72 Obama Regime Characteristics of Domestic Terrorists

What were the "official government documents"?

What level of government did they come from?

They come from here.....

Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rightwinger has a point. And Wiki is not a point.

The links go to articles that cover the specifics, like the military briefing that Evangelicals and Tea Party types are signs of potential terrorism.

Rightwinger wanting documents is just another deflection to avoid the main point that Obama has set the frame work to profile just about everyone as a terrorist, and since terrorists can now be arrested and kept away from all contact without charge if there is enough evidence (and profiles are used that way with people) then even American citizens can be 'disappeared' on our own soil.

Or just murdered outright.
So I am neither? Interesting you called me both so...You are so angry...what's wrong eh?

I am not angry, I am disgusted with your fraudulent posturing as a Nazi, and so you are really nothing more than an offensive misleading pretentious cockroach.
Explain angry man...explain...

Ignoring this Nazi poseur's bullshit, it is amazing that this regime in power right now has done as much as it has to empower itself through laying legal basis for authority though not yet using it to its full capacity (like EO 13603), its intimidation of the press, its obstruction of justice (even hiding witness under the witness protection program to keep them from testifying before Congress), its repeated and documented lies and scandals that show it is effectively above the law and without serious opposition.

This President has given himself the authority to take control of any national resource (to include human labor). These were only War time powers or powers of the President in disaster areas, that had to be first designated as such by the state's governor. Now Obama has given himself these War time authority powers in PEACE TIME NON-EMERGENCY conditions, i.e. RIGHT NOW across this whole country.

This is a HUGE power grab, and few in the press bothered to even notice it. The political left is desperate to obscure these actions, ignore them and attack anyone who brings attention to them. They will even stoop to posing as racist radicals like the Nazis in order to smear anyone who shows concern.


We native born American citizens have a birthright to this nation and we are losing it with each passing moment. The hypocrits on the left like to weep and wail about all the broken treaties and depredation supposedly committed in a one-sided genocide against Amerindians, and yet they gleefully attack ours without a second thought.

They hate this country above all others and will justify anything this closet dictator Obama will do to destroy it. Even pretend to be Nazis.

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