“800K deaths...Do you take responsibility? why haven’t you asked China to do more, to be transparent on the origins?”...Biden smirks & walks away

America's problem is among the world's worst under G.I. Issues Joe.
And if he could get his multi trillion dollar snake oil show things would be even worse.
He does have influence...in a negative harmful way. www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/11/24/inflation-has-risen-around-the-world-but-the-u-s-has-seen
So, you think the other countries have a magic wand?
Just like the Jews had a chance to leave Nazi Germany.
Yes and many did, idiot.
Your "humanitarian" concern for people trapped in Afghanistan is touching.
Joe said he would get all Americans out. Like you he's full of shit.
All the people willing to leave, moron.
Of course you ignore Trump having 11 months to get people out and got a grand total of zero.
Did you expect Trump to go round Americans up, force them into trucks, take them to the airport and fly them away?
Joe's promises to get all Americans out, asshole!
He did, all the ones willing to leave, retard.
After 18 months, if they didn't leave yet, then it's on them.
What happened to 'personal responsibility'?
Evidently they had the $$$, to get over there but not to leave?
What a miserable pile of vomit you are.
My wish for you is to have the CIA drop you off in the middle of Afghanistan.
Fuck you.
Go cry on your Trumpybear.
Smokin' OP
Have them pay for every death and every ruined economy. If they had locked their country down the rest of the world wouldn't have had to face their virus.

The Chinese are responsible for every single death and every ruined economy in the world. Every. Single. One.
You don't know how viruses and vaccines work?
I know enough to question mask and vaccination mandate rates and shutdowns while cases still spike. People are not pulling their weight and complying. This notion that these people are all Trump supporters and antivaxxers and NOT Democrats or NOT Blacks and Latinos refusing the vaccine or mask mandates is politics, NOT science.
Smokin' OP
Have them pay for every death and every ruined economy. If they had locked their country down the rest of the world wouldn't have had to face their virus.

The Chinese are responsible for every single death and every ruined economy in the world. Every. Single. One.
Sure, why don't you send China a stern letter?
Keep me updated.
I know enough to question mask and vaccination mandate rates and shutdowns while cases still spike.
Then you don't know how a vaccine works.
People are not pulling their weight and complying.
That's true.

This notion that these people are all Trump supporters and antivaxxers and NOT Democrats or NOT Blacks and Latinos refusing the vaccine or mask mandates is politics, NOT science.
I know but it's the Trump supporters that are pushing it.
Then you don't know how a vaccine works.

That's true.

I know but it's the Trump supporters that are pushing it.

Trump is no longer President but since you brought up Trump, it was Trump who literally pushed to get the Vaccines in place fighting the non-essential bureaucracy that would have further delayed vaccine release. Go back and review the tape and see what Kamala Harris and Nan Pelosi said about taking the vaccine.
Trump is no longer President but since you brought up Trump, it was Trump who literally pushed to get the Vaccines in place fighting the non-essential bureaucracy that would have further delayed vaccine release.
Why he stated it would disappear, in February, in April and by election day.
Go back and review the tape and see what Kamala Harris and Nan Pelosi said about taking the vaccine.
They stated they would trust the experts opinion, not Trump's.
Smokin' OP
Bidung and the leader of every country effected should be doing that. You can keep me posted.
Not even Trump is calling for that.
No their country is calling for that.
It's only his cult that are calling for that.
Seeking 'others' to pay for their dear leaders incompetence.
That's right.
It's never Trump's fault or his cult.
Trump was correct about hydroxychloroquine. The proof was published in coronavirus virology as early as 2000. The dem double-agent advisors closest to Trump are the culprits: they failed to inform him of the most critical aspect: timing of the med. Low IQs will cynically react and try to laugh it off. They will always already be wrong, and like a pregnancy, the fact that the pregnancy occurred can never be undone.
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So, you think the other countries have a magic wand?
Look at how much inflation has hit the US under Joe Depends.
That's the whole point but I guess independent thinking isn't your thing.
Yes and many did, idiot.
Define "many", fool. You know the Nazis were rounding up Jews and sending them to death camps
....right? Ever heard of WWII? I'd say you were retarded but why insult them by comparing them to you?
All the people willing to leave, moron.
Of course you ignore Trump having 11 months to get people out and got a grand total of zero.
Did you expect Trump to go round Americans up, force them into trucks, take them to the airport and fly them away?
There was no reason for Americans to leave when the country was secure and under the Trump administration.
How fucking dumb can you be? There was only a panic to leave the country when Joe Depends suddenly
decided to leave overnight.
He did, all the ones willing to leave, retard.
After 18 months, if they didn't leave yet, then it's on them.
What happened to 'personal responsibility'?
Evidently they had the $$$, to get over there but not to leave?

Fuck you.
Go cry on your Trumpybear.
18 months? Biden took over and turned Afghanistan over to the Taliban animals in less than a few days.
Everyone was caught off guard and scrambling for a way out. You are an unbelievable moron!
I can't condemn you enough! Is that your message to all the Jews that were gassed to death in Germany?
Just take "personal responsibility" and somehow leave a nation that wanted you dead. Fuck off, scum pig!
That's the whole point but I guess independent thinking isn't your thing.
As you look through a pigeon hole?
Biden caused worldwide inflation.

Define "many", fool. You know the Nazis were rounding up Jews and sending them to death camps
....right? Ever heard of WWII? I'd say you were retarded but why insult them by comparing them to you?
So, Germany killed ALL the jews, in Germany, and none had zero time to leave, retard?
You're an imbecile.
There was no reason for Americans to leave when the country was secure and under the Trump administration.
No reason?
Trump reduced the US troop level from 13,500 to 2500, released 5000 Taliban prisoners.
If you're that stupid to stay, you deserve what you get.
How fucking dumb can you be? There was only a panic to leave the country when Joe Depends suddenly
decided to leave overnight.
Not nearly as fucking dumb as you are.

March 25 2021
President Joe Biden said the upcoming May 1 deadline to remove U.S. troops from Afghanistan will be "hard to meet," during his first press conference today since taking office.

The president cited "tactical reasons" for the delay, but emphasized it was not his intention "to stay there a long time."

On April 14, Biden announced a four-month postponement of Trump's deadline, saying that the troops "will be out of Afghanistan" before Americans mark the 20th anniversary of "that heinous attack on September 11th." Critics, however, warned that the conjunction of the US pullout and commemorations of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attack might not look good.

Not overnight, moron.

18 months? Biden took over and turned Afghanistan over to the Taliban animals in less than a few days.
Everyone was caught off guard and scrambling for a way out. You are an unbelievable moron!
He did not you lying POS.
It was Trump that released 5000 more of them.

Off guard?
Only an idiot would be caught 'off guard' in 4 MONTHS.
Like you.

I can't condemn you enough! Is that your message to all the Jews that were gassed to death in Germany?
You think ALL the jews in Germany were gassed?
Just take "personal responsibility" and somehow leave a nation that wanted you dead. Fuck off, scum pig!
Fuck you, dumbass.
Yeah, personal responsibility, if you're scheduled to take a plane flight, you expect the pilot to come to your house and pick you up?

Asked China to do more?
Like what?
Get vaccinated?
Wear mask?
Wash your hands?

THEN will Trumptards listen?
To do more? Probably foot the economic lockdown costs that we've suffered. Many were made redundant, both businesses and people financially ruined and still struggling, and you're on about washing hands?
To do more? Probably foot the economic lockdown costs that we've suffered. Many were made redundant, both businesses and people financially ruined and still struggling, and you're on about washing hands?
Like I stated before.
Write them a letter.
Better yet, a petition.

Keep me updated.
this is a sick (weak) guy

Trump pushed for China to disclose the origins of the coronavirus and the world just saw Trump as a fool. What do you think Biden would get out of this from China?

Nothing, China isn't going to let people in to figure this out, they're not going to admit anything and no one is going to put sanctions in place because they all like money too much.
Trump pushed for China to disclose the origins of the coronavirus and the world just saw Trump as a fool. What do you think Biden would get out of this from China?

Nothing, China isn't going to let people in to figure this out, they're not going to admit anything and no one is going to put sanctions in place because they all like money too much.
God, what a pussy!
As you look through a pigeon hole?
Biden caused worldwide inflation.
:rolleyes: Stop drinking. And then show me where I said anything remotely like what you claim.
So, Germany killed ALL the jews, in Germany, and none had zero time to leave, retard?
You're an imbecile.
Again, never said that or even remotely hinted at that. Many Jews were able to get out before
Hitler began rounding them up for the death camps.

But many many more, like six million Jews, did not make it out alive. Can you read?
You dumb fucker!
No reason?
Trump reduced the US troop level from 13,500 to 2500, released 5000 Taliban prisoners.
If you're that stupid to stay, you deserve what you get.
The Taliban did not return until Joe Biden pulled everyone out, shut down our air base and
left billions of dollars in arms behind for the Taliban to use.
Yes. No reason to leave as long as Trump was in charge. After that, not so much.
Not nearly as fucking dumb as you are.

March 25 2021
President Joe Biden said the upcoming May 1 deadline to remove U.S. troops from Afghanistan will be "hard to meet," during his first press conference today since taking office.

The president cited "tactical reasons" for the delay, but emphasized it was not his intention "to stay there a long time."

On April 14, Biden announced a four-month postponement of Trump's deadline, saying that the troops "will be out of Afghanistan" before Americans mark the 20th anniversary of "that heinous attack on September 11th." Critics, however, warned that the conjunction of the US pullout and commemorations of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attack might not look good.

Not overnight, moron.

He did not you lying POS.
It was Trump that released 5000 more of them.

Off guard?
Only an idiot would be caught 'off guard' in 4 MONTHS.
Like you.

You think ALL the jews in Germany were gassed?
No. "Only" six to eleven million of them. In addition to being a liar and moron turns out
you are a Holocaust Denier.
In a board of many imbeciles you stick out as particularly disgusting and dumb.

Fuck you, dumbass.
Yeah, personal responsibility, if you're scheduled to take a plane flight, you expect the pilot to come to your house and pick you up?
Yeah. That's what people expect....
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