81 Letters

Nadler admitted they have no proof to even begin an investigation yet here we are.. This is a akin to fishing with dynamite... Trump needs to sue these bastards for every penny they have...

Nope. Bullshit.

Link required or admit you're lying
you know one, just one of those republicans here, that don't lie their asses off like trump??
Nadler has been privileged to serve the taxpayer since 1977. Another professional politician. We have had a chance to get so much done and politics has taken over again
You had 7 fucking Benghazi Investigations. The Fast and Furious Investigations are still ongoing. As are the Clinton investigations.

You people have been investigating the Clintons since Ken Starr was the special prosecutor. Republicans pioneered the endless investigations against the Clintons as revenge for Watergate and Iran Contra. The difference being that Watergate, Iran Contra, and Trump's Russian Conspiracy are all real crimes, and the Clintons and Benghazi are not.

As you know, even Democrats have concluded that there was no collusion (which is perfectly legal). As for Hillary, Bill, and Chelsea Clinton. Chelsea was too young to have participated...then.

William Jefferson Clinton, Former President of the United States and Democrat

Sexual Assault

Women have been charging Bill Clinton with sexual assault since his days as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford 30 years ago.

Gennifer Flowers (Unknown settlement)

Paula Jones ($850,000 settlement)

Kathleen Willey (Unknown settlement)

Juanita Broaddrick (Unknown settlement)

Monica Lewinsky….(“I did not have sex with THAT woman”)


Loss of Law License

$50,000 fine


Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker - fraud felony convictions - 3 counts (Tucker resigned facing impeachment)

Jim McDougal - fraud and conspiracy felony convictions - 18 counts

Susan McDougal - felony - 4 counts (pardoned during Clinton's last minute
pardongate payoffs)

William J. Marks Sr - conspiracy

Stephen Smith - conspiracy

Larry Kuca - Fraud

Neal Ainley - 2 misdemeanors for embezzlement

David Hale - guilty plea - conspiracy

Chris Wade - felony

Whitewater real-estate investor John Haley - recent!

1998 on fraud Robert Palmer - felony for conspiracy Charles Matthews - guilty plea for bribery Eugene Fitzhugh -

Whitewater - bribery Webster Hubbell - #2 ranking Justice Dept. Official - felony for embezzlement and fraud

John Latham - CEO of Madison Bank - bank fraud Campaign

Finance: Johnny Chung - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Gene Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Nora Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Howard Glicken - guilty plea - 2 midemeanors - funneling foreign donations

Yah Lin "Charlie" Trie - guilty plea - illegal Clinton campaign donations

John Huang - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Paula Jonesgate: William Jefferson Clinton - found guilty - civil contempt of court - lying under oath about material facts. The Office of the Independent

Council further presented Clinton with an agreement that had him disbarred from practicing law for 5 years and made him sign a statement admitting to his deception.

Post Administration
Sandy Bergergate Sandy Berger – Clinton National Security Adviser -- found guilty of stealing highly classified documents from the National Archive and destroying them.
I wonder what would happen if Trump instructed the DOJ to investigate every democrats finances simply because "we think they have committed a crime" and done so without evidence of any crime?

Start with Pelosie and Schumer and every one on the committee doing the fishing expeditions.. Have them look also for collusion to commit a Coup....
The assault bri came when repub scum in the house covered for their master in the WH

That is not the situation, deranged tard.
you disagree your house kissed trumps butt? They didn't do the job they were there for?
they were supposed to oversee the ah not kiss his butt

You are clueless as to the role Congress is supposed to serve in America.
Marion Checks and balances??
The Articles of Confederation
The U.S. House of Representatives is the lower house of Congress and plays a vital role, along with the Senate, in the process of moving proposed legislation to law. The bicameral relationship between the two bodies is vital to the American system of checks and balances that the Founding Fathers of the United States envisioned when writing the U.S. Constitution.

The Articles of Confederation
On March 4, 1789, the U.S. Congress first convened in the newly independent country’s then-capital of New York City, heralding the birth of the two bodies that form the legislative branch of government—the House of Representatives and the Senate.

The so-called bicameral—from the Latin term for “two chambers”—legislature was created by the framers of the U.S. Constitution, which was finalized two years earlier in 1787. But it’s important to note that this was not the first format established by the framers for the federal government.

Indeed, the Articles of Confederation—the first constitution of the United States—established a Congress in which all 13 states (the original 13 colonies) were represented equally in a unicameral (one chamber) legislature, with no Office of the President.

The Articles of Confederation were drafted in 1777 and ratified in 1781, but the government they established soon proved inadequate to the task of governing the large and boisterous new nation.

That's a nice cut and paste and all. Now tell me in your own words what the primary job of Congress is, please.

Thank you for proving that you WERE lying.

Nadler actually said...

"There are impeachable acts that are not "criminal" and criminal acts that are not impeachable"

Abuse of power is impeachable.

Some financial illegalities may not be.

It's that simple.

Should we find out that Trump actually was performing as an asset of the Russian government...it might be hard to see which laws were broken and possibly harder to make that case in a court of law....but it certainly would be impeachable...no?

After all you claim that "collusion is not a rime"...but a President acting on behalf of a foreign power rather than America...don't you think that's impeachable?

If it were shown that the President of the United States was interfering in mergers based only on personal animosity and grudges...that would be an abuse of power..but not necessarily criminal...no?
Start with Pelosie and Schumer and every one on the committee doing the fishing expeditions.. Have them look also for collusion to commit a Coup....

A coup?

When intel folks see a President acting like an asset for a foreign adversarial government and takes that concern to a bi-partisan group of Congressmen...and then drops their concerns because of lack of interest?
I hope they keep having investigations. Its a waste of time and tax payer money. The voters are watching and 2020 is right around the corner.

You can't cure stupid and boy are they stupid.

Go Dems.
Since Mueller has nothing, the poor Dems are now begging anybody for anything they can hang on Trump. They are sending out letters pleading for dirt they can smear our President with.
Keep it up Dems, right up to election time. Waste millions more of our money. You are going to see how we feel about your witch hunts. Apparently you didn't get it the first time. We thought you are worthless in 2016. Now we think you are pathetic.

and if it "works" count on the (R)s doing the same when the (D)'s eventually get back into office.

something tells me your dancing won't be as vivid then.
I doubt it. The (R)s don't have the media cheering them on and covering for all their crimes.
its not a matter of media cheering people on - that just adds to the distraction.

the game is simply stall as long as you can by any means necessary. this is a stall tactic. while the media may blow it up for the minions to eat up, that's more a pile on than an actual event.

we don't like the next (D) president, we make up some shit and dig into every facet of his life til we find *something* to get rid of them for.

sooner or later i imagine we all got *something* out there. now WHEN this becomes far too common practice (if allowed to run amok now) then rest assured with or without the media tagging along the (R)s will use this tactic as well if it works out or the (D)s.

we keep excusing our side from the bullshit and point to the OTHER side who is likely doing the same thing the 1st side was doing only if we should NO WE DIDN'T enough maybe at least some on OUR side will believe it long enough to string out the delay tactic.

now tell me - would any "good qualified" person want to run for office, given what we do to them today and are setting up for the future?
That is not the situation, deranged tard.
you disagree your house kissed trumps butt? They didn't do the job they were there for?
they were supposed to oversee the ah not kiss his butt

You are clueless as to the role Congress is supposed to serve in America.
Marion Checks and balances??
The Articles of Confederation
The U.S. House of Representatives is the lower house of Congress and plays a vital role, along with the Senate, in the process of moving proposed legislation to law. The bicameral relationship between the two bodies is vital to the American system of checks and balances that the Founding Fathers of the United States envisioned when writing the U.S. Constitution.

The Articles of Confederation
On March 4, 1789, the U.S. Congress first convened in the newly independent country’s then-capital of New York City, heralding the birth of the two bodies that form the legislative branch of government—the House of Representatives and the Senate.

The so-called bicameral—from the Latin term for “two chambers”—legislature was created by the framers of the U.S. Constitution, which was finalized two years earlier in 1787. But it’s important to note that this was not the first format established by the framers for the federal government.

Indeed, the Articles of Confederation—the first constitution of the United States—established a Congress in which all 13 states (the original 13 colonies) were represented equally in a unicameral (one chamber) legislature, with no Office of the President.

The Articles of Confederation were drafted in 1777 and ratified in 1781, but the government they established soon proved inadequate to the task of governing the large and boisterous new nation.

That's a nice cut and paste and all. Now tell me in your own words what the primary job of Congress is, please.
Oversight and passing spending bills down the line Your Repub house deserved a whipping for how they protected the schmuck
you disagree your house kissed trumps butt? They didn't do the job they were there for?
they were supposed to oversee the ah not kiss his butt

You are clueless as to the role Congress is supposed to serve in America.
Marion Checks and balances??
The Articles of Confederation
The U.S. House of Representatives is the lower house of Congress and plays a vital role, along with the Senate, in the process of moving proposed legislation to law. The bicameral relationship between the two bodies is vital to the American system of checks and balances that the Founding Fathers of the United States envisioned when writing the U.S. Constitution.

The Articles of Confederation
On March 4, 1789, the U.S. Congress first convened in the newly independent country’s then-capital of New York City, heralding the birth of the two bodies that form the legislative branch of government—the House of Representatives and the Senate.

The so-called bicameral—from the Latin term for “two chambers”—legislature was created by the framers of the U.S. Constitution, which was finalized two years earlier in 1787. But it’s important to note that this was not the first format established by the framers for the federal government.

Indeed, the Articles of Confederation—the first constitution of the United States—established a Congress in which all 13 states (the original 13 colonies) were represented equally in a unicameral (one chamber) legislature, with no Office of the President.

The Articles of Confederation were drafted in 1777 and ratified in 1781, but the government they established soon proved inadequate to the task of governing the large and boisterous new nation.

That's a nice cut and paste and all. Now tell me in your own words what the primary job of Congress is, please.
Oversight and passing spending bills down the line Your Repub house deserved a whipping for how they protected the schmuck

The correct answer is make laws and represent their constituents.
they were supposed to oversee the ah not kiss his butt

You are clueless as to the role Congress is supposed to serve in America.
Marion Checks and balances??
The Articles of Confederation
The U.S. House of Representatives is the lower house of Congress and plays a vital role, along with the Senate, in the process of moving proposed legislation to law. The bicameral relationship between the two bodies is vital to the American system of checks and balances that the Founding Fathers of the United States envisioned when writing the U.S. Constitution.

The Articles of Confederation
On March 4, 1789, the U.S. Congress first convened in the newly independent country’s then-capital of New York City, heralding the birth of the two bodies that form the legislative branch of government—the House of Representatives and the Senate.

The so-called bicameral—from the Latin term for “two chambers”—legislature was created by the framers of the U.S. Constitution, which was finalized two years earlier in 1787. But it’s important to note that this was not the first format established by the framers for the federal government.

Indeed, the Articles of Confederation—the first constitution of the United States—established a Congress in which all 13 states (the original 13 colonies) were represented equally in a unicameral (one chamber) legislature, with no Office of the President.

The Articles of Confederation were drafted in 1777 and ratified in 1781, but the government they established soon proved inadequate to the task of governing the large and boisterous new nation.

That's a nice cut and paste and all. Now tell me in your own words what the primary job of Congress is, please.
Oversight and passing spending bills down the line Your Repub house deserved a whipping for how they protected the schmuck

The correct answer is make laws.
tough to do when senate will vote them down and president will veto Your president has a stick up his ass and tries to punish anyone who tells the truth about him
they were supposed to oversee the ah not kiss his butt

You are clueless as to the role Congress is supposed to serve in America.
Marion Checks and balances??
The Articles of Confederation
The U.S. House of Representatives is the lower house of Congress and plays a vital role, along with the Senate, in the process of moving proposed legislation to law. The bicameral relationship between the two bodies is vital to the American system of checks and balances that the Founding Fathers of the United States envisioned when writing the U.S. Constitution.

The Articles of Confederation
On March 4, 1789, the U.S. Congress first convened in the newly independent country’s then-capital of New York City, heralding the birth of the two bodies that form the legislative branch of government—the House of Representatives and the Senate.

The so-called bicameral—from the Latin term for “two chambers”—legislature was created by the framers of the U.S. Constitution, which was finalized two years earlier in 1787. But it’s important to note that this was not the first format established by the framers for the federal government.

Indeed, the Articles of Confederation—the first constitution of the United States—established a Congress in which all 13 states (the original 13 colonies) were represented equally in a unicameral (one chamber) legislature, with no Office of the President.

The Articles of Confederation were drafted in 1777 and ratified in 1781, but the government they established soon proved inadequate to the task of governing the large and boisterous new nation.

That's a nice cut and paste and all. Now tell me in your own words what the primary job of Congress is, please.
Oversight and passing spending bills down the line Your Repub house deserved a whipping for how they protected the schmuck

The correct answer is make laws and represent their constituents.
For you Marion
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Benghazi went on for four years...investigation after investigation.

You got a couple years to go for that to make ANY sense
Benghazi select committee was formed in 2014 and the committee was closed in 2016.
You are clueless as to the role Congress is supposed to serve in America.
Marion Checks and balances??
The Articles of Confederation
The U.S. House of Representatives is the lower house of Congress and plays a vital role, along with the Senate, in the process of moving proposed legislation to law. The bicameral relationship between the two bodies is vital to the American system of checks and balances that the Founding Fathers of the United States envisioned when writing the U.S. Constitution.

The Articles of Confederation
On March 4, 1789, the U.S. Congress first convened in the newly independent country’s then-capital of New York City, heralding the birth of the two bodies that form the legislative branch of government—the House of Representatives and the Senate.

The so-called bicameral—from the Latin term for “two chambers”—legislature was created by the framers of the U.S. Constitution, which was finalized two years earlier in 1787. But it’s important to note that this was not the first format established by the framers for the federal government.

Indeed, the Articles of Confederation—the first constitution of the United States—established a Congress in which all 13 states (the original 13 colonies) were represented equally in a unicameral (one chamber) legislature, with no Office of the President.

The Articles of Confederation were drafted in 1777 and ratified in 1781, but the government they established soon proved inadequate to the task of governing the large and boisterous new nation.

That's a nice cut and paste and all. Now tell me in your own words what the primary job of Congress is, please.
Oversight and passing spending bills down the line Your Repub house deserved a whipping for how they protected the schmuck

The correct answer is make laws and represent their constituents.
For you Marion
About 4,460,000 results (0.50 seconds)

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View attachment 248812
um...that's just a bill. he hopes and prays but today he is still just a bill.
Yep, there is a possibility that he lied again. It would be hard for me to fathom that, but it's not out of the realm of reason to entertain that he was coached by the Democrats.

He had nothing to gain by lying and a lot to lose. Had he lied about stuff the Southern DIstrict had info on he would have lost his plea deal

Why hasn't the left called a witness to rebut Cohen? Dont you find it odd that they will take one person, hear his testimony, and not call someone who may be able to refuse much of what he said.

What? WHy haven't the RIGHT tried to rebut Cohen? ALL they GOP Congresscritters did was throw tantrums and call names.

Also, all of that is hearsay at the moment. No actual proof of any of that exists yet.

Hence the 81 letters dumbass
The right hasn't called anyone because they do not chair the oversight committe. That's Cummings job
They had the opportunity to interrogate him and did not. They just ranted like little children.

Have they requested anyone to be brought before the committee?

Yeah, they requested Rosenstein also testify, and were denied.
Benghazi went on for four years...investigation after investigation.

You got a couple years to go for that to make ANY sense
Benghazi select committee was formed in 2014 and the committee was closed in 2016.
Just read Chaffetz' book "The Deep State" and he covers the GOP "Benghazi investigation" where they uncovered Hillary's secret server among other things. Lets just say that we'll see who "circles the wagons" and builds "stonewalls" better, the dems or the GOP. The GOP congress could not enforce their subpoenas and perform realistic oversight. The dems probably know this and are happy to use the MSM to smear and distort with fake news all the way to 2020.
Since Mueller has nothing, the poor Dems are now begging anybody for anything they can hang on Trump. They are sending out letters pleading for dirt they can smear our President with.
Keep it up Dems, right up to election time. Waste millions more of our money. You are going to see how we feel about your witch hunts. Apparently you didn't get it the first time. We thought you are worthless in 2016. Now we think you are pathetic.

and if it "works" count on the (R)s doing the same when the (D)'s eventually get back into office.

something tells me your dancing won't be as vivid then.
I doubt it. The (R)s don't have the media cheering them on and covering for all their crimes.
its not a matter of media cheering people on - that just adds to the distraction.

the game is simply stall as long as you can by any means necessary. this is a stall tactic. while the media may blow it up for the minions to eat up, that's more a pile on than an actual event.

we don't like the next (D) president, we make up some shit and dig into every facet of his life til we find *something* to get rid of them for.

sooner or later i imagine we all got *something* out there. now WHEN this becomes far too common practice (if allowed to run amok now) then rest assured with or without the media tagging along the (R)s will use this tactic as well if it works out or the (D)s.

we keep excusing our side from the bullshit and point to the OTHER side who is likely doing the same thing the 1st side was doing only if we should NO WE DIDN'T enough maybe at least some on OUR side will believe it long enough to string out the delay tactic.

now tell me - would any "good qualified" person want to run for office, given what we do to them today and are setting up for the future?
What you don't seem to get is that our side can't do what the other side does because we don't have the media in our corner. If Republicans tried the same thing the media would paint them as McCarthy's conducting a witch hunt. Pointing out that Dims did the same thing wouldn't make a bit of difference because "that's different."
Since Mueller has nothing, the poor Dems are now begging anybody for anything they can hang on Trump. They are sending out letters pleading for dirt they can smear our President with.
Keep it up Dems, right up to election time. Waste millions more of our money. You are going to see how we feel about your witch hunts. Apparently you didn't get it the first time. We thought you are worthless in 2016. Now we think you are pathetic.

and if it "works" count on the (R)s doing the same when the (D)'s eventually get back into office.

something tells me your dancing won't be as vivid then.
I doubt it. The (R)s don't have the media cheering them on and covering for all their crimes.
its not a matter of media cheering people on - that just adds to the distraction.

the game is simply stall as long as you can by any means necessary. this is a stall tactic. while the media may blow it up for the minions to eat up, that's more a pile on than an actual event.

we don't like the next (D) president, we make up some shit and dig into every facet of his life til we find *something* to get rid of them for.

sooner or later i imagine we all got *something* out there. now WHEN this becomes far too common practice (if allowed to run amok now) then rest assured with or without the media tagging along the (R)s will use this tactic as well if it works out or the (D)s.

we keep excusing our side from the bullshit and point to the OTHER side who is likely doing the same thing the 1st side was doing only if we should NO WE DIDN'T enough maybe at least some on OUR side will believe it long enough to string out the delay tactic.

now tell me - would any "good qualified" person want to run for office, given what we do to them today and are setting up for the future?
What you don't seem to get is that our side can't do what the other side does because we don't have the media in our corner. If Republicans tried the same thing the media would paint them as McCarthy's conducting a witch hunt. Pointing out that Dims did the same thing wouldn't make a bit of difference because "that's different."
it's always different. but that doesn't keep people from repeating stupidity on any level they're capable of now does it?

the R's didn't hold a SCOTUS vote and while the media went after them for it, they still didn't hold the vote now did they? why? biden rule.

ergo - past misuse of our processes / laws / whatever begats future misuse.

feel free to disagree, but all the crap we fling at our "leadership" these days IMHO keeps any real qualified people at bay. whether or not the media is or ever will play fair won't stop people from needing their "revenge" factor. that's how we got here.
Since Mueller has nothing, the poor Dems are now begging anybody for anything they can hang on Trump. They are sending out letters pleading for dirt they can smear our President with.
Keep it up Dems, right up to election time. Waste millions more of our money. You are going to see how we feel about your witch hunts. Apparently you didn't get it the first time. We thought you are worthless in 2016. Now we think you are pathetic.

I have one word for all you parroting whiners crying about an investigation into a President's past business dealings:


Whitewater controversy - Wikipedia

The Whitewater controversy, Whitewater scandal, or simply Whitewater, was an American political controversy of the 1990s. It began with an investigation into the real estate investments of Bill and Hillary Clinton and their associates, Jim McDougal and Susan McDougal, in the Whitewater Development Corporation. This failed business venture was incorporated in 1979 with the purpose of developing vacation properties on land along the White River near Flippin, Arkansas.

No Republicans and no one at CPAC whined about an investigation into Whitewater.


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