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8 years without Ella

what do you imagine you demonstrated sherri? You did give us a very
nice example of how the very unusual holiday of PURIM is celebrated.
I could tell you-----but you are too dense to learn

I am shocked, I did not know Jews everywhere taught their children to kill like that!

Kill like what, pseudo baptist isa respecting WHORE?.
where did you see "killing lessons" for that kind of shit go to your
local mosque. you will get lessons in the joys and pleasures of severing
the genitalia of boys and shoving the organs down their still living throats
for the GLORY OF ISA
I said before, What Sherri does best is throw things out on the keyboard, and maybe something will end up being true.

If Sherri will be kind enough to bring the "source" to the article in which the Fogels called to hurt Palestinians, we might have something to discuss.

Either way, they never did so. The Fogel family is truely enlightened one. They are Tzaddikim who don't seek violent revenge on anyone. They're an example to us all

Ruthi Fogel taught young girls in an extremist Jewish school in an illegal settlement and she was a Kahanist, she followed the teachings of Jewish Terrorist Kahane. I do not call people who teach little girls to be Kahane followers enlightened ones. She was teaching little girls to be terrorists. Roni, her student, said the day after the killing, "We all wanted revenge. We just wont cry and feel sorry for ourselves. We will do something about it. You know? If someone comes to kill you, then you kill them first, says the Torah." And Roni, age 14, Ruthi Fogels student, with a wooden pendant engraved with the words, Kahane Was Right, around her neck, says the day after Ruthi was killed everyone in Tapuach went down to the junction and threw rocks at Arabs passing by.

and we all know what iRosie's solution to rock throwers is....
Have you ever had a large rock hurled at your head, asshole? Oh never mind, if it hits you it will be rock on rock. LOL

I am shocked that Jewish posters here, including yourself, find the things happening in the settlements addressed in the article Girls At War acceptable and normal Jewish behavior.

Here is more that was written about witnessed in this settlement in which Ruthi Fogel taught adolescent girls.

Recall, Roni was Ruthi Fogel's student.

"A few days after Purim I drove up Highway 60 to Elon Moreh to see one of Moriya’s best friends, Tzuriya, who’d just graduated from Ma’ale Levona. I was with Dina, a 24-year-old from the city of Ariel who was translating for me. She’d come with me to the Purim party at Roni and Moriya’s, and was a bit stunned by the extremism she’d seen—by the end of Purim, the two sisters were singing Dov Shurin’s violent hip-hop song “Down With Arafat” and Roni was telling a story about going with her mother and Moriya to one of the junctions and seeing an Arab mother there. “We spat on each other and then fought,” said Roni, before adding that this happened a lot."


Is this normal behavior for Jewish mothers to take their daughters where Palestinians are and spit at Palestinians and start fights with them?

You call these settlers holy ones, you even had a special word you referred to the Fogel's as, is this what holy ones in Judaism look like?

I'm surprised the crazy Nazi witch who hangs around Muslime truck drivers (did you meet your boyfriend while you "working" the truckstops?) doesn't know the story of Purim, which goes back to ancient Persia.

Purim (Hebrew: פּוּרִים (help·info) Pûrîm "lots", from the word pur,[3] related to Akkadian pūru) is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the deliverance of the Jewish people in the ancient Persian Empire from destruction in the wake of a plot by Haman, a story recorded in the Biblical Book of Esther (Megillat Esther).
According to the Book of Esther, in the Hebrew Bible, Haman, royal vizier to King Ahasuerus (presumed to be Xerxes I of Persia), planned to kill all the Jews in the empire, but his plans were foiled by Mordecai and his adopted daughter Queen Esther. The day of deliverance became a day of feasting and rejoicing.
Purim is celebrated by giving mutual gifts of food and drink (mishloach manot), giving charity to the poor (mattanot la-evyonim),[4] a celebratory meal (se'udat Purim), and public recitation of the Scroll of Esther (keriat ha-megillah), additions to the prayers and the grace after meals (al hannisim).[5] Other customs include drinking wine, wearing of masks and costumes, and public celebration.[6]
The Occupation is the cause of her death, Zionists should end the unlawful Occupation and stop causing more deaths like Ellas![/QUOT
The fact they won't accepts Israel's right to exist is the cause of her death. It's up to the Palestinians to accept Israel's right to exist and understand Israel has no intention of giving Abbas everything he demands
I am shocked, I did not know Jews everywhere taught their children to kill like that!

Explain to us how your logic works. With every post you make less and less sense:cuckoo:

Have you lost your ability to read English?

Purim in the illegal settlements, we see settler children being taught to kill the Amelikites!

"On Purim, I went back to see Roni and Moriya. The celebration of the holiday was already in full swing, with music and drinking, and neighbors coming in and out. The families were determined to celebrate hard in the wake of the Fogel family murder: “Remember Amalek, what he did to you coming out of Egypt.” That was the Shabbat lesson at school, Roni told me. Who was Amalek? I asked. Any enemy of the Jews—the Amalekites, the Arabs, the Nazis, the Palestinians, even the desire to do evil, she said. What Amalek has is azut hakodesh—nerve, maddened by the holy spirit. “Even though Amalek knew that we are the chosen people, they fought against us,” said Roni. “That is why we need to destroy them.” How? Azut hakodesh. It takes nerve to rebuild the Temple. “We learn about the Temple which you usually don’t learn at Ulpana,” said Roni giggling—after all she is still a teenager, and it is embarrassing to brag about your school. You can see YouTube videos of Ma’ale Levona girls exercising azut hakodesh, protesting down Highway 60. They’re posted in blogs with entries like: “As we drove back home to Shiloh we saw dozens of young women marching on the road. No surprise that they are students in Ulpana Ma’ale Levona, who are legendary in their love of the Land of Israel and lack of fear in the face of government persecution.”

Is that a normal thing for Jewish parents to teach their children?

Did your parents teach you to kill the Amelikites every year on Purim?

If this is normal behavior for Judaism for parents to teach their children to kill Gentiles, Judaism is an evil people of conscience should be seeking to see destroyed!


I stopped reading as soon as seeing "taught to kill the Amalekies"

The Amalekies DON'T EXIST ANYMORE!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
There are many Jews who have the wrong thinking that "Amalek" exist today. Some see the leftover of "Amalek" as the Nazis and Arabs.

The Arabs are Ishmaelities, not Amaleks. And Ishmael in the Torah was the one mocking and humiliating his brother Isaac, not the other way around.

Amalek as if in today is the leftover of the bad things for the Jews- Antisemitism, Nazism, Islamism, self-loathing, deception, prejudice, etc. Amalek should not be viewed as people.

"Remember Amalek" today means "Remember the things that have hurt you" and fight them.
There are many Jews who have the wrong thinking that "Amalek" exist today. Some see the leftover of "Amalek" as the Nazis and Arabs.

The Arabs are Ishmaelities, not Amaleks. And Ishmael in the Torah was the one mocking and humiliating his brother Isaac, not the other way around.

Amalek as if in today is the leftover of the bad things for the Jews- Antisemitism, Nazism, Islamism, self-loathing, deception, prejudice, etc. Amalek should not be viewed as people.

"Remember Amalek" today means "Remember the things that have hurt you" and fight them.

Lipush I am not sure that sherri is really a southern baptist as she claims---but if she
is ---there is a strain of anti semitism in the United States with which you may not be
familiar----with which she may have been brought up. I know about it because I grew
up in a town that shortly before my family moved in had been "restricted" which means
NO JEWS AND NO BLACKS---and---no all sorts of other things . Thus there were
nazi types around----with kids well inducted into nazi thinking. USA anti semitism is
virulent. -----it just happens that most american christians give it up but some people
never forget the lessons learned at grandma's knee She stated she comes from
TEXAS------I encountered some really screwed up texans when I was in the navy---
one quite intelligent kid said some things to me which led me to believe that
he harbored odd ideas-----about jews. I asked him "how many of the banks
in the USA do you think are owned by jews" ----his answer was 98%

I am not sure if sherri is simply a texan screwball----or is putting up a "southern
baptist front" as a jihadist propaganda ploy. She might be trying to influence
christians of the USA to the islamo nazi POV by USING standard---somewhat
outdated ---southern baptist anti semitism. The crappy interpretations of
the new testament she posts-----seem lifted from idiot sermons that were delivered
decades ago by extremely stupid provincial "preachers" Decades ago I used
to hear some of the most idiotic interpretations on radio sermons---it is amazing
what crap they broadcast and taught in churches----but things have improved

Notice that she claims to have some expertise in the bible----
but does not even understand the symbolism of AMALEKITE or the
issues from which it arises. If you never read the New
Testament-----try it. It takes a jew or someone acquainted with Judaism to
understand it. Sherri never will.
There are many Jews who have the wrong thinking that "Amalek" exist today. Some see the leftover of "Amalek" as the Nazis and Arabs.

The Arabs are Ishmaelities, not Amaleks. And Ishmael in the Torah was the one mocking and humiliating his brother Isaac, not the other way around.

Amalek as if in today is the leftover of the bad things for the Jews- Antisemitism, Nazism, Islamism, self-loathing, deception, prejudice, etc. Amalek should not be viewed as people.

"Remember Amalek" today means "Remember the things that have hurt you" and fight them.

The nazis were largely responsible for the Jews getting to the promised land and setting up Israel. Give the peeps their props.
Explain to us how your logic works. With every post you make less and less sense:cuckoo:

Have you lost your ability to read English?

Purim in the illegal settlements, we see settler children being taught to kill the Amelikites!

"On Purim, I went back to see Roni and Moriya. The celebration of the holiday was already in full swing, with music and drinking, and neighbors coming in and out. The families were determined to celebrate hard in the wake of the Fogel family murder: “Remember Amalek, what he did to you coming out of Egypt.” That was the Shabbat lesson at school, Roni told me. Who was Amalek? I asked. Any enemy of the Jews—the Amalekites, the Arabs, the Nazis, the Palestinians, even the desire to do evil, she said. What Amalek has is azut hakodesh—nerve, maddened by the holy spirit. “Even though Amalek knew that we are the chosen people, they fought against us,” said Roni. “That is why we need to destroy them.” How? Azut hakodesh. It takes nerve to rebuild the Temple. “We learn about the Temple which you usually don’t learn at Ulpana,” said Roni giggling—after all she is still a teenager, and it is embarrassing to brag about your school. You can see YouTube videos of Ma’ale Levona girls exercising azut hakodesh, protesting down Highway 60. They’re posted in blogs with entries like: “As we drove back home to Shiloh we saw dozens of young women marching on the road. No surprise that they are students in Ulpana Ma’ale Levona, who are legendary in their love of the Land of Israel and lack of fear in the face of government persecution.”

Is that a normal thing for Jewish parents to teach their children?

Did your parents teach you to kill the Amelikites every year on Purim?

If this is normal behavior for Judaism for parents to teach their children to kill Gentiles, Judaism is an evil people of conscience should be seeking to see destroyed!


I stopped reading as soon as seeing "taught to kill the Amalekies"

The Amalekies DON'T EXIST ANYMORE!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

It is illegal settlers who live in Occupied Palestine who teach their children to kill the Amelikes, that school your Hero Ruthi Fogel who you call a Holy One taught at, the lesson at Purim was destroy the Ameikites and they told the children that meant the Arabs. IS THAT A TEACHING AT PURIM FOR ALL JEWISH ISRAELI ZIONIST CHILDREN?
Have you lost your ability to read English?

Purim in the illegal settlements, we see settler children being taught to kill the Amelikites!

"On Purim, I went back to see Roni and Moriya. The celebration of the holiday was already in full swing, with music and drinking, and neighbors coming in and out. The families were determined to celebrate hard in the wake of the Fogel family murder: “Remember Amalek, what he did to you coming out of Egypt.” That was the Shabbat lesson at school, Roni told me. Who was Amalek? I asked. Any enemy of the Jews—the Amalekites, the Arabs, the Nazis, the Palestinians, even the desire to do evil, she said. What Amalek has is azut hakodesh—nerve, maddened by the holy spirit. “Even though Amalek knew that we are the chosen people, they fought against us,” said Roni. “That is why we need to destroy them.” How? Azut hakodesh. It takes nerve to rebuild the Temple. “We learn about the Temple which you usually don’t learn at Ulpana,” said Roni giggling—after all she is still a teenager, and it is embarrassing to brag about your school. You can see YouTube videos of Ma’ale Levona girls exercising azut hakodesh, protesting down Highway 60. They’re posted in blogs with entries like: “As we drove back home to Shiloh we saw dozens of young women marching on the road. No surprise that they are students in Ulpana Ma’ale Levona, who are legendary in their love of the Land of Israel and lack of fear in the face of government persecution.”

Is that a normal thing for Jewish parents to teach their children?

Did your parents teach you to kill the Amelikites every year on Purim?

If this is normal behavior for Judaism for parents to teach their children to kill Gentiles, Judaism is an evil people of conscience should be seeking to see destroyed!


I stopped reading as soon as seeing "taught to kill the Amalekies"

The Amalekies DON'T EXIST ANYMORE!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

It is illegal settlers who live in Occupied Palestine who teach their children to kill the Amelikes, that school your Hero Ruthi Fogel who you call a Holy One taught at, the lesson at Purim was destroy the Ameikites and they told the children that meant the Arabs. IS THAT A TEACHING AT PURIM FOR ALL JEWISH ISRAELI ZIONIST CHILDREN?

Cuckoo is people who call the Fogels who taught their children to kill Arabs Holy Ones! Tamer, God only knows how many Arabs she will grow up and kill! What The Tablet articles discloses for the world to see is who those illegal settlers really are who live in Occupied Palestine, 600,000 religious extremists who teach their children to hate and kill from the time they are babies.Young girls were encouraged to go fight against the State, that is the other part of the story told in Girls At War! They deliberately use the child to carry out crimes and hide behind the child. The Zionist way!
Cuckoo is people who call the Fogels who taught their children to kill Arabs Holy Ones! Tamer, God only knows how many Arabs she will grow up and kill! What The Tablet articles discloses for the world to see is who those illegal settlers really are who live in Occupied Palestine, 600,000 religious extremists who teach their children to hate and kill from the time they are babies.Young girls were encouraged to go fight against the State, that is the other part of the story told in Girls At War! They deliberately use the child to carry out crimes and hide behind the child. The Zionist way!

LOL sherri ---very good you did a PURIM SHPIEL

will you be busy in March? do you wear some sort
of costume while you lick ass and spit shit?
Have you lost your ability to read English?

Purim in the illegal settlements, we see settler children being taught to kill the Amelikites!

"On Purim, I went back to see Roni and Moriya. The celebration of the holiday was already in full swing, with music and drinking, and neighbors coming in and out. The families were determined to celebrate hard in the wake of the Fogel family murder: “Remember Amalek, what he did to you coming out of Egypt.” That was the Shabbat lesson at school, Roni told me. Who was Amalek? I asked. Any enemy of the Jews—the Amalekites, the Arabs, the Nazis, the Palestinians, even the desire to do evil, she said. What Amalek has is azut hakodesh—nerve, maddened by the holy spirit. “Even though Amalek knew that we are the chosen people, they fought against us,” said Roni. “That is why we need to destroy them.” How? Azut hakodesh. It takes nerve to rebuild the Temple. “We learn about the Temple which you usually don’t learn at Ulpana,” said Roni giggling—after all she is still a teenager, and it is embarrassing to brag about your school. You can see YouTube videos of Ma’ale Levona girls exercising azut hakodesh, protesting down Highway 60. They’re posted in blogs with entries like: “As we drove back home to Shiloh we saw dozens of young women marching on the road. No surprise that they are students in Ulpana Ma’ale Levona, who are legendary in their love of the Land of Israel and lack of fear in the face of government persecution.”

Is that a normal thing for Jewish parents to teach their children?

Did your parents teach you to kill the Amelikites every year on Purim?

If this is normal behavior for Judaism for parents to teach their children to kill Gentiles, Judaism is an evil people of conscience should be seeking to see destroyed!


I stopped reading as soon as seeing "taught to kill the Amalekies"

The Amalekies DON'T EXIST ANYMORE!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

It is illegal settlers who live in Occupied Palestine who teach their children to kill the Amelikes, that school your Hero Ruthi Fogel who you call a Holy One taught at, the lesson at Purim was destroy the Ameikites and they told the children that meant the Arabs. IS THAT A TEACHING AT PURIM FOR ALL JEWISH ISRAELI ZIONIST CHILDREN?
So this is all one big "Hatfield–McCoy feud" from 3000 years ago? Geez what a bunch of babies.
There are many Jews who have the wrong thinking that "Amalek" exist today. Some see the leftover of "Amalek" as the Nazis and Arabs.

The Arabs are Ishmaelities, not Amaleks. And Ishmael in the Torah was the one mocking and humiliating his brother Isaac, not the other way around.

Amalek as if in today is the leftover of the bad things for the Jews- Antisemitism, Nazism, Islamism, self-loathing, deception, prejudice, etc. Amalek should not be viewed as people.

"Remember Amalek" today means "Remember the things that have hurt you" and fight them.
Thar kind of makes me think about this saying in Christianity, love the sinner, hate the sin, a really difficult thing for people to do and be misunderstood about, as well! I think about the concept of terrorism, and anytime weapons are aimed at civilians and hit and kill them we have terrorism, like that 11 month old baby the IDF killed in November. It is hard to separate two things that should be kept separate here. I am called to hate the acts of terrorism of the IDF and I am called to love the IDF soldiers who targeted and killed that baby.
Have you lost your ability to read English?

Purim in the illegal settlements, we see settler children being taught to kill the Amelikites!

"On Purim, I went back to see Roni and Moriya. The celebration of the holiday was already in full swing, with music and drinking, and neighbors coming in and out. The families were determined to celebrate hard in the wake of the Fogel family murder: “Remember Amalek, what he did to you coming out of Egypt.” That was the Shabbat lesson at school, Roni told me. Who was Amalek? I asked. Any enemy of the Jews—the Amalekites, the Arabs, the Nazis, the Palestinians, even the desire to do evil, she said. What Amalek has is azut hakodesh—nerve, maddened by the holy spirit. “Even though Amalek knew that we are the chosen people, they fought against us,” said Roni. “That is why we need to destroy them.” How? Azut hakodesh. It takes nerve to rebuild the Temple. “We learn about the Temple which you usually don’t learn at Ulpana,” said Roni giggling—after all she is still a teenager, and it is embarrassing to brag about your school. You can see YouTube videos of Ma’ale Levona girls exercising azut hakodesh, protesting down Highway 60. They’re posted in blogs with entries like: “As we drove back home to Shiloh we saw dozens of young women marching on the road. No surprise that they are students in Ulpana Ma’ale Levona, who are legendary in their love of the Land of Israel and lack of fear in the face of government persecution.”

Is that a normal thing for Jewish parents to teach their children?

Did your parents teach you to kill the Amelikites every year on Purim?

If this is normal behavior for Judaism for parents to teach their children to kill Gentiles, Judaism is an evil people of conscience should be seeking to see destroyed!


I stopped reading as soon as seeing "taught to kill the Amalekies"

The Amalekies DON'T EXIST ANYMORE!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

It is illegal settlers who live in Occupied Palestine who teach their children to kill the Amelikes, that school your Hero Ruthi Fogel who you call a Holy One taught at, the lesson at Purim was destroy the Ameikites and they told the children that meant the Arabs. IS THAT A TEACHING AT PURIM FOR ALL JEWISH ISRAELI ZIONIST CHILDREN?

If you knew the true story of Purim, you'd understand that what you say is laughable. Wicked Haman planned to kill the Jews, ALL of the Jews, in ONE day, by hanging. All that young poor Hadassa did was expose his plan to the king. It was him who ordered then that whatever Haman planned will come back to haunt him down.

It's not the Jews who destroy Amalek. It is Amalek destroying itself.
I stopped reading as soon as seeing "taught to kill the Amalekies"

The Amalekies DON'T EXIST ANYMORE!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

It is illegal settlers who live in Occupied Palestine who teach their children to kill the Amelikes, that school your Hero Ruthi Fogel who you call a Holy One taught at, the lesson at Purim was destroy the Ameikites and they told the children that meant the Arabs. IS THAT A TEACHING AT PURIM FOR ALL JEWISH ISRAELI ZIONIST CHILDREN?

Cuckoo is people who call the Fogels who taught their children to kill Arabs Holy Ones! Tamer, God only knows how many Arabs she will grow up and kill! What The Tablet articles discloses for the world to see is who those illegal settlers really are who live in Occupied Palestine, 600,000 religious extremists who teach their children to hate and kill from the time they are babies.Young girls were encouraged to go fight against the State, that is the other part of the story told in Girls At War! They deliberately use the child to carry out crimes and hide behind the child. The Zionist way!

Everytime you say we teach "hate" since our children are small, the obvious natural thing will be to point out that the Palestinians are doing the same thing, if not worse. Not only that, they teach that this hatred will lead them to heaven.

When you point out that settlers "teach" people to "hate" since they're young, ALL WHILE ignoring that Palestinians do so, you show great hypocrisy.

But I guess that's not a surprise. Coming from you.
There are many Jews who have the wrong thinking that "Amalek" exist today. Some see the leftover of "Amalek" as the Nazis and Arabs.

The Arabs are Ishmaelities, not Amaleks. And Ishmael in the Torah was the one mocking and humiliating his brother Isaac, not the other way around.

Amalek as if in today is the leftover of the bad things for the Jews- Antisemitism, Nazism, Islamism, self-loathing, deception, prejudice, etc. Amalek should not be viewed as people.

"Remember Amalek" today means "Remember the things that have hurt you" and fight them.
Thar kind of makes me think about this saying in Christianity, love the sinner, hate the sin, a really difficult thing for people to do and be misunderstood about, as well! I think about the concept of terrorism, and anytime weapons are aimed at civilians and hit and kill them we have terrorism, like that 11 month old baby the IDF killed in November. It is hard to separate two things that should be kept separate here. I am called to hate the acts of terrorism of the IDF and I am called to love the IDF soldiers who targeted and killed that baby.

What does that look like, hating the act of terror and loving the terrorist? Speaking against the terrorism, opposing the terrorism, hating the terrorism, and loving the sinner, thinking about the soldiers who kill babies makes me feel like crying, I think about how we were created in the image of GOD and how incredibly sad it is to see what one human can do to another, but that is not where love calls me to stop, Love calls me to see there is another way and to see that those soldiers who kill can stop doing what they are doing, there is hope for them and love calls me not to give up on them. So much hate is a part of this conflict, but there is hope for every person, no matter what they have done, to change and stop hating. And loving the simner is seeing that in every person. I think of it as being the eternal optimist , difficult to hang onto that, but sitting here I find myself thinking that is a challenge set before Christians to seek to do in their lives! Turning, pain into joy, turning, bad into good , turning, the impossible becomes possible! Always I am taken back to that cross Jesus was crucified on, the center of all of it!
I stopped reading as soon as seeing "taught to kill the Amalekies"

The Amalekies DON'T EXIST ANYMORE!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

It is illegal settlers who live in Occupied Palestine who teach their children to kill the Amelikes, that school your Hero Ruthi Fogel who you call a Holy One taught at, the lesson at Purim was destroy the Ameikites and they told the children that meant the Arabs. IS THAT A TEACHING AT PURIM FOR ALL JEWISH ISRAELI ZIONIST CHILDREN?

Cuckoo is people who call the Fogels who taught their children to kill Arabs Holy Ones! Tamer, God only knows how many Arabs she will grow up and kill! What The Tablet articles discloses for the world to see is who those illegal settlers really are who live in Occupied Palestine, 600,000 religious extremists who teach their children to hate and kill from the time they are babies.Young girls were encouraged to go fight against the State, that is the other part of the story told in Girls At War! They deliberately use the child to carry out crimes and hide behind the child. The Zionist way!

In Judaism, any Jew who dies in the hand of an Anti-semite, or an enemy of Israel, is considered as a Kaddosh(Holy). Especially if those are civilians or children.

I truely hope Tamar would not grow up to kill anyone. I hope she would not have to do that, because her soul is kind and pure, and no-one wants her to stain it with blood of others.

The settlers do not teach their children to kill, they are much more peaceful than many people on earth, I know myself not one and not two Israeli settlers, and they never hold any kind of bloodthirst or will to kill or harm anyone.

The settlers are the keepers of the gates. They are good Jews who are willing to protect Israel. May no harm come to them.
I stopped reading as soon as seeing "taught to kill the Amalekies"

The Amalekies DON'T EXIST ANYMORE!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

It is illegal settlers who live in Occupied Palestine who teach their children to kill the Amelikes, that school your Hero Ruthi Fogel who you call a Holy One taught at, the lesson at Purim was destroy the Ameikites and they told the children that meant the Arabs. IS THAT A TEACHING AT PURIM FOR ALL JEWISH ISRAELI ZIONIST CHILDREN?

If you knew the true story of Purim, you'd understand that what you say is laughable. Wicked Haman planned to kill the Jews, ALL of the Jews, in ONE day, by hanging. All that young poor Hadassa did was expose his plan to the king. It was him who ordered then that whatever Haman planned will come back to haunt him down.

It's not the Jews who destroy Amalek. It is Amalek destroying itself.
She goes by what her Muslim handlers tell her. "Those kids were taught to kill ancient Amalekes, therefore they deserved to die". In fact all Israeli kids deserve to die because like Tinmore also says, their parents shouldn't put them there. See where this is going? That's the insane rationality of the Islamists.
It is illegal settlers who live in Occupied Palestine who teach their children to kill the Amelikes, that school your Hero Ruthi Fogel who you call a Holy One taught at, the lesson at Purim was destroy the Ameikites and they told the children that meant the Arabs. IS THAT A TEACHING AT PURIM FOR ALL JEWISH ISRAELI ZIONIST CHILDREN?

Cuckoo is people who call the Fogels who taught their children to kill Arabs Holy Ones! Tamer, God only knows how many Arabs she will grow up and kill! What The Tablet articles discloses for the world to see is who those illegal settlers really are who live in Occupied Palestine, 600,000 religious extremists who teach their children to hate and kill from the time they are babies.Young girls were encouraged to go fight against the State, that is the other part of the story told in Girls At War! They deliberately use the child to carry out crimes and hide behind the child. The Zionist way!

Everytime you say we teach "hate" since our children are small, the obvious natural thing will be to point out that the Palestinians are doing the same thing, if not worse. Not only that, they teach that this hatred will lead them to heaven.

When you point out that settlers "teach" people to "hate" since they're young, ALL WHILE ignoring that Palestinians do so, you show great hypocrisy.

But I guess that's not a surprise. Coming from you.

And how does any of that fix anything, focusing on hate on the other side or attacking me? Trying to be optimistic about the future knowing 600000 illegal settlers hate like that and the next generation being taught as they are , now that is difficult!

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