81% of Americans under 45 would fail basic ‘US citizenship test’

Teacher friends explained it on how they are required to teach. At this grade they learn this period of history. Next grade the next period of history. And so forth.

No repetition at all. No way children can learn anything that way.
Teacher friends explained it on how they are required to teach. At this grade they learn this period of history. Next grade the next period of history. And so forth.

No repetition at all. No way children can learn anything that way.

Your teacher friend is full of shit, respectfully.
I took one of their 24-question tests. To say it was simple would be a massive understatement. That only 1/3 of Americans can pass the test blows my mind. The education system is a DISASTER.

Do you not understand the difference in being taught something and then retaking the knowledge?

Of course you don't because you don't know anything about learning.

Did you take the test? It's a joke. That 1/3 of Americans can't pass it is an abomination. One doesn't need a master's degree from Georgetown to pass it.

Yes, I have taken the test. I also taught the subject for 21 years so knock off the bullshit about it not being taught. The human brain categorizes the importance of information to be remembered. It is simply not being retained by choice.

RThat is nothing new. I cannot remember my daughter's phone number because I have no need to ever use it. My cell phone remembers it for me.

Where did I say it wasn't being taught? You must have confused me for someone else.

Every one of you education bashers have the same M.O.! It's obviously the fault of the teacher's unions, right?

I think you took too much acid back in the day. You keep attributing arguments to me that I've NEVER made and then attack me for those arguments. I sense that engaging you is a colossal waste of time.
Do you not understand the difference in being taught something and then retaking the knowledge?

Of course you don't because you don't know anything about learning.

Did you take the test? It's a joke. That 1/3 of Americans can't pass it is an abomination. One doesn't need a master's degree from Georgetown to pass it.

Yes, I have taken the test. I also taught the subject for 21 years so knock off the bullshit about it not being taught. The human brain categorizes the importance of information to be remembered. It is simply not being retained by choice.

RThat is nothing new. I cannot remember my daughter's phone number because I have no need to ever use it. My cell phone remembers it for me.

Where did I say it wasn't being taught? You must have confused me for someone else.

Every one of you education bashers have the same M.O.! It's obviously the fault of the teacher's unions, right?

I think you took too much acid back in the day. You keep attributing arguments to me that I've NEVER made and then attack me for those arguments. I sense that engaging you is a colossal waste of time.

OK, my apologies if I read you wrong on those points. However, you tend to follow the conservitard path of bashing education because you were educated, so you think you are an expert on teaching.
Teacher friends explained it on how they are required to teach. At this grade they learn this period of history. Next grade the next period of history. And so forth.

No repetition at all. No way children can learn anything that way.

Your teacher friend is full of shit, respectfully.
California. It’s true. And it’s plural.

Well, what do you expect? California rates so low compared to other states because no one speaks fricking English!
Teacher friends explained it on how they are required to teach. At this grade they learn this period of history. Next grade the next period of history. And so forth.

No repetition at all. No way children can learn anything that way.

Your teacher friend is full of shit, respectfully.

You're a very bitter, angry little twat.

You, on the other hand are an know-it-all who actually doesn't know shit!

What the hell has happened to our education system? One would think that pride in this country would call for teaching our youths all the things that give them futures not available anywhere else in the world.

Just one-in-three Americans passed the multiple choice exam that is undertaken by foreigners. Shockingly, 87 percent of respondents did not know that the US Constitution was ratified in 1787, while 60 percent of respondents couldn't identify which countries fought in World War II against the US and its allies.

While many Americans aren’t shy when it comes to expressing their opinion regarding the controversy surrounding US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, only 43 percent knew the actual number of justices (nine) that protect the nation’s constitution.

Some 72 percent failed to correctly identify the 13 original states from a list of options offered to them in the multiple-choice questions.

The problem with basic civic knowledge seems to be more acute for those aged 45 and under, with only 19 percent passing the mock test. Those 65 years and older, however, managed to answer the questions with 74-percent success rate.

By the time I reached my junior year in high school, I’d had at least 5 classes about American history and government. Why is it no longer important in our education system?

More of this disgusting stuff @ ‘Woefully uninformed’: 81% of Americans under 45 would fail basic ‘US citizenship test’

Americans Have Almost Entirely Forgotten Their History @ Americans Have Almost Entirely Forgotten Their History

Well, is this an issue with the education system not teaching pointless rubbish, or the test being full of pointless rubbish?

I think the education system teaches statistics and facts instead of teaching values learned from history.

You are wrong
I took one of their 24-question tests. To say it was simple would be a massive understatement. That only 1/3 of Americans can pass the test blows my mind. The education system is a DISASTER.

I have seen the test
It is not that difficult

But much of the information in Civics is not relevant to people’s every day lives. Do you need to know there are 435 Congressmen in the House? Is nine justices relevant to your daily life? Most Americans remember 1776 but not 1787

Those studying for citizenship learn these factoids but probably forget after 20-30 years

What the hell has happened to our education system? One would think that pride in this country would call for teaching our youths all the things that give them futures not available anywhere else in the world.

Just one-in-three Americans passed the multiple choice exam that is undertaken by foreigners. Shockingly, 87 percent of respondents did not know that the US Constitution was ratified in 1787, while 60 percent of respondents couldn't identify which countries fought in World War II against the US and its allies.

While many Americans aren’t shy when it comes to expressing their opinion regarding the controversy surrounding US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, only 43 percent knew the actual number of justices (nine) that protect the nation’s constitution.

Some 72 percent failed to correctly identify the 13 original states from a list of options offered to them in the multiple-choice questions.

The problem with basic civic knowledge seems to be more acute for those aged 45 and under, with only 19 percent passing the mock test. Those 65 years and older, however, managed to answer the questions with 74-percent success rate.

By the time I reached my junior year in high school, I’d had at least 5 classes about American history and government. Why is it no longer important in our education system?

More of this disgusting stuff @ ‘Woefully uninformed’: 81% of Americans under 45 would fail basic ‘US citizenship test’

Americans Have Almost Entirely Forgotten Their History @ Americans Have Almost Entirely Forgotten Their History

Well, is this an issue with the education system not teaching pointless rubbish, or the test being full of pointless rubbish?

I think the education system teaches statistics and facts instead of teaching values learned from history.

The problem is that politicians politicize education. They want to make it quantifiable so they can tell everyone they increased this or that. It's what people understand.

But it's not necessarily good for the long term. But then US politics stopped being about the long term a long time ago.
Many people forget the content about 20 minutes after a test. Many people are just plain stupid.
I took one of their 24-question tests. To say it was simple would be a massive understatement. That only 1/3 of Americans can pass the test blows my mind. The education system is a DISASTER.

Do you not understand the difference in being taught something and then retaking the knowledge?

Of course you don't because you don't know anything about learning.

Did you take the test? It's a joke. That 1/3 of Americans can't pass it is an abomination. One doesn't need a master's degree from Georgetown to pass it.

Yes, I have taken the test. I also taught the subject for 21 years so knock off the bullshit about it not being taught. The human brain categorizes the importance of information to be remembered. It is simply not being retained by choice.

RThat is nothing new. I cannot remember my daughter's phone number because I have no need to ever use it. My cell phone remembers it for me.

That is in part what's wrong with public school victims. More dependent upon machines than their own brain.

What happens when the battery runs down?

Oh, please knock off the bullshit! You are embarrassing yourself!

Without looking it up, can you tell me what the 23rd Amendment to the Constitution regards?

Of course you can't! If you can, it is because you deem that important to you. Why you would want to remember it, I have no idea!

FYI, I have her number written down, because there is no reason to remember it as long as I have my phone. Just like I have the ability to look up the 23rd Amendment should need it. I just happen to know because I used it so much in my instruction.

Why should I bother? You would claim I looked in up in any case.

And if your power goes out?
I took one of their 24-question tests. To say it was simple would be a massive understatement. That only 1/3 of Americans can pass the test blows my mind. The education system is a DISASTER.

Do you not understand the difference in being taught something and then retaking the knowledge?

Of course you don't because you don't know anything about learning.

Did you take the test? It's a joke. That 1/3 of Americans can't pass it is an abomination. One doesn't need a master's degree from Georgetown to pass it.

Yes, I have taken the test. I also taught the subject for 21 years so knock off the bullshit about it not being taught. The human brain categorizes the importance of information to be remembered. It is simply not being retained by choice.

RThat is nothing new. I cannot remember my daughter's phone number because I have no need to ever use it. My cell phone remembers it for me.

Where did I say it wasn't being taught? You must have confused me for someone else.

Every one of you education bashers have the same M.O.! It's obviously the fault of the teacher's unions, right?

In part, because the unions make it difficult to fire incompetent teachers.
Many people forget the content about 20 minutes after a test. Many people are just plain stupid.

Yet, you're against eugenics to correct stupidity, why complain about things you reject a solution for?

The absence of morality is a form of stupidity. I wouldn’t expect the likes of you to understand.

Positive eugenics is pretty morality neutral, and reaps great benefits for future generations.
Many people forget the content about 20 minutes after a test. Many people are just plain stupid.

Yet, you're against eugenics to correct stupidity, why complain about things you reject a solution for?

The absence of morality is a form of stupidity. I wouldn’t expect the likes of you to understand.

Positive eugenics is pretty morality neutral, and reaps great benefits for future generations.

As I was saying...
Many people forget the content about 20 minutes after a test. Many people are just plain stupid.

Yet, you're against eugenics to correct stupidity, why complain about things you reject a solution for?

The absence of morality is a form of stupidity. I wouldn’t expect the likes of you to understand.

Positive eugenics is pretty morality neutral, and reaps great benefits for future generations.

As I was saying...

Positive Eugenics doesn't involve killing, or sterlizations of the stupid. (So you don't have to worry)

It's basically incentives like tax rewards for smart people, and tax penalties for stupid people having kids.

I tend to find it more immoral to allow the future generations to become stupid, like you insist.
Many people forget the content about 20 minutes after a test. Many people are just plain stupid.
The content is not really relevant to being a “good citizen”

Good citizens vote, volunteer in their community, help their neighbors

Memorizing civics facts and historical dates does not make you a good citizen

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