75% of Illegal Immigration Would Continue Under Senate Immigration Bill

We're in sequestration and are expected to believe that we're going to hire 20,000 new border agents. Try again

We have the money, sunshine. Bring the troops home and stop subsidizing huge corporations.

Huge corporations are buying this bill. Quit allowing yourself to be used as a tool. Make yourself useful and check OpenSecrets.com on those Red state senators pushing amnesty in the face of voter outrage. You'll find their buyers. Be an American instead of a Democrat useful idiot for a change. You realize don't you that this bill would have legalized the 911 hijackers? There won't be background checks. It will be like DACA. Ask yourself, what does this bill bring to the average middle class American citizen. Not to big business, not to political parties, but to the ordinary tax paying citizens of the United States. If you find something that is a proven benefit to citizens, post it. Even Obama's CBO says that illegal immigration will continue at a rate of 75% if this bill goes into effect, so don't try to say citizens will get security. That's been busted already.
"If the Republican Party wants to regain the Hispanic vote, which they so miserably lost in the last election, they're going to have to let Latinos know they are wanted," Keenan, pastor of Gulf Meadows Church in Houston, said after the hubbub Wednesday had subsided. "They are going to have to deal with immigration reform."

Six months after Hispanics overwhelmingly helped return President Barack Obama to office and control of the Senate to Democrats, Boehner is helping lead the GOP effort to bite into that base of support — or at least stop alienating a demographic that accounts for 17 percent of the nation. That means getting a new policy on immigration, perhaps the most delicate political dance of Boehner's career.

Boehner dances between GOP, Dems on immigration

Only morons back national security legislation based on political expediency. Remember that before you push this bill.
"If the Republican Party wants to regain the Hispanic vote, which they so miserably lost in the last election, they're going to have to let Latinos know they are wanted," Keenan, pastor of Gulf Meadows Church in Houston, said after the hubbub Wednesday had subsided. "They are going to have to deal with immigration reform."

Six months after Hispanics overwhelmingly helped return President Barack Obama to office and control of the Senate to Democrats, Boehner is helping lead the GOP effort to bite into that base of support — or at least stop alienating a demographic that accounts for 17 percent of the nation. That means getting a new policy on immigration, perhaps the most delicate political dance of Boehner's career.

Boehner dances between GOP, Dems on immigration

Only morons back national security legislation based on political expediency. Remember that before you push this bill.

Vel, I guess you are as stupid as you appear. Only morons ignore the change of tides and times when it comes to demography and movements.

We should have not pushed, by your argumentation, women's rights.

We should have not pushed, by your argumentation, abolition or civil rights.

We want you morons to stop talking for the 21st century GOP.
"If the Republican Party wants to regain the Hispanic vote, which they so miserably lost in the last election, they're going to have to let Latinos know they are wanted," Keenan, pastor of Gulf Meadows Church in Houston, said after the hubbub Wednesday had subsided. "They are going to have to deal with immigration reform."

Six months after Hispanics overwhelmingly helped return President Barack Obama to office and control of the Senate to Democrats, Boehner is helping lead the GOP effort to bite into that base of support — or at least stop alienating a demographic that accounts for 17 percent of the nation. That means getting a new policy on immigration, perhaps the most delicate political dance of Boehner's career.

Boehner dances between GOP, Dems on immigration

Only morons back national security legislation based on political expediency. Remember that before you push this bill.

Vel, I guess you are as stupid as you appear. Only morons ignore the change of tides and times when it comes to demography and movements.

We should have not pushed, by your argumentation, women's rights.

We should have not pushed, by your argumentation, abolition or civil rights.

We want you morons to stop talking for the 21st century GOP.

Come on little man...what benefit to the average American citizen? Stop humping your strawman long enough to answer a simple question.
Only morons back national security legislation based on political expediency. Remember that before you push this bill.

Vel, I guess you are as stupid as you appear. Only morons ignore the change of tides and times when it comes to demography and movements.

We should have not pushed, by your argumentation, women's rights.

We should have not pushed, by your argumentation, abolition or civil rights.

We want you morons to stop talking for the 21st century GOP.

Come on little man...what benefit to the average American citizen? Stop humping your strawman long enough to answer a simple question.

It's on you, tiger. :lol: I knocked down your straw argument, and you have nothing.

Why do you resist that which will roll over you anyway. Adapt and survive, clive.
Vel, I guess you are as stupid as you appear. Only morons ignore the change of tides and times when it comes to demography and movements.

We should have not pushed, by your argumentation, women's rights.

We should have not pushed, by your argumentation, abolition or civil rights.

We want you morons to stop talking for the 21st century GOP.

Come on little man...what benefit to the average American citizen? Stop humping your strawman long enough to answer a simple question.

It's on you, tiger. :lol: I knocked down your straw argument, and you have nothing.

Why do you resist that which will roll over you anyway. Adapt and survive, clive.

No answer huh? That's because there is NOTHING in this bill for American citizens. Go back to your Democrat masters little man. Tell them you spilled the water you were carrying.
Come on little man...what benefit to the average American citizen? Stop humping your strawman long enough to answer a simple question.

It's on you, tiger. :lol: I knocked down your straw argument, and you have nothing.

Why do you resist that which will roll over you anyway. Adapt and survive, clive.

No answer huh? That's because there is NOTHING in this bill for American citizens. Go back to your Democrat masters little man. Tell them you spilled the water you were carrying.

Of course there is, and you saying there isn't without proving goes to show you can't debate at all much less well.

You are a clone of the far right. I am in the GOP and may well be one of your party leaders. Tough on that little man. :lol:
It's on you, tiger. :lol: I knocked down your straw argument, and you have nothing.

Why do you resist that which will roll over you anyway. Adapt and survive, clive.

No answer huh? That's because there is NOTHING in this bill for American citizens. Go back to your Democrat masters little man. Tell them you spilled the water you were carrying.

Of course there is, and you saying there isn't without proving goes to show you can't debate at all much less well.

You are a clone of the far right. I am in the GOP and may well be one of your party leaders. Tough on that little man. :lol:

Then NAME it. If there is something in the bill that benefits the average middle class American CITIZEN, name it. We know the security isn't there because Obama's own CBO says it will only stop 25% of illegal immigration. So name it. Who does the bill benefit?
No answer huh? That's because there is NOTHING in this bill for American citizens. Go back to your Democrat masters little man. Tell them you spilled the water you were carrying.

Of course there is, and you saying there isn't without proving goes to show you can't debate at all much less well.

You are a clone of the far right. I am in the GOP and may well be one of your party leaders. Tough on that little man. :lol:

Then NAME it. If there is something in the bill that benefits the average middle class American CITIZEN, name it. We know the security isn't there because Obama's own CBO says it will only stop 25% of illegal immigration. So name it. Who does the bill benefit?

The articles on the bill have done that. All you have done is said "Nooooooo!" That is why you lose in elections.

One thing that will happen that you have not thought of is that the illegals will come out of the shadows with drive and their money and their work ethic to make the American dream theirs, and if you don't get on board, you will be left in the shadows of history.
Of course there is, and you saying there isn't without proving goes to show you can't debate at all much less well.

You are a clone of the far right. I am in the GOP and may well be one of your party leaders. Tough on that little man. :lol:

Then NAME it. If there is something in the bill that benefits the average middle class American CITIZEN, name it. We know the security isn't there because Obama's own CBO says it will only stop 25% of illegal immigration. So name it. Who does the bill benefit?

The articles on the bill have done that. All you have done is said "Nooooooo!" That is why you lose in elections.

One thing that will happen that you have not thought of is that the illegals will come out of the shadows with drive and their money and their work ethic to make the American dream theirs, and if you don't get on board, you will be left in the shadows of history.

Thank you for making it plain to those who'll read this that this bill is indefensible. If you could point out one thing that benefits the average middle class citizen, you would have. As is, it's plain that you'd rather be a political tool and support a bill that was designed to serve special interests and political agendas at the expense of the American taxpayer.

Again, those that see the truth of this bill need to be proactive in trying to defeat it. The calls and emails can make a difference to anyone on the fence about this issue.
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The bill is the answer, your past is over and done with.

The benefits, which you won't accept, have been touted over and over.

Thank God in 2016 that Christie and the other leaders will tell your minor part of our party to fuck off.

Your day is almost over.
Sadly the only people needing a report to show that this bill won't stop more illegal immigration is Congress. The American people have it figured out.
The majority of Congress has it figured out and it equal to votes in 2016.

Aren't you proud that the guy you voted for POTUS has made it a priority to provide jobs for 11 million foreigners while 43% of black American teenagers can't find jobs?

That is because illegals are taking jobs that would normally go to teenagers and they are not only remaining employed, they are missing out on critical early job experience that helps prepare them for the future, a loose - loose for them.
Lets solve the problem?...what a joke

CBO: 75% of Illegal Immigration Would Continue Under Senate Immigration Bill

What make them think it is even going to stop 25%?

There are zero deterrents in that bill because they have no intention of stopping them not even 25% of them!
The bill is the answer, your past is over and done with.

The benefits, which you won't accept, have been touted over and over.

Thank God in 2016 that Christie and the other leaders will tell your minor part of our party to fuck off.

Your day is almost over.

LMAO You can't name a SINGLE benefit to the average American taxpayer and yet you'll support the bill. Bless your little heart, you're trying mighty hard but anyone reading this can see your attempts at misdirection and obfuscation. You can't name a benefit to average citizens because there are no benefits to average citizens in this bill. It is written to benefit illegal aliens, special interest groups desirous of cheap labor, and politicians pushing an agenda.
The only thing the average taxpayer gets out of this bill is..well..the bill. We get to pick up the tab when all those legalized under Rubio's reward program are allowed to claim the EITC and child care credits next year. What a great deal for an illegal. All your crimes absolved and then taxpayers redistribute their money to you in the way of refundable tax credits.
The majority of Congress has it figured out and it equal to votes in 2016.

Aren't you proud that the guy you voted for POTUS has made it a priority to provide jobs for 11 million foreigners while 43% of black American teenagers can't find jobs?

That is because illegals are taking jobs that would normally go to teenagers and they are not only remaining employed, they are missing out on critical early job experience that helps prepare them for the future, a loose - loose for them.

"Loose - loose"?

You should have stayed in school, kid.

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