81% of Americans under 45 would fail basic ‘US citizenship test’

Nope. Your example makes no sense. Would I let a ground crew member who was also a pilot teach me how to fly an aircraft? Absolutely!

That , of course, was not the question, and your avoidance of it is interesting.

Having a Master's degree just means that you are exceptionally overqualified to teach high school math because they are about as close as the Earth and the Moon.

Too funny. A BA these days is equivalent to a high school level education when I was there. Unless that's what you want teaching your kids, you go to the next step up the ladder.

Knowing more about a subject than you are teaching makes little sense. I can do differential calculus, but that doesn't make me a better teacher in algebra and geometry, now does it? I could could spend months teaching about the Civil War because I studied it intensively in school, but my standards might allow me about 3 days time. Doing that, all of my education is superfluous!

The ignorance you display regarding education in general is amazing!
Your education is lacking because you can’t see the trees thru the forest. Public education is a major failure and the reason young adults are so clueless.

For example Los Angeles school district jumped from a 50% high school graduation rate to a 70% in one year. How’d they do that? They simply stopped giving the competency test to graduate. And still 30% could not graduate.

The running joke now is we can write in cursive as a secret code so millennials won’t read it.

Look at the Lefts Socialist Girl who’s running for office. She has the knowledge of an 8 year old in economics yet finished 2nd in her Harvard (Yale?) class majoring in economics.

At the same time I’ve talked to 8 year olds who were homeschooled and had adult discussions on topics like the meaning of life, social issues in the world, history, etc etc.

Education in America sucks.

Then why do students from all over the world flock to our shores for education?
Immigrants come here for economic reasons, not our education system.

I personally know dozens of children in third world nations that run circles around American kids in our public education.
Bull-crap! The main reasons for migration is NOT economic reasons!
Time for weather to step up and teach. Show how to change the system overnight. Not once did you put one iota of responsibility on the kids. You have failed in your stance. Epically. It's only the teacher. Not the kids. Not the parents. You have been discredited.
Nope. Your example makes no sense. Would I let a ground crew member who was also a pilot teach me how to fly an aircraft? Absolutely!

That , of course, was not the question, and your avoidance of it is interesting.

Having a Master's degree just means that you are exceptionally overqualified to teach high school math because they are about as close as the Earth and the Moon.

Too funny. A BA these days is equivalent to a high school level education when I was there. Unless that's what you want teaching your kids, you go to the next step up the ladder.

Knowing more about a subject than you are teaching makes little sense.

Good Gawd Almighty! Unbelievable. That's an appallingly stupid statement.

"I'm sorry Dave, but this conversation no longer has any meaning. Goodbye."

I am sorry that your tiny little brain cannot accept the concept that I don't need a doctoral degree in nuclear physics to teach Earth-Space Science in middle school.

Why are you such a dumbass on this topic? Did a teacher run away with your wife or girlfriend?

My wife is a teacher. She spent a decade in the system. She finds your attitude as appalling as I do.

Oh, your wife is a teacher? What does she teach? Home Ec? Music? P.E.? I'll bet it is not a core academic subject! Otherwise, she would not be saying what you claim she says.

Mod edit xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (inappropriate)

I spent two plus decades in the system, so that means I have twice the experience as she does? I also spent time as a school administrator. How about her experience outside the classroom?

Why can't you address what I said? Are you incapable of countering my points so you go personal? The real reason is that you are arguing my facts against your fantasies.

Try again:

I don't need a doctoral degree in nuclear physics to teach Earth-Space Science in middle school.
Last edited by a moderator:
Why should I have a Master's degree in mathematics to teach math, when I never had an undergraduate degree in mathematics?

Would you let the ground crew teach you to fly an aircraft?

Nope. Your example makes no sense. Would I let a ground crew member who was also a pilot teach me how to fly an aircraft? Absolutely!

That , of course, was not the question, and your avoidance of it is interesting.

Having a Master's degree just means that you are exceptionally overqualified to teach high school math because they are about as close as the Earth and the Moon.

Too funny. A BA these days is equivalent to a high school level education when I was there. Unless that's what you want teaching your kids, you go to the next step up the ladder.

Knowing more about a subject than you are teaching makes little sense. I can do differential calculus, but that doesn't make me a better teacher in algebra and geometry, now does it? I could could spend months teaching about the Civil War because I studied it intensively in school, but my standards might allow me about 3 days time. Doing that, all of my education is superfluous!

The ignorance you display regarding education in general is amazing!
Your education is lacking because you can’t see the trees thru the forest. Public education is a major failure and the reason young adults are so clueless.

For example Los Angeles school district jumped from a 50% high school graduation rate to a 70% in one year. How’d they do that? They simply stopped giving the competency test to graduate. And still 30% could not graduate.

The running joke now is we can write in cursive as a secret code so millennials won’t read it.

Look at the Lefts Socialist Girl who’s running for office. She has the knowledge of an 8 year old in economics yet finished 2nd in her Harvard (Yale?) class majoring in economics.

At the same time I’ve talked to 8 year olds who were homeschooled and had adult discussions on topics like the meaning of life, social issues in the world, history, etc etc.

Education in America sucks.

You don't know much about Los Angeles do you?

Did you know that L.A.'s schools are 73% Hispanic? How many of those do you think are illegals?

If I were to give you the ACT, written completely in Serbo-Croation, do you think you could get into any college? Of course not! You probably wouldn't get your own name correct, because the instructions would not make any sense to you!

The kids in LA perform poorly because they do not understand the f-ing language! Why is that such a foreign concept to you people? I never thought I would ever have to call anyone a conservatard, but the shoe fits, and you all need to lace that bad boy up and wear it! I had many Hispanic students in Florida that could do the math required, but as soon as you have them a paragraph to read, they were lost. They would struggle through school and could not pass the proficiency exam even though they were given multiple opportunities. They were not stupid, but they could not read English at the same level as they could Spanish.

As for your homeschooled kids, how many times do I have to say it before you press the f-ing "I believe" button. Homeschooling is great, most of the time, My major bone of contention is where conservatards claim it is the ONLY solution, and use it to bash public education.

Why? I have held conversations with homeschooled kids whose parents finally realized the limits of their abilities to homeschool way to late and have raised kids who were mentally handicapped through no fault of their own. They show up at public schools without the ability to read and write, do math, or know any other subjects within 5 grades of where their ability should be. Now, tell me I am lying and get it out of the way!
That , of course, was not the question, and your avoidance of it is interesting.

Too funny. A BA these days is equivalent to a high school level education when I was there. Unless that's what you want teaching your kids, you go to the next step up the ladder.

Knowing more about a subject than you are teaching makes little sense.

Good Gawd Almighty! Unbelievable. That's an appallingly stupid statement.

"I'm sorry Dave, but this conversation no longer has any meaning. Goodbye."

I am sorry that your tiny little brain cannot accept the concept that I don't need a doctoral degree in nuclear physics to teach Earth-Space Science in middle school.

Why are you such a dumbass on this topic? Did a teacher run away with your wife or girlfriend?

My wife is a teacher. She spent a decade in the system. She finds your attitude as appalling as I do.

Oh, your wife is a teacher? What does she teach? Home Ec? Music? P.E.? I'll bet it is not a core academic subject! Otherwise, she would not be saying what you claim she says.

You aren't getting any so you blame teachers in general.

I spent two plus decades in the system, so that means I have twice the experience as she does? I also spent time as a school administrator. How about her experience outside the classroom?

Why can't you address what I said? Are you incapable of countering my points so you go personal? The real reason is that you are arguing my facts against your fantasies.

Try again:

I don't need a doctoral degree in nuclear physics to teach Earth-Space Science in middle school.

She doesn't teach anything nowadays. We've both been rather hedonistic retirees for some time. :auiqs.jpg:

As to your points, I have addressed them. There is no more to discuss. This little bon-mot of yours put the period on it.

"Knowing more about a subject than you are teaching makes little sense."
Knowing more about a subject than you are teaching makes little sense.

Good Gawd Almighty! Unbelievable. That's an appallingly stupid statement.

"I'm sorry Dave, but this conversation no longer has any meaning. Goodbye."

I am sorry that your tiny little brain cannot accept the concept that I don't need a doctoral degree in nuclear physics to teach Earth-Space Science in middle school.

Why are you such a dumbass on this topic? Did a teacher run away with your wife or girlfriend?

My wife is a teacher. She spent a decade in the system. She finds your attitude as appalling as I do.

Oh, your wife is a teacher? What does she teach? Home Ec? Music? P.E.? I'll bet it is not a core academic subject! Otherwise, she would not be saying what you claim she says.

You aren't getting any so you blame teachers in general.

I spent two plus decades in the system, so that means I have twice the experience as she does? I also spent time as a school administrator. How about her experience outside the classroom?

Why can't you address what I said? Are you incapable of countering my points so you go personal? The real reason is that you are arguing my facts against your fantasies.

Try again:

I don't need a doctoral degree in nuclear physics to teach Earth-Space Science in middle school.

She doesn't teach anything nowadays. We've both been rather hedonistic retirees for some time. :auiqs.jpg:

As to your points, I have addressed them. There is no more to discuss. This little bon-mot of yours put the period on it.

"Knowing more about a subject than you are teaching makes little sense."

You changed my quote to fit your agenda.

What about this:

"I don't need a doctoral degree in nuclear physics to teach Earth-Space Science in middle school."

Where is your reply?

Also, why didn't you answer when I asked what your wife taught?

I know exactly why! I hit the nail on the head, didn't I? She doesn't teach a core academic subject.

You are a pompous asshole who can't debate. Typical education basher. You try to justify your own self worth by denigrating others who are your betters.

You are right! The discussion needs to end before you embarrass yourself any more.
Good Gawd Almighty! Unbelievable. That's an appallingly stupid statement.

"I'm sorry Dave, but this conversation no longer has any meaning. Goodbye."

I am sorry that your tiny little brain cannot accept the concept that I don't need a doctoral degree in nuclear physics to teach Earth-Space Science in middle school.

Why are you such a dumbass on this topic? Did a teacher run away with your wife or girlfriend?

My wife is a teacher. She spent a decade in the system. She finds your attitude as appalling as I do.

Oh, your wife is a teacher? What does she teach? Home Ec? Music? P.E.? I'll bet it is not a core academic subject! Otherwise, she would not be saying what you claim she says.

You aren't getting any so you blame teachers in general.

I spent two plus decades in the system, so that means I have twice the experience as she does? I also spent time as a school administrator. How about her experience outside the classroom?

Why can't you address what I said? Are you incapable of countering my points so you go personal? The real reason is that you are arguing my facts against your fantasies.

Try again:

I don't need a doctoral degree in nuclear physics to teach Earth-Space Science in middle school.

She doesn't teach anything nowadays. We've both been rather hedonistic retirees for some time. :auiqs.jpg:

As to your points, I have addressed them. There is no more to discuss. This little bon-mot of yours put the period on it.

"Knowing more about a subject than you are teaching makes little sense."

You changed my quote to fit your agenda.

What about this:

"I don't need a doctoral degree in nuclear physics to teach Earth-Space Science in middle school."

Where is your reply?

Also, why didn't you answer when I asked what your wife taught?

I know exactly why! I hit the nail on the head, didn't I? She doesn't teach a core academic subject.

You are a pompous asshole who can't debate. Typical education basher. You try to justify your own self worth by denigrating others who are your betters.

You are right! The discussion needs to end before you embarrass yourself any more.

Be more patient and less defensive.
Good Gawd Almighty! Unbelievable. That's an appallingly stupid statement.

"I'm sorry Dave, but this conversation no longer has any meaning. Goodbye."

I am sorry that your tiny little brain cannot accept the concept that I don't need a doctoral degree in nuclear physics to teach Earth-Space Science in middle school.

Why are you such a dumbass on this topic? Did a teacher run away with your wife or girlfriend?

My wife is a teacher. She spent a decade in the system. She finds your attitude as appalling as I do.

Oh, your wife is a teacher? What does she teach? Home Ec? Music? P.E.? I'll bet it is not a core academic subject! Otherwise, she would not be saying what you claim she says.

You aren't getting any so you blame teachers in general.

I spent two plus decades in the system, so that means I have twice the experience as she does? I also spent time as a school administrator. How about her experience outside the classroom?

Why can't you address what I said? Are you incapable of countering my points so you go personal? The real reason is that you are arguing my facts against your fantasies.

Try again:

I don't need a doctoral degree in nuclear physics to teach Earth-Space Science in middle school.

She doesn't teach anything nowadays. We've both been rather hedonistic retirees for some time. :auiqs.jpg:

As to your points, I have addressed them. There is no more to discuss. This little bon-mot of yours put the period on it.

"Knowing more about a subject than you are teaching makes little sense."

You changed my quote to fit your agenda.

Liar. See #270. Those were your exact words.
I am sorry that your tiny little brain cannot accept the concept that I don't need a doctoral degree in nuclear physics to teach Earth-Space Science in middle school.

Why are you such a dumbass on this topic? Did a teacher run away with your wife or girlfriend?

My wife is a teacher. She spent a decade in the system. She finds your attitude as appalling as I do.

Oh, your wife is a teacher? What does she teach? Home Ec? Music? P.E.? I'll bet it is not a core academic subject! Otherwise, she would not be saying what you claim she says.

You aren't getting any so you blame teachers in general.

I spent two plus decades in the system, so that means I have twice the experience as she does? I also spent time as a school administrator. How about her experience outside the classroom?

Why can't you address what I said? Are you incapable of countering my points so you go personal? The real reason is that you are arguing my facts against your fantasies.

Try again:

I don't need a doctoral degree in nuclear physics to teach Earth-Space Science in middle school.

She doesn't teach anything nowadays. We've both been rather hedonistic retirees for some time. :auiqs.jpg:

As to your points, I have addressed them. There is no more to discuss. This little bon-mot of yours put the period on it.

"Knowing more about a subject than you are teaching makes little sense."

You changed my quote to fit your agenda.

Liar. See #270. Those were your exact words.

The posts are mirror images of each other. Excuse me for trying to dumb it down to your level.

Now, will you answer the questions I asked you?
I am sorry that your tiny little brain cannot accept the concept that I don't need a doctoral degree in nuclear physics to teach Earth-Space Science in middle school.

Why are you such a dumbass on this topic? Did a teacher run away with your wife or girlfriend?

My wife is a teacher. She spent a decade in the system. She finds your attitude as appalling as I do.

Oh, your wife is a teacher? What does she teach? Home Ec? Music? P.E.? I'll bet it is not a core academic subject! Otherwise, she would not be saying what you claim she says.

You aren't getting any so you blame teachers in general.

I spent two plus decades in the system, so that means I have twice the experience as she does? I also spent time as a school administrator. How about her experience outside the classroom?

Why can't you address what I said? Are you incapable of countering my points so you go personal? The real reason is that you are arguing my facts against your fantasies.

Try again:

I don't need a doctoral degree in nuclear physics to teach Earth-Space Science in middle school.

She doesn't teach anything nowadays. We've both been rather hedonistic retirees for some time. :auiqs.jpg:

As to your points, I have addressed them. There is no more to discuss. This little bon-mot of yours put the period on it.

"Knowing more about a subject than you are teaching makes little sense."

You changed my quote to fit your agenda.

What about this:

"I don't need a doctoral degree in nuclear physics to teach Earth-Space Science in middle school."

Where is your reply?

Also, why didn't you answer when I asked what your wife taught?

I know exactly why! I hit the nail on the head, didn't I? She doesn't teach a core academic subject.

You are a pompous asshole who can't debate. Typical education basher. You try to justify your own self worth by denigrating others who are your betters.

You are right! The discussion needs to end before you embarrass yourself any more.

Be more patient and less defensive.

Mind you own beeswax. This feud has gone on far longer than this thread has been here.
My wife is a teacher. She spent a decade in the system. She finds your attitude as appalling as I do.

Oh, your wife is a teacher? What does she teach? Home Ec? Music? P.E.? I'll bet it is not a core academic subject! Otherwise, she would not be saying what you claim she says.

You aren't getting any so you blame teachers in general.

I spent two plus decades in the system, so that means I have twice the experience as she does? I also spent time as a school administrator. How about her experience outside the classroom?

Why can't you address what I said? Are you incapable of countering my points so you go personal? The real reason is that you are arguing my facts against your fantasies.

Try again:

I don't need a doctoral degree in nuclear physics to teach Earth-Space Science in middle school.

She doesn't teach anything nowadays. We've both been rather hedonistic retirees for some time. :auiqs.jpg:

As to your points, I have addressed them. There is no more to discuss. This little bon-mot of yours put the period on it.

"Knowing more about a subject than you are teaching makes little sense."

You changed my quote to fit your agenda.

What about this:

"I don't need a doctoral degree in nuclear physics to teach Earth-Space Science in middle school."

Where is your reply?

Also, why didn't you answer when I asked what your wife taught?

I know exactly why! I hit the nail on the head, didn't I? She doesn't teach a core academic subject.

You are a pompous asshole who can't debate. Typical education basher. You try to justify your own self worth by denigrating others who are your betters.

You are right! The discussion needs to end before you embarrass yourself any more.

Be more patient and less defensive.

Mind you own beeswax. This feud has gone on far longer than this thread has been here.

Then take it to the FZ and stop trolling the education forum.
Oh, your wife is a teacher? What does she teach? Home Ec? Music? P.E.? I'll bet it is not a core academic subject! Otherwise, she would not be saying what you claim she says.

You aren't getting any so you blame teachers in general.

I spent two plus decades in the system, so that means I have twice the experience as she does? I also spent time as a school administrator. How about her experience outside the classroom?

Why can't you address what I said? Are you incapable of countering my points so you go personal? The real reason is that you are arguing my facts against your fantasies.

Try again:

I don't need a doctoral degree in nuclear physics to teach Earth-Space Science in middle school.

She doesn't teach anything nowadays. We've both been rather hedonistic retirees for some time. :auiqs.jpg:

As to your points, I have addressed them. There is no more to discuss. This little bon-mot of yours put the period on it.

"Knowing more about a subject than you are teaching makes little sense."

You changed my quote to fit your agenda.

What about this:

"I don't need a doctoral degree in nuclear physics to teach Earth-Space Science in middle school."

Where is your reply?

Also, why didn't you answer when I asked what your wife taught?

I know exactly why! I hit the nail on the head, didn't I? She doesn't teach a core academic subject.

You are a pompous asshole who can't debate. Typical education basher. You try to justify your own self worth by denigrating others who are your betters.

You are right! The discussion needs to end before you embarrass yourself any more.

Be more patient and less defensive.

Mind you own beeswax. This feud has gone on far longer than this thread has been here.

Then take it to the FZ and stop trolling the education forum.

You are not a Mod, so mind your own beeswax! Wasn't that clear enough for you?

Where is your comment to tell the conservatard to beat feet?
She doesn't teach anything nowadays. We've both been rather hedonistic retirees for some time. :auiqs.jpg:

As to your points, I have addressed them. There is no more to discuss. This little bon-mot of yours put the period on it.

"Knowing more about a subject than you are teaching makes little sense."

You changed my quote to fit your agenda.

What about this:

"I don't need a doctoral degree in nuclear physics to teach Earth-Space Science in middle school."

Where is your reply?

Also, why didn't you answer when I asked what your wife taught?

I know exactly why! I hit the nail on the head, didn't I? She doesn't teach a core academic subject.

You are a pompous asshole who can't debate. Typical education basher. You try to justify your own self worth by denigrating others who are your betters.

You are right! The discussion needs to end before you embarrass yourself any more.

Be more patient and less defensive.

Mind you own beeswax. This feud has gone on far longer than this thread has been here.

Then take it to the FZ and stop trolling the education forum.

You are not a Mod, so mind your own beeswax! Wasn't that clear enough for you?

Where is your comment to tell the conservatard to beat feet?

You keep claiming to be an educator, but here you are admittedly trolling the education forum.
You changed my quote to fit your agenda.

What about this:

"I don't need a doctoral degree in nuclear physics to teach Earth-Space Science in middle school."

Where is your reply?

Also, why didn't you answer when I asked what your wife taught?

I know exactly why! I hit the nail on the head, didn't I? She doesn't teach a core academic subject.

You are a pompous asshole who can't debate. Typical education basher. You try to justify your own self worth by denigrating others who are your betters.

You are right! The discussion needs to end before you embarrass yourself any more.

Be more patient and less defensive.

Mind you own beeswax. This feud has gone on far longer than this thread has been here.

Then take it to the FZ and stop trolling the education forum.

You are not a Mod, so mind your own beeswax! Wasn't that clear enough for you?

Where is your comment to tell the conservatard to beat feet?

You keep claiming to be an educator, but here you are admittedly trolling the education forum.

I am not trolling you jackass! Now, go play with your blocks and leave me alone.
Folks, this guy ^^^^^ does not represent educators generally.

Folks, this guy ^^^^^^^ (I think) does not represent a typical human being. He likes being an asshole whenever he decides that he disagrees with you without any reasoning whatsoever. He apparently is a libtard in disguise.
I know my grandkids could probably not recall the useless information on citizenship test, thankfully. It won't help them secure a decent profession that is for sure. Waste of time.
Folks, this guy ^^^^^ does not represent educators generally.

Folks, this guy ^^^^^^^ (I think) does not represent a typical human being. He likes being an asshole whenever he decides that he disagrees with you without any reasoning whatsoever. He apparently is a libtard in disguise.

Yeah, you go ahead and appeal to popularity with all the friends you’ve been making with your “shut the fuck up! You non-teachers don’t deserve to talk!” Attitude. Good luck with that.

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