“800K deaths...Do you take responsibility? why haven’t you asked China to do more, to be transparent on the origins?”...Biden smirks & walks away

Show us how ALL anti-Trump people have adhered to everything you just listed.
December 18 2021
New data analysis shows that if US Democratic voters made their own country, it would have one of the most vaccinated populations in the world, with more than 91% of adults receiving at least one vaccination.

According to a data research, around 60% of Republican adults have now had their first shot.

A total of 25 out of 100,000 counties in counties who voted for Donald Trump died of Covid in October, compared to 7.8 per 100,000 in counties who voted high for Biden.

Counties where Trump received more than 70% of the vote saw an even higher average Covid-19 deaths compared to counties where Trump won at least 60% of the vote, the new data research found.

In contrast, Covid-19 deaths in high-profile Biden and Swing counties have not increased in the past two months, despite the spike in cases across the country.

Meanwhile, it's only republicans refusing to wear masks.

A mix of fines and warnings were handed down to a group of House Republicans on Tuesday who had defied the chamber's mask mandate on the House floor, a Capitol official told CNN.

Reps. Brian Mast of Florida, Mariannette Miller-Meeks of Iowa and Beth Van Duyne of Texas all received $500 fines for second offenses of the mask mandate, the official said. Additional offenses of the mandate would result in $2,500 fines.

Additional Republican lawmakers received first offense warnings, including Reps. Lauren Boebert of Colorado, Thomas Massie of Kentucky, Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, Chip Roy of Texas, Bob Good of Virginia, Mary Miller of Illinois and Louie Gohmert of Texas.

I'm sure their cult follows suit, plenty of arguments and assaults from Trumptards refusing to put on their mask when told to do so.
The botched farce that was the Afghanistan withdrawal for one thing, though there is much more, like
inflation, he should account for.
For a worldwide problem?
Biden is a badass for having that much influence.
According to his own State Department there are still thousands of Americans there.
They had plenty of time to leave, at least 18 months, evidently, they like it there.
Joe not only doesn't take responsibility for the amateur hour show he put on but when was the last
time anyone heard the doddering imbecile even discuss the matter anymore?
What is there to discuss?
December 18 2021
New data analysis shows that if US Democratic voters made their own country, it would have one of the most vaccinated populations in the world, with more than 91% of adults receiving at least one vaccination.

According to a data research, around 60% of Republican adults have now had their first shot.

A total of 25 out of 100,000 counties in counties who voted for Donald Trump died of Covid in October, compared to 7.8 per 100,000 in counties who voted high for Biden.

Counties where Trump received more than 70% of the vote saw an even higher average Covid-19 deaths compared to counties where Trump won at least 60% of the vote, the new data research found.

In contrast, Covid-19 deaths in high-profile Biden and Swing counties have not increased in the past two months, despite the spike in cases across the country.

Meanwhile, it's only republicans refusing to wear masks.

A mix of fines and warnings were handed down to a group of House Republicans on Tuesday who had defied the chamber's mask mandate on the House floor, a Capitol official told CNN.

Reps. Brian Mast of Florida, Mariannette Miller-Meeks of Iowa and Beth Van Duyne of Texas all received $500 fines for second offenses of the mask mandate, the official said. Additional offenses of the mandate would result in $2,500 fines.

Additional Republican lawmakers received first offense warnings, including Reps. Lauren Boebert of Colorado, Thomas Massie of Kentucky, Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, Chip Roy of Texas, Bob Good of Virginia, Mary Miller of Illinois and Louie Gohmert of Texas.

I'm sure their cult follows suit, plenty of arguments and assaults from Trumptards refusing to put on their mask when told to do so.
I live in Montgomery County, MD just next to Washington, DC. This is a County that voted 79 percent for Biden and 19 percent for Trump, is represented by Democrats at all levels (no Republicans) and is 85 percent vaccinated. Yet we are seeing COVID positive rates spike country-wide
I live in Montgomery County, MD just next to Washington, DC. This is a County that voted 79 percent for Biden and 19 percent for Trump, is represented by Democrats at all levels (no Republicans) and is 85 percent vaccinated. Yet we are seeing COVID positive rates spike country-wide

He is talking about deaths you, while you are talking about infections which are reduced but not prevented by vaccines.

He is talking about deaths you, while you are talking about infections which are reduced but not prevented by vaccines.
Where is the reduction vaccination correlation? Who conducted the study and what are the methods for gathering data? What is the density? Does every county have minimum 100,000 people?
Where is the reduction vaccination correlation? Who conducted the study and what are the methods for gathering data? What is the density? Does every county have minimum 100,000 people?
Will that change the fact that you are talking about infections and he is talking about deaths?

Come back when you can put togather something resembling a real counter argument, based on positive evidence.
Will that change the fact that you are talking about infections and he is talking about deaths?

Come back when you can put togather something resembling a real counter argument, based on positive evidence.
I just did. And why are you talking as if infections and deaths are mutually exclusive?
Trump had a fucking year to figure it out and I could post a half dozen quotes where he praised China’s response. We are now two years later and need to work on response. That question was laughed at for its ridiculousness in transparency from a well known bottom feeder in the press.
I just did. And why are you talking as if infections and deaths are mutually exclusive?
That's just a blatant logical fail - I didn't say they are mutually exclusive, what I said was that comparative infection statistics is not at all like death count comparisons.

Vaccination prevented pre-Delta infections, but with Delta and Omni in the mix transmissability is much higher, so infections will be higher even among vaccinated. HOWEVER vaccinated populations are much less likely to have serious complications leading to hospitalizations and deaths.

So we expect a lot of cases, but still a lot less hospitalizations and deaths in higher vaccinated areas.
For a worldwide problem?
Biden is a badass for having that much influence.
America's problem is among the world's worst under G.I. Issues Joe.
And if he could get his multi trillion dollar snake oil show things would be even worse.
He does have influence...in a negative harmful way. www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/11/24/inflation-has-risen-around-the-world-but-the-u-s-has-seen
They had plenty of time to leave, at least 18 months, evidently, they like it there.

What is there to discuss?
Just like the Jews had a chance to leave Nazi Germany.
Your "humanitarian" concern for people trapped in Afghanistan is touching.
Joe said he would get all Americans out. Like you he's full of shit.

What is there to discuss?
Joe's promises to get all Americans out, asshole! What a miserable pile of vomit you are.
My wish for you is to have the CIA drop you off in the middle of Afghanistan.
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Lol he explicitly took responsibility for his descisions on Afghanistan. Wtf are you talking about?
Taking responsibility for a major fuck up means more than just reading some words off a teleprompter
that some unknown aid put up there. Are you five years old? Or do you just act that way?

It means doing what you promised to do. Making things right after you fucked everything up.
Getting back the Americans you deserted and left behind.

Lying Joe's own State Department says there are still thousands of Americans stranded in Afghanistan.

When did Joe take responsibility for all those US citizens? Go fuck yourself, putrid apologist for
senile, crooked Joe Biden.
Oh bullshit and Trump couldn't even do that.

Never took responsibility for anything in his life.
Read or re read Joe's pledge to get back all citizens left behind in Afghanistan after his comically
inept sudden withdrawal.

Trump isn't the issue here, little child. Joe Biden is and he's responsible for what he broke.
Read or re read Joe's pledge to get back all citizens left behind in Afghanistan after his comically
inept sudden withdrawal.

Trump isn't the issue here, little child. Joe Biden is and he's responsible for what he broke.
Oh bullshit.

Biden has time and time again taken responsibility and you can't admit that, while giving Trump full pass on explicitly saying he doesn't take responsibility for anything.

It goes to consistency and politicos like you have none.
Take that video of Joe smirking and turning his back on a reporter who asked him about the 8,000 covid deaths
on his watch, and his relationship with China, the number one political ad of the year.
Oh bullshit.

Biden has time and time again taken responsibility and you can't admit that, while giving Trump full pass on explicitly saying he doesn't take responsibility for anything.

It goes to consistency and politicos like you have got none.
Sure I can admit Joe Biden has mouthed empty hollow platitudes about taking responsibility for
leaving thousands of Americans in Afghanistan, according to his own State Department.

And I just did it again. What has Joe done about the people he turned his back on? NOTHING!

As far as your claim about Trump let's see you produce his claim that he takes responsibility for nothing.
I haven't made a comment yet about any of that and I'm not likely to give your cherry picked unsubstantiated
blather any credence at all.
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I live in Montgomery County, MD just next to Washington, DC. This is a County that voted 79 percent for Biden and 19 percent for Trump, is represented by Democrats at all levels (no Republicans) and is 85 percent vaccinated. Yet we are seeing COVID positive rates spike country-wide
You don't know how viruses and vaccines work?
Read or re read Joe's pledge to get back all citizens left behind in Afghanistan after his comically
inept sudden withdrawal.
What do you want Joe to do?
Go find them all himself, force them on a plane and take them out of Afghanistan?

Those people had over 18 months to get out, WTF happened to 'personal responsibility' republicans always blather about?
Trump isn't the issue here, little child. Joe Biden is and he's responsible for what he broke.
Yes he is, Trump drew the US troops down from 13,500 to 2500.
Negotiated the surrender of Afghanistan, without Afghanistan being involved.
Negotiated the release of over 5000 Taliban prisoners, in Afghan prison.
Trump never evacuated one citizen or piece of US equipment in 11 months.

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