72% Believe Small Business Owners Primarily Responsible for Their Own Success

There is a difference between primarily responsible and totally responsible......conservatives just can't understand it

And little addle brained socialist leftists like you just can't understand that government has never, will never, and can never "start and build a successful business."

So you made it on your own? You probably went to public schools. You probably have a teacher that inspired you. You worked for the most socialist enterprise that America has to offer. What made you so stupid? Was it listening to Rush?

anyone told you you're just a parrot...or a Progressive useful tool?
Also, thank you proving once and for all that Conservatives are THE MOST selfish group in American politics. Or at least Tea Bagger Conservatives are. We are all in it together, you dumb fucking fuck. My tax dollars and your tax dollars don't go into separate, ideological piles. They go into one big kitty and we've asked our government to represent EVERYONE and agree on how best to spend the money.

You've actually demonstrated the fatal flaw in Tea Bagger politics. You think your side is the only one that matters and therefore you don't have to play the game. Guess what, fucksore? You do have to play the game.

Ask Orin Hatch about how much he gives a fuck about the Tea Baggers now that he's not getting primaried.

The Associated Press: Tea party threat defused, Hatch looks to tax deal

Who cares about Orin Hatch. SS is a ponzi scheme.

Which brings up a another good point............

MSN just ran a story on SS. There is nothing to worry about, when the well is dry they can still pay out 75% :eusa_whistle:

SS is not a ponzi scheme. It's a pay as you go, insurance program. Similar plans are offered by Geico, Allstate, Metropolitan, etc... Are you really this big a sucker?
Who cares about Orin Hatch. SS is a ponzi scheme.

Which brings up a another good point............

MSN just ran a story on SS. There is nothing to worry about, when the well is dry they can still pay out 75% :eusa_whistle:

SS is not a ponzi scheme. It's a pay as you go, insurance program. Similar plans are offered by Geico, Allstate, Metropolitan, etc... Are you really this big a sucker?

it was not designed, marketed to the electorate nor set up to be that way.

The money we put in was supposed to stay there until we needed it.

The fact that it is now taking from peter to pay paul when it was not marketed that way is what makes iut a Ponzi Scheme.

If Geico told it customers that their premiums go into a lock box to be there for their needs if there is an accident...and instead the premiums are used as they are.....the government would shut them down

Are you really that big a sucker?
We are not all in this together. There is no global village.

obama is the unemployed boyfriend raiding the fridge saying 'You'd be nothing without me".
We are not all in this together. There is no global village.

obama is the unemployed boyfriend raiding the fridge saying 'You'd be nothing without me".

boy they have some people convinced we are..thankfully most of these people GROW out of it..but as we see, not all
Who cares about Orin Hatch. SS is a ponzi scheme.

Which brings up a another good point............

MSN just ran a story on SS. There is nothing to worry about, when the well is dry they can still pay out 75% :eusa_whistle:

SS is not a ponzi scheme. It's a pay as you go, insurance program. Similar plans are offered by Geico, Allstate, Metropolitan, etc... Are you really this big a sucker?

It's a scam that should be an opt in or out...not forced upon us by govt. Taking my money, holding it for forty years, and then giving me a pittance until I die, is a scam.
but remember folks, you didn't hear what you heard Obama say:eusa_whistle:

Monday, July 23, 2012

Most Americans believe entrepreneurs who start businesses do more to create jobs and economic growth than big businesses or government. They also believe overwhelmingly that small business owners work harder than other Americans and are primarily responsible for the success or failure of their businesses.

Seventy-two percent (72%) of Likely U.S. Voters believe that people who start small businesses are primarily responsible for their success or failure. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that only 13% disagree. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

all of it here
72% Believe Small Business Owners Primarily Responsible for Their Own Success - Rasmussen Reports™

That 13% is the fringe left.
Who cares about Orin Hatch. SS is a ponzi scheme.

Which brings up a another good point............

MSN just ran a story on SS. There is nothing to worry about, when the well is dry they can still pay out 75% :eusa_whistle:

SS is not a ponzi scheme. It's a pay as you go, insurance program. Similar plans are offered by Geico, Allstate, Metropolitan, etc... Are you really this big a sucker?

No private Company would be allowed to do what the Government does with Social Security. They would be in jail.
Rasmussen Reports™

why can't we just have a Rassmussen Poll sub-forum so that people don't click on these misleading threads? If you have a thread based on a Fox..... errr..... Razzy poll then you automatically post it there. Fair enough? :)
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Sorry Douche,

We are NOT all in it together.

You need to learn that no one is going to take care of you but you. In fact if we drilled that into the heads of people instead of telling them they they can take credit for the work of others we'd all be better off.

Also, thank you proving once and for all that Conservatives are THE MOST selfish group in American politics. Or at least Tea Bagger Conservatives are. We are all in it together, you dumb fucking fuck. My tax dollars and your tax dollars don't go into separate, ideological piles. They go into one big kitty and we've asked our government to represent EVERYONE and agree on how best to spend the money.

You've actually demonstrated the fatal flaw in Tea Bagger politics. You think your side is the only one that matters and therefore you don't have to play the game. Guess what, fucksore? You do have to play the game.

Ask Orin Hatch about how much he gives a fuck about the Tea Baggers now that he's not getting primaried.

The Associated Press: Tea party threat defused, Hatch looks to tax deal

In fact, weetodd, Conservatives are the most generous Americans - by large measure.

Really? So Warren Buffet and Bill Gates are Conservatives now? Weird.
Which brings up a another good point............

MSN just ran a story on SS. There is nothing to worry about, when the well is dry they can still pay out 75% :eusa_whistle:

SS is not a ponzi scheme. It's a pay as you go, insurance program. Similar plans are offered by Geico, Allstate, Metropolitan, etc... Are you really this big a sucker?

No private Company would be allowed to do what the Government does with Social Security. They would be in jail.

So you're saying everyone who owns and runs Geico and State Farm belong in jail then?
Rasmussen Reports™

why can't we just have a Rassmussen Poll sub-forum so that people don't click on these misleading threads? If you have a thread based on a Fox..... errr..... Razzy poll then you automatically post it there. Fair enough? :)

oh my, are we so very sorry someone FORCED you into clicking something on this board..

dear me...................waaaaaa
Rasmussen Reports™

why can't we just have a Rassmussen Poll sub-forum so that people don't click on these misleading threads? If you have a thread based on a Fox..... errr..... Razzy poll then you automatically post it there. Fair enough? :)

oh my, are we so very sorry someone FORCED you into clicking something on this board..

dear me...................waaaaaa

Your thread should read something like "Razzy poll concludes..." Then I wouldn't waste a minute of my life clicking on a rw kool aid thread.
There is a difference between primarily responsible and totally responsible......conservatives just can't understand it

those people polled just didn't understand, just like nobody understands what Obama says
got it

They understand....the poll said primarily responsible

What does the poll that asks are businesses TOTALLY responsible for their success say?

Well they should add the statement that Obama said and that you are here defending, but ask it as a question.

Does a business's being built to succeed depend on "someone else completely" or does it depend on the actual business owner? Because

That's what Obama said. I honestly wouldn't have believed it if I didn't watch the WHOLE thing myself.

The whole quote:

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

VIDEO: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=192oEC5TX_Q]Obama: If you've been successful you didn't get there on your own - YouTube[/ame]
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The problem here is , this is Obama's "smoking gun" comment, you fools need to get off this train.
ITT: Conservatives deliberately ignore the very benign and accurate message of the President; and Liberals remain un-surprised.
Sad that all you can do is carry a lie about what the President said.

Do you hate Obama so much that you will carry El-Rash-Butts pisspot?
Stephie has officially gone off the partisan deep end like loverbear65, 57Frank, Si modo, Pole Rider, & Katzndogz. Sad that :(
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