800,000 about to lose their jobs

So you dont care about crashing teh economy of the US once again?

there you have a true example of how much the right cares about this country

OF course not.... Government employees aren't people... But Corporations are....

They are people and as a result of them being paid contribute with the taxes that they pay...
But they don't create anything,they don't produce anything...do they? They are part of the big government machine and they are there for what exactly...to make government bigger? To break the balls of those that try to actually produce something in this country.

I expect the liberal response to this will be "Well yeh and we need more of them to stop those that want to produce something because the only jobs anyone should have is a government job"....:lol:
So you dont care about crashing teh economy of the US once again?

there you have a true example of how much the right cares about this country

OF course not.... Government employees aren't people... But Corporations are....

They are people and as a result of them being paid contribute with the taxes that they pay...
But they don't create anything,they don't produce anything...do they? They are part of the big government machine and they are there for what exactly...to make government bigger? To break the balls of those that try to actually produce something in this country.

I expect the liberal response to this will be "Well yeh and we need more of them to stop those that want to produce something because the only jobs anyone should have is a government job"....:lol:

So... what do Telemarketers produce(other than aggravation)? What do Mini-Market counter workers Produce? What do McDonald's workers produce? Oh yeah... more money for the top 1%.

That's all that matters, isn't it. Fuck the roads, fuck the criminals, fuck the infirm, the mentally ill, the myriad of things you take for granted.... that is, until you lose them.

Let's fuck 800,000 more people who, I'm willing to bet, work just as hard as people in the private sector do.. just to satisfy your blood lust.... which is all this is.
The bigger the government the bigger the corruption,more waste,redundancy.Streamline government
make it more efficient balance the budget don't spend more then you take in....

But no,the Democrat way...spend,spend,spend..people don't want to work like those that have been out of work for 99 weeks....geez 99 weeks and still can't get a job,c'mon...
The bigger the government the bigger the corruption,more waste,redundancy.Streamline government
make it more efficient balance the budget don't spend more then you take in....

But no,the Democrat way...spend,spend,spend..people don't want to work like those that have been out of work for 99 weeks....geez 99 weeks and still can't get a job,c'mon...

I could say the exact same thing about Corporations... the bigger the Corporation....

But you don't want to hear that, do you?

Spend, spend spend? Yeah..... a mythological "war on terror" on not one, but TWO fronts... and cut taxes on top of it... that's a winning combination if I have ever seen one.

I Will give you one thing.... Obama has not done any better... but that's not saying much, is it?
Who is this "we the poor" fight their wars?
I am not a food stamp recipient, and I managed to serve my country honorably.
And who are the rich? Probably in your world, anyone who earns more than $21K/year.
Do us a favor.

I doubt this kid will be able to do anything other than regurgitate more bumper sticker slogans.

Poor middle class, go ahead and defend that would and will have nothing to do with you but, evaluate an economic value that theymay profit by till your demise.
Where I live 21k is a good income.

Do us a favor and go get your GED.
So you dont care about crashing teh economy of the US once again?

there you have a true example of how much the right cares about this country

OF course not.... Government employees aren't people... But Corporations are....

They are people and as a result of them being paid contribute with the taxes that they pay...
But they don't create anything,they don't produce anything...do they? They are part of the big government machine and they are there for what exactly...to make government bigger? To break the balls of those that try to actually produce something in this country.

I expect the liberal response to this will be "Well yeh and we need more of them to stop those that want to produce something because the only jobs anyone should have is a government job"....:lol:

according to those that support never ending wars, yes.
The bigger the government the bigger the corruption,more waste,redundancy.Streamline government
make it more efficient balance the budget don't spend more then you take in....

But no,the Democrat way...spend,spend,spend..people don't want to work like those that have been out of work for 99 weeks....geez 99 weeks and still can't get a job,c'mon...

The only time in the history of the USof A that the budget was balanced was during the Jackson presidency and he was a democrat.
Please explain why republicans and whigs have never balanced the budget during every presidency and control of Congress.
The bigger the government the bigger the corruption,more waste,redundancy.Streamline government
make it more efficient balance the budget don't spend more then you take in....

But no,the Democrat way...spend,spend,spend..people don't want to work like those that have been out of work for 99 weeks....geez 99 weeks and still can't get a job,c'mon...

many states have cut off unemploment payments. Limiting them to only 20 weeks.
th availability of jobs are better than during the years of '08 and '09. thank goodness for the assistance of the UI program, it helped.
Failure to Raise Debt Cap Would Idle 800,000 Workers, Group Says - Businessweek

The study by Jay Powell, a former Treasury undersecretary under President George H.W. Bush, represents a challenge to Senator Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, Representative Michele Bachmann of Minnesota and other Republicans who dismiss the risks of a government default.

I guess the Democrats should not have kicked the can down the road on this issue then. Because they where mandated to pass a budget and all of that last year when they where in complete control of everything.
Dems won
Didn't Obama say they wont kick the can down the road? Well they did on this issue, now you guys are pointing the finger at the right, when you are wrong.
I would have walked out on those communists too. Fuck them and their agenda, they can take it and pound sand in their ass with it. Someone has to be the grown up and do the right thing, apparently it's not going to be the Kenyan in charge or his cronies.
The bigger the government the bigger the corruption,more waste,redundancy.Streamline government
make it more efficient balance the budget don't spend more then you take in....

But no,the Democrat way...spend,spend,spend..people don't want to work like those that have been out of work for 99 weeks....geez 99 weeks and still can't get a job,c'mon...

The only time in the history of the USof A that the budget was balanced was during the Jackson presidency and he was a democrat.
Please explain why republicans and whigs have never balanced the budget during every presidency and control of Congress.

The Republicans not only balanced the budget they had budget surplusses during the late 90s. Also, the budget had been balanced many times after the Jackson Presidency.

Please...go get that GED...
The bigger the government the bigger the corruption,more waste,redundancy.Streamline government
make it more efficient balance the budget don't spend more then you take in....

But no,the Democrat way...spend,spend,spend..people don't want to work like those that have been out of work for 99 weeks....geez 99 weeks and still can't get a job,c'mon...

The only time in the history of the USof A that the budget was balanced was during the Jackson presidency and he was a democrat.
Please explain why republicans and whigs have never balanced the budget during every presidency and control of Congress.

The Republicans not only balanced the budget they had budget surplusses during the late 90s. Also, the budget had been balanced many times after the Jackson Presidency.

Please...go get that GED...

Isn't this the part where we point out that Democrats of old are actually the new Republicans?
The bigger the government the bigger the corruption,more waste,redundancy.Streamline government
make it more efficient balance the budget don't spend more then you take in....

But no,the Democrat way...spend,spend,spend..people don't want to work like those that have been out of work for 99 weeks....geez 99 weeks and still can't get a job,c'mon...

The only time in the history of the USof A that the budget was balanced was during the Jackson presidency and he was a democrat.
Please explain why republicans and whigs have never balanced the budget during every presidency and control of Congress.

But he wasn't a liberal.
The only time in the history of the USof A that the budget was balanced was during the Jackson presidency and he was a democrat.
Please explain why republicans and whigs have never balanced the budget during every presidency and control of Congress.

The Republicans not only balanced the budget they had budget surplusses during the late 90s. Also, the budget had been balanced many times after the Jackson Presidency.

Please...go get that GED...

Isn't this the part where we point out that Democrats of old are actually the new Republicans?

That would debunk his whole arguement that we should all vote Democrat if we want a balanced budget....you know, because Andrew Jackson was a "democrat". :lol:
The bigger the government the bigger the corruption,more waste,redundancy.Streamline government
make it more efficient balance the budget don't spend more then you take in....

But no,the Democrat way...spend,spend,spend..people don't want to work like those that have been out of work for 99 weeks....geez 99 weeks and still can't get a job,c'mon...

The only time in the history of the USof A that the budget was balanced was during the Jackson presidency and he was a democrat.
Please explain why republicans and whigs have never balanced the budget during every presidency and control of Congress.

But he wasn't a liberal.

true and he shut down the fed bank. We need more like Andy.
The bigger the government the bigger the corruption,more waste,redundancy.Streamline government
make it more efficient balance the budget don't spend more then you take in....

But no,the Democrat way...spend,spend,spend..people don't want to work like those that have been out of work for 99 weeks....geez 99 weeks and still can't get a job,c'mon...

The only time in the history of the USof A that the budget was balanced was during the Jackson presidency and he was a democrat.
Please explain why republicans and whigs have never balanced the budget during every presidency and control of Congress.

The Republicans not only balanced the budget they had budget surplusses during the late 90s. Also, the budget had been balanced many times after the Jackson Presidency.
Please...go get that GED...

Jackson and Eisenhower is the only time the US has had a balanced budget. During Clinton there was still a national debt.

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The only time in the history of the USof A that the budget was balanced was during the Jackson presidency and he was a democrat.
Please explain why republicans and whigs have never balanced the budget during every presidency and control of Congress.

The Republicans not only balanced the budget they had budget surplusses during the late 90s. Also, the budget had been balanced many times after the Jackson Presidency.
Please...go get that GED...

Jackson and Eisenhower is the only time the US has had a balanced budget. During Clinton there was still a national debt.


Wow you are a fucking moron. A balanced budget and total national debt are two different things. Yes there was a national debt under Clinton, but one under Eisenhower as well (it was right after WWII). So sying "Jackson and Eisenhower" is the only time the US had a "balanced budget" is completely untrue.

I think what you mean to say, but are too fucking stupid to word it correctly, is that 1835 (Jackson's era) was the last time we had both a balanced budget AND no national debt.

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