72% Believe Small Business Owners Primarily Responsible for Their Own Success


They make enough money to pay taxes. Everyone makes enough money to pay some income taxes.

The argument that "50% of Americans don't pay taxes" is hilarious to me - especially since it's a statistical certainty that a good number of the people who constantly bitch about it pay "no taxes" themselves.

For the umpteenth time that particular statistic refers to federal income tax not to all taxes.

Anyone with an income can afford to pay some income tax.

I think you're missing my point.

What I'm saying is that it's statistically likely that half of you guys that constantly whine about it don't actually pay federal income taxes yourselves.
Who says that a fisherman must sell his product to a middle man?

Also, not all docks all located by roads. You are thinking too much in the Industrial Age sense to understand that not every nation had an widesweeping industrial change to their societies.

Think outside the American box. Not every business is located by a road.

You're right, but we're not talking about pre-Industrial age, nor are we talking about somewhere other than "America".

The boost that roads gave to business was a one off.

Since roads are now ubiquitous in this country they confer no advantage to a business.

What do you think would happen if we stopped paying to maintain those roads?
Maybe you should consider doing your fair share and write a check for an additional few thousand to cover your usage.

I don't have to.....I am a member of our society. I pay into it and I benefit from it......just like businesses do

Then why all the bitching that someone else isn't paying a fair share. Or that using the roads makes businesses some kind of moochers? Everyone benefits from public infrastructure. Small business owners, as well as people who PAY taxes, all contribute to support that infrastructure. Now, there are right around 50% of the public who not only pay NO income taxes, they actually get "refunds" for money they did not pay...go figure.

Lets try to stay on topic..

The issue is, do businesses achieve success totally on their own? Of course the answer is no. They are a member of a society that we all benefit from

People who do not pay federal income taxes are still paying for roads if they drive on them. They pay through gas taxes and real estate taxes as well as state taxes
The argument that "50% of Americans don't pay taxes" is hilarious to me - especially since it's a statistical certainty that a good number of the people who constantly bitch about it pay "no taxes" themselves.

For the umpteenth time that particular statistic refers to federal income tax not to all taxes.

Anyone with an income can afford to pay some income tax.

I think you're missing my point.

What I'm saying is that it's statistically likely that half of you guys that constantly whine about it don't actually pay federal income taxes yourselves.

Only if US Message Board is exactly representational of the American public. Fail.
The argument that "50% of Americans don't pay taxes" is hilarious to me - especially since it's a statistical certainty that a good number of the people who constantly bitch about it pay "no taxes" themselves.

For the umpteenth time that particular statistic refers to federal income tax not to all taxes.

Anyone with an income can afford to pay some income tax.

I think you're missing my point.

What I'm saying is that it's statistically likely that half of you guys that constantly whine about it don't actually pay federal income taxes yourselves.

Speak for yourself.

I pay more than my "fair share"
Why do Mittens and the dumbo rw's have to lie about EVERYTHING?

They take a few words, out of context, and suddenly, they've got NEW TALKING POINTS.

Idiots happily following Etch A Sketch off the cliff.

It's all the Party iof No has.

But you've got to admit they are very good at getting the "conned" to believe their misrepresentations. They do it to them all the time. Most of the "conned' are all too willing to believe anything bad about the President.
You're right, but we're not talking about pre-Industrial age, nor are we talking about somewhere other than "America".

The boost that roads gave to business was a one off.

Since roads are now ubiquitous in this country they confer no advantage to a business.

What do you think would happen if we stopped paying to maintain those roads?

I'd buy a horse. More reliable, more environmentally friendly and less expensive than a car. And no union thugs would be getting rich off me.
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I don't have to.....I am a member of our society. I pay into it and I benefit from it......just like businesses do

Then why all the bitching that someone else isn't paying a fair share. Or that using the roads makes businesses some kind of moochers? Everyone benefits from public infrastructure. Small business owners, as well as people who PAY taxes, all contribute to support that infrastructure. Now, there are right around 50% of the public who not only pay NO income taxes, they actually get "refunds" for money they did not pay...go figure.

Lets try to stay on topic..

The issue is, do businesses achieve success totally on their own? Of course the answer is no. They are a member of a society that we all benefit from

People who do not pay federal income taxes are still paying for roads if they drive on them. They pay through gas taxes and real estate taxes as well as state taxes

Yet you expect the people who had the money to begin with, to be grateful government returned the money in the form of roads.
Where does government at any level--local, state, and federal--get the money it uses to build and maintain roads?

Why were the roads built? For what purposes? Who were they built for?

Conservatives can usually answer such questions. Apparently the President and his worshippers cannot.

You don't know?

The money comes from "we the people" through gas taxes. We all pay in, we all benefit....even businesses that think they do it all on their own

So the roads argument is a wash. No one benefits any more than any other. Moving on....

Business benefits much more than private drivers. If you own a business, your employees, supplies, customer base and finished product all rely on public roads to allow you to exist. Business profits off the road infrastructure more than any private citizen
but remember folks, you didn't hear what you heard Obama say:eusa_whistle:

Monday, July 23, 2012

Most Americans believe entrepreneurs who start businesses do more to create jobs and economic growth than big businesses or government. They also believe overwhelmingly that small business owners work harder than other Americans and are primarily responsible for the success or failure of their businesses.

Seventy-two percent (72%) of Likely U.S. Voters believe that people who start small businesses are primarily responsible for their success or failure. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that only 13% disagree. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

all of it here
72% Believe Small Business Owners Primarily Responsible for Their Own Success - Rasmussen Reports™

...as it should be. Obama was talking without his trusted teleprompter and therefore was speaking out his ass. He is full of shit!
It ocurrs to me government uses the roads so the mail, police, fire and garbage truck cen get to my house. Are they paying their fair share?
I don't have to.....I am a member of our society. I pay into it and I benefit from it......just like businesses do

Then why all the bitching that someone else isn't paying a fair share. Or that using the roads makes businesses some kind of moochers? Everyone benefits from public infrastructure. Small business owners, as well as people who PAY taxes, all contribute to support that infrastructure. Now, there are right around 50% of the public who not only pay NO income taxes, they actually get "refunds" for money they did not pay...go figure.

Lets try to stay on topic..

The issue is, do businesses achieve success totally on their own? Of course the answer is no. They are a member of a society that we all benefit from

People who do not pay federal income taxes are still paying for roads if they drive on them. They pay through gas taxes and real estate taxes as well as state taxes

Benefit from? Pah!

Some people benefit from those that pay all the bills. Those that pay the bills don't benefit so much.
You don't know?

The money comes from "we the people" through gas taxes. We all pay in, we all benefit....even businesses that think they do it all on their own

So the roads argument is a wash. No one benefits any more than any other. Moving on....

Business benefits much more than private drivers. If you own a business, your employees, supplies, customer base and finished product all rely on public roads to allow you to exist. Business profits off the road infrastructure more than any private citizen
Private citizens benefit from roads by getting where they want to go...often commuting to their JOBS provided them by the successful businesses nearby. Without roads we would all be up a shit creek.

You are just as full of shit as that goofball Obama. Governments have been building roads for thousands of years. The idea that roads and bridges make businesses successful is pure folly. Were it so, all businesses opened would flourish...simply because of the roads.

You people are fuckin' idiots....desperate fuckin' idiots!
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Why do Mittens and the dumbo rw's have to lie about EVERYTHING?

They take a few words, out of context, and suddenly, they've got NEW TALKING POINTS.

Idiots happily following Etch A Sketch off the cliff.

It's all the Party iof No has.

But you've got to admit they are very good at getting the "conned" to believe their misrepresentations. They do it to them all the time. Most of the "conned' are all too willing to believe anything bad about the President.

oh brother...we see who gets conned..or you people wouldn't be on trying to spin this in a positive for Obama
There are fishermen that sell their product at their dock.

How do their customers get to the dock? How do those fish get to stores/restaurants/homes?

Who says that a fisherman must sell his product to a middle man?

Also, not all docks all located by roads. You are thinking too much in the Industrial Age sense to understand that not every nation had an widesweeping industrial change to their societies.

Think outside the American box. Not every business is located by a road.

Welcome to Alaska. Roads are scarce here and many localities can be reached only by air or boat.
So you own the roads with that $100 and that is your small business?
Apples and oranges. Average small business owner has 100K in his life savings at full risk just to start, years of sweat and stress to see if we are going to make a profit fighting govrnment bureaucracy and regulations by the bucket full and those of that are succesful after 20 years or so, which is about half of the ones that started, we have maybe built a retirment at the age of 70 all the while those that take NO risk keep demanding they be allowed to plunder more and more of what we have.
The argument I make is there is NO comparison with infrastructure to small business as where is your 100K investment? Where is your risk? Where is the stress you go through wondering if the roads will fail and you will lose everything you have?

I would like to respond to your post, but I have no idea what you are talking about. I contribute to roads through my gas taxes and so does a business. Without question, a business benefits from his customers, supplies and product being able to inexpensively reach his business than I do. I benefit from having millions of miles of roads at my disposal, but a business benefits much more

Roads do not have a damn thing to do with the sweat invested into a business, the operation of that business, the competiveness of the business world, marketing, accounts receivable, IT, accounts payable and the other 117 things that needs to be done to run a small business.
Roads are not what builds businesses and keeps them going.
Business was going on LONG BEFORE there was the first road.

Of course they do. Prior to wide expansion of public infrastructure, your employees and customers had to be located within a short walkable distance of your place of business. You may have provided products for local farms, but you lacked the ability to market your product to a wide market. Now, that market is global
Why do Mittens and the dumbo rw's have to lie about EVERYTHING?

They take a few words, out of context, and suddenly, they've got NEW TALKING POINTS.

Idiots happily following Etch A Sketch off the cliff.

It's all the Party iof No has.

But you've got to admit they are very good at getting the "conned" to believe their misrepresentations. They do it to them all the time. Most of the "conned' are all too willing to believe anything bad about the President.

oh brother...we see who gets conned..or you people wouldn't be on trying to spin this in a positive for Obama

There is no spin in calling a lie a lie.
So the roads argument is a wash. No one benefits any more than any other. Moving on....

Business benefits much more than private drivers. If you own a business, your employees, supplies, customer base and finished product all rely on public roads to allow you to exist. Business profits off the road infrastructure more than any private citizen
Private citizens benefit from roads by getting where they want to go...often commuting to their JOBS provided them by the successful businesses nearby. Without roads we would all be up a shit creek.

You are just as full of shit as that goofball Obama. Governments have been building roads for thousands of years. The idea that roads and bridges make businesses successful is pure folly. Were it so, all businesses opened would flourish...simply because of the roads.

You people are fuckin' idiots....desperate fuckin' idiots!

Roads allow an employee to live an extended distance from his place of employment. Without roads, employees would have to live within walking distance to their jobs like they used to. Without roads, most business would fail
but remember folks, you didn't hear what you heard Obama say:eusa_whistle:

Monday, July 23, 2012

Most Americans believe entrepreneurs who start businesses do more to create jobs and economic growth than big businesses or government. They also believe overwhelmingly that small business owners work harder than other Americans and are primarily responsible for the success or failure of their businesses.

Seventy-two percent (72%) of Likely U.S. Voters believe that people who start small businesses are primarily responsible for their success or failure. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that only 13% disagree. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

all of it here
72% Believe Small Business Owners Primarily Responsible for Their Own Success - Rasmussen Reports™

Not at all inconsistent with the statement:
...when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together.

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