72% Believe Small Business Owners Primarily Responsible for Their Own Success

For the umpteenth time that particular statistic refers to federal income tax not to all taxes.

Anyone with an income can afford to pay some income tax.

I think you're missing my point.

What I'm saying is that it's statistically likely that half of you guys that constantly whine about it don't actually pay federal income taxes yourselves.

Speak for yourself.

I pay more than my "fair share"

I'm not speaking for anyone - but until I see your tax returns, your claim of "paying your fair share" can be filed with all the other claims that people make on the internet...
I think you're missing my point.

What I'm saying is that it's statistically likely that half of you guys that constantly whine about it don't actually pay federal income taxes yourselves.

Speak for yourself.

I pay more than my "fair share"

I'm not speaking for anyone - but until I see your tax returns, your claim of "paying your fair share" can be filed with all the other claims that people make on the internet...

So why waste your time here?

If you can't assume a modicum of honesty you might as well be talking to yourself.
The boost that roads gave to business was a one off.

Since roads are now ubiquitous in this country they confer no advantage to a business.

What do you think would happen if we stopped paying to maintain those roads?

I'd buy a horse. More reliable, more environmentally friendly and less expensive than a car. And no union thugs would be getting rich off me.

I'm not asking what you would do, I'm asking what you think would happen - in terms of the economy, and small businesses in general.
Speak for yourself.

I pay more than my "fair share"

I'm not speaking for anyone - but until I see your tax returns, your claim of "paying your fair share" can be filed with all the other claims that people make on the internet...

So why waste your time here?

If you can't assume a modicum of honesty you might as well be talking to yourself.

I "waste" my time here because there are few things I enjoy as much as arguing about politics - which is, I assume, the same reason you do.

My point was not to question whether or not you pay income taxes - it was to point out a flaw in the logic of your argument. I doubt anyone on this message board would admit to not paying any federal income taxes, on either side of the aisle - but it's also almost certain that a good percentage of people on this board don't pay anything, also on both sides of the aisle.
those people polled just didn't understand, just like nobody understands what Obama says
got it

They understand....the poll said primarily responsible

What does the poll that asks are businesses TOTALLY responsible for their success say?

Have you ever risked everything you own to start a business?

Until you have you have no right to tell anyone who has that they are not 100% responsible for their success.

This is absolutely the truth. When I owned a company in the 80's with 23 employee a coulpe of the came to me and want to help me run the company. I asked the if they would go the to banks and pledge their houses and cars and bank account at collateral. Funniest thing they didn't want to do that. That is why I was the owner.
Who says that a fisherman must sell his product to a middle man?

Also, not all docks all located by roads. You are thinking too much in the Industrial Age sense to understand that not every nation had an widesweeping industrial change to their societies.

Think outside the American box. Not every business is located by a road.

You're right, but we're not talking about pre-Industrial age, nor are we talking about somewhere other than "America".

The boost that roads gave to business was a one off.

Since roads are now ubiquitous in this country they confer no advantage to a business.

That is like saying since your heart pushed blood through you the first time it started beating, you don't need it any more.
You're right, but we're not talking about pre-Industrial age, nor are we talking about somewhere other than "America".

The boost that roads gave to business was a one off.

Since roads are now ubiquitous in this country they confer no advantage to a business.

That is like saying since your heart pushed blood through you the first time it started beating, you don't need it any more.

More like you held my head under water and I drowned, but then you performed CPR and I lived, so I owe you my life.
It is true

Roads do not make a business a success

Roads help aid in the success of some businesses. Is this what Obama means? Then he should use more nuance in his speeches!

Roads do not make business. I agree. And Obama never said otherwise. However, roads are essential to the survival of all - not some - all businesses. That could change, if we get pushed back to the stone age. But that is a flat fact right now.

If I am wrong, please point out to me one exception.
Then why all the bitching that someone else isn't paying a fair share. Or that using the roads makes businesses some kind of moochers? Everyone benefits from public infrastructure. Small business owners, as well as people who PAY taxes, all contribute to support that infrastructure. Now, there are right around 50% of the public who not only pay NO income taxes, they actually get "refunds" for money they did not pay...go figure.

Lets try to stay on topic..

The issue is, do businesses achieve success totally on their own? Of course the answer is no. They are a member of a society that we all benefit from

People who do not pay federal income taxes are still paying for roads if they drive on them. They pay through gas taxes and real estate taxes as well as state taxes

Yet you expect the people who had the money to begin with, to be grateful government returned the money in the form of roads.

Yes. I do. Because that's what adults do in adult society. You give up some scratch so that your life, and those around you, is better. If you're a selfish fuck, you don't believe in that kind of idea.
What do you think would happen if we stopped paying to maintain those roads?

I'd buy a horse. More reliable, more environmentally friendly and less expensive than a car. And no union thugs would be getting rich off me.

I'm not asking what you would do, I'm asking what you think would happen - in terms of the economy, and small businesses in general.

Small, local businesses would thrive, supported by the local population. Of course, people would have to readjust their expectations because the only products available would be produced locally using readily available materials. It's the big, global concerns that would fail miserably.
I'd buy a horse. More reliable, more environmentally friendly and less expensive than a car. And no union thugs would be getting rich off me.

I'm not asking what you would do, I'm asking what you think would happen - in terms of the economy, and small businesses in general.

Small, local businesses would thrive, supported by the local population. Of course, people would have to readjust their expectations because the only products available would be produced locally using readily available materials. It's the big, global concerns that would fail miserably.

I'd buy a horse. More reliable, more environmentally friendly and less expensive than a car. And no union thugs would be getting rich off me.

I'm not asking what you would do, I'm asking what you think would happen - in terms of the economy, and small businesses in general.

Small, local businesses would thrive, supported by the local population. Of course, people would have to readjust their expectations because the only products available would be produced locally using readily available materials. It's the big, global concerns that would fail miserably.

Basically, civilization as we know it would be set back about 500 years?
You're right, but we're not talking about pre-Industrial age, nor are we talking about somewhere other than "America".

The boost that roads gave to business was a one off.

Since roads are now ubiquitous in this country they confer no advantage to a business.

That is like saying since your heart pushed blood through you the first time it started beating, you don't need it any more.

No it's saying that comparing a time when there were no roads to a time where roads are ubiquitous is stupid.
Tell that to FedEx. Or UPS. Or DHL. Or any trucking company.

You're a fucking idiot. Shut the fuck up. For reals.

Those companies have paid enough in taxes to pay for those roads 20 times over, clown. Where is their muthafuckin refund check? For reals......

What do you base that claim on?

The fact that Fed Ex alone has earnings of 43 billion dollars annually, along with 300,000 employees that pay taxes. UPS earns 53 billion annually with nearly 400,000 employees that pay taxes. So any non Marxist with half a brain gets the concept, hope this helps.....
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Those companies have paid enough in taxes to pay for those roads 20 times over, clown. Where is their muthafuckin refund check? For reals......

What do you base that claim on?

The fact that Fed Ex alone has earnings of 43 billion dollars annually, along with 300,000 employees that pay taxes. UPS earns 53 billion annually with nearly 400,000 employees that pay taxes. So any non Marxist with half a brain gets the concept, hope this helps.....

Except you totally didn't address the link I showed you where FedEx didn't pay ANY fucking taxes in 2010. So yeah...how do they contribute? You've told us how their employees contribute, and how much money they make for their board and executives, but you haven't shown us where FedEx has given back INTO the system that they so greatly benefit from.
What do you base that claim on?

The fact that Fed Ex alone has earnings of 43 billion dollars annually, along with 300,000 employees that pay taxes. UPS earns 53 billion annually with nearly 400,000 employees that pay taxes. So any non Marxist with half a brain gets the concept, hope this helps.....

Except you totally didn't address the link I showed you where FedEx didn't pay ANY fucking taxes in 2010. So yeah...how do they contribute? You've told us how their employees contribute, and how much money they make for their board and executives, but you haven't shown us where FedEx has given back INTO the system that they so greatly benefit from.

FedEx has not paid less than 36 percent in taxes in the last 20 years and have paid 3.7 billion in taxes for fiscal years 2001 to 2010. As for your link? Pardon me if I don't pray at the alter of move on.org like you. How much did Solyndra pay back into the crony capitalism system they so GREATLY benefited from? :eusa_whistle:
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but remember folks, you didn't hear what you heard Obama say:eusa_whistle:

Monday, July 23, 2012

Most Americans believe entrepreneurs who start businesses do more to create jobs and economic growth than big businesses or government. They also believe overwhelmingly that small business owners work harder than other Americans and are primarily responsible for the success or failure of their businesses.

Seventy-two percent (72%) of Likely U.S. Voters believe that people who start small businesses are primarily responsible for their success or failure. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that only 13% disagree. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

all of it here
72% Believe Small Business Owners Primarily Responsible for Their Own Success - Rasmussen Reports™

Really when one considers that Papa Obama and his radical left supporters
are even to the left on economic issues of presidents like John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Ford and Ronald Reagan

Really Scott Brown's ad says it well

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqDIjGsBEP8]Let America Be America Again - YouTube[/ame]

The left's attempts to equate a free market's requirements of public goods and natural monopolies
to some form of market socialism to justify a statist style gov't

is very entertaining
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There is a difference between primarily responsible and totally responsible......conservatives just can't understand it

Another insult from the Left.....you are saying that "Small Business owners have no sense of total responsibility". Do have any understanding of small business? You obviously cannot relate to the risk holders that start them and the stakeholders that sustain them.
I'm not asking what you would do, I'm asking what you think would happen - in terms of the economy, and small businesses in general.

Small, local businesses would thrive, supported by the local population. Of course, people would have to readjust their expectations because the only products available would be produced locally using readily available materials. It's the big, global concerns that would fail miserably.

Basically, civilization as we know it would be set back about 500 years?

Until the Feds got involved in interstate road construction, that's how life was. Small communities supported local businesses and farmers, who built, fabricated, or grew what the community needed. So, yes, civilization would be set back, but think...is that really such a bad thing?
How much does obammy think small business owners owe the gubmint for all that things gubmint provides? Because kthat is really what obammy was talking about. Who owes who.

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