80 precent should be shipped back

We the USA saved millions !!
We let in millions of Bolshevik traitors and they repay us by obliterating every American value through clandestine and covert means .
Instead of loving America ..they’re the destroyers

I refuse to say whom I am Implying
Had all I can take

Are you saying that Negroes aren’t the asset to America that CNN and BLM says they are?
Not about blacks lol

I am sure now that sports games are half price they will take full advantage
We the USA saved millions !!
We let in millions of Bolshevik traitors and they repay us by obliterating every American value through clandestine and covert means .
Instead of loving America ..they’re the destroyers

I refuse to say whom I am Implying
Had all I can take

Are you saying that Negroes aren’t the asset to America that CNN and BLM says they are?
I am only a man who calls “ A strike a strike and a ball a ball “
I am Jewish and I feel ashamed !!
My entire life I have been a closet conservative!!
I never felt Jewish !! I wanted to shoot guns and wrestle with the boys
I grew up with the Chuck Schumers , Adam Schiffs. Feinstein’s , Zuckers and Weinbergs and I saw through them even as a kid
I saw through their flesh and bone and I saw zero soul
I did and I think I am offending too many
I should have been a Christian and I would NOT have lost most of my **** at birth
I love Jesus
My sweet sweet lord
I really want to know you
I really want to see you
I really be with you
My sweet lord

hey I Could make a big hit out of this song
We the USA saved millions !!
We let in millions of Bolshevik traitors and they repay us by obliterating every American value through clandestine and covert means .
Instead of loving America ..they’re the destroyers

I refuse to say whom I am Implying
Had all I can take

Cool, move to Russia and take the Sociopath in Chief with you please!
You’re the Bolshevik...go move to China

Whatever you say Sergei - Better practice up prior to your move! :cool:

I know you’re just a “useful idiot”
Funny that Obama was the “ puppet “ to Russia for 8 yrs ; yet , T has slammed them with big sanctions on the inner circle .
Yet your “ drug destroyed brain “ won’t accept facts
Go smoke your dope like a good little Maoist
We the USA saved millions !!
We let in millions of Bolshevik traitors and they repay us by obliterating every American value through clandestine and covert means .
Instead of loving America ..they’re the destroyers

I refuse to say whom I am Implying
Had all I can take
America is a representation of her people...values are a matter of opinion
No values are in the bill of rights and constitution
Yes, they are..values are nothing more than standards
Besides...what does that have to do with you stating...
obliterating every American value through clandestine and covert means .
Instead of loving America ..they’re the destroyers

And me stating,...
America is a representation of her people...values are a matter of opinion

I don't know what you consider American values, but I know what I do
My take on 'The American Dream' isn't the 'norm' either
We the USA saved millions !!
We let in millions of Bolshevik traitors and they repay us by obliterating every American value through clandestine and covert means .
Instead of loving America ..they’re the destroyers

I refuse to say whom I am Implying
Had all I can take
Shut the fuck up descendant of immigrants.



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We the USA saved millions !!
We let in millions of Bolshevik traitors and they repay us by obliterating every American value through clandestine and covert means .
Instead of loving America ..they’re the destroyers

I refuse to say whom I am Implying
Had all I can take
Shut the fuck up descendant of immigrants.

View attachment 384685
The first Americans were not the Indians !!
The Soltreans were the first from several thousand yrs before the Indians and were from FRA and Spain
We the USA saved millions !!
We let in millions of Bolshevik traitors and they repay us by obliterating every American value through clandestine and covert means .
Instead of loving America ..they’re the destroyers

I refuse to say whom I am Implying
Had all I can take
Shut the fuck up descendant of immigrants.

View attachment 384685
..”STFU” ?? That is the vernacular of you and your ghetto kind
We the USA saved millions !!
We let in millions of Bolshevik traitors and they repay us by obliterating every American value through clandestine and covert means .
Instead of loving America ..they’re the destroyers

I refuse to say whom I am Implying
Had all I can take
Here's something we need to keep in mind. Ever since humans created communities/civilization/governments, there has always been leaders of those societies that want more power and/or their ideology spread throughout more and more territory. Persia, Greece, Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire, Napoleon's France, British Empire and so on. That global conquering ideology can be in the form of a Monarchy, Theological, Militaristic, Communist, Imperialistic, or some other ideology. Frankly, there are just those who are never satisfied with having their own territory, there's always someone wanting more and world domination as well.
Our nation's lax immigration system is one contributor to the problem. Then, there's also our very own U.S. Constitution, in which some of its listed freedoms, are also our weaknesses. The "freedom of speech" allows those with anti-US ideas to spew out their message to young impressionable minds. The freedom of religion allows violent anti-west, religions like Islam to grow. Those born here and being fed anti-US rhetoric in our educational systems, begin believing the lies fed to them, over time and as they are our citizens, we can't toss them out.
I do believe that any foreigners that are actively trying to undermine our government, via the educational system, or in our streets, should be deported and any natural born citizens that are actively trying to undermine our government via the educational system, should be arrested for "sedition."
We the USA saved millions !!
We let in millions of Bolshevik traitors and they repay us by obliterating every American value through clandestine and covert means .
Instead of loving America ..they’re the destroyers

I refuse to say whom I am Implying
Had all I can take
Most Americans do not know who the Bolsheviks are....
We the USA saved millions !!
We let in millions of Bolshevik traitors and they repay us by obliterating every American value through clandestine and covert means .
Instead of loving America ..they’re the destroyers

I refuse to say whom I am Implying
Had all I can take
Most Americans do not know who the Bolsheviks are....

Sure we do...

We the USA saved millions !!
We let in millions of Bolshevik traitors and they repay us by obliterating every American value through clandestine and covert means .
Instead of loving America ..they’re the destroyers

I refuse to say whom I am Implying
Had all I can take
Shut the fuck up descendant of immigrants.

View attachment 384685
i was so ecstatic when those brave Marshalls tracked down that Antifa terrorist and blew him to cottage cheese
You think I care if a white guy dies ?
Your kind is so “ tribal “

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