“800K deaths...Do you take responsibility? why haven’t you asked China to do more, to be transparent on the origins?”...Biden smirks & walks away

As you look through a pigeon hole?
Biden caused worldwide inflation.
You said that. Not me.
So, Germany killed ALL the jews, in Germany, and none had zero time to leave, retard?
You're an imbecile.
Nazis killed six to eleven million Jews, Holocaust denier.
Some could get out. Many...most could not.
Not unlike Americans trapped inside Afghanistan.
No reason?
Trump reduced the US troop level from 13,500 to 2500, released 5000 Taliban prisoners.
If you're that stupid to stay, you deserve what you get.

Not nearly as fucking dumb as you are.

March 25 2021
President Joe Biden said the upcoming May 1 deadline to remove U.S. troops from Afghanistan will be "hard to meet," during his first press conference today since taking office.

The president cited "tactical reasons" for the delay, but emphasized it was not his intention "to stay there a long time."

On April 14, Biden announced a four-month postponement of Trump's deadline, saying that the troops "will be out of Afghanistan" before Americans mark the 20th anniversary of "that heinous attack on September 11th." Critics, however, warned that the conjunction of the US pullout and commemorations of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attack might not look good.

Not overnight, moron.

He did not you lying POS.
It was Trump that released 5000 more of them.

Off guard?
Only an idiot would be caught 'off guard' in 4 MONTHS.
Like you.

You think ALL the jews in Germany were gassed?

Fuck you, dumbass.
Yeah, personal responsibility, if you're scheduled to take a plane flight, you expect the pilot to come to your house and pick you up?
Biden's own State Department says their are still thousands of Americans trapped inside
Afghanistan. Biden promised to get them out but I guess the fate of all those American citizens
just slipped his feeble non functioning mind.
:rolleyes: Stop drinking. And then show me where I said anything remotely like what you claim.
Yes, you did. Post 82.............'though there is much more, like inflation, he should account for.
Post 90............'America's problem is among the world's worst under G.I. Issues Joe'.

Again, never said that or even remotely hinted at that. Many Jews were able to get out before
Hitler began rounding them up for the death camps.
That's what I typed, dumbass.
But many many more, like six million Jews, did not make it out alive. Can you read?
You dumb fucker!
6 million?
Darn, that's A LOT of people.
What are you, a 'historian'?
The Taliban did not return until Joe Biden pulled everyone out, shut down our air base and
left billions of dollars in arms behind for the Taliban to use.
Who the fuck do you think the US was fighting in Afghanistan for the last 20 years?
Shit for brains.
Yes. No reason to leave as long as Trump was in charge. After that, not so much.
Yeah, I know.


No. "Only" six to eleven million of them. In addition to being a liar and moron turns out
you are a Holocaust Denier.
What was the holocaust?
In a board of many imbeciles you stick out as particularly disgusting and dumb.

Yeah. That's what people expect....
Sure, you ignorant, imbecile.
And to be fair it would have been damn hard to do worse, though Biden is sure trying to
it would seem to me that he's doing exactly the same thing with exactly the same result. Can you point to something he's doing that the last guy didnt or wouldnt have done if the vaccine were available other than wearing a mask? Which has clearly had zero effect.
it would seem to me that he's doing exactly the same thing with exactly the same result. Can you point to something he's doing that the last guy didnt or wouldnt have done if the vaccine were available other than wearing a mask? Which has clearly had zero effect.

The former guy made most of this maitakes in the first couple months of the pandemic.

I have posted this before and this is just a copy and paste of that post...

In the very beginning I would have not waited months to do any real actions. South Korea, which had their first case the same day we did, started mass producing PPE gear in Jan. They started mass producing testing kits in Jan. They put together a contact tracing program in Jan. Their leader told the populous about the dangers to come in Jan.

All of this should have happened here the same time, but it did not happen till late March or later.

The biggest of these would have been being honest with the American people. The Govt knew how bad it was going to get. In early Feb the local VA closed a unit and undertook a 6 week construction project to turn it into a Negative Pressure area for the singular purpose of dealing with COVID patients. During this same time the same Govt was telling us it would be gone in a week or two. I remember laughing at how stupid they were for wasting this money on something that would be gone before they were done. Then my wife spent the next year and a half working in it dealing with COVID patients and I realized how fucking stupid I was for believing the lies from the Govt.

Also, wearing mask does have an effect. Having spent time living in Japan and South Korea it was common place to see people wearing them while in public when they felt sick due to the common sense that it would limit how far the germs are travelling. Wearing a mask is really no different than sneezing into an elbow or a tissue. Would you argue that me sneezing on you vice into a tissue is no different?

The mistake Biden is making first is the vaccine mandate, that is causing people to push back the other way as we are tired of being told we MUST do things. He also is too "doom and gloom" and people are also burnt out on that.
How about deaths per day.
Ok. but Biden has the vaccine that was produced under the old regime. What has Biden done that Trump wouldnt have done? Do you think Trump would have said "dont get the vaccine I've been touting the last 8 months"? Doesnt that account for the entire difference basically? What other than "get the vaccine" which Trump undoubtedly would have said as well has Biden done to manage the pandemic better.
Ok. but Biden has the vaccine that was produced under the old regime. What has Biden done that Trump wouldnt have done? Do you think Trump would have said "dont get the vaccine I've been touting the last 8 months"? Doesnt that account for the entire difference basically? What other than "get the vaccine" which Trump undoubtedly would have said as well has Biden done to manage the pandemic better.

I do not think Trump would have mandated it like Biden is trying to do.
By what metric? It's isn't deaths due to COVID which I would think is the only metric that means anything.
By the metric of leadership during a national healthcare emergency.

Biden is not constantly contradicting and constricting by politics his medical advisers. He is not talking about how the Covid will magically disapear any day now. He is not constantly contradicting CDC's guidelines for masking and he is not spreading wishful half-baked ideas about exotic treatments etc. etc. etc.

On actual policy side Biden has clearly taken steps to mandate and otherwise compel vaccination that Republicans and Trump specifically are positioning against.
I do not think Trump would have mandated it like Biden is trying to do.

So, Biden is violating the Constitution and somehow that's better? You can think that federally mandating a vaccine is a good idea (and I would whole heartedly disagree with you on that) but it's outside the powers the Constitution gave the Federal Government which is coming out in the courts.
By the metric of leadership during a national healthcare emergency.

Biden is not constantly contradicting and constricting by politics his medical advisers. He is not talking about how the Covid will magically disapear any day now. He is not constantly contradicting CDC's guidelines for masking and he is not spreading wishful half-baked ideas about exotic treatments etc. etc. etc.

On actual policy side Biden has clearly taken steps to mandate and otherwise compel vaccination that Republicans and Trump specifically are positioning against.
That's not a metric. A metric is something you can measure. You liking him more than Trump isnt a measurable thing.

Mandating this vaccine is unconstitutional as we are seeing in the courts. BTW I thought Trump was a totalitarian he wouldnt have made the totalitarian move of mandating a vaccine that was created under his watch? You need to be careful you'll fuck up your transmission throwing it in reverse that quickly.
So, Biden is violating the Constitution and somehow that's better? You can think that federally mandating a vaccine is a good idea (and I would whole heartedly disagree with you on that) but it's outside the powers the Constitution gave the Federal Government which is coming out in the courts.

Where did I say he was doing better?

Where do you get the idea I support the Fed mandate? Do you even bother to read what people post or just post preplanned things no matter what they said?
And he was worshiped for doing so by the right and attacked by the left....now things are just the opposite
Decades too soon son. Folks still remember President Trump always answering questions, if there was a specific issue, he would field questions until the journalist had no more to ask, if he thought of anything, he'd Tweet it out to the world before anyone even asked.

BUT, sometimes he hurt someone's feelings. But too, he has proven to always have been right, regardless of whose toes he stepped upon.

Today, even President Biden doesn't know what he's thinking much less being able to cogently communicate those thoughts.
That's not a metric. A metric is something you can measure. You liking him more than Trump isnt a measurable thing.

Mandating this vaccine is unconstitutional as we are seeing in the courts.
You've asked me why I consider Biden better on Covid and I well explained. You can take your hinding behind careful wording on metrics and shove it you know where.

Vaccines reduce hospitalizations/deaths and there are more people vaccinated directly due to Biden's policies you and Trump are against. Just because it's not really possible to measure exactly how many people were vaccinated due to those mandates, does not mean it's not true.
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