72% Believe Small Business Owners Primarily Responsible for Their Own Success

I started my company ,with a 1986 chevy s10,my tools I had built up over the years,paid cash for EVERYTHING,have no business debt,don't intend on ever borrowing money,might finance a newer truck some day might not. Pay my mortgage,eat, a few other bills then the rest goes in the bank to plow back into company.

I am 100% responsible for my successes or failure,there are countless people just like me.

What roads did you drive your truck on?

I pay my taxes FED,state and road use taxes that's my share to cover my road use this is a non starter and and weak ass argument.

Try again

That's the general idea...everyone collectively contributes to the road infrastructure.......Everyone collectively uses it

It's Govt at it's best
"No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME). You believe a ton of Pubcrappe and are 50% racists...LOL See sigs- Pubs are a 30 year catasophe, and Romney wants more for the bloated 1%.

Of course hard work is important, and small bmall business is primarily responsible, but our infrastructure and non rich class are falling apart under voodoo. And thanks for the depression and total obstruction.
Also, thank you proving once and for all that Conservatives are THE MOST selfish group in American politics. Or at least Tea Bagger Conservatives are. We are all in it together, you dumb fucking fuck. My tax dollars and your tax dollars don't go into separate, ideological piles. They go into one big kitty and we've asked our government to represent EVERYONE and agree on how best to spend the money.

You've actually demonstrated the fatal flaw in Tea Bagger politics. You think your side is the only one that matters and therefore you don't have to play the game. Guess what, fucksore? You do have to play the game.

Ask Orin Hatch about how much he gives a fuck about the Tea Baggers now that he's not getting primaried.

The Associated Press: Tea party threat defused, Hatch looks to tax deal

Who cares about Orin Hatch. SS is a ponzi scheme.

That SS Ponzi scheme has been paying for retirees for 75 years.........must be a record for Ponzi schemes

Only because the fucking government has an endless supply of of walking ATMs that can be forced to keep paying for the scam
For 20yrs I worked an extra couple hrs before, and 4-5hrs after my employees worked their day. Anyone who wants to proclaim that "someone else made that happen" can go fuck themselves.

How long would you have stayed in business without water, electricity, sewage, roads, etc?

Before people get all upset about what the man said, they should actually take the time and read what he said. Not just one little sentence snipped out and used out of context.

All of which was paid for by my tax dollars and built by private enterprise. Again, no thanks to govt from me.

Right. Paid for by your taxes and built by private enterprise. That was the entire point of that part of his speech. It requires a combination of the efforts of the entire society for business to exist. We are in this together.

Do you disagree with that?
You do realize that patents are not free? Anyone applying for a patent already pays for that privilege, so you can strike the benefit of owning a patent from your talking points list of things the government provides "free" for entrepreneurs and small business people.


Wow....that's a lot of money to protect your intellectual property. What would have happened to the Wright brothers if Big Busness were allowed to step in and copy their ideas and offer airplanes at a lower price?

Thanks Government

Yes government has some useful function, but most of us are not willing to give up liberty like you. Youre arguing from the past does prove how desperate you are to maintain the staus quo/.

When do you pay your fair share, you havent your entire life.

I pay enough in taxes to pay for the income of two average American families. I don't whine about it and miraculously live quite comfortably after paying my taxes
Who cares about Orin Hatch. SS is a ponzi scheme.

That SS Ponzi scheme has been paying for retirees for 75 years.........must be a record for Ponzi schemes

Only because the fucking government has an endless supply of of walking ATMs that can be forced to keep paying for the scam

Tell me, genius, what EXACTLY makes Social Security a scam, in your opinion? People work, they put in their money, and when they're old enough to retire, they get that money back. It's insurance. And since it's been successfully paying out its retirees for three-quarters of a century, I don't get how you can call it a scam. Well, I do get why, because you're programmed by your ideology to do so. But why, in YOUR words is Social Security a scam?
That SS Ponzi scheme has been paying for retirees for 75 years.........must be a record for Ponzi schemes

Only because the fucking government has an endless supply of of walking ATMs that can be forced to keep paying for the scam

Tell me, genius, what EXACTLY makes Social Security a scam, in your opinion? People work, they put in their money, and when they're old enough to retire, they get that money back. It's insurance. And since it's been successfully paying out its retirees for three-quarters of a century, I don't get how you can call it a scam. Well, I do get why, because you're programmed by your ideology to do so. But why, in YOUR words is Social Security a scam?

it's a fucking scam because the fucking government uses that money as an off the books slush fund.

And people would be way better off if they had that 15% of their lifetime income to keep in their own accounts.

You see if people actually saved that money on their own they would be able to retire with a lot more money and hence would not need the fucking government to take care of them and we can't have that now can we?

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That SS Ponzi scheme has been paying for retirees for 75 years.........must be a record for Ponzi schemes

Only because the fucking government has an endless supply of of walking ATMs that can be forced to keep paying for the scam

That's the general idea. Everyone pays in....everyone benefits

Been protecting people for 75 years

Yeah everyone benefits except those of us who would be able to retire with substantially more money if the fucking government didn't have to keep pumping money into its slush fund.
What roads did you drive your truck on?

I pay my taxes FED,state and road use taxes that's my share to cover my road use this is a non starter and and weak ass argument.

Try again

That's the general idea...everyone collectively contributes to the road infrastructure.......Everyone collectively uses it

It's Govt at it's best

And my share is bought and paid for by ME.as with your share is paid for by YOU

So paid in full means what??
I pay my taxes FED,state and road use taxes that's my share to cover my road use this is a non starter and and weak ass argument.

Try again

That's the general idea...everyone collectively contributes to the road infrastructure.......Everyone collectively uses it

It's Govt at it's best

And my share is bought and paid for by ME.as with your share is paid for by YOU

So paid in full means what??

Actually, no it isn't

Most people end up drawing out more money from SS than they paid in
New york has the highest taxes on just about everything,and the roads suck. The put in place a extra tax on all oils,solvents,fix a flat stuff like that some yeas ago,it was sold on we will have the funds to make our roads whole again.

It didn't happen,just as the huge scam that is the lottery,school taxes will be almost nil BS but in stead it vaporized into the black hole that is Albany.The roads still suck and school taxes have become a big burden going up double digits year after year.

Reasonable taxing doesn't exist anymore.
I started my company ,with a 1986 chevy s10,my tools I had built up over the years,paid cash for EVERYTHING,have no business debt,don't intend on ever borrowing money,might finance a newer truck some day might not. Pay my mortgage,eat, a few other bills then the rest goes in the bank to plow back into company.

I am 100% responsible for my successes or failure,there are countless people just like me.

What roads did you drive your truck on?

I pay my taxes FED,state and road use taxes that's my share to cover my road use this is a non starter and and weak ass argument.

Try again

No, you try again. I hate to tell you, but unless you're paying MILLIONS in taxes every year, directly to the agencies that handle the roads and highways you use, you're not contributing your fair share. It does, in fact, take a village to pay for infrastructure.
That's the general idea...everyone collectively contributes to the road infrastructure.......Everyone collectively uses it

It's Govt at it's best

And my share is bought and paid for by ME.as with your share is paid for by YOU

So paid in full means what??

Actually, no it isn't

Most people end up drawing out more money from SS than they paid in

??? And why is that and what does that have to do with topic.

I get my SS statements,they are based on what I pay,the formula has never been up to me. But It appliers I will maybe get back,base on what I HAVE paid in.
What roads did you drive your truck on?

I pay my taxes FED,state and road use taxes that's my share to cover my road use this is a non starter and and weak ass argument.

Try again

No, you try again. I hate to tell you, but unless you're paying MILLIONS in taxes every year, directly to the agencies that handle the roads and highways you use, you're not contributing your fair share. It does, in fact, take a village to pay for infrastructure.

There that critical thinking again, I am part of that village,what you think everyone has to pay millions individually??

I pay base on my road use,through gas and fuel taxes,state taxes,local taxes It my fair share

Try again.
As long as we're paying 17%+ of gdp for our health care, we'll be in a downward spiral in regard to infrastructure- thank god Obamacare will finally get costs under control. Pub dupes!!
As long as we're paying 17%+ of gdp for our health care, we'll be in a downward spiral in regard to infrastructure- thank god Obamacare will finally get costs under control. Pub dupes!!

No if the money wasn't wasted and misused we would have good roads.

Just wondering what is the exact % that Obamma care will reduce health care costs?
what is it really,and non of this jive it should,or expected ,projected is another of those cover words. Whats the real dollar amounts for real people??

Not once ever have we gotten a programe that came in as projected,there's that word again.
WE SAW hate all during the Bush administration...Obama is no more hated than Bush was...you liberals are now whining about it more is all

It really was a lackluster administration until 9-11 when the entire country was behind him and the effort to capture or kill those responsible for the attacts that day. No the most memorable conflict before 9-11 was the embryonic stem cell debate. After 9-11 and during most of the Afghanistan invasion he had extremely high approval ratings. It wasn't until he and his gang began to morph the hunt for bin Laden into the invasion and occupation of Iraq that his numbers began to slide.

President Obama is hated much more and by many more in a particularly powerful segment of our society than President Bush ever was.

Obama is no more hated than Bush was...you can repeat it over and over doesn't make it so..sorry

Yes, of course he is hated much more than Bushever was. Not only that but the virolent level of hate toward Obama is astounding.
Stephie has officially gone off the partisan deep end like loverbear65, 57Frank, Si modo, Pole Rider, & Katzndogz. Sad that :(

are we are suppose to care about what you think of all of us?
ummm..... yes
Also, thank you proving once and for all that Conservatives are THE MOST selfish group in American politics. Or at least Tea Bagger Conservatives are. We are all in it together, you dumb fucking fuck. My tax dollars and your tax dollars don't go into separate, ideological piles. They go into one big kitty and we've asked our government to represent EVERYONE and agree on how best to spend the money.

You've actually demonstrated the fatal flaw in Tea Bagger politics. You think your side is the only one that matters and therefore you don't have to play the game. Guess what, fucksore? You do have to play the game.

Ask Orin Hatch about how much he gives a fuck about the Tea Baggers now that he's not getting primaried.

The Associated Press: Tea party threat defused, Hatch looks to tax deal

Who cares about Orin Hatch. SS is a ponzi scheme.

That SS Ponzi scheme has been paying for retirees for 75 years.........must be a record for Ponzi schemes

if the pols would stop dipping into it for other reasons it wouldn't be in the shape its in.

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