8 year old girl climbs Trump wall in 40 seconds

Do you think you could climb Trump's wall?

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MILES AND MILES of electric fence are powered by a single golf cart battery for farmers who want to keep livestock from crossing a fence. I suggest a field trip to your local Tractor Supply Store.
Electric fence is easy to cut
Try Cutting an Electric Concrete Reinforced Wall.

try building one -

I did at The Southern Border.

We just haven't hooked up the juice yet to Fry you like Kentucky Fried Chicken.

southern border of what, your prison -

America is a Prison only for those who hate freedom and hate work and hate self determination.
The wall was designed wrong. It is for show, but will not be a deterrent. A double wall, flimsy and flexible on both sides, and electrified would be much better. Climb one side, the walls flex and bend, but when the person touches the other side, it become a giant bug zapper. THAT would be a better wall.

So you are going to build coal-powered generating stations along the border to provide electricity of that level to make it work?

No need for that. We have a treaty with Mexico to allow the Colorado River to flow south across our border to provide water for Mexico. Since that is a non-stop source of power, we can set up a power generating station on the river that will electrify the fence using the natural power of the river's flow. Then let the water pass over the border for the Mexican farmers.

You just had to prove that you are a dumbass! If you could build a dam there to generate electricity, don't you think it would have already been done?

It is obvious that you don't know anything about generating electricity and then transmitting along power lines over great distances. Please shut up and leave the conversation to the adults. Your claptrap is neither desired nor appreciated.
First, they aren't aluminum. Second, I am sure those will be available to Jose, his pregnant wife Conseulo, and every one of their caravan. Third, it is stupid to try and come up with all of these ridiculous gadgets for poor people to get over a wall.

I never said they were aluminum. I said a powerful magnet in an aluminum square tube can be used to GRAB or RELEASE a steel surface. Your reading comprehension score seems quite low.

Also, you do not need a set for EVERY illegal who slithers across the border. you make two or three sets, scale the wall, then pass the units through the open slats and drop them to the ground for the NEXT couple to use when they arrive at the wall. Rinse and repeat.

You have never climbed a stepladder much less a 30 foot wall if you think that would be easy.
Six feet of solid steel means an easy climb with magnets.

Not necessarily. There are alloys of steel that are non magnetic.

Judging by the surface rust, I would say the steel came from the LOWEST bidder. It is probably discarded construction steel from China, old trench plates and other stuff. I seriously doubt that the wall is being built with the finest high quality alloy steels from America.

So now you are an expert on interpreting metallic content from photographs? Hilarious!

BTW, I find your user name to be highly offensive as I am a conservative from Kentucky. I would not want to be associated with your posts.
They don't need to haul the ladder over the wall! You kidder! All they have to do is tie the rope to the top of the ladder and let themselves down the rope. Only a dumbass would haul the ladder over the wall. I guess that makes them smarter than you?

And fwiw, strong young Meemaw raper/killers do not go 200 miles into the desert to cross the border. They do it where it's easier to cross. And boy are they quick. Some cross back and forth on a regular basis.

I though it was those violent, killer rapers that were such a concern. You won't stop them with a wall. You'll only stop the old, sick, and poor. Are those the folks you are so afraid of?

So, you admit that there are rapists and killers among the flow of illegals, but oppose doing anything to hinder their access to our citizens?

Well, thanks for your honesty.

Why are you like this?
Oh no, I don't oppose border security. I oppose a ridiculous vanity wall shrine to Trump the Twit.

I am all for making judicious use of current technology and focusing on the legal border crossings (where the drugs are coming in) and focusing on those who overstay their visas (where the vast majority of illegals come from.

This stupid wall solution is only discussed because it's the only thing Trump the Moron can understand. And he's got his simpleton fans thinking it will make a difference,

Why do you hate technology?

1. Walls work. Everyone knows that. Anyone that says otherwise is lying.

2. Nothing about building a wall, that says that other actions cannot be taken. Anyone that says otherwise is lying.

Anyone that claims a wall can't be effective need only look at what Israel did on their borders. Be honest for once, liberals...if it were future conservative voters pouring in over the border...you'd be calling for walls, moats and the National Guard to stop it! You only oppose a real wall because making the border more secure means your "base" won't keep growing!

That’s dumb and stupid.

You have to look at the functionality differences and benefits of these walls not just blatantly ....... Israeli walls work.

1. Sure it does but you forgot something. What are the economic benefits of scaling the Israeli wall? If and when you succeed breaching that wall. You can’t even get a bread from these beggars. There are no customers on the other side.

2. Trumpy stupid sexy wall. There are millions of incentives once you breached that stupid wall. There are also millions of American drug addicts waiting for drugs or cheap marijuana.

Stop playing with your small penis. We do not increase our data base with more illegals.

Let me get this straight...you think illegals trying to come to the United States for a job are more "motivated" to climb a wall than jihadists who are willing to blow themselves up with suicide vests? To be quite blunt...YOU'RE AN IDIOT!

If the walls in Israel work to keep out fanatics who plot 24/7 to breach them...then it's pretty much a given that they will keep people out on our southern border.
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You do understand that the immigrants don't need to actually touch the wall. They use a ladder (all supplies provided by the paid coyotes at the border) for the 18' walls. They prop the ladder against the wall on the MX side, climb to the top, tie a rope to the ladder and let themselves down to the US side.

I've also seen video of coyotes driving a box truck, with a ladder and immigrants already on top of the truck. Makes for a shorter, quicker climb. Probably works especially well on the 30' walls.

This is a couple of methods for those who choose to go over the top. Others go under, and still others go through.

Yep, I see all the 35 ft ladders and charged reciprocating saws. They must have a Home Depot along the route! :D

Only the white people carry the ladder through the desert. The rest use the ladders and saws waiting for them near the border, provided by the paid coyotes.

At the coyote "ladder and saws store"? They don't need ladders because much of our southern border has no walls at all and other places have wall's that wouldn't stop anyone for more than a few seconds.
You do understand that the immigrants don't need to actually touch the wall. They use a ladder (all supplies provided by the paid coyotes at the border) for the 18' walls. They prop the ladder against the wall on the MX side, climb to the top, tie a rope to the ladder and let themselves down to the US side.

I've also seen video of coyotes driving a box truck, with a ladder and immigrants already on top of the truck. Makes for a shorter, quicker climb. Probably works especially well on the 30' walls.

This is a couple of methods for those who choose to go over the top. Others go under, and still others go through.

Yep, I see all the 35 ft ladders and charged reciprocating saws. They must have a Home Depot along the route! :D

Only the white people carry the ladder through the desert. The rest use the ladders and saws waiting for them near the border, provided by the paid coyotes.

At the coyote "ladder and saws store"? They don't need ladders because much of our southern border has no walls at all and other places have wall's that wouldn't stop anyone for more than a few seconds.
In modern times they have Home Depot in Mexico, even on the border.
You do understand that the immigrants don't need to actually touch the wall. They use a ladder (all supplies provided by the paid coyotes at the border) for the 18' walls. They prop the ladder against the wall on the MX side, climb to the top, tie a rope to the ladder and let themselves down to the US side.

I've also seen video of coyotes driving a box truck, with a ladder and immigrants already on top of the truck. Makes for a shorter, quicker climb. Probably works especially well on the 30' walls.

This is a couple of methods for those who choose to go over the top. Others go under, and still others go through.

Yep, I see all the 35 ft ladders and charged reciprocating saws. They must have a Home Depot along the route! :D

Only the white people carry the ladder through the desert. The rest use the ladders and saws waiting for them near the border, provided by the paid coyotes.

At the coyote "ladder and saws store"? They don't need ladders because much of our southern border has no walls at all and other places have wall's that wouldn't stop anyone for more than a few seconds.
In modern times they have Home Depot in Mexico, even on the border.

In the middle of the desert?

Build away, but don't send me the bill..
Don't forget, these great GOP brains actually thought Mexico would pay for the wall. Seriously, they hollered it at the rallies.

You just wonder if many of them don't live on top of toxic waste dumps. WTF?!

Mexico has been playing ball, stopping the caravans at the Southern Border. Going easier on them, is a valid choice.

If Trump was going after them, full bore, you would be attacking him for that.

You are a very dishonest person.
No, Trump is dishonest by convincing the dullards that Mexico would pay for his wall. They will not pay for the wall. EVER. Only simpletons thought they would.

Why do you hate the truth?

Mexico has been playing ball, stopping the caravans at the Southern Border. Going easier on them, is a valid choice.

It's not them paying for that stupid wall.

Correct. They are being, if not good neighbors, at least better than they have been, for a long time.

Giving them positive feedback for positive behavior, is a valid response.
Doesn’t really matter

Once Trump is gone, Democrats will tear down the wall
No, Trump is dishonest by convincing the dullards that Mexico would pay for his wall. They will not pay for the wall. EVER. Only simpletons thought they would.

Why do you hate the truth?

We have six more years for Mexico to pay for the wall. Mexico is paying for 27,000 troops along their Northern border which have drastically reduced the number of illegal aliens crossing that border.

Why do we hate the truth? Why do you hate all the great things that have been happening in and to America since President Donald Trump took office?

As for the truth?

Build away, but don't send me the bill..
Don't forget, these great GOP brains actually thought Mexico would pay for the wall. Seriously, they hollered it at the rallies.

You just wonder if many of them don't live on top of toxic waste dumps. WTF?!

Mexico has been playing ball, stopping the caravans at the Southern Border. Going easier on them, is a valid choice.

If Trump was going after them, full bore, you would be attacking him for that.

You are a very dishonest person.

No, Trump is dishonest by convincing the dullards that Mexico would pay for his wall. They will not pay for the wall. EVER. Only simpletons thought they would.

Why do you hate the truth?

Mexico has been playing ball, stopping the caravans at the Southern Border. Going easier on them, is a valid choice.

It's not them paying for that stupid wall.

I don't know of a single Trump voter who voted for him because he said that Mexico would pay for the wall. I don't care who pays, just so we protect our Southern border. Isn't that what Democrats demanded just a few years ago?

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First, they aren't aluminum. Second, I am sure those will be available to Jose, his pregnant wife Conseulo, and every one of their caravan. Third, it is stupid to try and come up with all of these ridiculous gadgets for poor people to get over a wall.

I never said they were aluminum. I said a powerful magnet in an aluminum square tube can be used to GRAB or RELEASE a steel surface. Your reading comprehension score seems quite low.

Also, you do not need a set for EVERY illegal who slithers across the border. you make two or three sets, scale the wall, then pass the units through the open slats and drop them to the ground for the NEXT couple to use when they arrive at the wall. Rinse and repeat.

You have never climbed a stepladder much less a 30 foot wall if you think that would be easy.
I climbed a rope in gym class

So, you admit that there are rapists and killers among the flow of illegals, but oppose doing anything to hinder their access to our citizens?

Well, thanks for your honesty.

Why are you like this?
Oh no, I don't oppose border security. I oppose a ridiculous vanity wall shrine to Trump the Twit.

I am all for making judicious use of current technology and focusing on the legal border crossings (where the drugs are coming in) and focusing on those who overstay their visas (where the vast majority of illegals come from.

This stupid wall solution is only discussed because it's the only thing Trump the Moron can understand. And he's got his simpleton fans thinking it will make a difference,

Why do you hate technology?

1. Walls work. Everyone knows that. Anyone that says otherwise is lying.

2. Nothing about building a wall, that says that other actions cannot be taken. Anyone that says otherwise is lying.

Anyone that claims a wall can't be effective need only look at what Israel did on their borders. Be honest for once, liberals...if it were future conservative voters pouring in over the border...you'd be calling for walls, moats and the National Guard to stop it! You only oppose a real wall because making the border more secure means your "base" won't keep growing!

That’s dumb and stupid.

You have to look at the functionality differences and benefits of these walls not just blatantly ....... Israeli walls work.

1. Sure it does but you forgot something. What are the economic benefits of scaling the Israeli wall? If and when you succeed breaching that wall. You can’t even get a bread from these beggars. There are no customers on the other side.

2. Trumpy stupid sexy wall. There are millions of incentives once you breached that stupid wall. There are also millions of American drug addicts waiting for drugs or cheap marijuana.

Stop playing with your small penis. We do not increase our data base with more illegals.

Let me get this straight...you think illegals trying to come to the United States for a job are more "motivated" to climb a wall than jihadists who are willing to blow themselves up with suicide vests? To be quite blunt...YOU'RE AN IDIOT!

If the walls in Israel work to keep out fanatics who plot 24/7 to breach them...then it's pretty much a given that they will keep people out on our southern border.

Dude. Did you read my post or you just stared at it?

So let me repeat it for you just for the sake of your stupidity and ignorance. First of all you have to think like Mexicans not Lebanese or terrorist.

Mexicans. There are no benefits or incentives to breach or scale the Israeli wall.

Mexicans. There are millions of benefits like better living, wages and future if you make it to this side.
See the stupid differences?

Do you want me to repeat it again for you? You are not a rookie here but your ignorance is just unbelievable. What did I say about Trump followers?
You ever tie of a barge to a tugboat? Don't tell me you can't put a half hitch in a 2 in rope. It wouldn't have to be that big anyway. You don't know what you are talking about. Let it go, or continue sounding like a fool. Your call.

The hawser bitter end is pre tied, as is the eye, so tying off a ship is easy peasy.

You are lying about working on a tug. One of my best friends was Chief Engineer on the APL ship President Monroe. I spent many a day on that ship just watching the crew work.

Perhaps the lines had a loop on that ship, but tugs don't always have that. A strait end rope comes in handy for lots of rigging chores as well as tie offs. Where is the best place for a nap on a tug?

On a coil of cable of course. Preferably over the engine deck, yes, tugs do indeed have straight cable, and they are a fucking beast to move!

We aren't talking about wire rope are we?

Nope. Good old hemp

Then why did you mention cable? I rarely saw hemp rope. Usually nylon. Have you ever been on a tug boat?
Doesn't matter if I can climb it. It was sold as unclimbable. That just isn't the case.
When you paint your house you are climbing a LADDER not your house. The poll specifically asks WITHOUT GEAR.

You're nit picking. The issue is whether the fence is climbable. Trump didn't claim only some could climb it, or that certain gear was required to climb it. He said a team of TOP RATED mountain climbers could not climb it. It can't be climbed. This is another example of Trump saying crazy stuff, and his idiot supporters trying to make it sound sane. It can't be done.

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