72% Believe Small Business Owners Primarily Responsible for Their Own Success

72% Believe Small Business Owners Primarily Responsible for Their Own Success


but remember folks, you didn't hear what you heard Obama say:eusa_whistle:

Monday, July 23, 2012

Most Americans believe entrepreneurs who start businesses do more to create jobs and economic growth than big businesses or government. They also believe overwhelmingly that small business owners work harder than other Americans and are primarily responsible for the success or failure of their businesses.

Seventy-two percent (72%) of Likely U.S. Voters believe that people who start small businesses are primarily responsible for their success or failure. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that only 13% disagree. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

all of it here
72% Believe Small Business Owners Primarily Responsible for Their Own Success - Rasmussen Reports™

That is not what the Judaen/Christian God has to say.
Sad that all you can do is carry a lie about what the President said.

Do you hate Obama so much that you will carry El-Rash-Butts pisspot?

and the romney haters arent doing that, its fun to point in one direction.

Did I say that they were not?

However I feel there is a lot more hate out there for President Obama than there is for Mitt Romney.

Could be obama has done far more to earn the hard feelings expressed by so many against his FAILED ideology, his FAILED policies, his FAILED presidency...
I'd like to see Bam Bam run a business. Let's see how far he'd get if he actually had to balance the books.

It would be even more interesting to see how he'd stop the crooks, liars, cheats, and thieves he seems to prefer to "hire" from stealing him blind.
I pay my taxes FED,state and road use taxes that's my share to cover my road use this is a non starter and and weak ass argument.

Try again

No, you try again. I hate to tell you, but unless you're paying MILLIONS in taxes every year, directly to the agencies that handle the roads and highways you use, you're not contributing your fair share. It does, in fact, take a village to pay for infrastructure.

There that critical thinking again, I am part of that village,what you think everyone has to pay millions individually??

I pay base on my road use,through gas and fuel taxes,state taxes,local taxes It my fair share

Try again.

So, buddy, thanks for proving Barack Obama's point for him. You didn't do everything on your own. Your business would be an utter failure without roads and highways that the GOVERNMENT pays for and then taxes us to cover the cost of.

Oops! You just stepped on a truth bomb, muhfacka!
No, you try again. I hate to tell you, but unless you're paying MILLIONS in taxes every year, directly to the agencies that handle the roads and highways you use, you're not contributing your fair share. It does, in fact, take a village to pay for infrastructure.

There that critical thinking again, I am part of that village,what you think everyone has to pay millions individually??

I pay base on my road use,through gas and fuel taxes,state taxes,local taxes It my fair share

Try again.

So, buddy, thanks for proving Barack Obama's point for him. You didn't do everything on your own. Your business would be an utter failure without roads and highways that the GOVERNMENT pays for and then taxes us to cover the cost of.

Oops! You just stepped on a truth bomb, muhfacka!

Also airports, railroads, schools, broadband, etc etc are falling apart under voodoo in comparison to other countries. Only the top 1% are raking it in (270% growth in wealth). Not to mention the Pub deregulaion and cronyism that caused the SECOND Pub World Depression.

Romneycare now has the lowest cost rises, 2% annually as opposed to 15% elsewhere and for YEARS. THAT"S the problem with Medicaid/care....
What roads did you drive your truck on?

I pay my taxes FED,state and road use taxes that's my share to cover my road use this is a non starter and and weak ass argument.

Try again

No, you try again. I hate to tell you, but unless you're paying MILLIONS in taxes every year, directly to the agencies that handle the roads and highways you use, you're not contributing your fair share. It does, in fact, take a village to pay for infrastructure.

I drive 15,000 miles a year on public roads. I pay about $100 a year in gas taxes. No way do I pay for the roads I use
No, you try again. I hate to tell you, but unless you're paying MILLIONS in taxes every year, directly to the agencies that handle the roads and highways you use, you're not contributing your fair share. It does, in fact, take a village to pay for infrastructure.

There that critical thinking again, I am part of that village,what you think everyone has to pay millions individually??

I pay base on my road use,through gas and fuel taxes,state taxes,local taxes It my fair share

Try again.

So, buddy, thanks for proving Barack Obama's point for him. You didn't do everything on your own. Your business would be an utter failure without roads and highways that the GOVERNMENT pays for and then taxes us to cover the cost of.

Oops! You just stepped on a truth bomb, muhfacka!

nice try ,but we pay for the roads not the other way around,when I buy gas I pay the tax UP FRONT,try again.

But if you were to comment on running deficits,you might be on to something.

Keep trying your looking good. The use of roads dead dog kicking is fun to watch.

open the window let some air into your moms basement,you need more O2
I pay my taxes FED,state and road use taxes that's my share to cover my road use this is a non starter and and weak ass argument.

Try again

No, you try again. I hate to tell you, but unless you're paying MILLIONS in taxes every year, directly to the agencies that handle the roads and highways you use, you're not contributing your fair share. It does, in fact, take a village to pay for infrastructure.

I drive 15,000 miles a year on public roads. I pay about $100 a year in gas taxes. No way do I pay for the roads I use

Maybe you should consider doing your fair share and write a check for an additional few thousand to cover your usage.
Well I can tell you that my parents, our whole family, made the business a success.

Try telling my parents that the Govt was in any way responsible for that success. Hell. They'd laugh you right out the door.

It's just like government to allow the individual to take all the risk on their own, then have the business owner undergo all the stress labor to maintain a positive balance sheet that keeps them above water (as we all know the only knowledge a critiquing Government has, is the ability of accruing more overall DEBT). All this while "government" simply holds the door open (like some over dressed bell hop) an expect to receive all the credit.
No, you try again. I hate to tell you, but unless you're paying MILLIONS in taxes every year, directly to the agencies that handle the roads and highways you use, you're not contributing your fair share. It does, in fact, take a village to pay for infrastructure.

There that critical thinking again, I am part of that village,what you think everyone has to pay millions individually??

I pay base on my road use,through gas and fuel taxes,state taxes,local taxes It my fair share

Try again.

So, buddy, thanks for proving Barack Obama's point for him. You didn't do everything on your own. Your business would be an utter failure without roads and highways that the GOVERNMENT pays for and then taxes us to cover the cost of.

Oops! You just stepped on a truth bomb, muhfacka!

So you slimed your way over to another thread in order to BS I see. Government uses taxpayer funds from gas tax to pay for roads. Government doesn't pay a dime. They collected that from basically a use tax, so yes, everyone paid their fair share.

Lie day in a day out, the truth is right there in the paragraph above this one.

I paid for my education and wasn'r fully employed until after school, so I gave up income while learning. Now Obama expects me to pay more for the success I made? He wants an achievement tax. Taxing the middle class, which largely makes up business owners. Just another lie from Obama about not wanting to tax the middle class.
For the record 28% do not believe the government is primarily responsible for a business' success. Once again Obama proves he is unworthy of helping get our economy back on track. As if four years wasn't enough to prove that already.
but remember folks, you didn't hear what you heard Obama say:eusa_whistle:

Monday, July 23, 2012

Most Americans believe entrepreneurs who start businesses do more to create jobs and economic growth than big businesses or government. They also believe overwhelmingly that small business owners work harder than other Americans and are primarily responsible for the success or failure of their businesses.

Seventy-two percent (72%) of Likely U.S. Voters believe that people who start small businesses are primarily responsible for their success or failure. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that only 13% disagree. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

all of it here
72% Believe Small Business Owners Primarily Responsible for Their Own Success - Rasmussen Reports™

Good to know that the majority of Americans still have a clue as to how things work. Only those who never ventured into the workforce are sitting there believing that middle class and wealthy somehow got luckier than them.
I keep wondering who President Obama and his slavish worshippers think built the roads, etc. in the first place? If you listen to them, the government magically created them out of thin air, and that allowed businesses to spring up and prosper. I think all the evidence points to business and commerce already happening making the roads practical and a necessity, and paid for by that same business and commerce.
Small business owners pay over 60% of social security, half of medicare, 100% of job related injury insurance and unemployment benefits, then they take time out of their busy week to report and deposit all these funds with at least four agencies. Free labor for the government.
There is a difference between primarily responsible and totally responsible......conservatives just can't understand it

No, liberals can not understand that a small business owner is 100% responsible for his success.
Primarily, totally, partially, maybe, coulda, woulda, shoulda do not pay the bills and sign the checks.
We TOTALLY do that and that is all that counts.

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