72% Believe Small Business Owners Primarily Responsible for Their Own Success

And little addle brained socialist leftists like you just can't understand that government has never, will never, and can never "start and build a successful business."

Ummmmm....Who ever asked them to?

The role of government is to create an environment in which business can thrive. Solid transportation infrastructure, educated workforce, just competitive environment......level playing field
You question the risks taken by business owners, yet make an idiotic remark like that?

It is NOT the role of government to create an environment in which business can thrive. Business thrived before our government came into existence, and will thrive if no government existed.

The owner(s) of any business have primary and total responsibility for their business. They are one and the same. You appear to be to lost in partisan hackery to know that.

BTW....Isn't it your god, Obama, that wants to socialize both profit and loss in business?

Isn't there a word that covers that kind of philosophy?

Oh, and before I forget. The infrastructure that everyone on the left makes so much noise about helping business.......

Business paid for those roads and those bridges. They paid contractors to build them, and they pay contractors to maintain them.

So, you AND Obama are pathetically wrong.

It's Government's role to stay the hell out of the way and stick to their Constitutional role...PERIOD.

Nothing hard about that. Politicians think because WE vote them into office gives them license to Lord/Rule/Control us.

They're in for one nasty lesson at our hands.
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Ummmmm....Who ever asked them to?

The role of government is to create an environment in which business can thrive. Solid transportation infrastructure, educated workforce, just competitive environment......level playing field
You question the risks taken by business owners, yet make an idiotic remark like that?

It is NOT the role of government to create an environment in which business can thrive. Business thrived before our government came into existence, and will thrive if no government existed.

The owner(s) of any business have primary and total responsibility for their business. They are one and the same. You appear to be to lost in partisan hackery to know that.

BTW....Isn't it your god, Obama, that wants to socialize both profit and loss in business?

Isn't there a word that covers that kind of philosophy?

Oh, and before I forget. The infrastructure that everyone on the left makes so much noise about helping business.......

Business paid for those roads and those bridges. They paid contractors to build them, and they pay contractors to maintain them.

So, you AND Obama are pathetically wrong.

i dont know about the rest of the country but i know in howell nj home depot had to agree to basically redo a intersection for route 9 approved by the council and it wasnt cheap.
In the Marcellus Shale area of Pennsylvania, gas companies were not allowed to start fracking operations until they agreed to pay a substantial amount to the State for the upkeep of the roads they will be using.

But it was the lower 50% (who don't pay taxes) that helped the gas companies by paying....or..well, not paying, for the roads they use.

Meanwhile, businesses continue to pay for roads, and power plants, and the replenishment of forests and..........etc., etc..
Ummmmm....Who ever asked them to?

The role of government is to create an environment in which business can thrive. Solid transportation infrastructure, educated workforce, just competitive environment......level playing field
You question the risks taken by business owners, yet make an idiotic remark like that?

It is NOT the role of government to create an environment in which business can thrive. Business thrived before our government came into existence, and will thrive if no government existed.

The owner(s) of any business have primary and total responsibility for their business. They are one and the same. You appear to be to lost in partisan hackery to know that.

BTW....Isn't it your god, Obama, that wants to socialize both profit and loss in business?

Isn't there a word that covers that kind of philosophy?

Oh, and before I forget. The infrastructure that everyone on the left makes so much noise about helping business.......

Business paid for those roads and those bridges. They paid contractors to build them, and they pay contractors to maintain them.

So, you AND Obama are pathetically wrong.

It's Government's role to stay the hell out of the way and stick to their Constitutional role...PERIOD.

Nothing hard about that. Politicians think because WE vote them into office gives them license to Lord/Rule/Control us.

They're in for one nasty lesson at our hands.
Not to some liberals.....who am I kidding....all of them think government exists to make their life easier.
They understand....the poll said primarily responsible

What does the poll that asks are businesses TOTALLY responsible for their success say?

Have you ever risked everything you own to start a business?

Until you have you have no right to tell anyone who has that they are not 100% responsible for their success.

Your parents didn't help you?
Nobody lent a hand when you were starting out?
Nobody bothered to educate you or your workforce?
You built roads and communications infrastructure?
You provided your own goon force to protect you?
You bought a fire engine....just in case?
You enforced your own patents and Prevent unfair competition?

BS and asshole, businesses paid there share of taxes and paid their employees and paid on the roads and the communication infrastructure. So stfu, you have no clue.
Have you ever risked everything you own to start a business?

Until you have you have no right to tell anyone who has that they are not 100% responsible for their success.

Your parents didn't help you?
Nobody lent a hand when you were starting out?
Nobody bothered to educate you or your workforce?
You built roads and communications infrastructure?
You provided your own goon force to protect you?
You bought a fire engine....just in case?
You enforced your own patents and Prevent unfair competition?

BS and asshole, businesses paid there share of taxes and paid their employees and paid on the roads and the communication infrastructure. So stfu, you have no clue.
What is amazing is that people AND businesses pay for services all the time. It has no bearing on the risks they took (Unless they started a business handing out money to failed solar panel manufacturers) nor on the hard work THE OWNER put into making the business a success...

Its like selling candy and saying that the candy shop owner isn't successful because he or she did not make the candy that they purchased, and sold.
Ummmmm....Who ever asked them to?

The role of government is to create an environment in which business can thrive. Solid transportation infrastructure, educated workforce, just competitive environment......level playing field
You question the risks taken by business owners, yet make an idiotic remark like that?

It is NOT the role of government to create an environment in which business can thrive. Business thrived before our government came into existence, and will thrive if no government existed.

The owner(s) of any business have primary and total responsibility for their business. They are one and the same. You appear to be to lost in partisan hackery to know that.

BTW....Isn't it your god, Obama, that wants to socialize both profit and loss in business?

Isn't there a word that covers that kind of philosophy?

Oh, and before I forget. The infrastructure that everyone on the left makes so much noise about helping business.......

Business paid for those roads and those bridges. They paid contractors to build them, and they pay contractors to maintain them.

So, you AND Obama are pathetically wrong.

i dont know about the rest of the country but i know in howell nj home depot had to agree to basically redo a intersection for route 9 approved by the council and it wasnt cheap.

Know it well

Rte 9 and West Farms

There are only like four other Home Depots in a 20 mile radius
Have you ever risked everything you own to start a business?

Until you have you have no right to tell anyone who has that they are not 100% responsible for their success.

Your parents didn't help you?
Nobody lent a hand when you were starting out?
Nobody bothered to educate you or your workforce?
You built roads and communications infrastructure?
You provided your own goon force to protect you?
You bought a fire engine....just in case?
You enforced your own patents and Prevent unfair competition?

BS and asshole, businesses paid there share of taxes and paid their employees and paid on the roads and the communication infrastructure. So stfu, you have no clue.

I started own my business. And I get MASSIVE help from the government in way of tax credits. I do all the heavy lifting in my side business, but without government help from the tax code, there's no way I could do it.

I don't feel insulted at all by what President Obama said. I feel proud that we elected a man who has this kind of vision and interpretation of the American Dream.
You question the risks taken by business owners, yet make an idiotic remark like that?

It is NOT the role of government to create an environment in which business can thrive. Business thrived before our government came into existence, and will thrive if no government existed.

The owner(s) of any business have primary and total responsibility for their business. They are one and the same. You appear to be to lost in partisan hackery to know that.

BTW....Isn't it your god, Obama, that wants to socialize both profit and loss in business?

Isn't there a word that covers that kind of philosophy?

Oh, and before I forget. The infrastructure that everyone on the left makes so much noise about helping business.......

Business paid for those roads and those bridges. They paid contractors to build them, and they pay contractors to maintain them.

So, you AND Obama are pathetically wrong.

It's Government's role to stay the hell out of the way and stick to their Constitutional role...PERIOD.

Nothing hard about that. Politicians think because WE vote them into office gives them license to Lord/Rule/Control us.

They're in for one nasty lesson at our hands.
Not to some liberals.....who am I kidding....all of them think government exists to make their life easier.

And they haven't been taught real history...nor do I think they care DW. They're getting thier boubles and trinquests for thier vote.

The system's been corrupt for far too long.

Remember the words of Tytler as to when the electorate found they could vote themselves into the treasury? [With the help of those they vote for]...

They'll keep doing it. The progressives are making it happen...and that means Obama.
You question the risks taken by business owners, yet make an idiotic remark like that?

It is NOT the role of government to create an environment in which business can thrive. Business thrived before our government came into existence, and will thrive if no government existed.

The owner(s) of any business have primary and total responsibility for their business. They are one and the same. You appear to be to lost in partisan hackery to know that.

BTW....Isn't it your god, Obama, that wants to socialize both profit and loss in business?

Isn't there a word that covers that kind of philosophy?

Oh, and before I forget. The infrastructure that everyone on the left makes so much noise about helping business.......

Business paid for those roads and those bridges. They paid contractors to build them, and they pay contractors to maintain them.

So, you AND Obama are pathetically wrong.

It's Government's role to stay the hell out of the way and stick to their Constitutional role...PERIOD.

Nothing hard about that. Politicians think because WE vote them into office gives them license to Lord/Rule/Control us.

They're in for one nasty lesson at our hands.
Not to some liberals.....who am I kidding....all of them think government exists to make their life easier.

Govt protects emerging business and ensures a level playing field. Prevents predatory pricing, monopolies, patent infringement.

Yea.....you do it all yourself
It's Government's role to stay the hell out of the way and stick to their Constitutional role...PERIOD.

Nothing hard about that. Politicians think because WE vote them into office gives them license to Lord/Rule/Control us.

They're in for one nasty lesson at our hands.
Not to some liberals.....who am I kidding....all of them think government exists to make their life easier.

And they haven't been taught real history...nor do I think they care DW. They're getting thier boubles and trinquests for thier vote.

The system's been corrupt for far too long.

Remember the words of Tytler as to when the electorate found they could vote themselves into the treasury? [With the help of those they vote for]...

They'll keep doing it. The progressives are making it happen...and that means Obama.

yep, we are almost beyond the point of no return
It's Government's role to stay the hell out of the way and stick to their Constitutional role...PERIOD.

Nothing hard about that. Politicians think because WE vote them into office gives them license to Lord/Rule/Control us.

They're in for one nasty lesson at our hands.
Not to some liberals.....who am I kidding....all of them think government exists to make their life easier.

Govt protects emerging business and ensures a level playing field. Prevents predatory pricing, monopolies, patent infringement.

Yea.....you do it all yourself
That is NOT governments function, you should get a refund on your civics class.

Predatory pricing fails on its own when a competitive market is allowed to flourish. Consumers will flock to the lowest price for the best product. Its an economic law, you should look it up sometime.

patent infringement protection is called a SERVICE. One that is PAID for by the business.

Do NOT confuse paying for a service as someone else making your business successful.

My God, do you even bother to think about the things you are saying?
And little addle brained socialist leftists like you just can't understand that government has never, will never, and can never "start and build a successful business."

Ummmmm....Who ever asked them to?

The role of government is to create an environment in which business can thrive. Solid transportation infrastructure, educated workforce, just competitive environment......level playing field
You question the risks taken by business owners, yet make an idiotic remark like that?

It is NOT the role of government to create an environment in which business can thrive. Business thrived before our government came into existence, and will thrive if no government existed.

The owner(s) of any business have primary and total responsibility for their business. They are one and the same. You appear to be to lost in partisan hackery to know that.

BTW....Isn't it your god, Obama, that wants to socialize both profit and loss in business?

Isn't there a word that covers that kind of philosophy?

Oh, and before I forget. The infrastructure that everyone on the left makes so much noise about helping business.......

Business paid for those roads and those bridges. They paid contractors to build them, and they pay contractors to maintain them.

So, you AND Obama are pathetically wrong.

Before the Government got involved, the free market consumed itself in a Darwinistic orgy. Monopolies, patent infringement, political manipulation.
Ummmmm....Who ever asked them to?

The role of government is to create an environment in which business can thrive. Solid transportation infrastructure, educated workforce, just competitive environment......level playing field
You question the risks taken by business owners, yet make an idiotic remark like that?

It is NOT the role of government to create an environment in which business can thrive. Business thrived before our government came into existence, and will thrive if no government existed.

The owner(s) of any business have primary and total responsibility for their business. They are one and the same. You appear to be to lost in partisan hackery to know that.

BTW....Isn't it your god, Obama, that wants to socialize both profit and loss in business?

Isn't there a word that covers that kind of philosophy?

Oh, and before I forget. The infrastructure that everyone on the left makes so much noise about helping business.......

Business paid for those roads and those bridges. They paid contractors to build them, and they pay contractors to maintain them.

So, you AND Obama are pathetically wrong.

Before the Government got involved, the free market consumed itself in a Darwinistic orgy. Monopolies, patent infringement, political manipulation.

What? :eusa_eh:
Ummmmm....Who ever asked them to?

The role of government is to create an environment in which business can thrive. Solid transportation infrastructure, educated workforce, just competitive environment......level playing field
You question the risks taken by business owners, yet make an idiotic remark like that?

It is NOT the role of government to create an environment in which business can thrive. Business thrived before our government came into existence, and will thrive if no government existed.

The owner(s) of any business have primary and total responsibility for their business. They are one and the same. You appear to be to lost in partisan hackery to know that.

BTW....Isn't it your god, Obama, that wants to socialize both profit and loss in business?

Isn't there a word that covers that kind of philosophy?

Oh, and before I forget. The infrastructure that everyone on the left makes so much noise about helping business.......

Business paid for those roads and those bridges. They paid contractors to build them, and they pay contractors to maintain them.

So, you AND Obama are pathetically wrong.

Before the Government got involved, the free market consumed itself in a Darwinistic orgy. Monopolies, patent infringement, political manipulation.

Son? YOU are an idiot. What do you think Courts are for?:eusa_hand:
Not to some liberals.....who am I kidding....all of them think government exists to make their life easier.

And they haven't been taught real history...nor do I think they care DW. They're getting thier boubles and trinquests for thier vote.

The system's been corrupt for far too long.

Remember the words of Tytler as to when the electorate found they could vote themselves into the treasury? [With the help of those they vote for]...

They'll keep doing it. The progressives are making it happen...and that means Obama.

yep, we are almost beyond the point of no return

And why this election is crucial to give the District Of Criminals a much needed enema.
Ummmmm....Who ever asked them to?

The role of government is to create an environment in which business can thrive. Solid transportation infrastructure, educated workforce, just competitive environment......level playing field
You question the risks taken by business owners, yet make an idiotic remark like that?

It is NOT the role of government to create an environment in which business can thrive. Business thrived before our government came into existence, and will thrive if no government existed.

The owner(s) of any business have primary and total responsibility for their business. They are one and the same. You appear to be to lost in partisan hackery to know that.

BTW....Isn't it your god, Obama, that wants to socialize both profit and loss in business?

Isn't there a word that covers that kind of philosophy?

Oh, and before I forget. The infrastructure that everyone on the left makes so much noise about helping business.......

Business paid for those roads and those bridges. They paid contractors to build them, and they pay contractors to maintain them.

So, you AND Obama are pathetically wrong.

Before the Government got involved, the free market consumed itself in a Darwinistic orgy. Monopolies, patent infringement, political manipulation.
No it didn't. You need to put that pipe down son.

Businesses fail because of governments, not succeed.
Seriously. Why was obammy limiting his disgusting comments to small business?

. If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

Where does small business build roads and bridges......read the quote
Was obammy speaking Ebonics wit the use of the demonstrative " that" ?

Come on all you small business owners

Explain how Obama is wrong and you really did build all those roads and bridges
. If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

Where does small business build roads and bridges......read the quote
Was obammy speaking Ebonics wit the use of the demonstrative " that" ?

Come on all you small business owners

Explain how Obama is wrong and you really did build all those roads and bridges
It has already been explained to you.

Businesses paid for those roads and bridges. It is called a 'service'. Unfortunately, the payment was extracted at the point of a gun.
You question the risks taken by business owners, yet make an idiotic remark like that?

It is NOT the role of government to create an environment in which business can thrive. Business thrived before our government came into existence, and will thrive if no government existed.

The owner(s) of any business have primary and total responsibility for their business. They are one and the same. You appear to be to lost in partisan hackery to know that.

BTW....Isn't it your god, Obama, that wants to socialize both profit and loss in business?

Isn't there a word that covers that kind of philosophy?

Oh, and before I forget. The infrastructure that everyone on the left makes so much noise about helping business.......

Business paid for those roads and those bridges. They paid contractors to build them, and they pay contractors to maintain them.

So, you AND Obama are pathetically wrong.

Before the Government got involved, the free market consumed itself in a Darwinistic orgy. Monopolies, patent infringement, political manipulation.

Son? YOU are an idiot. What do you think Courts are for?:eusa_hand:

Oh Boozy McGee...

Learn about Roosevelt, Teddy I mean now. And then come back and address rightwinger's point.

Also, laying off the shine will help too, Drunky McLiverIsCoal.

. If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

Where does small business build roads and bridges......read the quote
Was obammy speaking Ebonics wit the use of the demonstrative " that" ?

Come on all you small business owners

Explain how Obama is wrong and you really did build all those roads and bridges

i said it in another thread ill say it here, towns are making companies repair and replace roads interesections and maintain street lights or lamps. SO buesinesses are doing it NOT the towns. th ehome depot her ein howell nj had toto redo an intersection on route 9 and has to maintain a street lgith that is near one of their entrances and lords know how much they had to dole out for the permits.

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