75% of economists saying doing nothing will cost dramatically more than acting on global warming

Yes, all those economists are also degree'd experts in climatology.

This particular topic is an economic one, but if you think the opinion of degreed climate scientists has merit, then you would have to accept anthropogenic global warming as a demonstrated fact
....like significantly more than 90% of them do.

That number is a total lie, and it has been proved to be so to you numerous times.
Alternative to climate change that is warming would be that which is cooling.
Do we really want to try tripping the next Ice Age via geo-engineering?
Is a slightly warmer average global climate really as bad as a much colder one, especially if it pushes closer to an Ice Age?

I didn't see anyone advocating geo-engineering. Besides, if you don't like geo-engineering, why do you seem to have no problem with pushing the Earth's GHG levels up almost 50%?
I don't see humans pushing water vapor up by 50% and that's about 99+% of your GHG, if being honest.
Other GHG is CO2 at 0.04% of dry; or 400ppmd = 1/2500 ratio to nitrogen, oxygen, argon, etc. Even if we got to 50% more, that is still lower than what the planet has experienced in most of the past 4+ billion years.
Methane is about 0.000004% or 4ppbd, that's b=billions.

If one is saying "we have do do something" about/correcting/altering "climate change/global warming", especially anthropogenic, than that is Geo-engineering.

BTW, the "anthropogenic" part of CO2 is only about 1/3 over the recent natural levels and those barely sustain the flora.

Best solutions are to adapt and be thankful we aren't plunging into another Ice Age, which is about due given trends of past half million years.
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Crick I think you need a nap. Maybe turn on the ac in case global warming makes you too hot....

The Gaia cultists have a lot in common with Jehovah's Witnesses. Despite all of their prophecies and predictions turning out false, they aggressively proselytize with fervent arrogance. No matter how many times they are humiliated by those who are better educated and more rational than they, they continue preaching the sheer idiocy that is their faith.

Are you accusing me or the economists in the subject survey of being Gaia cultists? On what would that be based? And you seem to ignore the predictions of global warming deniers; that global warming would stop or reverse. Global temperatures are still increasing. The world's ice and snow are still melting and the level of the world's oceans continues to rise.
Crick I think you need a nap. Maybe turn on the ac in case global warming makes you too hot....

The Gaia cultists have a lot in common with Jehovah's Witnesses. Despite all of their prophecies and predictions turning out false, they aggressively proselytize with fervent arrogance. No matter how many times they are humiliated by those who are better educated and more rational than they, they continue preaching the sheer idiocy that is their faith.

Are you accusing me or the economists in the subject survey of being Gaia cultists? On what would that be based? And you seem to ignore the predictions of global warming deniers; that global warming would stop or reverse. Global temperatures are still increasing. The world's ice and snow are still melting and the level of the world's oceans continues to rise.
Auntie Em! Auntie Em! The sun is burning me and the melty glacier is drowning me and the leftyvirus is killing me oh Auntie Em!!!

You've been telling us Guam was going to tip over, the Arctic was ice free and snow was a thing of the past.

Top Ten Things that Global Warming Cultist should do to help save the planet.
1 don't use any electricity
2 don't use cars, planes or trains
3 don't use anything with plastic.
4 don't use the internet
5 don't use cellphones
6 don't eat food cultivated by tractors
7 don't eat food shipped by trucks and ships
8 don't wear clothes that were made using electricity
9 don't use computers
10 pull your lower lip over your forehead and swallow.
Crick I think you need a nap. Maybe turn on the ac in case global warming makes you too hot....

The Gaia cultists have a lot in common with Jehovah's Witnesses. Despite all of their prophecies and predictions turning out false, they aggressively proselytize with fervent arrogance. No matter how many times they are humiliated by those who are better educated and more rational than they, they continue preaching the sheer idiocy that is their faith.

Are you accusing me or the economists in the subject survey of being Gaia cultists? On what would that be based? And you seem to ignore the predictions of global warming deniers; that global warming would stop or reverse. Global temperatures are still increasing. The world's ice and snow are still melting and the level of the world's oceans continues to rise.
We're accusing you and the "economists" of circle jerking.

It's the MO of the IPCC Goebbels warming cult, so why would anyone expect anything new out of y'all?

ten yrs my ass,,

you fucks have been howling for almost 50 yrs about this subject,, and youve been wrong 100% of the time,,

That's not what reality tells the world's scientists. To what have you been listening?
theyve been wrong for 50 yrs,, not seeing any credibility here,,

and its ponly been a select few scientist,,

To what "select few scientists" do you refer?
the ones that claim climate change,, they are but a few that make the claim,, most of the others dont see it,,
Alternative to climate change that is warming would be that which is cooling.
Do we really want to try tripping the next Ice Age via geo-engineering?
Is a slightly warmer average global climate really as bad as a much colder one, especially if it pushes closer to an Ice Age?

I didn't see anyone advocating geo-engineering. Besides, if you don't like geo-engineering, why do you seem to have no problem with pushing the Earth's GHG levels up almost 50%?
I don't see humans pushing water vapor up by 50% and that's about 99+% of your GHG, if being honest.
Other GHG is CO2 at 0.04% of dry; or 400ppmd = 1/2500 ratio to nitrogen, oxygen, argon, etc. Even if we got to 50% more, that is still lower than what the planet has experienced in most of the past 4+ billion years.
Methane is about 0.000004% or 4ppbd, that's b=billions.

If one is saying "we have do do something" about/correcting/altering "climate change/global warming", especially anthropogenic, than that is Geo-engineering.

BTW, the "anthropogenic" part of CO2 is only about 1/3 over the recent natural levels and those barely sustain the flora.

Best solutions are to adapt and be thankful we aren't plunging into another Ice Age, which is about due given trends of past half million years.

Water vapor has NOT increased by 50%. If you have a source that says it has, put it up here. When you find that you don't, you need to fess up.

Don't bother trying to argue that 400 ppm is a small number unless you want to demonstrate the depth of your science ignorance.

Until the current increase, CO2's range had cycled between 180 and 300 ppm for the past two million years. Homo sapiens has only been on this planet for 200,000 years and human civilization of any sort has only existed for the last 5,000. If you want to look at CO2's range over the last 3.5 billion years, I'm going to have to insist that you also look at the rate of change and compare that to what's been happening in the last two centuries. It's easy to deal with a 1,000 ppm change in CO2 if it takes place over the course of 50-100,000 years; not so much if it happens in a couple centuries.
Crick I think you need a nap. Maybe turn on the ac in case global warming makes you too hot....

The Gaia cultists have a lot in common with Jehovah's Witnesses. Despite all of their prophecies and predictions turning out false, they aggressively proselytize with fervent arrogance. No matter how many times they are humiliated by those who are better educated and more rational than they, they continue preaching the sheer idiocy that is their faith.

Are you accusing me or the economists in the subject survey of being Gaia cultists? On what would that be based? And you seem to ignore the predictions of global warming deniers; that global warming would stop or reverse. Global temperatures are still increasing. The world's ice and snow are still melting and the level of the world's oceans continues to rise.
We're accusing you and the "economists" of circle jerking.

It's the MO of the IPCC Goebbels warming cult, so why would anyone expect anything new out of y'all?

Actually, I was expecting someone to argue the economics but, instead, we get nothing but bullshit like yours.
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Crick I think you need a nap. Maybe turn on the ac in case global warming makes you too hot....

The Gaia cultists have a lot in common with Jehovah's Witnesses. Despite all of their prophecies and predictions turning out false, they aggressively proselytize with fervent arrogance. No matter how many times they are humiliated by those who are better educated and more rational than they, they continue preaching the sheer idiocy that is their faith.

Are you accusing me or the economists in the subject survey of being Gaia cultists? On what would that be based? And you seem to ignore the predictions of global warming deniers; that global warming would stop or reverse. Global temperatures are still increasing. The world's ice and snow are still melting and the level of the world's oceans continues to rise.
We're accusing you and the "economists" of circle jerking.

It's the MO of the IPCC Goebbels warming cult, so why would anyone expect anything new out of y'all?

Actually, I was expecting someone to actually argue the economics but, instead, we get nothing but bullshit like yours.
The economics is Keynesian central control....Junk economics meets your junk "science"....You don't need a poli-sci degree to figure that out...Neo-Marxists of a feather and all that.
Crick I think you need a nap. Maybe turn on the ac in case global warming makes you too hot....

The Gaia cultists have a lot in common with Jehovah's Witnesses. Despite all of their prophecies and predictions turning out false, they aggressively proselytize with fervent arrogance. No matter how many times they are humiliated by those who are better educated and more rational than they, they continue preaching the sheer idiocy that is their faith.

Are you accusing me or the economists in the subject survey of being Gaia cultists? On what would that be based? And you seem to ignore the predictions of global warming deniers; that global warming would stop or reverse. Global temperatures are still increasing. The world's ice and snow are still melting and the level of the world's oceans continues to rise.
We're accusing you and the "economists" of circle jerking.

It's the MO of the IPCC Goebbels warming cult, so why would anyone expect anything new out of y'all?

Actually, I was expecting someone to actually argue the economics but, instead, we get nothing but bullshit like yours.
We? There cant be more nutbags like you.
Are you accusing me or the economists in the subject survey of being Gaia cultists? On what would that be based? And you seem to ignore the predictions of global warming deniers; that global warming would stop or reverse. Global temperatures are still increasing. The world's ice and snow are still melting and the level of the world's oceans continues to rise.

First off, global temperatures are not increasing.

You are most definitely a Gaia cultist.

As for your vaunted economists, the reality is they are bowing to peer pressure for conformity. I've spent over a decade in higher education, a BS in MIS, then an MBA, and finally an Sc.D. in SCM. Where disciplines such as medicine, engineering, mathematics, or my own logistics all have practical applications in the real world, those with an economics degree have but one avenue, to teach.

Economists are at the mercy of academia to survive. As an under grad and then a graduate student, I too was at the mercy of the nutbag fascists of academia. You chant the mantras of the cult to survive. The 26% who bucked the AGW dogma were brave souls indeed. The fascists allow no deviance from the theological canon of the cult. The cult is simply too lucrative for academia to allow anyone to upset the apple cart.

Thing is, once I earned my MBA, I no longer had to bow to the priests and shamans of the cult. Doctoral programs are different, all that matters is the research project, there are no professors to earn a grade from. Once awarded my doctorate, I continued in the private sector, as that is where production systems are utilized.

But economists must beg the universities for work. Higher education is the most fascist environment in history, hence they either profess faith in the cult or they will be canceled, regardless of tenure.

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