75% Of New Refugee Cap Already Reached, Doors Close In April...

Strict adherence to Islam makes it very difficult to support Western Democratic ideals. They're beginning to understand that in Western Europe. Their ugly internal conflicts are only just beginning.

Not all Muslims strictly adhere to Islam. Anymore than all Christians strictly adhere to Christianity.

Well, you keep telling yourself that. But Western Europe is in for some very dark days. And if we're not careful, we'll go the same route. We'll need to keep our own cuckold Left Wingers in check.

How many Muslims do you know?
Strict adherence to Islam makes it very difficult to support Western Democratic ideals. They're beginning to understand that in Western Europe. Their ugly internal conflicts are only just beginning.

Not all Muslims strictly adhere to Islam. Anymore than all Christians strictly adhere to Christianity.

Well, you keep telling yourself that. But Western Europe is in for some very dark days. And if we're not careful, we'll go the same route. We'll need to keep our own cuckold Left Wingers in check.

How many Muslims do you know?

If we can keep our own cuckold Open Borders Left Wingers in check, we'll avoid mirroring Western Europe's plight. Islam really may not be compatible with Western Democratic ideals That's what it looks like at this point anyway.
Strict adherence to Islam makes it very difficult to support Western Democratic ideals. They're beginning to understand that in Western Europe. Their ugly internal conflicts are only just beginning.

Not all Muslims strictly adhere to Islam. Anymore than all Christians strictly adhere to Christianity.

Well, you keep telling yourself that. But Western Europe is in for some very dark days. And if we're not careful, we'll go the same route. We'll need to keep our own cuckold Left Wingers in check.

How many Muslims do you know?

If we can keep our own cuckold Open Borders Left Wingers in check, we'll avoid mirroring Western Europe's plight. Islam really may not be compatible with Western Democratic ideals That's what it looks like at this point anyway.

You didn't answer the question. What a terrible habit.
Capitalism is about supply and demand, right? Job applicants are supply side. Companies hiring are the demand side. The more applicants for a job, the less the companies have to pay. If there's just one good applicant for a job, they can probably negotiate for more pay. But if there's a lot of people willing to take a job, then the company is at an advantage.

It's not the immigrants who are "taking" jobs, it's the companies who are giving the jobs away.
You almost have it. Yes supply and demand is part of it. That doesn't mean you keep increasing the supply just because you can when there is no market for it. If you build a 4th burger chain on the corner you have probably saturated the market and aren't going to very well just as the others are going to see business drop off. Eventually one or two of you will go out of business and the others will be fine. Illegals don't go away when their market value drops they just have kids and jump on welfare.

Who has the power in this scenario? Illegal immigrants can't point guns at employers and force them to give them jobs. Go after the companies hiring illegal immigrants.
When the government doesn't keep them out the illegals have the power. That's why they need to be kept out. I fully agree with charging business owners with crimes for hiring them, let's do that. But I also want the illegals in their employ gone as well. A business can't compete with American labor going up against illegal labor. So while you are fighting for $15 an hour minimum wage then you open the door for more illegal labor. So minimum wage must be the problem right?
Thank you Mr. Trump. Lookin out for American Citizens. We haven't seen that from an American President in a long time.

President Trump is already fulfilling his campaign promise to slash the number of refugees coming into the United States and the doors are expected to be shut by the end of April when his cap of 50,000 is met.

According to federal statistics from the State Department's Refugee Processing Center and refugee support groups, the U.S. has let in 37,323 so far, for an average of about 7,400 a month.

And no matter what the White House does in revising its travel and refugee suspension targeting six mostly Muslim nations Monday, the 50,000 cap that was not killed by federal courts will be reached soon, in effect giving the president what he initially sought in barring refugees from those nations for 120-days.

In fact, the ban would be longer than 120 days since the doors won't open until the beginning of the next fiscal year, October 1.

75% of new US refugee cap already reached, doors close in April
Should be ZERO "refugees" and IF any are let in it should be Farmers from Rhodesia and Afrikaaners from South Africa!
Illegal immigrants and refugees are two different things which several in this thread are conflating.

Refugees and VISA recipients undergo strict and extensive vetting already in place; many thousands of refugees from Muslim majority countries have assimilated very nicely into American communities from semi-rural Maine to big city Michigan to suburban California.

The FBI tracks and designates the same terrorists groups as the SPLC.

Except that to gratify his counselor Bannon and his voter base, Trump recently directed the FBI to stop tracking white supremacist groups.

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