73 year old woman, in broad daylight, carjacked murdered by 4 "teens." One wearing hoodie other 3 shower caps.

Well look on the bright side guys....

A black guy was killed by a couple of white supremacists......

So I guess you can say "Score one for the good guys" and rejoice....that will teach that Judge Jackson what-for I tell ya!!
That made national news because the victim was black and the killers were white

this horrible murder was ignored by the national media BECAUSE the races were reversed
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Will the murder trials of these scumbags be televised, the way the white teen defending himself was?

Speaking of which, when is the trial set for the racist scum who mowed down and killed six whites, including a child? Will it be televised?
We've already decided as a nation we are good with a high homicide rate. Otherwise we would do something about gun proliferation, poverty, addiction, etc.

Can't accept the inequities in society and then say, "Wow, that really makes me mad!"

Sounds like her arm came off in an accident. Still not seeing why this is a national story.

Are you going to riot over this?

Where are your BLM pals?
We've already decided as a nation we are good with a high homicide rate. Otherwise we would do something about gun proliferation, poverty, addiction, etc.

Can't accept the inequities in society and then say, "Wow, that really makes me mad!"

Sounds like her arm came off in an accident. Still not seeing why this is a national story.
Getting tough with social programs would be a start. And demand results. Put the Kabish on teenagers having babies by shaming them. Demand that schools educate and throw out the trouble makers. All of this is going to cause strife until the new rules and laws get through to the anyone involved.
Well look on the bright side guys....

A black guy was killed by a couple of white supremacists......

So I guess you can say "Score one for the good guys" and rejoice....that will teach that Judge Jackson what-for I tell ya!!
What's really sad is that you actually believe your spew. Sometimes you display some intellect and then you throw this trash out and I must revise my opinion of you.
Getting tough with social programs would be a start. And demand results. Put the Kabish on teenagers having babies by shaming them. Demand that schools educate and throw out the trouble makers. All of this is going to cause strife until the new rules and laws get through to the anyone involved.
I’ve said before…..what people in this country is missing is a sense of shame for doing the wrong thing. Getting pregnant as a 15- or 16-year old is one of those things.
I think this needs to go to the supreme court.
How do we know the "victim" wasn't identifying as a criminal??
For that matter, how do we know the murderers aren't identifying as soup kitchen volunteers.
Maybe they are heroes!! This could be an outrage.
I would be more upset about this, but today I am identifying as a pacifist.
We have 60 homicides every day in this country... most of them won't make the national news.
Maybe you should quit teaching our children that they are animals so they won't act like animals.
I congratulate the left on another successful indoctrination of our children in to CRT culture.
They should be tried for a hate crime in my opinion.
She couldn't define what a woman is. Can you? Oh, and why do you suppose she couldn't? Was it politics and that is the reason? Oh that's right. A man was named ncaa women's athlete of the year and a man was named woman of the year.

You are a loser and that black woman could line HER degrees and experience up for all to see.

She is a political hack and you and everyone like you are nothing but loud mouth monkeys on the strings of your overlords creating the new world order.

In other words, you are a pitiful degenerate with zero self awareness, not to mention an unreal coward needing approval from your fellow degenerates.

Jesus, when you say loser, you are the very definition of loser. But don't fret, there are plenty of other racist losers like you here to keep you company, even if half of them are Russian trolls who are playing your dumb ass…… :badgrin:

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