800,000 about to lose their jobs

where was truthmatters when Obama was losing a million jobs a month on a regular basis?
Don't you get it? Republicans are TRYING to get the unemployment rate to go UP! That's what they want. Then they'll blame it on President Obama.

Yes yes but Obama seems to be increasing the unemployment rate quite nicely himself I rather doubt anyone at this point needs to help him.

There's job growth. It's slow, but it's there. That's certainly better than the 3/4s of a million Americans who were losing their jobs each month in the last months of George Bush's "pro-growth" economic policies.

There is ot job growth, prove there is... Show where there are more jobs being created each month than lost or it's not "job growth."
where was truthmatters when Obama was losing a million jobs a month on a regular basis?

Blaming Booooooosh.
where is truth matters now? why did truthmatters run away? why isn't truth matters here answering these questions? Doesn't she care about this country?

We ran her off. Now she is going to go drink and come back half blitzed and at around two or 2 and a half hours she will come back on and be even worse.
That usually the patten. :lol:
800,000 more people to lose their jobs becasue Truthmatters supported Obama and his failed policies.

Are you ok with that?

This is what TM does not understand, it's the non stop spending policy that requires cuts. How long do we get to deficit spend and what politician on either side can't do that?
Blaming Booooooosh.
where is truth matters now? why did truthmatters run away? why isn't truth matters here answering these questions? Doesn't she care about this country?

We ran her off. Now she is going to go drink and come back half blitzed and at around two or 2 and a half hours she will come back on and be even worse.
That usually the patten. :lol:

so are you saying all this crap she posted was done sober? :eek:
where is truth matters now? why did truthmatters run away? why isn't truth matters here answering these questions? Doesn't she care about this country?

We ran her off. Now she is going to go drink and come back half blitzed and at around two or 2 and a half hours she will come back on and be even worse.
That usually the patten. :lol:

so are you saying all this crap she posted was done sober? :eek:

YES!! Just wait till this afternoon.
Yes yes but Obama seems to be increasing the unemployment rate quite nicely himself I rather doubt anyone at this point needs to help him.

There's job growth. It's slow, but it's there. That's certainly better than the 3/4s of a million Americans who were losing their jobs each month in the last months of George Bush's "pro-growth" economic policies.

There is ot job growth, prove there is... Show where there are more jobs being created each month than lost or it's not "job growth."

They come out with the stats every month, dude.
So of you dont care about the economy tanking then we should go ahead and tax the rich right?

If the economy and your failed policies have already failed, why do you need to tax the rich?

They can never have enough failure. They figure failure's not so bad if you do it with rich peoples money.

All we ask is for TM to provide some proof that things are getting better, instead almost 3 years later she is trying to blame the shit economy on a "possible" future vote on the debt ceiling that Obama voted against when he was a Senator.

TM talks about people being a revisionist of history and she can’t even get what happened last week right… She misquotes her own links and gets owned continuously thread after thread that she starts… Even the Obama-bot crew is slowly backing away from her.
we already tax those people.

Now why do you not care if the economy crashes again but are dead set against the wealthy paying more in taxes?

Why are you dead set that they should?

they earn more, we the poor fight their wars for corporate profit. Rich people do not like the military, it might soil their party clothes.
We the people save their business with our taxes, we the people do the realwork they would never touch, we the people invest in their companies, yet do not get multi-million dollar incomes and bonuses. Just to name a few reason the rich need to help in our time of need. Instead they become wealthier and receive the lions share of comforts afforded humans. Whilst we are hungry for bread, they tell us to eat cake.
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There's job growth. It's slow, but it's there. That's certainly better than the 3/4s of a million Americans who were losing their jobs each month in the last months of George Bush's "pro-growth" economic policies.

There is ot job growth, prove there is... Show where there are more jobs being created each month than lost or it's not "job growth."

They come out with the stats every month, dude.

And every month there is a decrease in jobs, every single month... It literally has only "slowed" at it's best but never at any point had more jobs created in a month than lost. Do you understand that? They also revise the numbers and find they are bogus and try and remember this is with around 5 trillion spent to "stimulate" the economy.

So get me proof or stop hoping everyone around you is an idiot to buy you bullshit.
Remeber your only reason for not wanting to tax the rich is it will end the recovery.

According to you all there is no recovery and its for the best if we kill more jobs and truely end the recovery.

That leaves no reason not to raise taxes on the rich right?

Hey stupid,

The Dems controlled Congress and the White House from 2009 to 2011. You had your big chance to raise taxes all you wanted. But you lefties chickened out. The Dems knew it would wreck the economy and ruin any chances for the Hussein's re-election.

Unless of course you libs actually believe raising taxes would fix the economy...one has to wonder why they didn't go ahead and raise taxes......hmmm.....maybe because they don't want to fix the economy after all?
There is ot job growth, prove there is... Show where there are more jobs being created each month than lost or it's not "job growth."

They come out with the stats every month, dude.

And every month there is a decrease in jobs, every single month... It literally has only "slowed" at it's best but never at any point had more jobs created in a month than lost. Do you understand that? They also revise the numbers and find they are bogus and try and remember this is with around 5 trillion spent to "stimulate" the economy.

So get me proof or stop hoping everyone around you is an idiot to buy you bullshit.

That's not true. Where are you getting your "information"?

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