75 million in Iran starving thanks to US and its allies

Shocker.....evil dictators hoard the money and food for themselves....

Shocker. US continues to be a bully and bullies another nation into doing what it wants and against the will of the other nation.

SHocker, we're the only ones who have ever done this.
How old are you? 15? This is realpolitik. If we dont pressure people we won't get what we want. And if we dont, someone else will. ANd it won't be good for anyone except some tinpot dictators somewhere.

Honestly, where do they teach this stuff?

Really? Its the official policy of other nations to bully other countries around the world into doing what they want? Seems to me that its the official policy of US with Israel tagging along or Israel with the US tagging along. No I am not 15 quite older actually. Its quite pathetic since someone doesn't agree with your demented and backwards bully way of thinking then they are foolish...you are the one that looks foolish,I would rather be diplomatic with other countries than bully them into doing what I want when I want it like some overgrown child who has an attitude problem with everyone else. Oh and the people of Iran ELECTED their president twice so he is no more a dictator than the fools we elect.
Shocker. US continues to be a bully and bullies another nation into doing what it wants and against the will of the other nation.

SHocker, we're the only ones who have ever done this.
How old are you? 15? This is realpolitik. If we dont pressure people we won't get what we want. And if we dont, someone else will. ANd it won't be good for anyone except some tinpot dictators somewhere.

Honestly, where do they teach this stuff?

Really? Its the official policy of other nations to bully other countries around the world into doing what they want? Seems to me that its the official policy of US with Israel tagging along or Israel with the US tagging along. No I am not 15 quite older actually. Its quite pathetic since someone doesn't agree with your demented and backwards bully way of thinking then they are foolish...you are the one that looks foolish,I would rather be diplomatic with other countries than bully them into doing what I want when I want it like some overgrown child who has an attitude problem with everyone else. Oh and the people of Iran ELECTED their president twice so he is no more a dictator than the fools we elect.

You are an abject stupid fuck.

You believe that Iran hand counted 41 million ballaots in 24 hours.

Fuck off.
The US government has a pretty bad track record of getting involved in problems, trying to make things better, but having its involvement just making things worse. Why would anyone think that the US getting involved in the problems of other countries will somehow be more successful than when it does it in our own country?
Dean only has sex with his hand.
which one....the Republican Right one or the Democratic Left one?.....you know when you think about it.....someone as Obsessed with hate of ANYTHING Right as Dean is...... may not have a Right hand....he may have cut it off....:eusa_shhh:

Deano is so far left he thinks cars should not have right turn signals

we can start a whole thing about Dean on this......
Dean is so far Left.....his Baseball League has no Right Field.....
Shocker. US continues to be a bully and bullies another nation into doing what it wants and against the will of the other nation.

SHocker, we're the only ones who have ever done this.
How old are you? 15? This is realpolitik. If we dont pressure people we won't get what we want. And if we dont, someone else will. ANd it won't be good for anyone except some tinpot dictators somewhere.

Honestly, where do they teach this stuff?

Really? Its the official policy of other nations to bully other countries around the world into doing what they want? Seems to me that its the official policy of US with Israel tagging along or Israel with the US tagging along. No I am not 15 quite older actually. Its quite pathetic since someone doesn't agree with your demented and backwards bully way of thinking then they are foolish...you are the one that looks foolish,I would rather be diplomatic with other countries than bully them into doing what I want when I want it like some overgrown child who has an attitude problem with everyone else. Oh and the people of Iran ELECTED their president twice so he is no more a dictator than the fools we elect.

"Bully" is the perception of people who didnt make it past kindergarten. That would be you, with your knee-jerk blame-America and anti-Israel/anti-Semitic reactions.
If you think elections in Iran were free and fair and those in the U.S. rigged then that says anything anyone needs to know about your intelligence and knowledge.
And yeah, I doubt you're 15. Most kids by that age have already outgrown your kind of thinking.
That won't happen. Its pointless anyways the government is doing no wrong. Only trying to defend its self and its people from rogue nations like the U.S and Israel.

That's possibly the most idiotic thing I've read in a while.

Go change the foil in you hat.
If Iranians are starving, that's the fault of their government, not the US or our allies. Alex Jones is a fucking moron.... anyone who reads that crap has yet to reach the intellectual level required to be a fucking moron.

Right. I forgot its their government that said you must starve to death! I put sanctions on you! Yep I missed that one..
Uncle Ferd says, "Is all Ammerdeenerjab's fault...

... he the one actin' like a lil' Shiite...

... over Iran's nuclear program."
Oh so everyone is "allowed" to have a nuclear program except for the ones the bully aka Amurica says can't.

I am not the one supporting a proxy war against Iran or its citizens I am not the one being a bully nor do I support the bully. You do.

That won't happen. Its pointless anyways the government is doing no wrong. Only trying to defend its self and its people from rogue nations like the U.S and Israel.

you dont consider Iran a "Rogue" nation?.....

No. Why would I? I don't take my talking points from idiots like Bush or Obama...the people elected their president just like we do here they can vote for someone else if they want.

I don't take my talking points from idiots like Bush or Obama

ok....who do you get yours from then?.....Seymour Twats?.....Dick Gozinya?.....who?....
The point of neoliberalism is to impose austerity on the "have nots" so that the country can be weakened to the point where foreign investors can come in and enjoy the higher returns that happen with a "disciplined" labor market.
SHocker, we're the only ones who have ever done this.
How old are you? 15? This is realpolitik. If we dont pressure people we won't get what we want. And if we dont, someone else will. ANd it won't be good for anyone except some tinpot dictators somewhere.

Honestly, where do they teach this stuff?

Really? Its the official policy of other nations to bully other countries around the world into doing what they want? Seems to me that its the official policy of US with Israel tagging along or Israel with the US tagging along. No I am not 15 quite older actually. Its quite pathetic since someone doesn't agree with your demented and backwards bully way of thinking then they are foolish...you are the one that looks foolish,I would rather be diplomatic with other countries than bully them into doing what I want when I want it like some overgrown child who has an attitude problem with everyone else. Oh and the people of Iran ELECTED their president twice so he is no more a dictator than the fools we elect.

"Bully" is the perception of people who didnt make it past kindergarten. That would be you, with your knee-jerk blame-America and anti-Israel/anti-Semitic reactions.
If you think elections in Iran were free and fair and those in the U.S. rigged then that says anything anyone needs to know about your intelligence and knowledge.
And yeah, I doubt you're 15. Most kids by that age have already outgrown your kind of thinking.
Right. Once again you make up things as you go. Nothing knee jerk here amurica has proved its a bully and damn good at it and so has israel. Elections were as free in Iran as they were here..common sense and not getting my news from the idiots in the main stream media is all I need...read through the bullshit and the lies...You can think all you want but as usual you are wrong.
That won't happen. Its pointless anyways the government is doing no wrong. Only trying to defend its self and its people from rogue nations like the U.S and Israel.

That's possibly the most idiotic thing I've read in a while.

Go change the foil in you hat.

Opinions opinions.
. Elections were as free in Iran as they were here..common sense and not getting my news from the idiots in the main stream media is all I need...read through the bullshit and the lies...You can think all you want but as usual you are wrong.

OK. You are an uber-moron. Not just a garden variety idiot. You are willfully ignorant, woefully uninformed, and just downright stupid. No surprise, given that virtually all anti semites are stupid.
Fuck you, get lost.
Congrats you just described every neo con and israel firster. Oh and add blind to that as well.

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