72% Believe Small Business Owners Primarily Responsible for Their Own Success

After our brave soldiers risked their lives in WWII defending your freedom, they came home and government put them to work building infrastructure, including the interstate, energy grids, water treatment plants, dams, schools, hospitals, and bridges. Indeed, many of our veterans were employed by these grand public works programs which built up American suburbs. Great presidents like Dwight Eisenhower put our noble veterans to work building modern industrial America. The contributions of our soldiers - the infrastructure they built - is necessary for commerce. Business depends on these things. Goods are brought to market on the roads our veterans built. The OP is shitting on these great Americans upon whom business relies.

The technology that fueled the 80s consumer electronics boom came out of the Cold War Pentagon/NASA. The computer and internet came out of a deep partnership between government and the private sector.

The financial sector craves FDIC insurance so that it can pursue business ventures with less risk. FDIC insurance comes from the public. The entire system of investment capital - of funding new technology for instance - relies heavily on subsidies and bailouts. When businesses fuck up on a grand scale, the taxpayer bails them out.

Stop shitting on the contributions of all the people and the system which created the most fertile soil in history for your profits.
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Where does government at any level--local, state, and federal--get the money it uses to build and maintain roads?

Why were the roads built? For what purposes? Who were they built for?

Conservatives can usually answer such questions. Apparently the President and his worshippers cannot.

Actually, it doesn't seem to me that any of the "conservatives" here are able to respond to that question. Roads are built to provide a method of moving goods and people. Roads are the blood vessels of the nation.

People here keep talking about how much they use roads and about their "fair share". But they completely ignore what those roads actually mean. If you own a business, you need for your customers to get to and from you. Those customers have to have homes and jobs they need to get to and from. If you manufacture, you need materials to come in and product to go out. The materials which built your building had to get to the site. You need power plants and sewage plants, which have to be built with materials that must be delivered to the site. If you have a computer, that had to be built with materials delivered by road, gotten to the store by road. Everything in your house you have because of the roads. The food you buy in the grocery store is only there because of the roads. Without them, commerce grinds to a halt. The roads go away and most of us are starving in a week.

The point of the speech, for those who actually took the time to read it, was that none of us live in a vacuum. We are part of a community and our jobs and businesses exist because of that community. We all have a stake, whether we want it or not, in that community. If the community ceases to function, your business ceases to exist.

If people don't want to vote for Obama, don't. But, for god's sake, make your decision based upon a rational view of reality and not some blind adherence to ideology. Just because I don't automatically assume anything the man does is evil does not mean I worship him. If you think it does, you are wearing a set of really huge blinders.
Where does government at any level--local, state, and federal--get the money it uses to build and maintain roads?

Why were the roads built? For what purposes? Who were they built for?

Conservatives can usually answer such questions. Apparently the President and his worshippers cannot.

Actually, it doesn't seem to me that any of the "conservatives" here are able to respond to that question. Roads are built to provide a method of moving goods and people. Roads are the blood vessels of the nation.

People here keep talking about how much they use roads and about their "fair share". But they completely ignore what those roads actually mean. If you own a business, you need for your customers to get to and from you. Those customers have to have homes and jobs they need to get to and from. If you manufacture, you need materials to come in and product to go out. The materials which built your building had to get to the site. You need power plants and sewage plants, which have to be built with materials that must be delivered to the site. If you have a computer, that had to be built with materials delivered by road, gotten to the store by road. Everything in your house you have because of the roads. The food you buy in the grocery store is only there because of the roads. Without them, commerce grinds to a halt. The roads go away and most of us are starving in a week.

The point of the speech, for those who actually took the time to read it, was that none of us live in a vacuum. We are part of a community and our jobs and businesses exist because of that community. We all have a stake, whether we want it or not, in that community. If the community ceases to function, your business ceases to exist.

If people don't want to vote for Obama, don't. But, for god's sake, make your decision based upon a rational view of reality and not some blind adherence to ideology. Just because I don't automatically assume anything the man does is evil does not mean I worship him. If you think it does, you are wearing a set of really huge blinders.

good grief, like this something we need to be reminded of by a President of the country?
what exactly was his purpose for it?
Primarily responsible? Yes. Completely responsible? No. You have to have some help like loans, grants, and with some businesses government contracts. Government can help and does help lots of businesses that you wouldn't think off the top of your head.

Excuse me?

I didn't get any government loans, grants or contracts and no one but my wife and I took the risks and made the sacrifices so none of you deserve any of the credit nor a share of the rewards.
I drive 15,000 miles a year on public roads. I pay about $100 a year in gas taxes. No way do I pay for the roads I use

So you own the roads with that $100 and that is your small business?
Apples and oranges. Average small business owner has 100K in his life savings at full risk just to start, years of sweat and stress to see if we are going to make a profit fighting govrnment bureaucracy and regulations by the bucket full and those of that are succesful after 20 years or so, which is about half of the ones that started, we have maybe built a retirment at the age of 70 all the while those that take NO risk keep demanding they be allowed to plunder more and more of what we have.
The argument I make is there is NO comparison with infrastructure to small business as where is your 100K investment? Where is your risk? Where is the stress you go through wondering if the roads will fail and you will lose everything you have?

I would like to respond to your post, but I have no idea what you are talking about. I contribute to roads through my gas taxes and so does a business. Without question, a business benefits from his customers, supplies and product being able to inexpensively reach his business than I do. I benefit from having millions of miles of roads at my disposal, but a business benefits much more

Roads do not have a damn thing to do with the sweat invested into a business, the operation of that business, the competiveness of the business world, marketing, accounts receivable, IT, accounts payable and the other 117 things that needs to be done to run a small business.
Roads are not what builds businesses and keeps them going.
Business was going on LONG BEFORE there was the first road.
Where does government at any level--local, state, and federal--get the money it uses to build and maintain roads?

Why were the roads built? For what purposes? Who were they built for?

Conservatives can usually answer such questions. Apparently the President and his worshippers cannot.

Actually, it doesn't seem to me that any of the "conservatives" here are able to respond to that question. Roads are built to provide a method of moving goods and people. Roads are the blood vessels of the nation.

People here keep talking about how much they use roads and about their "fair share". But they completely ignore what those roads actually mean. If you own a business, you need for your customers to get to and from you. Those customers have to have homes and jobs they need to get to and from. If you manufacture, you need materials to come in and product to go out. The materials which built your building had to get to the site. You need power plants and sewage plants, which have to be built with materials that must be delivered to the site. If you have a computer, that had to be built with materials delivered by road, gotten to the store by road. Everything in your house you have because of the roads. The food you buy in the grocery store is only there because of the roads. Without them, commerce grinds to a halt. The roads go away and most of us are starving in a week.

The point of the speech, for those who actually took the time to read it, was that none of us live in a vacuum. We are part of a community and our jobs and businesses exist because of that community. We all have a stake, whether we want it or not, in that community. If the community ceases to function, your business ceases to exist.

If people don't want to vote for Obama, don't. But, for god's sake, make your decision based upon a rational view of reality and not some blind adherence to ideology. Just because I don't automatically assume anything the man does is evil does not mean I worship him. If you think it does, you are wearing a set of really huge blinders.

Roads do not make a business. Period.
Roads do not have a damn thing to do with the sweat invested into a business, the operation of that business, the competiveness of the business world, marketing, accounts receivable, IT, accounts payable and the other 117 things that needs to be done to run a small business. Roads are not what builds businesses and keeps them going. Business was going on LONG BEFORE there was the first road.

No, but talking about them makes a very effective diversionary, straw man argument.

It's hard to believe people here are repeating the same thing Obama said as if it's true..

Obama's words were evidently for the simple minded

I was very offended by the remarks The President made concerning small business. He knows better but is pandering once again.
And I am not a hard core right wing Republican.
Everybody should of been offended by that speech..

and from the spin that came after they know a lot of people were

vote Obama out people..we can't take four more years of him
The point of the speech was to give credibility to raising more taxes. It is easier to do that when you demonize a group and give a justification, however poor.
Where does government at any level--local, state, and federal--get the money it uses to build and maintain roads?

Why were the roads built? For what purposes? Who were they built for?

Conservatives can usually answer such questions. Apparently the President and his worshippers cannot.

Actually, it doesn't seem to me that any of the "conservatives" here are able to respond to that question. Roads are built to provide a method of moving goods and people. Roads are the blood vessels of the nation.

People here keep talking about how much they use roads and about their "fair share". But they completely ignore what those roads actually mean. If you own a business, you need for your customers to get to and from you. Those customers have to have homes and jobs they need to get to and from. If you manufacture, you need materials to come in and product to go out. The materials which built your building had to get to the site. You need power plants and sewage plants, which have to be built with materials that must be delivered to the site. If you have a computer, that had to be built with materials delivered by road, gotten to the store by road. Everything in your house you have because of the roads. The food you buy in the grocery store is only there because of the roads. Without them, commerce grinds to a halt. The roads go away and most of us are starving in a week.

The point of the speech, for those who actually took the time to read it, was that none of us live in a vacuum. We are part of a community and our jobs and businesses exist because of that community. We all have a stake, whether we want it or not, in that community. If the community ceases to function, your business ceases to exist.

If people don't want to vote for Obama, don't. But, for god's sake, make your decision based upon a rational view of reality and not some blind adherence to ideology. Just because I don't automatically assume anything the man does is evil does not mean I worship him. If you think it does, you are wearing a set of really huge blinders.

Roads do not make a business. Period.

As I said, blinders.
Where does government at any level--local, state, and federal--get the money it uses to build and maintain roads?

Why were the roads built? For what purposes? Who were they built for?

Conservatives can usually answer such questions. Apparently the President and his worshippers cannot.

Actually, it doesn't seem to me that any of the "conservatives" here are able to respond to that question. Roads are built to provide a method of moving goods and people. Roads are the blood vessels of the nation.

People here keep talking about how much they use roads and about their "fair share". But they completely ignore what those roads actually mean. If you own a business, you need for your customers to get to and from you. Those customers have to have homes and jobs they need to get to and from. If you manufacture, you need materials to come in and product to go out. The materials which built your building had to get to the site. You need power plants and sewage plants, which have to be built with materials that must be delivered to the site. If you have a computer, that had to be built with materials delivered by road, gotten to the store by road. Everything in your house you have because of the roads. The food you buy in the grocery store is only there because of the roads. Without them, commerce grinds to a halt. The roads go away and most of us are starving in a week.

The point of the speech, for those who actually took the time to read it, was that none of us live in a vacuum. We are part of a community and our jobs and businesses exist because of that community. We all have a stake, whether we want it or not, in that community. If the community ceases to function, your business ceases to exist.

If people don't want to vote for Obama, don't. But, for god's sake, make your decision based upon a rational view of reality and not some blind adherence to ideology. Just because I don't automatically assume anything the man does is evil does not mean I worship him. If you think it does, you are wearing a set of really huge blinders.

good grief, like this something we need to be reminded of by a President of the country?
what exactly was his purpose for it?

I am assuming the purpose was to remind people. From many of the posts on this thread, there are people who require reminding.
Actually, it doesn't seem to me that any of the "conservatives" here are able to respond to that question. Roads are built to provide a method of moving goods and people. Roads are the blood vessels of the nation.

People here keep talking about how much they use roads and about their "fair share". But they completely ignore what those roads actually mean. If you own a business, you need for your customers to get to and from you. Those customers have to have homes and jobs they need to get to and from. If you manufacture, you need materials to come in and product to go out. The materials which built your building had to get to the site. You need power plants and sewage plants, which have to be built with materials that must be delivered to the site. If you have a computer, that had to be built with materials delivered by road, gotten to the store by road. Everything in your house you have because of the roads. The food you buy in the grocery store is only there because of the roads. Without them, commerce grinds to a halt. The roads go away and most of us are starving in a week.

The point of the speech, for those who actually took the time to read it, was that none of us live in a vacuum. We are part of a community and our jobs and businesses exist because of that community. We all have a stake, whether we want it or not, in that community. If the community ceases to function, your business ceases to exist.

If people don't want to vote for Obama, don't. But, for god's sake, make your decision based upon a rational view of reality and not some blind adherence to ideology. Just because I don't automatically assume anything the man does is evil does not mean I worship him. If you think it does, you are wearing a set of really huge blinders.

good grief, like this something we need to be reminded of by a President of the country?
what exactly was his purpose for it?

I am assuming the purpose was to remind people. From many of the posts on this thread, there are people who require reminding.

reminded of what...how stupid he is? he succeeded in that with that speech
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Where does government at any level--local, state, and federal--get the money it uses to build and maintain roads?

Why were the roads built? For what purposes? Who were they built for?

Conservatives can usually answer such questions. Apparently the President and his worshippers cannot.

Actually, it doesn't seem to me that any of the "conservatives" here are able to respond to that question. Roads are built to provide a method of moving goods and people. Roads are the blood vessels of the nation.

People here keep talking about how much they use roads and about their "fair share". But they completely ignore what those roads actually mean. If you own a business, you need for your customers to get to and from you. Those customers have to have homes and jobs they need to get to and from. If you manufacture, you need materials to come in and product to go out. The materials which built your building had to get to the site. You need power plants and sewage plants, which have to be built with materials that must be delivered to the site. If you have a computer, that had to be built with materials delivered by road, gotten to the store by road. Everything in your house you have because of the roads. The food you buy in the grocery store is only there because of the roads. Without them, commerce grinds to a halt. The roads go away and most of us are starving in a week.

The point of the speech, for those who actually took the time to read it, was that none of us live in a vacuum. We are part of a community and our jobs and businesses exist because of that community. We all have a stake, whether we want it or not, in that community. If the community ceases to function, your business ceases to exist.

If people don't want to vote for Obama, don't. But, for god's sake, make your decision based upon a rational view of reality and not some blind adherence to ideology. Just because I don't automatically assume anything the man does is evil does not mean I worship him. If you think it does, you are wearing a set of really huge blinders.

Roads do not make a business. Period.

Tell that to FedEx. Or UPS. Or DHL. Or any trucking company.

You're a fucking idiot. Shut the fuck up. For reals.
Maybe you should consider doing your fair share and write a check for an additional few thousand to cover your usage.

I don't have to.....I am a member of our society. I pay into it and I benefit from it......just like businesses do

Then why all the bitching that someone else isn't paying a fair share. Or that using the roads makes businesses some kind of moochers? Everyone benefits from public infrastructure. Small business owners, as well as people who PAY taxes, all contribute to support that infrastructure. Now, there are right around 50% of the public who not only pay NO income taxes, they actually get "refunds" for money they did not pay...go figure.

As soon as someone starts bitching about the "50% of the country who pays no Federal income taxes" you can dismiss them as being a party-programmed robot. It takes about 30 seconds of Google power to figure out WHY those people don't pay taxes:

They don't make enough money to. Oh, and a lot of them may actually be super rich too, using tax havens to hide their money. Just sayin'.
Roads do not make a business. Period.

Tell that to FedEx. Or UPS. Or DHL. Or any trucking company.

You're a fucking idiot. Shut the fuck up. For reals.[/QUOTE]

Still trying to spin that I see. Now you're so desparate that you have to tell people not to post? :lol:

Stick a fork in Derrps, he's done.
but remember folks, you didn't hear what you heard Obama say:eusa_whistle:

Monday, July 23, 2012

Most Americans believe entrepreneurs who start businesses do more to create jobs and economic growth than big businesses or government. They also believe overwhelmingly that small business owners work harder than other Americans and are primarily responsible for the success or failure of their businesses.

Seventy-two percent (72%) of Likely U.S. Voters believe that people who start small businesses are primarily responsible for their success or failure. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that only 13% disagree. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

all of it here
72% Believe Small Business Owners Primarily Responsible for Their Own Success - Rasmussen Reports™
Only 72%?

That's frightening that it's not 98% or more.
As soon as someone starts bitching about the "50% of the country who pays no Federal income taxes" you can dismiss them as being a party-programmed robot. It takes about 30 seconds of Google power to figure out WHY those people don't pay taxes:

They don't make enough money to. Oh, and a lot of them may actually be super rich too, using tax havens to hide their money. Just sayin'.

You are the one with everyone paying their fair share idiot. Now you want to change your tune on that too?
good grief, like this something we need to be reminded of by a President of the country?
what exactly was his purpose for it?

I am assuming the purpose was to remind people. From many of the posts on this thread, there are people who require reminding.

reminded of what...how stupid he is? he succeeded in that with that speech

You stated, "good grief, like this something we need to be reminded of by a President of the country?" Now, perhaps I am reading into this but it sounds like you were indicating that what he was saying was self-evident and therefore not worth even saying. IOW, you agreed with him. Now you think he was stupid because he said something you agree with?

Or is it just that he was the one who said it?

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