72% Believe Small Business Owners Primarily Responsible for Their Own Success


That bone head couldn't keep up with me on his best day.
Where does government at any level--local, state, and federal--get the money it uses to build and maintain roads?

Why were the roads built? For what purposes? Who were they built for?

Conservatives can usually answer such questions. Apparently the President and his worshippers cannot.

You don't know?

The money comes from "we the people" through gas taxes. We all pay in, we all benefit....even businesses that think they do it all on their own

Obama says the money comes from the government. You disagreeing with him?

No he doesn't. Please read his entire quote, not the out of context bullshit that Rush Limbaugh feeds you.
I would like to respond to your post, but I have no idea what you are talking about. I contribute to roads through my gas taxes and so does a business. Without question, a business benefits from his customers, supplies and product being able to inexpensively reach his business than I do. I benefit from having millions of miles of roads at my disposal, but a business benefits much more

The business passes that cost on to you idiot. YOU benefit from it, not the business.

Do you realize what you are posting? That makes no sense

Try to follow the flow of the thread. It is not that hard for most people

It is only a problem for you then. If transportation costs were higher, you would end up paying more. A business doesn't just eat the costs. Any cost placed on a business by government ends up out of the consumer's end. Obama thinks people like you are just stupid and can't see it. Clearly, he has a point, you don't.
0bama fluffers need to make up their mind...

Either he said what he said or he didn't say what he said....
You don't know?

The money comes from "we the people" through gas taxes. We all pay in, we all benefit....even businesses that think they do it all on their own

Obama says the money comes from the government. You disagreeing with him?

No he doesn't. Please read his entire quote, not the out of context bullshit that Rush Limbaugh feeds you.

Appeal to some outside influence. Nonstarter rightwinger. Probably heard Rush a total of 30 minutes over 15 times (two minute average). Most of those times it was on the radio when I got in the car to move it on the lot.
The business passes that cost on to you idiot. YOU benefit from it, not the business.

Do you realize what you are posting? That makes no sense

Try to follow the flow of the thread. It is not that hard for most people

It is only a problem for you then. If transportation costs were higher, you would end up paying more. A business doesn't just eat the costs. Any cost placed on a business by government ends up out of the consumer's end. Obama thinks people like you are just stupid and can't see it. Clearly, he has a point, you don't.

Sorry..but that has nothing to do with what we are talking about. The topic of the thread is the benefit businesses draw from being a member of society.

Everyone pays in...everyone benefits. Even businesses
Do you realize what you are posting? That makes no sense

Try to follow the flow of the thread. It is not that hard for most people

It is only a problem for you then. If transportation costs were higher, you would end up paying more. A business doesn't just eat the costs. Any cost placed on a business by government ends up out of the consumer's end. Obama thinks people like you are just stupid and can't see it. Clearly, he has a point, you don't.

Sorry..but that has nothing to do with what we are talking about. The topic of the thread is the benefit businesses draw from being a member of society.

Everyone pays in...everyone benefits. Even businesses

You were wrong about counties paying for raods with gasoline tax.

You were wrong about cities paying for roads with gasoline tax.

You are wrong about who benefits from roads, which is the topic.

You're 100% wrong.

Deflect and deny, as usual.
Primarily responsible? Yes. Completely responsible? No. You have to have some help like loans, grants, and with some businesses government contracts. Government can help and does help lots of businesses that you wouldn't think off the top of your head.
I keep wondering who President Obama and his slavish worshippers think built the roads, etc. in the first place? If you listen to them, the government magically created them out of thin air, and that allowed businesses to spring up and prosper. I think all the evidence points to business and commerce already happening making the roads practical and a necessity, and paid for by that same business and commerce.

Viewed from their ideological indoctrination, Barry S. and his worshipers are quite convinced that government magically made roads, etc. appear out of the mythical ether.
Primarily responsible? Yes. Completely responsible? No. You have to have some help like loans, grants, and with some businesses government contracts. Government can help and does help lots of businesses that you wouldn't think off the top of your head.

Loans and grants come from taxes, not the government.

Government contracts are for services and goods the government determines are needed. Often at prices inflated for the additional issues dealing with the government presents. Government needs the businesses.
In the day-to-day operations of most small businesses, the federal government has no responsibilities. Nor do they share in any of the risks.

They certainly make sure to take a share of the profits, don't they. And now obama wants to claim all the credit for their success.
Primarily responsible? Yes. Completely responsible? No. You have to have some help like loans, grants, and with some businesses government contracts. Government can help and does help lots of businesses that you wouldn't think off the top of your head.

Loans and grants come from taxes, not the government.

Government contracts are for services and goods the government determines are needed. Often at prices inflated for the additional issues dealing with the government presents. Government needs the businesses.

Taxes is the government. We all pay in, we all benefit.
I drive 15,000 miles a year on public roads. I pay about $100 a year in gas taxes. No way do I pay for the roads I use

Maybe you should consider doing your fair share and write a check for an additional few thousand to cover your usage.

I don't have to.....I am a member of our society. I pay into it and I benefit from it......just like businesses do

Then why all the bitching that someone else isn't paying a fair share. Or that using the roads makes businesses some kind of moochers? Everyone benefits from public infrastructure. Small business owners, as well as people who PAY taxes, all contribute to support that infrastructure. Now, there are right around 50% of the public who not only pay NO income taxes, they actually get "refunds" for money they did not pay...go figure.
Primarily responsible? Yes. Completely responsible? No. You have to have some help like loans, grants, and with some businesses government contracts. Government can help and does help lots of businesses that you wouldn't think off the top of your head.

Loans and grants come from taxes, not the government.

Government contracts are for services and goods the government determines are needed. Often at prices inflated for the additional issues dealing with the government presents. Government needs the businesses.

Taxes is the government. We all pay in, we all benefit.

No taxes are redistribution of our money. Less than half pay in and you may very well not receive any benefit. Wrong again on all counts. Thanks for playing.
Maybe you should listen to Rush, then you can think up snappy answers ahead of time. Apparently waiting until I post something doesn't give you enough lead time.
Where does government at any level--local, state, and federal--get the money it uses to build and maintain roads?

Why were the roads built? For what purposes? Who were they built for?

Conservatives can usually answer such questions. Apparently the President and his worshippers cannot.

You don't know?

The money comes from "we the people" through gas taxes. We all pay in, we all benefit....even businesses that think they do it all on their own

So the roads argument is a wash. No one benefits any more than any other. Moving on....
but remember folks, you didn't hear what you heard Obama say:eusa_whistle:

Monday, July 23, 2012

Most Americans believe entrepreneurs who start businesses do more to create jobs and economic growth than big businesses or government. They also believe overwhelmingly that small business owners work harder than other Americans and are primarily responsible for the success or failure of their businesses.

Seventy-two percent (72%) of Likely U.S. Voters believe that people who start small businesses are primarily responsible for their success or failure. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that only 13% disagree. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

all of it here
72% Believe Small Business Owners Primarily Responsible for Their Own Success - Rasmussen Reports™

What I want to know is how 29% of the people could possibly think they are not. Must be the lazy fucks who do nothing for themselves and do not know what it is like to pour your Blood sweat and tears into something and build it by sheer will power alone, Not only with OUT help from the Government, but while actually battling the Governments rules, and Taxes to make it happen.

Gotta love the Fucking Roads argument. the Government would not have a dime to Build Roads, nor the materials or Equipment to do it, With out the Private Sector. Government is Dependent on the Productive, not the other way around, You left wing fucking idiots.
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Where does government at any level--local, state, and federal--get the money it uses to build and maintain roads?

Why were the roads built? For what purposes? Who were they built for?

Conservatives can usually answer such questions. Apparently the President and his worshippers cannot.

You don't know?

The money comes from "we the people" through gas taxes. We all pay in, we all benefit....even businesses that think they do it all on their own

So the roads argument is a wash. No one benefits any more than any other. Moving on....

That was pretty much Obama's big example, so where are we going from there?

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