8-Yr Old Thug Held At Gunpoint - Libs Triggered


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Shanice Stewart, who is nine months pregnant, and her son Brandon were stopped by police Oct. 17 on the highway, after the officers mistook Brandon for a juvenile with two felony warrants, including one for gun possession, according to Sacramento police. "I noticed that they had guns drawn and they had instructions for me to then toss my keys out of the window,” Stewart told ABC News. "And open the door with my left hand, proceed to get out and put my hands in the air and then walk towards them. I immediately broke down because I didn't know or understand what was going on."

Brandon got out of the vehicle afraid that his mother would be arrested or worse, according to Stewart. He screamed and pleaded for her to come back to the car. The 8-year-old, not realizing the officers thought he was the suspect, approached them frantically explaining that his mother was just taking him to football practice - "I was scared of him getting shot,” Stewart said. "You don't know what to expect, especially when it's multiple officers with their guns drawn towards the car. You just you don't know."

Police told ABC News they first misidentified Brandon through helicopter surveillance, as he and his mother were leaving their home to go to football practice. Brandon matched the description of a suspect - "From a distance, officers observed a juvenile who they believed to be the wanted suspect, enter a vehicle with tinted windows," The next day a captain with the Sacramento police told Stewart the suspect they are looking for is a teenager, according to Stewart. Brandon, a third grader, is about 3’10”, 56 pounds."

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The libs are so triggered by a simple mistake.....if you look at the kid, he can easily pass for a teenager or even a young adult, so when the cops saw him, of course they had reason to think they had their suspect. And everyone knows that black children aren't really considered children anymore after they reach the age of 4 or 5..so with this kid being 8 years old, he is basically a grown man -- and before we assume this kid is innocent, what do we know about his past?

Did he have a previous criminal record? What about his school records? Just because he may have been innocent of this doesn't mean he is innocent...most of his ilk, aren't. Good job by the police in practicing restraint and not turning this kid into some kind of victim -- and hopefully this little event will scare this kid straight and keep him out of trouble in the future.

"Shanice Stewart, who is nine months pregnant, and her son Brandon were stopped by police Oct. 17 on the highway, after the officers mistook Brandon for a juvenile with two felony warrants, including one for gun possession, according to Sacramento police. "I noticed that they had guns drawn and they had instructions for me to then toss my keys out of the window,” Stewart told ABC News. "And open the door with my left hand, proceed to get out and put my hands in the air and then walk towards them. I immediately broke down because I didn't know or understand what was going on."

Brandon got out of the vehicle afraid that his mother would be arrested or worse, according to Stewart. He screamed and pleaded for her to come back to the car. The 8-year-old, not realizing the officers thought he was the suspect, approached them frantically explaining that his mother was just taking him to football practice - "I was scared of him getting shot,” Stewart said. "You don't know what to expect, especially when it's multiple officers with their guns drawn towards the car. You just you don't know."

Police told ABC News they first misidentified Brandon through helicopter surveillance, as he and his mother were leaving their home to go to football practice. Brandon matched the description of a suspect - "From a distance, officers observed a juvenile who they believed to be the wanted suspect, enter a vehicle with tinted windows," The next day a captain with the Sacramento police told Stewart the suspect they are looking for is a teenager, according to Stewart. Brandon, a third grader, is about 3’10”, 56 pounds."

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The libs are so triggered by a simple mistake.....if you look at the kid, he can easily pass for a teenager or even a young adult, so when the cops saw him, of course they had reason to think they had their suspect. And everyone knows that black children aren't really considered children anymore after they reach the age of 4 or 5..so with this kid being 8 years old, he is basically a grown man -- and before we assume this kid is innocent, what do we know about his past?

Did he have a previous criminal record? What about his school records? Just because he may have been innocent of this doesn't mean he is innocent...most of his ilk, aren't. Good job by the police in practicing restraint and not turning this kid into some kind of victim -- and hopefully this little event will scare this kid straight and keep him out of trouble in the future.
Dont you think its odd that there are child criminals in black neighborhoods that the police need to be on the lookout for? That isnt a thing in white neighborhoods, for the record. Have you ever considered what you are doing wrong and we are doing right?
Dont you think its odd that there are child criminals in black neighborhoods that the police need to be on the lookout for? That isnt a thing in white neighborhoods, for the record. Have you ever considered what you are doing wrong and we are doing right?
It is not odd...it is genetic....99% of blacks are criminals and they become criminals as early as 4 years old...

So it makes sense that the cops assumed this 8 yr old was their suspect -- doesn't really matter if he matched the actual description, being 8 yrs old is criminal enough for their kind
It is not odd...it is genetic....99% of blacks are criminals and they become criminals as early as 4 years old...

So it makes sense that the cops assumed this 8 yr old was their suspect -- doesn't really matter if he matched the actual description, being 8 yrs old is criminal enough for their kind
Thats why the black community has so much crime. You have no idea why it even exists, so how could you begin to even combat it?

"Shanice Stewart, who is nine months pregnant, and her son Brandon were stopped by police Oct. 17 on the highway, after the officers mistook Brandon for a juvenile with two felony warrants, including one for gun possession, according to Sacramento police. "I noticed that they had guns drawn and they had instructions for me to then toss my keys out of the window,” Stewart told ABC News. "And open the door with my left hand, proceed to get out and put my hands in the air and then walk towards them. I immediately broke down because I didn't know or understand what was going on."

Brandon got out of the vehicle afraid that his mother would be arrested or worse, according to Stewart. He screamed and pleaded for her to come back to the car. The 8-year-old, not realizing the officers thought he was the suspect, approached them frantically explaining that his mother was just taking him to football practice - "I was scared of him getting shot,” Stewart said. "You don't know what to expect, especially when it's multiple officers with their guns drawn towards the car. You just you don't know."

Police told ABC News they first misidentified Brandon through helicopter surveillance, as he and his mother were leaving their home to go to football practice. Brandon matched the description of a suspect - "From a distance, officers observed a juvenile who they believed to be the wanted suspect, enter a vehicle with tinted windows," The next day a captain with the Sacramento police told Stewart the suspect they are looking for is a teenager, according to Stewart. Brandon, a third grader, is about 3’10”, 56 pounds."

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The libs are so triggered by a simple mistake.....if you look at the kid, he can easily pass for a teenager or even a young adult, so when the cops saw him, of course they had reason to think they had their suspect. And everyone knows that black children aren't really considered children anymore after they reach the age of 4 or 5..so with this kid being 8 years old, he is basically a grown man -- and before we assume this kid is innocent, what do we know about his past?

Did he have a previous criminal record? What about his school records? Just because he may have been innocent of this doesn't mean he is innocent...most of his ilk, aren't. Good job by the police in practicing restraint and not turning this kid into some kind of victim -- and hopefully this little event will scare this kid straight and keep him out of trouble in the future.

Another blue city bad cop story. When will you start demanding better in your shithole cities? Ever?

"Shanice Stewart, who is nine months pregnant, and her son Brandon were stopped by police Oct. 17 on the highway, after the officers mistook Brandon for a juvenile with two felony warrants, including one for gun possession, according to Sacramento police. "I noticed that they had guns drawn and they had instructions for me to then toss my keys out of the window,” Stewart told ABC News. "And open the door with my left hand, proceed to get out and put my hands in the air and then walk towards them. I immediately broke down because I didn't know or understand what was going on."

Brandon got out of the vehicle afraid that his mother would be arrested or worse, according to Stewart. He screamed and pleaded for her to come back to the car. The 8-year-old, not realizing the officers thought he was the suspect, approached them frantically explaining that his mother was just taking him to football practice - "I was scared of him getting shot,” Stewart said. "You don't know what to expect, especially when it's multiple officers with their guns drawn towards the car. You just you don't know."

Police told ABC News they first misidentified Brandon through helicopter surveillance, as he and his mother were leaving their home to go to football practice. Brandon matched the description of a suspect - "From a distance, officers observed a juvenile who they believed to be the wanted suspect, enter a vehicle with tinted windows," The next day a captain with the Sacramento police told Stewart the suspect they are looking for is a teenager, according to Stewart. Brandon, a third grader, is about 3’10”, 56 pounds."

View attachment 848415

The libs are so triggered by a simple mistake.....if you look at the kid, he can easily pass for a teenager or even a young adult, so when the cops saw him, of course they had reason to think they had their suspect. And everyone knows that black children aren't really considered children anymore after they reach the age of 4 or 5..so with this kid being 8 years old, he is basically a grown man -- and before we assume this kid is innocent, what do we know about his past?

Did he have a previous criminal record? What about his school records? Just because he may have been innocent of this doesn't mean he is innocent...most of his ilk, aren't. Good job by the police in practicing restraint and not turning this kid into some kind of victim -- and hopefully this little event will scare this kid straight and keep him out of trouble in the future.
The little criminal probably has 3 kids of his own. He is lucky he wasnt shot for being hyper aggressive. Probably doped up on crack.
Americas issues are going to explode when the police treat criminals gently like this.
Another blue city bad cop story. When will you start demanding better in your shithole cities? Ever?
So are you asking when are we going to start demanding better from police departments that hire and/or trains bad cops?

There has literally been a movement devoted to reforming the police since a such thing as "the police" has existed

Ironically, dic suckers like you have opposed that reform tooth and nail.........but only when you felt "black people" were the only ones negatively affected by bad cops...

"Shanice Stewart, who is nine months pregnant, and her son Brandon were stopped by police Oct. 17 on the highway, after the officers mistook Brandon for a juvenile with two felony warrants, including one for gun possession, according to Sacramento police. "I noticed that they had guns drawn and they had instructions for me to then toss my keys out of the window,” Stewart told ABC News. "And open the door with my left hand, proceed to get out and put my hands in the air and then walk towards them. I immediately broke down because I didn't know or understand what was going on."

Brandon got out of the vehicle afraid that his mother would be arrested or worse, according to Stewart. He screamed and pleaded for her to come back to the car. The 8-year-old, not realizing the officers thought he was the suspect, approached them frantically explaining that his mother was just taking him to football practice - "I was scared of him getting shot,” Stewart said. "You don't know what to expect, especially when it's multiple officers with their guns drawn towards the car. You just you don't know."

Police told ABC News they first misidentified Brandon through helicopter surveillance, as he and his mother were leaving their home to go to football practice. Brandon matched the description of a suspect - "From a distance, officers observed a juvenile who they believed to be the wanted suspect, enter a vehicle with tinted windows," The next day a captain with the Sacramento police told Stewart the suspect they are looking for is a teenager, according to Stewart. Brandon, a third grader, is about 3’10”, 56 pounds."

View attachment 848415

The libs are so triggered by a simple mistake.....if you look at the kid, he can easily pass for a teenager or even a young adult, so when the cops saw him, of course they had reason to think they had their suspect. And everyone knows that black children aren't really considered children anymore after they reach the age of 4 or 5..so with this kid being 8 years old, he is basically a grown man -- and before we assume this kid is innocent, what do we know about his past?

Did he have a previous criminal record? What about his school records? Just because he may have been innocent of this doesn't mean he is innocent...most of his ilk, aren't. Good job by the police in practicing restraint and not turning this kid into some kind of victim -- and hopefully this little event will scare this kid straight and keep him out of trouble in the future.
He'll may as well start practicing now. He has plenty of time for the real thing later on.
The disgrace is that black children commit violent crimes. 8 years old isn't even too young. A six year old shot his teacher.
This is why the kid should have at least been arrested first and sent to jail before the police admitted he was the wrong guy

Who knows, under some tough questioning, we could have found out about his other crimes

Republicans should campaign on a policy of pro-actively arresting 8 yr olds as long as those 8 yr olds are black
This is why the kid should have at least been arrested first and sent to jail before the police admitted he was the wrong guy

Who knows, under some tough questioning, we could have found out about his other crimes

Republicans should campaign on a policy of pro-actively arresting 8 yr olds as long as those 8 yr olds are black
First smart thing you've said in a long time.
He'll may as well start practicing now. He has plenty of time for the real thing later on.
Pretty much......its not a mystery that if he isn't a criminal already, he will be soon...

I don't understand why Republicans don't campaign more on pre-emptively arrested these young darkies...8 yrs old is too old, I believe 3 or 4 yrs of age is most effective

If only conservatives weren't so cowardly to campaign on this.....
"And open the door with my left hand, proceed to get out and put my hands in the air and then walk towards them. I immediately broke down because I didn't know or understand what was going on."
She described what was going on, so she knew and understood it.
Pretty much......its not a mystery that if he isn't a criminal already, he will be soon...

I don't understand why Republicans don't campaign more on pre-emptively arrested these young darkies...8 yrs old is too old, I believe 3 or 4 yrs of age is most effective

If only conservatives weren't so cowardly to campaign on this.....
Wow. Two homeruns in a row.
So which Republican candidate is going to make this happen?

And if you say nobody...

Then, why do you support cowards?
I don't support Republicans or their masters, the Dems either. I'm a Constitutional Conservative. Perhaps the last one on earth.
So are you asking when are we going to start demanding better from police departments that hire and/or trains bad cops?

There has literally been a movement devoted to reforming the police since a such thing as "the police" has existed

Ironically, dic suckers like you have opposed that reform tooth and nail.........but only when you felt "black people" were the only ones negatively affected by bad cops...

Yeah, and why can't you get it done in places like Sacramento, that are run 100% top to bottom by people just like you?
I don't support Republicans or their masters, the Dems either. I'm a Constitutional Conservative. Perhaps the last one on earth.
Calling yourself a constitutional Conservative is a cowardly way to avoid answering the question

Which candidate is going to make this happen?

Or do you not want to admit that Conservatives are cowards who are still butt hurt they lost this fight 100 years ago?

How does it feel to be so pussy that the only time you can be honest is from an anonymous account on a random message board

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