75% of Illegal Immigration Would Continue Under Senate Immigration Bill


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Lets solve the problem?...what a joke

CBO: 75% of Illegal Immigration Would Continue Under Senate Immigration Bill

The advocates of S. 744, the immigration bill under consideration in the U.S. Senate that would legalize many of the illegal aliens already in the United States, have argued that the proposed legislation would also secure the border and prevent future illegal immigration. However, the cost estimate of the legislation that was released on Tuesday by the

Congressional Budget Office says that the legislation would actually allow the flow of new illegal aliens into the United States to continue at a rate equal to 75 percent of the current rate of illegal immigration. This will be the case, in part, argues CBO, because of people who overstay temporary work visas that will be authorized by the bill. This revelation that 75 percent of illegal immigration would continue if the Senate immigration reform proposal were enacted is included in a section of the report headlined, “Future

Unauthorized Residents.” The section is on page 23 of the 63-page report.

CBO: 75% of Illegal Immigration Would Continue Under Senate Immigration Bill | CNS News
Sadly the only people needing a report to show that this bill won't stop more illegal immigration is Congress. The American people have it figured out.
actually it would increase illegals by 150%. get in for the next amnesty.
some republicans are just plain stupid....or else looking for more low cost labor...because this isn't going to get them more hispanic votes...

why would illegals fill out applications, pay fines, go to the end of the line, wait ten years, and all that bullshit when they don't even know the outcome....? they are already here working and nobody is going to throw them out....their kids will become citizens by just being born here...

the real solution is actually closing the border...and implement e-verify...
E-verify only drives them underground. We need to implement a verifiable (fingerprint, DNA and/or eye scan) National ID Card if we really want to stop illegal immigration. Otherwise, people can "borrow" other identification papers or just overstay their visas.
Boarder security first. What the hells wrong with these Republicans?
Any politician who disregards the border problem has lost my support forever.
watch for a phony border amendment today to fool the idiots. at least they think we are idiots.
Boarder security first. What the hells wrong with these Republicans?

Along with economic sanctions and reform. All three at the same time. If not, someone is going to change his promise to do the other two. All three, or nothing.
Sadly the only people needing a report to show that this bill won't stop more illegal immigration is Congress. The American people have it figured out.
The majority of Congress has it figured out and it equal to votes in 2016.
Sadly the only people needing a report to show that this bill won't stop more illegal immigration is Congress. The American people have it figured out.
The majority of Congress has it figured out and it equal to votes in 2016.

Aren't you proud that the guy you voted for POTUS has made it a priority to provide jobs for 11 million foreigners while 43% of black American teenagers can't find jobs?
Vel, the CfAP does not account for the fact the overwhelming majority are school age kids.

Try again.
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"If the Republican Party wants to regain the Hispanic vote, which they so miserably lost in the last election, they're going to have to let Latinos know they are wanted," Keenan, pastor of Gulf Meadows Church in Houston, said after the hubbub Wednesday had subsided. "They are going to have to deal with immigration reform."

Six months after Hispanics overwhelmingly helped return President Barack Obama to office and control of the Senate to Democrats, Boehner is helping lead the GOP effort to bite into that base of support — or at least stop alienating a demographic that accounts for 17 percent of the nation. That means getting a new policy on immigration, perhaps the most delicate political dance of Boehner's career.

Boehner dances between GOP, Dems on immigration

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