81% of Americans under 45 would fail basic ‘US citizenship test’

Most new citizens will forget most of what is on the test within a few years
Just like American citizens do

Exactly that's why they post stupid shit..

I’m smart....real smart
Have a big brain, people who have big brains are smart
I’m one of the smartest people ever to post on USMB
Believe me

Guess I am, not that complicated to read the Constitution, travel around the USA and know the difference.
Most new citizens will forget most of what is on the test within a few years
Just like American citizens do

Exactly that's why they post stupid shit..

I’m smart....real smart
Have a big brain, people who have big brains are smart
I’m one of the smartest people ever to post on USMB
Believe me

Guess I am, not that complicated to read the Constitution, travel around the USA and know the difference.

Low IQ poster

What the hell has happened to our education system? One would think that pride in this country would call for teaching our youths all the things that give them futures not available anywhere else in the world.

Just one-in-three Americans passed the multiple choice exam that is undertaken by foreigners. Shockingly, 87 percent of respondents did not know that the US Constitution was ratified in 1787, while 60 percent of respondents couldn't identify which countries fought in World War II against the US and its allies.

While many Americans aren’t shy when it comes to expressing their opinion regarding the controversy surrounding US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, only 43 percent knew the actual number of justices (nine) that protect the nation’s constitution.

Some 72 percent failed to correctly identify the 13 original states from a list of options offered to them in the multiple-choice questions.

The problem with basic civic knowledge seems to be more acute for those aged 45 and under, with only 19 percent passing the mock test. Those 65 years and older, however, managed to answer the questions with 74-percent success rate.

By the time I reached my junior year in high school, I’d had at least 5 classes about American history and government. Why is it no longer important in our education system?

More of this disgusting stuff @ ‘Woefully uninformed’: 81% of Americans under 45 would fail basic ‘US citizenship test’

Americans Have Almost Entirely Forgotten Their History @ Americans Have Almost Entirely Forgotten Their History
While many Americans aren’t shy when it comes to expressing their opinion regarding the controversy surrounding US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, only 43 percent knew the actual number of justices (nine) that protect the nation’s constitution.

Duh! - $30,000,000 + way more Dark Money was spent in 2 weeks BLASTING Every TV, Computer & Phone Screen with Kavanaugh propaganda! That's more than 7 times what was spent on Education over the same period of time!!! Over 80% of it was pro-Kavanaugh propaganda Dark Money that came Repubtard donors!!! Rich people hate an educated voter!
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Of course they have a right comrade, it's in the Constitution, every state gets two senators.

Of course - And nothing has changed since then. N-O-T-H-I-N-G! :rolleyes:

You just mad you can't indoctrinate school children in North Platte, Nebraska with your liberal views.

Yes, and I would also indoctrinate and recruit them into homosexuality.
Gawd you dumb

What is that suppose to mean, come on tell us how the United States would of got the slave states to join with out the Electoral college???

The Constitution worked just fine -------- WHEN IT WAS WRITTEN

It works fine now. It's just Democrats mucking stuff up.
Of course they have a right comrade, it's in the Constitution, every state gets two senators.

Of course - And nothing has changed since then. N-O-T-H-I-N-G! :rolleyes:

You just mad you can't indoctrinate school children in North Platte, Nebraska with your liberal views.

Yes, and I would also indoctrinate and recruit them into homosexuality.
Gawd you dumb

What is that suppose to mean, come on tell us how the United States would of got the slave states to join with out the Electoral college???

The Constitution worked just fine -------- WHEN IT WAS WRITTEN

And it still does to this day.
Your teacher friend is full of shit, respectfully.
California. It’s true. And it’s plural.

Well, what do you expect? California rates so low compared to other states because no one speaks fricking English!
And California having more population than most States combined means the left are chugging out morons by the truck load.

Yes, you hit the nail on the head. They are mostly the offspring of illegals who cannot speak English well in school because no one speaks it at home.

Wrong. Kids born in the US almost always acquire English as a first language regardless.

Who said they were born in the US?

I have potential recruits for the Army that I have to disqualify for service every single day because they do not speak sufficient English to be allowed to enlist. Lord knows they could never qualify for enlistment if we actually tested them.
Have you actually read the Constitution?
Most is information setting up the three branches of Government. The bill of rights is critical to good citizenship....the rest is of little value to the day to day realities of citizenship

Knowing the details of how a bill gets passed or how elections are conducted does not help most people

What most people need to know is which candidate best reflects their interests

So ... you're dead wood.

I suspected as much.
Know more about Civics than you do Skippy

Visions of grandeur.
Every one of you education bashers have the same M.O.! It's obviously the fault of the teacher's unions, right?

I think you took too much acid back in the day. You keep attributing arguments to me that I've NEVER made and then attack me for those arguments. I sense that engaging you is a colossal waste of time.

OK, my apologies if I read you wrong on those points. However, you tend to follow the conservitard path of bashing education because you were educated, so you think you are an expert on teaching.

I'm a conservative and an educator. Pointing out that our system fails in educating children in basic citizenship is not trashing the system. After 13 years of education, our children should know how our government works and how to function in our system. That our 17-year olds don't know this basic information IS a real problem IMO.

You didn't read the thread or my posts in it.

They do know how it works, when they take the test on it. Then they do a data dump, because they don't feel any connection to the information. You must not be a very good educator if you do not realize this happens. The failure rates on final exams in my schools were astronomical because the kids refuse to retain the information because they see no reason to do so. It did not matter what the subject was or who the teacher was.

I did read the thread, including your posts. I actually am a good educator, as I teach for retention. It's not an education if the knowledge is not retained. That's the problem.

Really? What subject do you teach? Music?
I took one of their 24-question tests. To say it was simple would be a massive understatement. That only 1/3 of Americans can pass the test blows my mind. The education system is a DISASTER.

Do you not understand the difference in being taught something and then retaking the knowledge?

Of course you don't because you don't know anything about learning.

Did you take the test? It's a joke. That 1/3 of Americans can't pass it is an abomination. One doesn't need a master's degree from Georgetown to pass it.

Yes, I have taken the test. I also taught the subject for 21 years so knock off the bullshit about it not being taught. The human brain categorizes the importance of information to be remembered. It is simply not being retained by choice.

That is nothing new. I cannot remember my daughter's phone number because I have no need to ever use it. My cell phone remembers it for me.

Took the words right out of my mouth.

It is taught but not retained. I mean look. Only 25% of the public votes in the midterms. That is pathetic, but that's what's important to the American public. Teachers can "make" students retain information long enough to regurgitate it on a test to pass in school. They cannot "make" students remember it 10, 20, 30 plus years later.

Just like my algebra teachers could not "make" me retain all that math years later. I didn't use it, didn't need it. It's gone. It's not important to me.

I would venture to say that most people remember the words and melodies to most if not all pop songs from their school days. Why? Repetition.

I remember every Shakespeare monologue and soliloquy I memorized in the course of my high school acting career. Why? Repetition.

Facts are the same way. You study, you memorize, you remember.

I also ... ahem ... remember every party I went to, and who was there, where it was, what I was drinking that night, and for the most part when it was.

Great! Now, try making students repeat that information. They won't, so what good does it do?
Did you take the test? It's a joke. That 1/3 of Americans can't pass it is an abomination. One doesn't need a master's degree from Georgetown to pass it.

Yes, I have taken the test. I also taught the subject for 21 years so knock off the bullshit about it not being taught. The human brain categorizes the importance of information to be remembered. It is simply not being retained by choice.

That is nothing new. I cannot remember my daughter's phone number because I have no need to ever use it. My cell phone remembers it for me.

Took the words right out of my mouth.

It is taught but not retained. I mean look. Only 25% of the public votes in the midterms. That is pathetic, but that's what's important to the American public. Teachers can "make" students retain information long enough to regurgitate it on a test to pass in school. They cannot "make" students remember it 10, 20, 30 plus years later.

Just like my algebra teachers could not "make" me retain all that math years later. I didn't use it, didn't need it. It's gone. It's not important to me.

I would venture to say that most people remember the words and melodies to most if not all pop songs from their school days. Why? Repetition.

I remember every Shakespeare monologue and soliloquy I memorized in the course of my high school acting career. Why? Repetition.

Facts are the same way. You study, you memorize, you remember.

I also ... ahem ... remember every party I went to, and who was there, where it was, what I was drinking that night, and for the most part when it was.

Do you know brain research? I do. I'm a teacher.

In the first instance, melody attached to words sears to a different part of the brain than simple words alone. We know this. It's why people with alzheimers and dementia can recall song lyrics from long ago. Secondly, you are proving that Project Based Education works with your second example and Shakespeare. The words were attached to a play that would be performed, not just rote memorization and "facts". But conservatives generally hate that "liberal namby-pamby stuff"--but liberals are right in this. If the learning is unimportant and has no place in real life, or no end point, no one retains it.

Conservatives generally suck at understanding education. I say this as a conservative, btw.

In your third example, anything, again, that touched on your social emotional, REAL life will be long imprinted on your memory. If you make teenagers memorize long lists of facts that have no meaning to their real life, not only will they hate it, they won't remember it.

So, you just rather shot your whole case to smithereens with your examples.

Nope. You believe I did. There's a difference.

My son was made to drill the first ten Constitutional amendments when he was nine. They had no meaning to his real life, but he had to memorize them word for word regardless, and did.

That was twenty years ago. He can still rattle them off.

In any event, the lack of memorization of facts in current educational practices and the dependence upon various machines to replace the brain is largely to blame for the public system turning out hordes of barely functional idiots.

When I was in school (old man mantra) the United States was ranked first in education in the world. Now, we are twenty-seventh. The product produced with all of these Critical Thinking Skills and Project Based Education things seems to have completely faceplanted. After all, one cannot think critically without something in one's head about which to critically think.

In any event, it was most unwise to replace American History and Civics with multicultural, gender and diversity studies. The results are quite clear.

The reason our rankings have plummeted is simple. We are overrun with immigrants and the kids that didn't even attend school because of mental and physical handicaps when I attended school are now sitting in the classroom being tested on an equal basis with "normal" students. What do you think that does to the averages?
Do you not understand the difference in being taught something and then retaking the knowledge?

Of course you don't because you don't know anything about learning.

Did you take the test? It's a joke. That 1/3 of Americans can't pass it is an abomination. One doesn't need a master's degree from Georgetown to pass it.

Yes, I have taken the test. I also taught the subject for 21 years so knock off the bullshit about it not being taught. The human brain categorizes the importance of information to be remembered. It is simply not being retained by choice.

That is nothing new. I cannot remember my daughter's phone number because I have no need to ever use it. My cell phone remembers it for me.

Took the words right out of my mouth.

It is taught but not retained. I mean look. Only 25% of the public votes in the midterms. That is pathetic, but that's what's important to the American public. Teachers can "make" students retain information long enough to regurgitate it on a test to pass in school. They cannot "make" students remember it 10, 20, 30 plus years later.

Just like my algebra teachers could not "make" me retain all that math years later. I didn't use it, didn't need it. It's gone. It's not important to me.

I would venture to say that most people remember the words and melodies to most if not all pop songs from their school days. Why? Repetition.

I remember every Shakespeare monologue and soliloquy I memorized in the course of my high school acting career. Why? Repetition.

Facts are the same way. You study, you memorize, you remember.

I also ... ahem ... remember every party I went to, and who was there, where it was, what I was drinking that night, and for the most part when it was.

Great! Now, try making students repeat that information. They won't, so what good does it do?

Drill them again, and test them again. Eventually, they'll get tired of the process and learn the stuff.
Took the words right out of my mouth.

It is taught but not retained. I mean look. Only 25% of the public votes in the midterms. That is pathetic, but that's what's important to the American public. Teachers can "make" students retain information long enough to regurgitate it on a test to pass in school. They cannot "make" students remember it 10, 20, 30 plus years later.

Just like my algebra teachers could not "make" me retain all that math years later. I didn't use it, didn't need it. It's gone. It's not important to me.

I would venture to say that most people remember the words and melodies to most if not all pop songs from their school days. Why? Repetition.

I remember every Shakespeare monologue and soliloquy I memorized in the course of my high school acting career. Why? Repetition.

Facts are the same way. You study, you memorize, you remember.

I also ... ahem ... remember every party I went to, and who was there, where it was, what I was drinking that night, and for the most part when it was.

Do you know brain research? I do. I'm a teacher.

In the first instance, melody attached to words sears to a different part of the brain than simple words alone. We know this. It's why people with alzheimers and dementia can recall song lyrics from long ago. Secondly, you are proving that Project Based Education works with your second example and Shakespeare. The words were attached to a play that would be performed, not just rote memorization and "facts". But conservatives generally hate that "liberal namby-pamby stuff"--but liberals are right in this. If the learning is unimportant and has no place in real life, or no end point, no one retains it.

Conservatives generally suck at understanding education. I say this as a conservative, btw.

In your third example, anything, again, that touched on your social emotional, REAL life will be long imprinted on your memory. If you make teenagers memorize long lists of facts that have no meaning to their real life, not only will they hate it, they won't remember it.

So, you just rather shot your whole case to smithereens with your examples.

Nope. You believe I did. There's a difference.

My son was made to drill the first ten Constitutional amendments when he was nine. They had no meaning to his real life, but he had to memorize them word for word regardless, and did.

That was twenty years ago. He can still rattle them off.

In any event, the lack of memorization of facts in current educational practices and the dependence upon various machines to replace the brain is largely to blame for the public system turning out hordes of barely functional idiots.

When I was in school (old man mantra) the United States was ranked first in education in the world. Now, we are twenty-seventh. The product produced with all of these Critical Thinking Skills and Project Based Education seems to have completely faceplanted. One cannot think critically without something in one's head about which to critically think.

In any event, it was most unwise to replace American History and Civics with multicultural, gender and diversity studies. The results are quite clear.

Your son can probably rattle that off because he was raised in a household where the Constitution was valued and honored; where this was part of who he was all around him. IOW it resonated with him. That's why he retained it for so many years.

I totally agree that children must be taught the basics in a very "basic" way, NOT with technology. I completely agree that you cannot think critically if you have nothing to think critically ABOUT. You cannot construct thinking from no knowledge. Totally agree there.

But we cannot end anymore with regurgitated facts. Google can give you that.

If Google is available. Who said anything about an "end"?

Regurgitated facts is not LEARNING

But they ARE knowledge, and a path to further knowledge. Intelligence is the ability to make connections between disparate facts. If you don't know facts, there is nothing to connect.

And mostly, conservatives sneer and snort and it and want kids to go back to rote memorization as not only a launching pad to learning, but as the end-all.

I know no one who considers it an "end-all".

Conservatives do not do education well. They just don't


In any event, I am not conservative, but liberal in the classic definition.

No, on the topic of education, you are apparently a moron in the classic definition. You have three teachers/former teachers on this thread telling you that you are full of shit. When will you go take a laxative?

What the hell has happened to our education system? One would think that pride in this country would call for teaching our youths all the things that give them futures not available anywhere else in the world.

Just one-in-three Americans passed the multiple choice exam that is undertaken by foreigners. Shockingly, 87 percent of respondents did not know that the US Constitution was ratified in 1787, while 60 percent of respondents couldn't identify which countries fought in World War II against the US and its allies.

While many Americans aren’t shy when it comes to expressing their opinion regarding the controversy surrounding US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, only 43 percent knew the actual number of justices (nine) that protect the nation’s constitution.

Some 72 percent failed to correctly identify the 13 original states from a list of options offered to them in the multiple-choice questions.

The problem with basic civic knowledge seems to be more acute for those aged 45 and under, with only 19 percent passing the mock test. Those 65 years and older, however, managed to answer the questions with 74-percent success rate.

By the time I reached my junior year in high school, I’d had at least 5 classes about American history and government. Why is it no longer important in our education system?

More of this disgusting stuff @ ‘Woefully uninformed’: 81% of Americans under 45 would fail basic ‘US citizenship test’

Americans Have Almost Entirely Forgotten Their History @ Americans Have Almost Entirely Forgotten Their History

Which is why they should teach civics
Did you take the test? It's a joke. That 1/3 of Americans can't pass it is an abomination. One doesn't need a master's degree from Georgetown to pass it.

Yes, I have taken the test. I also taught the subject for 21 years so knock off the bullshit about it not being taught. The human brain categorizes the importance of information to be remembered. It is simply not being retained by choice.

That is nothing new. I cannot remember my daughter's phone number because I have no need to ever use it. My cell phone remembers it for me.

Took the words right out of my mouth.

It is taught but not retained. I mean look. Only 25% of the public votes in the midterms. That is pathetic, but that's what's important to the American public. Teachers can "make" students retain information long enough to regurgitate it on a test to pass in school. They cannot "make" students remember it 10, 20, 30 plus years later.

Just like my algebra teachers could not "make" me retain all that math years later. I didn't use it, didn't need it. It's gone. It's not important to me.

I would venture to say that most people remember the words and melodies to most if not all pop songs from their school days. Why? Repetition.

I remember every Shakespeare monologue and soliloquy I memorized in the course of my high school acting career. Why? Repetition.

Facts are the same way. You study, you memorize, you remember.

I also ... ahem ... remember every party I went to, and who was there, where it was, what I was drinking that night, and for the most part when it was.

Great! Now, try making students repeat that information. They won't, so what good does it do?

Drill them again, and test them again. Eventually, they'll get tired of the process and learn the stuff.

Guess what, dumbass! You don't have time for that! You practically cannot require homework anymore because conservatives and liberal parents rebelled and the school boards have made it a living hell for teachers to meet the goals without the resources to make it happen. That is why teachers burn out early and leave the profession.
Not having a basic knowledge of the Constitution and not knowing how government works makes you a worthless citizen. Dead wood.

Have you actually read the Constitution?
Most is information setting up the three branches of Government. The bill of rights is critical to good citizenship....the rest is of little value to the day to day realities of citizenship

Knowing the details of how a bill gets passed or how elections are conducted does not help most people

What most people need to know is which candidate best reflects their interests

Their best interest? I thought we were a community according to the left????

So only if it's in the best interest of the left and screw the law and screw the Constitution that makes America work somehow?
Such a drama queen

Drama queen my butt, you prove it that the left only cares about themselves and not some Bible thumper in Oklahoma..

You sound like Bill Maher last night bitching why Wyoming is even a state and gets two senators .


I don't care for any bible thumpers and why oh why does Wyoming get 2 Senators? They should get one, and CA take the second. They are overly represented.

Good for them! Why don't you propose an amendment doing just that? You do know that is possible, right?
I would venture to say that most people remember the words and melodies to most if not all pop songs from their school days. Why? Repetition.

I remember every Shakespeare monologue and soliloquy I memorized in the course of my high school acting career. Why? Repetition.

Facts are the same way. You study, you memorize, you remember.

I also ... ahem ... remember every party I went to, and who was there, where it was, what I was drinking that night, and for the most part when it was.

Do you know brain research? I do. I'm a teacher.

In the first instance, melody attached to words sears to a different part of the brain than simple words alone. We know this. It's why people with alzheimers and dementia can recall song lyrics from long ago. Secondly, you are proving that Project Based Education works with your second example and Shakespeare. The words were attached to a play that would be performed, not just rote memorization and "facts". But conservatives generally hate that "liberal namby-pamby stuff"--but liberals are right in this. If the learning is unimportant and has no place in real life, or no end point, no one retains it.

Conservatives generally suck at understanding education. I say this as a conservative, btw.

In your third example, anything, again, that touched on your social emotional, REAL life will be long imprinted on your memory. If you make teenagers memorize long lists of facts that have no meaning to their real life, not only will they hate it, they won't remember it.

So, you just rather shot your whole case to smithereens with your examples.

Nope. You believe I did. There's a difference.

My son was made to drill the first ten Constitutional amendments when he was nine. They had no meaning to his real life, but he had to memorize them word for word regardless, and did.

That was twenty years ago. He can still rattle them off.

In any event, the lack of memorization of facts in current educational practices and the dependence upon various machines to replace the brain is largely to blame for the public system turning out hordes of barely functional idiots.

When I was in school (old man mantra) the United States was ranked first in education in the world. Now, we are twenty-seventh. The product produced with all of these Critical Thinking Skills and Project Based Education seems to have completely faceplanted. One cannot think critically without something in one's head about which to critically think.

In any event, it was most unwise to replace American History and Civics with multicultural, gender and diversity studies. The results are quite clear.

Your son can probably rattle that off because he was raised in a household where the Constitution was valued and honored; where this was part of who he was all around him. IOW it resonated with him. That's why he retained it for so many years.

I totally agree that children must be taught the basics in a very "basic" way, NOT with technology. I completely agree that you cannot think critically if you have nothing to think critically ABOUT. You cannot construct thinking from no knowledge. Totally agree there.

But we cannot end anymore with regurgitated facts. Google can give you that.

If Google is available. Who said anything about an "end"?

Regurgitated facts is not LEARNING

But they ARE knowledge, and a path to further knowledge. Intelligence is the ability to make connections between disparate facts. If you don't know facts, there is nothing to connect.

And mostly, conservatives sneer and snort and it and want kids to go back to rote memorization as not only a launching pad to learning, but as the end-all.

I know no one who considers it an "end-all".

Conservatives do not do education well. They just don't


In any event, I am not conservative, but liberal in the classic definition.

No, on the topic of education, you are apparently a moron in the classic definition. You have three teachers/former teachers on this thread telling you that you are full of shit.

One is judged by what one produces. The product currently produced by the public system is of lowest quality.

To drop from 1st to 27th indicates a deep-seated problem in both philosophy and methods.
Do you know brain research? I do. I'm a teacher.

In the first instance, melody attached to words sears to a different part of the brain than simple words alone. We know this. It's why people with alzheimers and dementia can recall song lyrics from long ago. Secondly, you are proving that Project Based Education works with your second example and Shakespeare. The words were attached to a play that would be performed, not just rote memorization and "facts". But conservatives generally hate that "liberal namby-pamby stuff"--but liberals are right in this. If the learning is unimportant and has no place in real life, or no end point, no one retains it.

Conservatives generally suck at understanding education. I say this as a conservative, btw.

In your third example, anything, again, that touched on your social emotional, REAL life will be long imprinted on your memory. If you make teenagers memorize long lists of facts that have no meaning to their real life, not only will they hate it, they won't remember it.

So, you just rather shot your whole case to smithereens with your examples.

Nope. You believe I did. There's a difference.

My son was made to drill the first ten Constitutional amendments when he was nine. They had no meaning to his real life, but he had to memorize them word for word regardless, and did.

That was twenty years ago. He can still rattle them off.

In any event, the lack of memorization of facts in current educational practices and the dependence upon various machines to replace the brain is largely to blame for the public system turning out hordes of barely functional idiots.

When I was in school (old man mantra) the United States was ranked first in education in the world. Now, we are twenty-seventh. The product produced with all of these Critical Thinking Skills and Project Based Education seems to have completely faceplanted. One cannot think critically without something in one's head about which to critically think.

In any event, it was most unwise to replace American History and Civics with multicultural, gender and diversity studies. The results are quite clear.

Your son can probably rattle that off because he was raised in a household where the Constitution was valued and honored; where this was part of who he was all around him. IOW it resonated with him. That's why he retained it for so many years.

I totally agree that children must be taught the basics in a very "basic" way, NOT with technology. I completely agree that you cannot think critically if you have nothing to think critically ABOUT. You cannot construct thinking from no knowledge. Totally agree there.

But we cannot end anymore with regurgitated facts. Google can give you that.

If Google is available. Who said anything about an "end"?

Regurgitated facts is not LEARNING

But they ARE knowledge, and a path to further knowledge. Intelligence is the ability to make connections between disparate facts. If you don't know facts, there is nothing to connect.

And mostly, conservatives sneer and snort and it and want kids to go back to rote memorization as not only a launching pad to learning, but as the end-all.

I know no one who considers it an "end-all".

Conservatives do not do education well. They just don't


In any event, I am not conservative, but liberal in the classic definition.

No, on the topic of education, you are apparently a moron in the classic definition. You have three teachers/former teachers on this thread telling you that you are full of shit.

One is judged by what one produces. The product currently produced by the public system is of lowest quality.

To drop from 1st to 27th indicates a deep-seated problem in both philosophy and methods.

Go take that laxative. You won't be so full of shit.

I already explained the reasons for the drop. You just don't like it because it is the truth and negates your position of being a pompous ass.
Yes, I have taken the test. I also taught the subject for 21 years so knock off the bullshit about it not being taught. The human brain categorizes the importance of information to be remembered. It is simply not being retained by choice.

That is nothing new. I cannot remember my daughter's phone number because I have no need to ever use it. My cell phone remembers it for me.

Took the words right out of my mouth.

It is taught but not retained. I mean look. Only 25% of the public votes in the midterms. That is pathetic, but that's what's important to the American public. Teachers can "make" students retain information long enough to regurgitate it on a test to pass in school. They cannot "make" students remember it 10, 20, 30 plus years later.

Just like my algebra teachers could not "make" me retain all that math years later. I didn't use it, didn't need it. It's gone. It's not important to me.

I would venture to say that most people remember the words and melodies to most if not all pop songs from their school days. Why? Repetition.

I remember every Shakespeare monologue and soliloquy I memorized in the course of my high school acting career. Why? Repetition.

Facts are the same way. You study, you memorize, you remember.

I also ... ahem ... remember every party I went to, and who was there, where it was, what I was drinking that night, and for the most part when it was.

Great! Now, try making students repeat that information. They won't, so what good does it do?

Drill them again, and test them again. Eventually, they'll get tired of the process and learn the stuff.

Guess what, dumbass! You don't have time for that! You practically cannot require homework anymore because conservatives and liberal parents rebelled and the school boards have made it a living hell for teachers to meet the goals without the resources to make it happen. That is why teachers burn out early and leave the profession.

You make my point for me. It's time for changes to the system right across the board.
Yes, I have taken the test. I also taught the subject for 21 years so knock off the bullshit about it not being taught. The human brain categorizes the importance of information to be remembered. It is simply not being retained by choice.

That is nothing new. I cannot remember my daughter's phone number because I have no need to ever use it. My cell phone remembers it for me.

Took the words right out of my mouth.

It is taught but not retained. I mean look. Only 25% of the public votes in the midterms. That is pathetic, but that's what's important to the American public. Teachers can "make" students retain information long enough to regurgitate it on a test to pass in school. They cannot "make" students remember it 10, 20, 30 plus years later.

Just like my algebra teachers could not "make" me retain all that math years later. I didn't use it, didn't need it. It's gone. It's not important to me.

I would venture to say that most people remember the words and melodies to most if not all pop songs from their school days. Why? Repetition.

I remember every Shakespeare monologue and soliloquy I memorized in the course of my high school acting career. Why? Repetition.

Facts are the same way. You study, you memorize, you remember.

I also ... ahem ... remember every party I went to, and who was there, where it was, what I was drinking that night, and for the most part when it was.

Do you know brain research? I do. I'm a teacher.

In the first instance, melody attached to words sears to a different part of the brain than simple words alone. We know this. It's why people with alzheimers and dementia can recall song lyrics from long ago. Secondly, you are proving that Project Based Education works with your second example and Shakespeare. The words were attached to a play that would be performed, not just rote memorization and "facts". But conservatives generally hate that "liberal namby-pamby stuff"--but liberals are right in this. If the learning is unimportant and has no place in real life, or no end point, no one retains it.

Conservatives generally suck at understanding education. I say this as a conservative, btw.

In your third example, anything, again, that touched on your social emotional, REAL life will be long imprinted on your memory. If you make teenagers memorize long lists of facts that have no meaning to their real life, not only will they hate it, they won't remember it.

So, you just rather shot your whole case to smithereens with your examples.

Nope. You believe I did. There's a difference.

My son was made to drill the first ten Constitutional amendments when he was nine. They had no meaning to his real life, but he had to memorize them word for word regardless, and did.

That was twenty years ago. He can still rattle them off.

In any event, the lack of memorization of facts in current educational practices and the dependence upon various machines to replace the brain is largely to blame for the public system turning out hordes of barely functional idiots.

When I was in school (old man mantra) the United States was ranked first in education in the world. Now, we are twenty-seventh. The product produced with all of these Critical Thinking Skills and Project Based Education things seems to have completely faceplanted. After all, one cannot think critically without something in one's head about which to critically think.

In any event, it was most unwise to replace American History and Civics with multicultural, gender and diversity studies. The results are quite clear.

The reason our rankings have plummeted is simple. We are overrun with immigrants and the kids that didn't even attend school because of mental and physical handicaps when I attended school are now sitting in the classroom being tested on an equal basis with "normal" students. What do you think that does to the averages?

See #177.
California. It’s true. And it’s plural.

Well, what do you expect? California rates so low compared to other states because no one speaks fricking English!
And California having more population than most States combined means the left are chugging out morons by the truck load.

Yes, you hit the nail on the head. They are mostly the offspring of illegals who cannot speak English well in school because no one speaks it at home.

Wrong. Kids born in the US almost always acquire English as a first language regardless.

Who said they were born in the US?


You implied that.
Do you not understand the difference in being taught something and then retaking the knowledge?

Of course you don't because you don't know anything about learning.

Did you take the test? It's a joke. That 1/3 of Americans can't pass it is an abomination. One doesn't need a master's degree from Georgetown to pass it.

Yes, I have taken the test. I also taught the subject for 21 years so knock off the bullshit about it not being taught. The human brain categorizes the importance of information to be remembered. It is simply not being retained by choice.

That is nothing new. I cannot remember my daughter's phone number because I have no need to ever use it. My cell phone remembers it for me.

Took the words right out of my mouth.

It is taught but not retained. I mean look. Only 25% of the public votes in the midterms. That is pathetic, but that's what's important to the American public. Teachers can "make" students retain information long enough to regurgitate it on a test to pass in school. They cannot "make" students remember it 10, 20, 30 plus years later.

Just like my algebra teachers could not "make" me retain all that math years later. I didn't use it, didn't need it. It's gone. It's not important to me.

I would venture to say that most people remember the words and melodies to most if not all pop songs from their school days. Why? Repetition.

I remember every Shakespeare monologue and soliloquy I memorized in the course of my high school acting career. Why? Repetition.

Facts are the same way. You study, you memorize, you remember.

I also ... ahem ... remember every party I went to, and who was there, where it was, what I was drinking that night, and for the most part when it was.

Great! Now, try making students repeat that information. They won't, ...

Yes they will.

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