business owners in the teeth.
He mocks them in front of his followers who really don't have a friggin clue what's really going on.

I can't believe he came out and said what he did.
No one took anything out of context.
We all heard what he said.
Only the left is twisting what he said to protect this President.
Pretty sad when this President in the midst of a really bad economy and who seems to not have a grasp on a solution goes out and instead of making an inspirational speech kicks business owners in the teeth.
He mocks them in front of his followers who really don't have a friggin clue what's really going on.

I can't believe he came out and said what he did.
No one took anything out of context.
We all heard what he said.
Only the left is twisting what he said to protect this President.

Precisely what he did. And NOW he's backpeddling. His words as stated were misinterpreted against his prior actions he's now telling us.

The Teleprompter led him to mis-speak.

I'm sure YOU don't buy that anymore than the rest of us do...[at leat those of us anchored in reality and KNOW the meaning of words].

Good Form sir.
Pretty sad when this President in the midst of a really bad economy and who seems to not have a grasp on a solution goes out and instead of making an inspirational speech kicks business owners in the teeth.
He mocks them in front of his followers who really don't have a friggin clue what's really going on.

I can't believe he came out and said what he did.
No one took anything out of context.
We all heard what he said.
Only the left is twisting what he said to protect this President.

No kidding, he screwed up and told us how he really felt about small business, it was a glimpse into his world and how he thinks it works.
Corporate taxes are basically a double tax. Once at the corporate level and a second time when individuals receive income or gains. Then, just to make sure they nick you at least a little, there's ATM and other taxes.
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Come on all you small business owners

Explain how Obama is wrong and you really did build all those roads and bridges

Come on radical left-wing nut... Explain how those roads and bridges made ANY difference in ANY capacity to the success of a small business owner? There are unpaved roads all over the US that people live on. They still work and flourish, they still get their mail, etc.

You're making fucking idiot statements and you know it, simply because you're out of ideas. Claiming small business owners owe "roads and bridges" to their success is like saying you owe me your computer because I give you someone to debate and without me you'd be posting to nobody.

Are you really as stupid as this post makes you seem?

Do I really need to ask?

Thank you for doing that for me. Jeeeezzzuuussss.
Corporate taxes are basically a double tax. Once at the corporate level and a second time when individuals receive income or gains. Then, just to make sure they nick you at least a little, there's ATM and other taxes.

Bullshit. Corporate taxes are taxed against profit. Labor costs are deducted from any companies balance sheet, and reduce the tax against the corporation. Any fool knows that's true. Why are you lying?
Too funny
where did you get that?
The back of your welfare check?

Any fool knows, well except you, that dividends are taxed as well
as the profits. This is what they are referring to....

The left should stay away from anything with numbers

Stay with stuff you are good with...

Fake claims of racism, right extremism and
dubious claims that Papa Obama is just a "moderate"

Much more subjective and allow for "creative"

Really, one would think the Papa Obama Goon Truth squads
could get better people
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New poll says 100 percent of people who think Obama said business owners didn't do anything are complete morons who can't read the whole statement.

Same poll also finds the sky is blue, water is wet, and republicans are descended from really retarded monkeys.
Performance artist..?
is that what they are calling that today...

Speaking of polls....

The Hill 7/23

It found that 66 percent believe paltry job growth and slow economic recovery is the result of bad policy.
34 percent say Obama is the most to blame
23 percent who say Congress is the culprit.

18 percent cite former President George W. Bush.

All that time and ads by Papa Obama to blame
everybody else- but it is not working

The majority blames one person more than anyone else
and who would that person be?-- Papa Obama

No wonder his campaign ran a deficit the other month
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