75 percent of Americans think wealthy should pay 30 percent or less in taxes


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
your thoughts on The Hill's poll?

Poll: 75 Percent Of Americans Think Wealthy Should Pay 30 Percent Or Less In Taxes | Fox News
The Hill newspaper interviewed 1,000 likely voters and results released Monday show 75 percent of them think the "most appropriate top tax rate for families earning $250,000 or more" is 30 percent or less.
Currently, upper income Americans pay a 35 percent rate, and President Obama and several Democrats in Congress want to raise that rate to nearly 40 percent next year.

According to the poll results, the largest plurality of those surveyed -- 23 percent -- said the rate should be 25 percent. Another 17 percent said the rate should be 20 percent and 21 percent said it should be under 20 percent. Fourteen percent said the rate should be 30 percent and 13 percent said 35 percent. Only 4 percent said the rate should be 40 percent.

As for corporate taxes, 11 percent favored the current corporate tax rate of 35 percent, while 73 percent thought it should be lower. The current rate is 35 percent.

"If you ask people, 'Should families with more than $250,000 pay a higher tax rate?' you would get a lot of yeses on that," Clint Stretch, managing principal of tax policy at Deloitte Tax LLP told The Hill. "And yet ... you've got 75 percent of the answers are suggesting high-income people should have a lower tax rate, and that's an astonishing result."
your thoughts on The Hill's poll?

Poll: 75 Percent Of Americans Think Wealthy Should Pay 30 Percent Or Less In Taxes | Fox News
The Hill newspaper interviewed 1,000 likely voters and results released Monday show 75 percent of them think the "most appropriate top tax rate for families earning $250,000 or more" is 30 percent or less.
Currently, upper income Americans pay a 35 percent rate, and President Obama and several Democrats in Congress want to raise that rate to nearly 40 percent next year.

According to the poll results, the largest plurality of those surveyed -- 23 percent -- said the rate should be 25 percent. Another 17 percent said the rate should be 20 percent and 21 percent said it should be under 20 percent. Fourteen percent said the rate should be 30 percent and 13 percent said 35 percent. Only 4 percent said the rate should be 40 percent.

As for corporate taxes, 11 percent favored the current corporate tax rate of 35 percent, while 73 percent thought it should be lower. The current rate is 35 percent.

"If you ask people, 'Should families with more than $250,000 pay a higher tax rate?' you would get a lot of yeses on that," Clint Stretch, managing principal of tax policy at Deloitte Tax LLP told The Hill. "And yet ... you've got 75 percent of the answers are suggesting high-income people should have a lower tax rate, and that's an astonishing result."
wow, a faux news poll???? perfectly unbiased.
your thoughts on The Hill's poll?

Poll: 75 Percent Of Americans Think Wealthy Should Pay 30 Percent Or Less In Taxes | Fox News
The Hill newspaper interviewed 1,000 likely voters and results released Monday show 75 percent of them think the "most appropriate top tax rate for families earning $250,000 or more" is 30 percent or less.
Currently, upper income Americans pay a 35 percent rate, and President Obama and several Democrats in Congress want to raise that rate to nearly 40 percent next year.

According to the poll results, the largest plurality of those surveyed -- 23 percent -- said the rate should be 25 percent. Another 17 percent said the rate should be 20 percent and 21 percent said it should be under 20 percent. Fourteen percent said the rate should be 30 percent and 13 percent said 35 percent. Only 4 percent said the rate should be 40 percent.

As for corporate taxes, 11 percent favored the current corporate tax rate of 35 percent, while 73 percent thought it should be lower. The current rate is 35 percent.

"If you ask people, 'Should families with more than $250,000 pay a higher tax rate?' you would get a lot of yeses on that," Clint Stretch, managing principal of tax policy at Deloitte Tax LLP told The Hill. "And yet ... you've got 75 percent of the answers are suggesting high-income people should have a lower tax rate, and that's an astonishing result."

Interesting. One of the periods of major growth in this nation was the 1950's. Using that grqwth as a basis, let's return to the tax structure of that period. Sound good?
your thoughts on The Hill's poll?

Poll: 75 Percent Of Americans Think Wealthy Should Pay 30 Percent Or Less In Taxes | Fox News
The Hill newspaper interviewed 1,000 likely voters and results released Monday show 75 percent of them think the "most appropriate top tax rate for families earning $250,000 or more" is 30 percent or less.

"If you ask people, 'Should families with more than $250,000 pay a higher tax rate?' you would get a lot of yeses on that," Clint Stretch, managing principal of tax policy at Deloitte Tax LLP told The Hill. "And yet ... you've got 75 percent of the answers are suggesting high-income people should have a lower tax rate, and that's an astonishing result."

Interesting. One of the periods of major growth in this nation was the 1950's. Using that grqwth as a basis, let's return to the tax structure of that period. Sound good?

No........... pretzel logic?

Interesting. One of the periods of major growth in this nation was the 1950's. Using that growth as a basis, let's return to the tax structure of that period. Sound good?

No........... pretzel logic?
the highest rate in history was... 1945 - 94%

Historical Top Tax Rate

look what happened when Reagan became president in 84, its dropped from 50% to 28%, and deficit spending was essentially born.
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Well, it appears that the American people have some serious misconceptions about wealth and taxation, don't they?

Gee, I wonder who fostered that misinformation?
your thoughts on The Hill's poll?

Poll: 75 Percent Of Americans Think Wealthy Should Pay 30 Percent Or Less In Taxes | Fox News
The Hill newspaper interviewed 1,000 likely voters and results released Monday show 75 percent of them think the "most appropriate top tax rate for families earning $250,000 or more" is 30 percent or less.

"If you ask people, 'Should families with more than $250,000 pay a higher tax rate?' you would get a lot of yeses on that," Clint Stretch, managing principal of tax policy at Deloitte Tax LLP told The Hill. "And yet ... you've got 75 percent of the answers are suggesting high-income people should have a lower tax rate, and that's an astonishing result."
wow, a faux news poll???? perfectly unbiased.

reading comprehension is not your strong point, is it?
The Hill newspaper interviewed 1,000 likely voters and results released Monday show 75 percent of them think the "most appropriate top tax rate for families earning $250,000 or more" is 30 percent or less.
Interesting. One of the periods of major growth in this nation was the 1950's. Using that growth as a basis, let's return to the tax structure of that period. Sound good?

No........... pretzel logic?
the highest rate in history was... 1945 - 94%

Historical Top Tax Rate

look what happened when Reagan became president in 84, its dropped from 50% to 28%, and deficit spending was essentially born.

Who's was running the purse strings??

We have a SPENDING problem not a too low tax problem. We could double everones taxes and we would still run deficits,there is no monetary discipline in DC.
your thoughts on The Hill's poll?

Poll: 75 Percent Of Americans Think Wealthy Should Pay 30 Percent Or Less In Taxes | Fox News
The Hill newspaper interviewed 1,000 likely voters and results released Monday show 75 percent of them think the "most appropriate top tax rate for families earning $250,000 or more" is 30 percent or less.

"If you ask people, 'Should families with more than $250,000 pay a higher tax rate?' you would get a lot of yeses on that," Clint Stretch, managing principal of tax policy at Deloitte Tax LLP told The Hill. "And yet ... you've got 75 percent of the answers are suggesting high-income people should have a lower tax rate, and that's an astonishing result."
wow, a faux news poll???? perfectly unbiased.

It's not a 'faux news' poll. Idiot.
Interesting. One of the periods of major growth in this nation was the 1950's. Using that grqwth as a basis, let's return to the tax structure of that period. Sound good?

Only a complete ignoramus would equate the 1950's with today's world, so I'm not surprised you did.
So 75% of Americans would be content to see Romney's taxes doubled?


Thats a lie and you know it....

So what do you think the most appropriate top tax rate for families earning $250,000 or more should be?

It's not a 'faux news' poll. Idiot.
it was actually performed by Pulse opinion research out of Arlington Texas.

heres what the poll said exactly:

According to the poll results, the largest plurality of those surveyed -- 23 percent -- said the rate should be 25 percent. Another 17 percent said the rate should be 20 percent and 21 percent said it should be under 20 percent. Fourteen percent said the rate should be 30 percent and 13 percent said 35 percent. Only 4 percent said the rate should be 40 percent.

i wonder how that same percentage would answer when asked if those making over $250,000 a year should pay a higher tax rate than the average middle class family.
wow, a faux news poll???? perfectly unbiased.

It's not a 'faux news' poll. Idiot.
it was actually performed by Pulse opinion research out of Arlington Texas.

heres what the poll said exactly:

According to the poll results, the largest plurality of those surveyed -- 23 percent -- said the rate should be 25 percent. Another 17 percent said the rate should be 20 percent and 21 percent said it should be under 20 percent. Fourteen percent said the rate should be 30 percent and 13 percent said 35 percent. Only 4 percent said the rate should be 40 percent.

i wonder how that same percentage would answer when asked if those making over $250,000 a year should pay a higher tax rate than the average middle class family.

at least you realize it wasn't a FOX News poll.
It's not a 'faux news' poll. Idiot.
it was actually performed by Pulse opinion research out of Arlington Texas.

heres what the poll said exactly:

According to the poll results, the largest plurality of those surveyed -- 23 percent -- said the rate should be 25 percent. Another 17 percent said the rate should be 20 percent and 21 percent said it should be under 20 percent. Fourteen percent said the rate should be 30 percent and 13 percent said 35 percent. Only 4 percent said the rate should be 40 percent.

i wonder how that same percentage would answer when asked if those making over $250,000 a year should pay a higher tax rate than the average middle class family.

I wonder how that same percentage would answer when asked if everyone should be taxed the same flat rate across the board. I bet you Marxist thieves wouldn't be so supportive of that 35% rate then, would you.
Interesting. One of the periods of major growth in this nation was the 1950's. Using that grqwth as a basis, let's return to the tax structure of that period. Sound good?

Only a complete ignoramus would equate the 1950's with today's world, so I'm not surprised you did.

Detail the difference in what you would consider the effect of more people having more money to pay their bills, the infrastructure seen to, which would also see more people having more money to pay their bills as well as engage in some discretionary spending, which would support the discretionary industries, which would allow them to pay more people who would also be able to pay their bills, and maybe engage in a little discretionary spending of their own (et cetera, add holyshitdidsomebodydroptenbucksatthemoviesthisweek?), between this austerity that the business world has blessud us with in return for bailing their sorry entitled asses out to the tune of our grand children's servitude.

I bet you'd have a hissy fit if the maid forgot to drop off extra bath linens at a fancy hotel. Could be you wouldn't think twice about having some poor working stiff fired to take advantage of service recovery as long as you saved a buck or two.

But all the while you don't demand decent service from the very entity you have the most invested in. Fucking typical.
your thoughts on The Hill's poll?

Poll: 75 Percent Of Americans Think Wealthy Should Pay 30 Percent Or Less In Taxes | Fox News
The Hill newspaper interviewed 1,000 likely voters and results released Monday show 75 percent of them think the "most appropriate top tax rate for families earning $250,000 or more" is 30 percent or less.

"If you ask people, 'Should families with more than $250,000 pay a higher tax rate?' you would get a lot of yeses on that," Clint Stretch, managing principal of tax policy at Deloitte Tax LLP told The Hill. "And yet ... you've got 75 percent of the answers are suggesting high-income people should have a lower tax rate, and that's an astonishing result."

Interesting. One of the periods of major growth in this nation was the 1950's. Using that grqwth as a basis, let's return to the tax structure of that period. Sound good?

As long as you're OK with anyone earning 20K paying a rate of 34.58%

Oh and don't forget to get rid of all the extra deductions and tax credits that have been put in place since 1950.


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