800,000 about to lose their jobs

we already do tax people with dogs.

Now if you want the economy crashed to avoid raising the debt limit than that will hurt everyone.

maybe if we taxed the rich we would not have to crash the economy.

There is no recovery you people claim and 800,000 jobslost will surely not give us a recovery so what have we to lose.

Lets tax them now and then do the debt limit if we have to
Remeber your only reason for not wanting to tax the rich is it will end the recovery.

According to you all there is no recovery and its for the best if we kill more jobs and truely end the recovery.

That leaves no reason not to raise taxes on the rich right?

Turn in your beach house today...
we already do tax people with dogs.

Now if you want the economy crashed to avoid raising the debt limit than that will hurt everyone.

maybe if we taxed the rich we would not have to crash the economy.

There is no recovery you people claim and 800,000 jobslost will surely not give us a recovery so what have we to lose.

Lets tax them now and then do the debt limit if we have to

How about we tax those with more than one property?

Tax the second dwelling at say 85-90 percent?

You down with that?
we already do tax people with dogs.

Now if you want the economy crashed to avoid raising the debt limit than that will hurt everyone.

maybe if we taxed the rich we would not have to crash the economy.

There is no recovery you people claim and 800,000 jobslost will surely not give us a recovery so what have we to lose.

Lets tax them now and then do the debt limit if we have to

So why not entertain us and specify how much will be gained by taxing the "rich" BTW and you even define who the "rich" are
There will be no reason left not to raise the wealthys tax limit back to what it was for decades huh?

You know the most prosperous ones we had.
Maybe if we taxed people with dogs, rugs, and green tennis balls we would not have to crash the economy.

Or are you only on board with taxing small businesses, and people who managed to better themselves to where they earn more than you do?
we already tax those people.

Now why do you not care if the economy crashes again but are dead set against the wealthy paying more in taxes?
Maybe if we removed the 30 million or so illegal alians from America, we might see a change in the economy?
Failure to Raise Debt Cap Would Idle 800,000 Workers, Group Says - Businessweek

The study by Jay Powell, a former Treasury undersecretary under President George H.W. Bush, represents a challenge to Senator Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, Representative Michele Bachmann of Minnesota and other Republicans who dismiss the risks of a government default.

Don't you get it? Republicans are TRYING to get the unemployment rate to go UP! That's what they want. Then they'll blame it on President Obama.
Maybe if we removed the 30 million or so illegal alians from America, we might see a change in the economy?

We dont have the money to do that.

Bush spent it by sending pallets of 100 dollar bills by the recuring planeload and just watched it dissapear
Failure to Raise Debt Cap Would Idle 800,000 Workers, Group Says - Businessweek

The study by Jay Powell, a former Treasury undersecretary under President George H.W. Bush, represents a challenge to Senator Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, Representative Michele Bachmann of Minnesota and other Republicans who dismiss the risks of a government default.

Don't you get it? Republicans are TRYING to get the unemployment rate to go UP! That's what they want. Then they'll blame it on President Obama.

Yes yes but Obama seems to be increasing the unemployment rate quite nicely himself I rather doubt anyone at this point needs to help him.

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