8 quotes from Hillary Rodham Clinton

The 'East Coast' libs and the 'West Coast' libs have been in a civil war for years. Last time the 'East Coast' libs won the battle by getting Obama into the White house. That's NOT going to happen in 016. The odds that the 'West Coast' libs will EVER allow another Black to get the nomination are zero.
(C. Booker will not run. He knows that would be a career mistake. He'll work his way into leading the National Black Caucus. The dude who are running it now are winding down.
All the 'rumors' about Corry are actually helping him with white Libs. Not so much with those S. Baptist' types though. He's doing a 'Oprah'. Not that there's anything wrong with that".)
Why? B/c they know that if another Black man runs the Rep. turn out will be historic.
Obama has turned out to be your classic 'Affirmative Action' disaster. IMO there will never be another Black President. Social demographics indicate this.
In the coming decades the residents of the Oval office will be, not in any order, asians/hispanics/East indians/White women/White males.
Hillary has left a trail of wrong doing and imcompetence like a slug since she and Bill were stealing money from hapless investors and hiding it in off-shore accounts and even stealing those moon rocks back during their halcyon days in Arkansas. 'Whitewater' ring a bell?
The Clintons are the American version of the 'Duvaliers'.
Today and back then the more the Clintons misbehaved the more the LIBs love them. It's like with Obama admitting to using cocaine. For LIBs these misdeeds are actually a badge of honor. "They must be my kind of people. They steal and lie and eff peoples lives up and do drugs after all".
We can all now enjoy watching Hillary start wearing big bright 'apple blossom' flower print dresses with the matching huge hats when she visits her 'Southern Baptist church base'. We can listen to her new found Southern Baptist drawl with a touch of Ebonics added. Not to mention getting watch the 'photo ops' of her going into/coming out of a bunch of S. Baptist churches she until recently had no idea existed, not to mention her 'return' to the Christian fold. She will find her 'roots' back in Arkansas. "New York?. Never heard of the place. I'm from the Apple Blossom state".
Ya, Hillary will waddle over to the 'well' AKA the place where the Black voter hang just like the LIBs always do. She'll promise them whatever they want. She'll blow her 'dog whistle' and make 'secret hand shakes' with 'Rev. Al' and the other radical LIBs at MSNBC.
Of course then if she's elected she will turn her back on the Blacks who voted for her just like every other LIB politician has done for decades.
(What specifically has Obama done for the Blacks since taking office? Zero. That's what the Blacks can look forward to with Hillary as President.)

you just hate her cuz she's black......
Neg rep is for pussies.

how true, i would have said liberals.., but that would be redundant.., RIGHT ?


I would like to thank "SunniMan" for just "neg repping" me every time I say anything about the Muslims.

He doesn't debate me; he just "neg reps" me and calls me a name---but that is much better than putting on a bomb-laced suicide vest and coming over and blowing me and my family up...for 72 virgins in Paradise for a reward.
Neg rep is for pussies.

how true, i would have said liberals.., but that would be redundant.., RIGHT ?


I would like to thank "SunniMan" for just "neg repping" me every time I say anything about the Muslims.

He doesn't debate me; he just "neg reps" me and calls me a name---but that is much better than putting on a bomb-laced suicide vest and coming over and blowing me and my family up...for 72 virgins in Paradise for a reward.
I remember the good old days of the Rose Law Firm, and that little financial institution that Bill created to launder drug money and give free handouts to democratic candidates.
Well, then you're a better person than I am. I could give rat's ass about human filth. Too much value put on them.
You're a good man. Don't deny yourself. Your intent was good...but kinda out there...and I wouldn't wish a disease on another person no matter how much I loathed them...walking in another's shoes...even if I wouldn't be caught dead wearing them.

Good Form none the less.

If she got hit by a speeding tractor trailer, I would laugh my ass off. And thats the truth. :lol:
the problem with that is it trickles down and disseminates through the public and soon ya have a black president who refuses to prosecute black people then ya get knock out games going.
If there ever was a time young women needed a roll model its now

Got a black prez that refuses to prosecute which black people?

how about the thugs that blocked the voting precinct in Philly?

Who was it that claimed they were blocked from voting?
Faux could run that shit on a 24 hr loop , if she runs, Hillary will WIN !!!! Put that in y'all's itchy party's .
I hope someone that is pro-renewable energy
Pro military
Pro science
Pro education
Pro infrastructure
Pro-increasing the medimum wage reasonably
Isn't huge on social issues

Gets the ticket... ;) We need someone that will bomb the shit out of people that attack us.
I hope someone that is pro-renewable energy
Pro military
Pro science
Pro education
Pro infrastructure
Pro-increasing the medimum wage reasonably
Isn't huge on social issues

Gets the ticket... ;) We need someone that will bomb the shit out of people that attack us.

Sorry to have to tell you that Harry S Truman is dead.

Anyway, if he were alive today Democrat Party adherents would call him a "teabagger".
Faux could run that shit on a 24 hr loop , if she runs, Hillary will WIN !!!! Put that in y'all's itchy party's .

Three losses in a row.........

That's all I have to say.



2011 they were 4-12 2012 2-14 2013 9-3 Ill take it !!! Let me guess a Payaton manning or even Tom Brady guy ! I root for the underdogs & stick with em

So hmmmmm BLOW Chunks Too!!!!
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Faux could run that shit on a 24 hr loop , if she runs, Hillary will WIN !!!! Put that in y'all's itchy party's .

Last time she tried, she could not even beat a junior senator in the primaries. What changes the next time around?
Faux could run that shit on a 24 hr loop , if she runs, Hillary will WIN !!!! Put that in y'all's itchy party's .

Three losses in a row.........

That's all I have to say.



2011 they were 4-12 2012 2-14 2013 9-3 Ill take it !!! Let me guess a Payaton manning or even Tom Brady guy ! I root for the underdogs & stick with em

So hmmmmm BLOW Chunks Too!!!!

I'm a Charger fan.....notice the uni and number.
Three losses in a row.........

That's all I have to say.



2011 they were 4-12 2012 2-14 2013 9-3 Ill take it !!! Let me guess a Payaton manning or even Tom Brady guy ! I root for the underdogs & stick with em

So hmmmmm BLOW Chunks Too!!!!

I'm a Charger fan.....notice the uni and number.

Oh !!!! Well that's why all the hate lol . The AFC West is a dog no more well .....we still have the Raiders . Will give u Alex Smiff for Rivers any day .
Neg rep is for pussies.

how true, i would have said liberals.., but that would be redundant.., RIGHT ?


I would like to thank "SunniMan" for just "neg repping" me every time I say anything about the Muslims.

He doesn't debate me; he just "neg reps" me and calls me a name---but that is much better than putting on a bomb-laced suicide vest and coming over and blowing me and my family up...for 72 virgins in Paradise for a reward.

i called him a "fucking liarberal" once and got neg'd by him and two other liberals, who are sympathetic to muslimes.

it is people like him who will vote for that scumbag bitch "at this point in time what does it matter" Hitlery !

Mr.Sunniman is easily described below:

1. The "Concern Troll": This sleeper is the most common, and is the easiest to spot. He or she cares ever-so-deeply about how we might all be getting this wrong, darn it, or might be being led astray. In the instant case of Benghazi, the "Concern Troll" will post things like: "I hope we aren't being taken down the garden path, here! This could be disinformation designed to make us look like fools!" or "As for me, I'm going to give this more time. I don't think we're getting the whole story, and I certainly wouldn't want to assign blame incorrectly!" Boo. And Hoo.

2. The "Downer": We see them on just about every thread dealing with exposure of some Obama Administration screw-up, and I'm certain some of them are actual FReepers who are just perennial sad sacks in general. But it's quite obvious that many of them are not. You will know them by their extreme pessimism: "This will go nowhere," "Haven't we heard all this before?" "You'll never see this in the mainstream media!" (I've seen that last one quite a bit posted under stories that actually came from the "mainstream media"!) It's discourage at all costs with this bunch.

3. The "Yeah But-insky": A particularly irritating species, which has many sub-species. The most commonly observed is the "Yeah But-Bush-Did-It-Too-insky." No matter the egregious nature of the Obama scandal, these individuals can be counted upon to argue that this whole thing began under a previous administration (usually George Bush's), as if that exonerates the present bunch warping and shaping the policy to their own devious ends. A closely-related being is the "Yeah But-Everybody-Does-It-insky," who will offer wise counsel like "You think this would have been any different under Romney?" or, "I hate to say it, but Reagan did this kind of thing, too!"

4. The "Quick! Change the Subject! Subject": A close relative of the "Yeah But-insky," they're usually fairly subtle, but they're everywhere. This individual can be counted upon to attempt to ease the discussion away from liberal Democrat culpability in whatever chicanery they're up to now, by connecting it to some past incident, usually during a Republican administration. Mention Benghazi, and they're likely to regale you with, "This reminds me of how unprepared we were for 9/11. You think we would have learned by now!" or "This calls to mind Iran-Contra. When are we going to finally realize that weapons-dealing is irresponsible, at best? Mercy!"

5. The "Consider the Source" Source: This person fervently hopes that their calling into question the judgment or conservative credentials of a government official or reporter delivering news bad for the liberals will make it all go away. This Alinsky-like behavior is practiced constantly. If Bill O'Reilly, for example, reports that Ambassador Stevens was killed because he knew too much about a gun-running operation, our intrepid sleeper will harrumph, "Bill O'Reilly? That windbag? I never listen to a word that idiot says!" If Senator So-and-So reports that CIA sources told him Hillary was out dancing with Huma and couldn't be reached during the Benghazi debacle, this counterfeit FReeper will opine, "Senator So-and-So is in it with McCain for Amnesty!" or "Oh, yeah? I heard this dirtbag was pro-choice until he thought he needed the pro-lifers to win the election!"


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