73 year old woman, in broad daylight, carjacked murdered by 4 "teens." One wearing hoodie other 3 shower caps.

Don't you think the murder of a 73 year old white woman by 4 black criminals was a racist act? Do you honestly think they would have attacked someone that looked like their mom and killed her? Providing that they didn't need a biologist to figure out if their mom was a female or not, I should add.
These thugs should be charge with a hate crime and tried as adults.
You should agree with me otherwise you are a racist too.
I don't have all the facts. I do know that thugs like these attack and kill elderly black women too, as well as elderly black men. In fact, if you were to look up murders by race, you'd find that most crime by blacks is overwhelmingly black on black. That is why stories like this one garner so much attention.

I hope this scum gets locked up for life, but why automatically assume it was all based on race, and was not merely a crime of opportunity, a group of thugs who thought they saw a soft target that would be easy to overpower?
Very well said! And let me add to the highlighted, to provide millions of unborn children to sacrifice.
Did you see this? This is what the democrats are no starting.

A baby could be aborted (executed) up to 28 days after birth.

Tell you the truth. I uploaded this and have sent this article to many people who are Christians etc and very little outrage.

We all need to beg for mercy. Including us for our passivity and keep thinking turn the other cheek means not allowing God's justice to be felt through us.
Ask JoeB what he thinks of that negro what he thinks him. Ask him what he thinks about that crime.

Here, let me clue you in. He celebrated the rape torture and murder of woman who was raped and murdered in Syria cause she was a white American human rights activist. Named Kayla Mueller.

Ask him whether or not that woman deserved to be held hostage, tortured, raped and murdered. He will say yes she did deserve it and trust me. For no other reason than being a white American.

That's what that is. There is a reason I have him on ignore. He is a very specific type of wicked.
Yeah, and he’s a big antisemite too. He’s on a other thread spewing hate against Jews, and yet he’s in here calling other people bigots.

He‘s the poster child for hateful, bigoted, hypocritical leftists - applauding and cheering on prejudice as long as it’s not against blacks. In fact, he tolerates no criticism against someone if he is Black, and will in fact defend, excuse, and justify the most heinous actions by them.
Yeah, and he’s a big antisemite too. He’s on a other thread spewing hate against Jews, and yet he’s in here calling other people bigots.

He‘s the poster child for hateful, bigoted, hypocritical leftists - applauding and cheering on prejudice as long as it’s not against blacks. In fact, he tolerates no criticism against someone if he is Black, and will in fact defend, excuse, and justify the most heinous actions by them.
The best too is how they declare that we are the nazis as they openly despise Israel. I wonder if the nazis liked the thought of Israel. Sigh...

We cannot believe it. Trust me, I am no Saint by any stretch. Which is why on top of everything I always include myself in needing to beg for mercy for my lifelong stuff and daily struggles and daily failures.

But this is just too outrageous.
It isn't, but he is too stupid to know better.
Ahhh, but it is and you know it. That's why you engaged in it and didn't point out the so called non political issue.

You loser.

It is political and what's more is you know why. Hence the reason you engaged and then showed your disgrace by not even showing disgust of the act.

Instead you declare us racists as you always do with all of your stupid platitudes like any good trained monkey.

You are a disgrace to the Irish.
Did you see this? This is what the democrats are no starting.

A baby could be aborted (executed) up to 28 days after birth.

Tell you the truth. I uploaded this and have sent this article to many people who are Christians etc and very little outrage.

We all need to beg for mercy. Including us for our passivity and keep thinking turn the other cheek means not allowing God's justice to be felt through us.
I've seen it and I understand the weasel wording and I agree, we need to be praying awfully hard and never backing down from the ghouls who find this acceptable.
Did you see this? This is what the democrats are no starting.

A baby could be aborted (executed) up to 28 days after birth.

Tell you the truth. I uploaded this and have sent this article to many people who are Christians etc and very little outrage.

We all need to beg for mercy. Including us for our passivity and keep thinking turn the other cheek means not allowing God's justice to be felt through us.
That bill is both insane and disgusting. Now you know why I call the Death Cult of The Democrat Party, The DemNazi Party.

DemNazis are the same as Them Nazis.
I don't have all the facts. I do know that thugs like these attack and kill elderly black women too, as well as elderly black men. In fact, if you were to look up murders by race, you'd find that most crime by blacks is overwhelmingly black on black. That is why stories like this one garner so much attention.

I hope this scum gets locked up for life, but why automatically assume it was all based on race, and was not merely a crime of opportunity, a group of thugs who thought they saw a soft target that would be easy to overpower?
What do you mean you don't have all of the facts you deranged degenerate? Explain what facts you don't have you blow hard.

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